Victoria, Australia: The Police State

Guy Birchall

Guy Birchall, British journalist covering current affairs, politics and free speech issues. Recently published in The Sun and Spiked Online. Follow him on Twitter @guybirchall

It may be 2020 everywhere else, but it’s clearly 1984 in Victoria as Covid-19 non-conformists are rounded up & carted off to the station for trying to organize a protest. If this clip doesn’t end the insanity, what the hell will?

Police in Victoria have found a new way to amuse themselves in the time of corona. What with Premier Dan Andrews placing the entire state under house arrest to stop them breathing the same air as anyone else, real crime has taken something of a back seat.


Fortunately for the local filth, Kim Jong-Dan has bestowed on them powers that would make the Stasi blush so they haven’t been left twiddling their batons while the populace remains indoors. These include being able to enter properties without a warrant, collar people for not wearing their face nappies properly and restricting how much bog roll people can buy. They also turn out to have the ability to nick people for posting things that contradict the dear leader online, and this week decided this power would be fun to use on a pregnant woman.

In a video that wouldn’t look out of place in an Ingsoc party political broadcast, masked and armed officers can be seen handcuffing a heavily-pregnant woman in front of her partner and children in her own home. She is objecting, understandably, but not resisting, yet still they put her in restraints.

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