Month: August 2021

Billionaires Segregate Themselves On Luxury Private Islands As Ordinary People Told They Can’t Travel

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, News that billionaire Google co-founder Larry Page has been hiding out on and buying isolated private islands in Fiji to avoid tourists who aren’t allowed in once again underscores how the elite is using the fallout from the pandemic to segregate themselves from the general public. <snip> […]

Welcome to the Great Reset? Corporate landlords poised to snatch Americans’ property after eviction moratorium EXPIRES

By Graham Dockery, RT Millions face imminent homelessness, after the Democrats left Washington for the recess without extending an eviction moratorium set to expire on Saturday. America’s largest corporate landlords are about to make a killing. An 11-month eviction moratorium that prevented tens of millions of Americans from losing their homes during the coronavirus-induced economic […]

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