Nolte: CNN, Beto O’Rourke Target Conservative Media as Terrorist Organizations

The fact that it is now considered an act of terrorism for right-leaning media outlets to express opinions and ideas that are mainstream and reflected in the law, opinions about illegal immigration and border enforcement, not only tells you how far off the deep end the left has gone, but the lengths to which they will go to snuff out competing ideas, to intimidate and bully us into silence.

For just a moment, try to imagine CNN allowing a Republican congressman to use its platform to accuse Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of “sowing seeds if terror” with her “concentration camp” talk that has already been embraced by two left-wing terrorists, and maybe a third… CNN would never allow that because this is not about “toning down the rhetoric”; it is really about…

Dehumanizing us, about fomenting even more hate and more violence against 60-plus-million Trump voters.

Basically, what CNN and O’Rourke are looking to do is tag anyone who dares color outside the establishment media’s lines as nothing less than terrorists. And those of you who read alternative media, basically half the country, those of you who watch Fox News and Sinclair, are also terrorists.

What we have here are two desperate entities — CNN, which is collapsing in the ratings, and O’Rourke, who is collapsing in the polls —  looking for a lifeline by targeting their critics, by labeling those of us who see right through them, those who dare disagree with them, as straight-up terrorists.

The worst of it, though, is that by labeling us terrorists, what CNN and O’Rourke are deliberately doing is encouraging, inspiring, excusing, and justifying violence against us.

CNN has already spent three years labeling us Nazis and now half the country are full-blown terrorists!

Question: If we are indeed spreading terror, if we are guilty of sowing seeds of terror, if we are truly responsible for the massacre in El Paso, how could violence not be justified against us?