17 Covid-Skeptic Memes to Get You Through CHRISTMAS 2021!

by Kim Usbourne

Merry Christmas everyone! Congratulations on reaching your second Christmas under the directorship of the NWO. Yes, the WHO are still listing symptoms of the common cold and claiming it’s a plague, and yes, some people are still very keen to believe them… but things aren’t all bad.

As more and more people cease to participate in the ever-increasing ludicrousness of it all, so the timeframe for this global agenda/brain fart shortens. Somedays you get the feeling it’s really struggling to keep up momentum, and that any day now… any day…

Ahh, who knows what tomorrow brings? For now, pour yourself another glass of your favourite tipple, give that head scratching a rest and have a few giggles.

Merry Christmas once again, and hold the line!
