We have recently received the following most devasting news report about current conditions
in the "new" South Africa from the TAU (SA)'s South African Bulletin. Nothing of course surprises
us about the chaotic situation in the "new" South Africa - indeed nothing has surprised us since the ANC terrorists
were handed power in 1990/1994. The only thing that does surprise us is how some Whites still seem to think that somehow
things will "come right" under the same dispensation, and how they are prepared to remain in that anarchic collapsing
society without making any attempts to get out! THE FIVE PILLARS OF WISDOM There are five ineluctable pillars upon which a successful country rests. They are the
canons that define investment box-ticks from any source: solid infrastructure; adequate and reliable supplies of electricity
and water; effective law and order measures and respect for the courts; protection of private property; and rational and
trustworthy government policies geared towards growth and prosperity. When one or more of these columns starts to crumble, investors head
for the hills. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s recent international investment conference guarantees may have imbued some
people with a feel-good factor, but a closer look at what was pledged and what was already in the pipeline reveals there
was hardly a stampede to put money into South Africa’s piggy bank. In a flourish of self-assurance that was somewhat
disconcerting, he declared to visiting German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier that “there will be no land grabs”,
despite the fact that last December he told his supporters “we will take the land”. In their minds there was
no doubt that the land was theirs to take - from the horse’s mouth so to speak. This they have done. Land grabbing
is happening in South Africa at regular intervals. Sometimes it’s simply the occupation of ground that is seen as
empty, or houses built for someone else but not yet occupied, or a piece of fallow land belonging to a farmer, or even city
buildings which are falling apart but which “no one is using”. The government however has set its sights on commercial
farmland, owned mainly by whites. It is productive land, not because it is “the best land”, as is often declared,
but because its productivity has been wrestled from bare veld, from some of the world’s most arid conditions, with
lower-than-world-average rainfall, crippling droughts and no perennial rivers. South Africa’s crumbling roads adds
to the frustrations - conveying farm produce to market is expensive and at times hazardous. In mid November 2018, the SA parliament’s
Joint Constitutional Review Committee resolved to officially recommend that the constitution be amended to legalise land
expropriation without compensation (EWC). To legitimize its proposed land grabs, the ruling party had called for “public
participation” to gauge reaction to the new EWC proposals. They subsequently declared the “public” to be
overwhelmingly supportive of the new EWC legislation based on the vituperative and racially-resentful diatribes of their
supporters at public meetings, while they ignored thousands of written submissions, most of which did not support EWC. In
fact, most of these submissions were not even read! This arbitrary neglect has precipitated legal action by the AfriForum
group to stay parliamentary debates on the legislation because this initial “public participation” process was
critically defective. This chicanery has not gone amiss in diplomatic circles, least of all at the German embassy in Pretoria.
The SA president’s assertions that there will be no land grabs are directly contradicted by the demands by “his
people” at the noisy town hall meetings, where taking the land by force was the only game in town. There was no talk
of food security or any other Western fantasy during the shouting. This is where SA’s “policy stability” pillar crumbles.
One message for German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier and another for “his people” out there in the hustings,
determined to take what they can, with the EFF party egging them on. Mr. Ramaphosa speaks with forked tongue on the tightrope
upon which he teeters. INVESTMENT Nobody is going to invest in a country where fifty percent of its sewage treatment systems
have broken down, where its electricity provider is on the brink of bankruptcy and collapse; where municipal structures are
non-functional and bankrupt; where its fiscus is being stolen blind and where its main industries, farms and citizens are
threatened with dangerously polluted water due to nothing more than criminal neglect by the ruling party, one of whose presiding
officers is the president himself. Let us focus on the country’s municipalities, once functioning structures that
delivered a world-class service to South Africa’s citizens. Of the country’s 257 municipalities, 87 are dysfunctional.
Many more are “under administration”. Irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure increased more than 70% for
the 2016/7 financial year. (At the end of September 2017, SA’s municipalities owed more than R17 billion to the country’s
electricity provider Eskom). Finance minister Tito Mboweni said in his recent medium term budget speech that the first step
to rectify this municipal chaos “is to strengthen financial management within the government”. With a serious
face, President Ramaphosa recently told the National Council of Provinces that “we must find solutions” to the
country’s municipal mess. With the now obligatory picture of Nelson Mandela behind him, he rambled on and, in stentorian
tones, told the Council members that it was “their job to make sure that government policy towards municipalities was
in working order.” Problems “must be identified and put right.” “It was a well-known fact”, he continued,
“that a third of the country’s municipalities were dysfunctional, while another third were limping along. We
must find solutions” he interred. “You must inspect the problems and you must have public meetings and discuss
how municipalities can work better”. The mind boggles at this unashamed hypocrisy! Municipalities in South Africa collapsed
under Mr. Ramaphosa’s own party, the ANC. He has a long history with the ANC. He was elected General Secretary of the
party in 1991! Along the way he made lots of money via his political contacts. He was elected Vice President of the ANC
in 2012, and Vice President of the country in 2014. He presided over or was present at numerous parliamentary motions of
no confidence in ex-president Jacob Zuma’s corrupt rule. We heard nothing from Mr. Ramaphosa during that time about
the corruption and incompetence, let alone the devastated municipalities. He’s now telling his own party’s people in Parliament
they must “do something”! The president’s disingenuousness is astounding. How will these municipalities
“work better” if his party continues to refuse to hire whites in local council posts? He knows that the affirmative
action rule is obligatory in every municipal job advertisement. A cursory examination of these ads reveals that virtually
every position expressly states that the employer (the municipality) adheres to the requirements of the Employment Equity
Act No. 55 of 1998 “for the advancement of previously disadvantaged and disabled persons.” For all his prognostications, Mr.
Ramaphosa is a hypocrite and a true party acolyte preserving his job. He will keep the incompetents in the local councils
because to fire them means he will lose support. The sewage pollution in the Vaal River (supplier of water to SA’s
main industrial and population centres) is the tip of the disintegration iceberg according to Mr. Misaveni Ngobeni, director
of the National Treasury. He recently told the Human Rights Commission that the country’s sewage infrastructure is
collapsing because the municipalities did not adhere to their own laws and did not bring polluters to book. He declared that
local councils receive enough funding annually to keep their infrastructure in working order but that they spend most of
the money on salaries and expensive cars. Tragically South Africa has had to buy expensive fresh water from Lesotho but then it
is dumped into the polluted Vaal River. This is the extent of the stupidity ordinary citizens have to endure in Mr. Ramaphosa’s
New Dawn South Africa. It will cost R5 billion to rectify the Vaal river pollution and possibly take ten years. There is no money
for this. Mr. Ngobeni says there is a lack of skills in municipal and national structures, including the Ministry of Water
and Sanitation. The government will never admit to its shortcomings. Merit means nothing to the ruling party. The competence
of other groups in the country is roundly ignored. They will hire an under-qualified doctor from Ghana, or a university
professor from Nigeria (universities are partly funded by the government so this EE rule applies to the seats of learning.).
A doctor from Cuba is preferred to a white South African medic and some foreign engineers are chosen over their South African
counterparts. MENTALITY This is a strange mentality. The ANC and its officials surely see the destruction they have wrought, and
they must observe the filth in our cities. But they are prepared to see their fellow citizens step over sewage in the streets.
No one really knows our population figures because our borders are porous. The wanton burning and pillaging of the country’s
universities, trains and buses, the hijacking and looting of private long haul transport and the murder of the country’s
productive farmers have become par for the course. The ANC cannot see itself as other see them! Mr. Ramaphosa
told the German president that he was rooting out corruption, referring to the Zondo Commission of Enquiry on state capture.
“This commission is a cleansing process of all the bad things that happened in our country”, as if he had just
recently appeared in South Africa in a puff of smoke! The German president told Mr. Ramaphosa that the issue of “dispossession”
(as he put it) in SA had to be addressed. (Germany is SA’s third largest trading partner with more than 600 German
companies in the country). Replied the SA president: “We are working on a land reform process so that we can have more
stability.” It is already an established fact that his party’s land reform process is a colossal failure, taking
more than four thousand productive farms out of production and sending thousands of displaced farm workers to the streets.
How does this contribute to “more stability”? The SA president is a political chameleon but he cannot be everything
to everyone. His moment of truth is very much nigh. SOUTH AFRICA HAS NEVER EXPERIENCED MASS STARVATION
This is the
title of our final 2018 bulletin. We will hear what SA farmers have to say. Will they plant given what is stacked against
them? Will they wait until someone simply takes their farm? European governments cherish their farmers because that continent
has experienced mass starvation, not once but many times. This has never happened in SA. But the ANC government’s total
disregard for SA farmers’ safety and prosperity may come back to haunt them. How will the ANC handle millions demanding
food? They should concentrate on that possibility, not on taking productive farmland without payment. Unsubscribe
We have recently received a most interesting circular from the HNP in which they comment about the submission which
they have made to the Constitutional Review Committee regarding the ANC regime's proposed expropriation (i.e. theft) of
land without compensation. We have had this circular translated, and it reads as follows :- Dear
Associates, The public of South Africa have been invited to submit comments
to the Constitutional Review Committee on the ANC regime's proposed legislation on expropriation without compensation. We hereby send you the presentation of the HNP to this committee. It
is interesting that (as far as we could determine) only the HNP, the Boer-Afrikaner Volksraad, Orania and Mr. Meinhard Peters
handled self-determination of peoples in their proposals. The HNP says in its submission, among other things: "The HNP rejects any violation of the principle of private ownership and ownership
of property; and it is suggested that the Constitution Review Committee recommend to the government that the existing section
235 of the Constitution be amended to read as follows: 'Notwithstanding
any other provisions of this Constitution, people in South Africa who require self-determination are recognized as entitled
to it, and legislation to enforce the form of self-determination that such nationals may require, must be established therein.' If you would like to receive the full presentation of the HNP's submission please contact the HNP at:
admin@hnp.org.za With Afrikaner greetings, Louis van der Schyff Head Secretary
The following most important and significant edition of the Transvaal Agricultural Union (SA)'s South
Africa Bulletin should be required reading for all those who still doubt the demonic disintegration of the "new"
South Africa. Words fail us to describe our continuing disbelief at how many - even after 24 years of tyrannical rule by
the negro ANC regime - there can still be hope for the restoration of civilised rule in that beleaguered land without
some form of overseas intervention :- ____________________________________________
Anyone who attended any of the recent public hearings on the SA government’s
proposal to introduce legislation permitting land to be expropriated without compensation would have realised that there
are two distinct trains of thought in this country, and never the twain will meet. If ever the unbridgeable abyss between white
and black thinking about land, a modern economy and food security was so starkly exposed, these sittings were it. Western
logic was set against a strange mixture of racial resentment and at times open hatred, plus a thought process on the use
of land which, if unconstrained, would lead to famine in SA.
As black after black speaker stated that whites were “rotten people”,
that they “belonged to Europe and should go back”, that they took the land “because we were black”,
that “we are impatient and we will take the land by force” and “these 1652 white gangsters robbed us”,
whites in the audience simply shook their heads in hopelessness because who can argue with such obtuseness? The futility of trying
to debate with those who said they were “sick and tired of white people”, and that “whites won’t
reconcile with us” was obvious. Whites were warned that “going to international courts” wouldn’t
help because “the land will be taken physically”. One ANC provincial official declared that “since Jan
van Riebeeck set foot on South Africa’s soil, whites have been rapists!” The fact that the government used these public
hearings as an endorsement of their own imbecility shows what South Africans are up against. Whether savvy urban blacks agree
with the fatuous declarations by officials who clearly know nothing about how a modern economy works, or that scientific
farming is the only path to food survival in a drought-ridden country like SA, is a moot point. Suffice it to say
that anyone who thinks that the people in the halls will somehow uphold food security when they get “their land”
needs to quickly go back to the drawing board. MOMENT OF TRUTH
The moment of truth is upon us. We now must acknowledge that with the coming
to power of the ANC, the stage was set for the inexorable destruction of, inter alia, South Africa’s food
security. The government must be stopped in its tracks with this legislation. Amazingly there are still those who argue
for “debate” and “compromise” on land expropriation (read theft). The immutable fact remains that
only South Africa’s commercial farmers can produce enough food for 57 million people. No other group in the country
can do this, and tinkering with this fact on the altar of political correctness or Freedom Charter humbug is setting South
Africa on the road to Zimbabwe. The unashamedly racist blacks spouting bile and venom against whites are clearly too backward to realise
the bald irony of their situation – here they were hectoring the meeting chairmen about the evil whites in a hall
built by whites, using a microphone not indigenous to Africa, wearing Western clothes, speaking a Western language, sending
their children to schools teaching Western education, using Western money, buying food produced by white farmers, and travelling
in Western transport. Virtually nothing inside or outside those halls, or in South Africa’s cities, towns and rural
areas, is indigenous to Africa. Yet the people who created every single thing around them while they shouted and complained,
were vilified. This strange anomaly has been commented upon with incredulity by several overseas TV presenters.
Not one jot of
credit is ever given to white South Africa for taking most South African blacks out of the stone age. When the first Europeans
arrived in South Africa in 1652, it was more than 1970 years after Ptolemy the First built the magnificent library at Alexandria
in Egypt. In 1652 all that existed at the southern tip of Ptolemy’s continent were mostly warring tribes, living in
mud and grass dwellings and using some decorated clay pots. Kraals held African wealth – cattle - while rudimentary
crops were planted. Land did not “belong” to anyone in the Western sense of the word – it was just there,
to be used. (It seems as if this mentality still exists - we want the land, is the clarion cry, with nary a thought about
what will become of it (and them!) when it is “used up”.)
Living from day to day – the modus vivendi of Africa before
Western influence – still exists in the minds of those now clamouring for land, otherwise they would be thinking of
what they would do after taking the land. They haven’t the slightest idea, of course, and herein lies the
danger, not within their minds but within the mind of the so-called sophisticated president of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa.
He is pandering to this lunacy for thirty pieces of voting silver in next year’s election. He’s also looking
over his shoulder at the most backward of them all, Mr. Six Percent Julius Malema, he of the fiery but empty promises. The
President is not telling his people the truth, and they will turn on him when they find out! And there will be no country
south of South Africa to run to (as did the Zimbabweans) when the SA cupboard is bare! In the meantime, the “land grab from
the whites” clarion call rings loud and clear across the veld where no jobs exist, where the soil is degraded, and
where nothing is produced. No wonder ignorant poor people are led to believe that a “piece of land” will improve
their lot! Ramaphosa’s
blustering will not save South Africa. The despised whites will do so, with the other population groups. Whites are only
8.5% of the population (2011 Census) but without them there is Zimbabwe, there is Haiti. By 2030, based on SA’s current
age 0 – 24 years population growth, there will be only one white for every 91 blacks. This is just over ten years
hence! GETTING RID OF THE WHITES What will be the consequences of “getting rid of the whites”? Messrs.
Ramaphosa and Malema would do well to read some history books. History is an unerring teacher. For those who never had the
written word, they will need to consult the history of other nations. And history has shown us what happens when “getting
rid of the whites” became a reality. In 1804 a massacre occurred in the Caribbean country of Haiti, a French colony where
slaves had already rounded upon their masters and slaughtered many whites during a revolutionary uprising some years before.
Subsequent mass killings of whites were carried out on the order of one Jean-Jacques Dessalines, a mulatto. Full details
of this relentless purge are in the history books, but suffice it to say that practically the whole French population of
Haiti was annihilated. Starting in the 1730’s, French engineers had constructed complex irrigation systems to increase
sugar cane production in Haiti. By the 1740’s, Haiti and Jamaica (a British colony) had become the main suppliers
of the world’s sugar. Haiti was the wealthiest colony in the New World. There existed tremendous racial friction and
the slave revolt was certainly understandable. But the aim of relating this story is that once the whites were thrown out,
Haiti never recovered. That is the point. The Caribbean nation of 10 million today cannot feed itself. More than a million
families a day are fed by UN food aid. The country has had its share of natural disasters, often used as an excuse for its
poverty. But Japan has more natural disasters per capita than any other nation, yet it is the world’s third largest
economy. Haiti
is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. The Duvalier family who ruled Haiti from 1957 to 1986 left the country
economically decimated. Other corrupt and inept leaders followed. The hated colonists at least had created an economy, even
though poverty existed. What followed the annihilation of the French was complete collapse. Ironically, educated professionals
left Haiti for the lands of their former oppressors. Agriculture was destroyed, while deforestation and soil erosion worsened
the impact of hurricanes and tropical storms. ZIMBABWE
We don’t have to look further than across the river Limpopo to see
what “getting rid of the whites” did to the once beautiful and productive land, Zimbabwe. The first white hunters,
traders and missionaries who, in the 19th century came to the region, found a land devoid of infrastructure. The wheel was
not in use. Early travellers moved around for days without seeing any human habitation. They recorded this fact. With a
black population of about 250 000 at the time, most of the land was not occupied. (At the time of the Mugabe government
purge of the whites in the 1980/1990’s, the black population stood at around 12 million.) Commercial farming was started by white settlers
on what was, for the most part, virgin land. There were no roads or railways, no electricity or telephones. There were no
fences, boreholes, pumps, windmills, dams, irrigation schemes, cattle dips, barns or any other farm buildings.
From this barren
starting point, commercial agriculture developed faster than it had anywhere else in the world, courtesy of the whites.
Soon the country became self sufficient in most agricultural products. In many cases yields per hectare and quality equalled
or bettered those in the developed world.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Year Book of 1975 ranked
the then Rhodesia second in the world in terms of yields of maize, wheat, soya beans and groundnuts, and third for cotton.
In the combined ranking for all of these crops RHODESIA RANKED FIRST IN THE WORLD. Rhodesia’s Virginia tobacco was
rated the best in the world in yield and quality. The world’s largest single citrus producer was developed early in
the country’s history. The story of the destruction of this productive country is that Western political correctness trumped
good sense and the morality of being able to feed a population. Whites were literally chased out and murdered. Their farms
were taken for “the people”, which farms mostly ended up in the hands of the governing party’s chums. Today
it is estimated that more than three million black Zimbabwean refugees live on the fringes of South Africa’s cities.
In 1972 around
50 000 prosperous, hard-working Indians of Uganda were forced out of their own country by the puerile and mentally-retarded
Idi Amin. His actions reveal the same inferiority complex now evident in the anti-white behaviour of SA’s rulers. They
are patently unable to rule a country successfully. Instead of trying to learn, they destroy those who are successful. Do
they care? Apparently not. In the early seventies, a top official of the Transkei homeland government told a visiting American
that Transkeians didn’t care “if the roads turn to dust”, as long as they “got rid of the whites”.
Well, the whites left and the roads did indeed turn to dust.
(It is noticeable that current Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni asked the
Indians to return. Despite making up less than 1% of the population, Uganda’s Indians now contribute 65% of the country’s
tax revenue). Those
meeting hall provocateurs who think milk comes in supermarket packets may be in for an unpleasant surprise. From
SA’s 50 000 commercial dairy farmers in 1997, the figure is now a paltry 1600. Many could leave the industry in future.
Will the new owners of these uncompensated farms continue to produce sufficient milk for the country? Mr. Ramaphosa should
be thinking about this but of course he’s not. He’s worrying about holding on to power at the next election.
We have recently received the following quite dramatic Media Release
fronm the TAU (SA), which we believe many of our supporters will be most interested to read. It reads as follows :-
SA / TAU SA 194 James Avenue / Jamesrylaan 194
PO Box 912-51 / Posbus 912-51 SILVERTON / SILVERTON 0127 / 0127 T: (012) 804-8031, F: (012) 804-2014, E: koms@tlu.co.za W: www.tlu.co.za MEDIA RELEASE: FARMERS WILL DO ANYTHING TO BRING THE GOVERNMENT
TO ITS SENSES Issued by:
TAU SA Enquiries:
Mr Louis Meintjes, President TAU SA, Cell.: 082 461 7262
Mr Bennie van Zyl, General Manager TAU SA, Cell.: 082 466 4470 Date:
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa would do well to display the same enthusiasm for discussions with the TAU SA,
being a representative union of farmers and other landowners, as he did for discussion with the Zulu king.
“We are legal landowners, we have not
stolen the land upon which we pay tax and we have the title deeds issued by the government which explicitly acknowledges
our right of property ownership” says TAU SA president, Mr Louis Meintjes. “In addition, it is our farmers who
provide the food and fibre for all in this country, and that includes members of the government.” “It is not only the Zulu nation who are proud
of their land. Our farmers are in numerous instances, fourth and fifth generation who farm the land in which they have invested
and continue to develop in order to meet the ever increasing demand for food in South Africa and many African countries.
We have every right to be equally emotional about our land as the Zulus. A responsible and equitable president
would be just as concerned about that fact as he was to address the Zulu king’s concerns,” said Mr Meintjes.
The fact that there is discussion with the
Zulus and that government says so-called “black land” will not be stolen clearly displays the racist agenda against
white farmers and landowners. “This blatant racism, the double standards and duplicity by the ANC regarding land ownership
is a matter that deserves serious attention locally and internationally,” said Mr Meintjes. “The ANC has, through these actions, clearly proven that their decisions
and the implementation thereof is based purely upon racist prejudice All white citizens who to date have actively worked
to build this country, are now placed in a unique position regarding their continued private ownership of property. If
indeed all were equal before the law in terms of the Constitution, there can be no discrimination between farmers’
land and any other land. “The
ANC’s point of departure regarding the ownership of land is based on lies and falsehoods. In addition, in denial of
their own research findings, they continue to blatantly lie about the ownership percentages of the various races. This
strategy is largely driven by the ANC in an attempt to save themselves at the expense of South Africa.”
Mr Meintjes pointed out that there was sufficient
land freely available on the market, along with unused land in government hands, which could be used to satisfy the politically-motivated,
over-emphasised and questionable “land hunger”. Ironically, 93% of land claimants preferred cash payouts
rather than the land that had to be worked to provide and income.
The ANC’s promise that things will improve radically in South Africa once land has
been redistributed, is as much a lie as all the other hollow promises made by the government since they came to power. The
complete opposite is in fact true. Unemployment will increase as it has continued to do under ANC mismanagement. More concerning
is that the ANC’s National Democratic Revolution policy will condemn South Africa to similar poverty and misery as
all other countries where Socialism has been implemented as failed policy.
Mr Meintjes continued by saying that it was totally unacceptable that the country’s
food-producing commercial farmers are presented as common criminals in their own country. “All that they can be accused
of is that they have continually developed and built this country, stimulated the economy and provided food and fibre for
every citizen of South Africa. Unfortunately, according to the ANC, as part of the wrong race group. This leaves TAU SA
along with its international allies, with no option but to do all in its power to apply maximum pressure on the ANC government
to come to its senses and place South Africa, rather than the ANC, first. Even if this would take the form of sanctions
against this racist government,” said Mr Meintjies.
We have recently received
the following most informative though alas also greatly worrying report from our good friend Johnny Rodrigues of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force. It reads as follows :- This is Johnny Rodrigues, Zimbabwe Conservation
Task Force (ZCTF). There has been a lengthy gap in communication between ZCTF and
supporters since 2015 and I would like to explain the reasons for this gap. As most of you know, my beloved wife Cheryl became
ill in 2015. After many months of medical tests, Cheryl sadly passed away on the operating table on 30 March, 2016. Despite
the sadness my family and I suffered due to the loss of Cheryl, I attended the Rally for Cecil in Washington, DC (July,
2016). I attended due to the promise I made to Cheryl back in March. Cheryl insisted I attend the Rally because
of the injustice and tragedy surrounding the death of Cecil. Cheryl and I were deeply committed to the wildlife and habitats of
Zimbabwe as many other animals suffered the same fate as Cecil and their deaths went unnoticed. Although the trip to
Washington seemed a bit too hasty due to the circumstances of losing my wife, I wanted to honor her wishes as she was an
integral part of ZCTF. The Cecil 2016 Rally was a staggering disappointment. I
came prepared to present comprehensive information collected by ZCTF. On the day of the Rally,
several main sponsors restricted severely the content of my presentation and limited my freedom to speak openly. However,
I am pleased to say I met many people dedicated to wildlife. I also met a conservationist who is working
with me now and will join me and ZCTF in the near future. While in Washington,
DC in 2016, I became infected with E. coli that required multiple medical interventions. I returned to Zimbabwe in August,
2016. At the end of August, I was poisoned by an unknown person in Zimbabwe. It was clear at that
point my safety as well as the safety of my family was at risk. With the help of a trusted friend, my family and I were able
to leave Zimbabwe. We left our country with only suitcases in hand. I miss the beautiful country of Zimbabwe
and her natural treasures. Unfortunately, we had no option other than immigrate to a safer place. Although there has been a gap in communication between ZCTF and the public, please rest assured we have worked tirelessly during this time. ZCTF has
“boots on the ground” in Zimbabwe and we continue to work daily for the wildlife. ZCTF will
continue to report and monitor the exportation of the baby elephants, lions, crocodiles, and will fight for all of Zimbabwe’s
treasures. ZCTF remains committed to preserve wildlife, natural habitats and empower the
local people to preserve their communities and sustain their way of life. Please
feel free to contact me: Johnny Rodrigues at ZCTF:
Phone: 351 962 064 646 Skype: Johnny Rodrigues44
We have recently been sent the following article,
which originally appeared on www.politicsweb.za, by a supporter still based in the "new" South Africa. In many ways this simply confirms all the
warning which we tried to make to the South African people thirty years ago about the inevitable consequences of surrendering
to ANC terrorism.
SA is heading
down a dangerous path William Saunderson-Meyer | 18 May 2018 JAUNDICED EYE South Africa is burning. It’s not yet a conflagration but to ignore its potential to become
one would be a terrible mistake.
The fiery eruptions are claimed to be about failed service
delivery, or corruption, or too little policing. Or, in the case of taxi protests, too much policing. Or the wrong cadre
in the job. Or all of the above.
The resulting militancy and rage can be called
resistance. Or call it revolution. Call it insurrection.
Or cloak it in euphemism: “Angry protests that degenerated…”. Whatever the terminology of the propagandists and the apologists, the situation is
poised. The sporadic community violence that has been bubbling nationwide for years appears to becoming more frequent, more
brazen, more organised, and more directed at securing specific political outcomes.
problem needs to be addressed, but the SA Police Service seems to lack the ability to do anything, while the African National
Congress seems to lack the courage to do anything. Into that vacuum slide the firebrands, the criminals, and the political
In North West, for the past two months, there has been ongoing violence, with tire-burning,
shop-looting mobs that demanded the exit of the province’s premier. Union vigilantes have joined in and, ironically
citing poor healthcare, have with callous indifference barricaded hospitals and clinics, not allowing staff or patient access,
as well as interdicting medical supplies.
The police have responded
cautiously. In April, there reportedly were 400 arrests but very few since, as President Cyril Ramaphosa seeks a political
solution – getting rid of the premier and installing a more capable and less corrupt administration.
In KwaZulu-Natal, a fortnight ago, the N3 highway – the umbilical cord joining Gauteng, the
country’s economic powerhouse, to Durban, Africa’s busiest port – was closed for almost 48 hours. What
the media forgivingly terms “protestors” looted and set alight 35 long-haul trucks, causing hundreds of millions
of rands of losses.
It was the second such incident within days, yet the police
somehow managed to be caught completely flat-footed. They could arrest only 54 people, not even in the act but afterwards,
during a house-to-search for looted goods. Only six had to appear in court, charged with theft. In the Western Cape, this week, a Muizenberg restaurant
was firebombed by what Afrovoice called “illegal land invaders” – as opposed, presumably, to the “legal”
land invaders that are punted by radicals. Cars were stoned, several buildings set alight, and two councillors briefly held
The damage was around R8m. Only two arrests were made.
are only some recent, dramatic incidents. There are many more. They flare briefly in the consciousness of a media which,
on the whole, has the attention span of gnat and the analytical focus of a firefly.
cumulatively, they are pushing an unheeding SA along a dangerous path. No government can indefinitely allow sustained, spreading
public violence by its citizenry. Especially not when this changes from being the relatively spontaneous venting of anger,
to being a calculated political strategy. At least, not if it hopes to remain the government.
A Human Sciences Research Council survey of attitudes in North West province gives a glimpse of
where we are headed. Fewer than a fifth of the respondents thought that peaceful demonstrations could bring change, while
13% endorsed violent actions as an effective instrument of change.
In an interview
with me, one of the researchers, Jare Struwig, notes that this is a disturbingly high statistic in a democracy. “The
government faces a real challenge, since there are radical groups in our politics that endorse the rhetoric of militancy
and violent conflict,” she says. “And this is getting worse.”
ANC faces this challenge with its hands voluntarily tied behind its back. Whatever the immediate spark that ignites riotous
behaviour, the fact that most South Africans are living in poverty-wracked squalor, with no prospects of relief, provides
ready justification for the ANC and its cohorts’ complicit tolerance of public violence. As Professor Susan Booysen of the University of the Witwatersrand
puts it in a Daily Maverick article, “This is a guilt-ridden government that knows it shares responsibility for failing
its people and enters elections on the grace of forgiveness of continuously disadvantaged citizens.” For this reason,
“it cannot afford to be seen acting against the poor”.
Booysen cites
as evidence the “hesitant tones” of the Kwa-Zulu Natal MEC for Community Safety, Mxolisi Kaunda: “People
must understand that we are still a country with laws, so we can’t break them and expect that nothing will be done.
We are calling on the community to make sure that we calm the situation.”
telling than Kaunda, in my view, was Police Minister Bheki Cele’s response. He refused to answer press inquiries on
the N3 riot, except to refer them to Transport Minister Blade Nzimande for comment. No doubt when it’s factories and
warehouses being torched, he’ll direct inquiries to Trade Minister Rob Davies. This moral ambivalence is not a new phenomenon. The ANC has always been a schizophrenic
creature, with one group enacting legislation, while another group will simultaneously be marching against those very same
laws, baying angry defiance.
But while such an evasion of responsibility
is predictable, it is no longer sustainable. Like Struwig, Booysen warns that the landscape of protest is changing. “The
couplet of Mooi River revolts also signified a new and more severe form of public protest. It was more systematically planned
and executed, and magnified in than the protests that have gone before.”
the government summons the political courage to deal with public violence, SA is edging towards a tipping point.
Not towards the kind of mass action that is aimed at the actual toppling and replacement of government,
which triggered President PW Botha’s state of emergency in 1985. Rather, towards governance held hostage to sinister
and ruthless extra-parliamentary forces.
Most at risk are ordinary people.
Especially concerned should be those who are vulnerable to easy scapegoating on account of their “privilege”
– foreigners, businesses, the employed, ethnic minorities in general and white farmers in particular.
Follow WSM on Twitter @TheJaundicedEye
We are not by nature believers in conspiracy
theories, and always dismiss lunatics such as Alex Jones and David Icke with the contempt which they deserve.
There have however recently
been a number of happenings which have caused us great concern and which have definitely tended to suggest that there is
something very disturbing going on in Britain – perhaps throughout the Western world – at the moment, and that
perhaps the word “conspiracy” could be appropriate. Firstly we learnt via social media that Tommy Robinson – the charismatic
former leader of the English Defence League and a leading patriotic activist renowned for exposing the extent of
the Islamic danger facing the UK – had been arrested for “contempt of court” outside Leeds Crown Court
on Friday 25th May and then summarily sentenced to 13 months imprisonment. It was not so much the draconian length
of this sentence for a technical offence (Tommy Robinson was merely live-streaming a speech which he was making outside
the Court prior to the trial of an Islamic gang accused of various heinous sexual crimes against young women – most
of whom were incidentally their fellow Muslims!) which concerned and worried us most however, but the fact that his arrest
and controversial sentence received practically no publicity in the mainstream media the following day. The following weekend,
however, a mass-protest was held in Whitehall demanding the immediate release of Tommy Robinson, with Whitehall crowded
with tens of thousands of supporters of Tommy Robinson’s right of free speech all the way from Trafalgar Square to
Downing Street. The speed with which this massive protest had been organised at short notice almost entirely through social
media (and sinisterly with inaccurate announcements about its alleged cancellation being broadcast in the underground network)
clearly demonstrates the widespread popularity which Tommy Robinson enjoys, and the groundswell of anger against his imprisonment.
Speakers on a hastily-erected platform set-up outside the entrance to Downing Street included Gerald Batten, the leader
of UKIP, and Geert Wilders, the leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom (PVV), who had flown over from the Netherlands
at short notice specially to address this gathering - thus showing clearly that support for Tommy Robinson extended far
beyond the fringes to the established patriotic parties of Europe. Again the most disturbing factor about this unprecidented
demonstration in central London was the fact that it received practically no publicity in the mainstream media – both
electronic and print – the following day. A month later, on Saturday 23rd June, the second anniversary of the glorious
Brexit Referendum victory, a celebration march was organised in London by a coalition of pro-Leave groups, which inevitably
attracted tens of thousands of patriotic Britons (official figures stated over twenty thousand). Unfortunately on the same
day a group of “remoaner” die-hards organised a counter-demonstration which was apparently financed by the sinister
George Soros (the devious Hungarian-American financier who has become an extreme hate-figure in his native Hungary) and which
contained significant numbers – if not a majority – of foreign nationals. Instead of giving prominence to the
main pro-Brexit celebration march however, the mainstream media – again both electronic and print – gave their
overwhelmingly publicity to the rival demo’ by “George Soros’s rent-a-mob”, in one case even sickeningly
using footage of the pro-Leave march to illustrate a report about their opponents! There were many supporters of our movement
at both these events which were either unreported or mis-reported by the mainstream media, and all have testified regarding
the massive sizes of both demonstrations. Even more significantly we have been contacted by several supporters from the
United States, Australia and New Zealand who have enquired with us for more information about the Tommy Robinson situation,
whereas they actually seem to know more about it than we do! Furthermore we have heard that demonstrations protesting against
the imprisonment of Tommy Robinson have taken place outside British consulates in both Houston, Texas, and
Auckland, New Zealand, again without any mention in the UK media. A supporter has also informed us in private correspondence
about two other most alarming cases which have seemingly received practically no mention in the mainstream media, firstly
the murder in jail by a Muslim fanatic of Kevan Stafford who had earlier been imprisoned for a harmless anti-Islamic prank,
and the prosecution of two brave Britons, Jim Matthews and Aidan James, who had volunteered to fight with the Kurds against
the ISIS/ISIL terrorists. Quite clearly something very, very disturbing seems to be going on in the UK at the moment, with all
sections of the media – not only the liberal media but also more alarmingly the conservative press as well –
seemingly being cowered into either not reporting or completely mis-reporting any manifestation of patriotic resistance to
the Islamic danger facing the country, or attempts by pro-EU elements to reverse the will of the British people to Leave
the EU. It has been suggested that governmental pressure on the media in this regard has been motivated
by fear of massive uprisings around the country, but whether these uprisings are feared from patriots or from the extreme
Left and their immigrant allies is not certain. Regardless of the reason for this fear, muzzling the traditionally free
British media is not the way to deal with the situation. If the authorities are serious in their desire to prevent civil
unrest then they should take action to eliminate subversive organisations such as the “Socialist Workers Party”
and “Momentum”, and to initiate a speedy programme of repatriation for all immigrants and their descendents who
do not show loyality to the country in which they currently reside and to its traditions. ------------------------------------------------------------------
SPRINGBOK CLUB NEWS The Springbok Club held a most interesting and successful
meeting last month which was addressed by Mr. Anthony “Tony” Williams. Mr. Williams had been actively involved
in patriotic organisations in the UK during his youth, and as a result had been a full-hearted supporter of his Rhodesian
kith and kin during the UDI era, becoming an active member of the Anglo-Rhodesian Society, and furthermore was
one of the members of the famous party of five [then] young members of the Anglo-Rhodesia Society who toured Rhodesia
in 1976 in order to express their solidarity with the Rhodesian people. Mr. Williams subsequently emigrated to Australia
in 1999, thus maintaining his stance of belief in the solidarity of his British kith and kin around the globe. In a scintillating
speech entitled “Patriotism in the modern era: An Australian perspective”, Mr. Williams told much about the current
situation in Australia, emphasising that it faced many of the same problems as Britain and the rest of the Western world.
He also recounted many of his experiences from the famous 1976 tour of Rhodesia, and expressed
pleasant surprise at many positive signs which he had seen in the UK during his return visit.
In particular he told how delighted he had been with the triumph for the “Vote Leave” cause during the 2016
EU referendum, and how he hoped and believed that this would signal far closer trading, social and cultural links between
the UK and Australia post-Brexit. ---------------------------- On Thursday 2nd August the Springbok Club will be staging a trip to the
British Library in London in order to view a special exhibition being held there about Capt. James Cook, the famous explorer
and navigator. More precise details about this trip will of course be circulated to all members and supporters of the Springbok
Club in due course, but for more information e-mail: springbk@netcomuk.co.uk ---------------------------- The Springbok Club has again been asked to participate in the annual “Raising of the Flag”
ceremony in Norfolk. This year this most important and inspiring event has been scheduled for Sunday 16th September,
and as this will be the first such ceremony since the sad death of Mr. Peter Sladden (who initiated the continuation of this
annual ceremony which previously took place at Cecil Square, Salisbury, Rhodesia) it will therefore be staged in special
honour of his memory. We ask all supporters to diarise this date therefore, and to make every effort to attend this year’s
special event. ------------------------------------------------------------------
PATRIOTIC FORUM NEWS The Patriotic Forum celebrated Canada Day this year by staging a most enjoyable
and informative trip to Greenwich in order to visit several sites associated with General James Wolfe, who of course was
the commanding officer of British forces at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham on 13th September 1759, a victory
which secured Canada as a British possession. The trip started with a visit to St.Alfege’s Church in Greenwich where
General Wolfe is buried and where several pictures and other items associated with him are on display, including a real
Canadian Flag which was presented to the church by the Duke of Connaught, the one-time Governor-General of Canada. After
this the Patriotic Forum party moved on to the near-by National Maritime Museum where several other pictures
and artifacts associated with General Wolfe are on display, before climbing Greenwich Hill to view the statue of General
Wolfe which stands at the top, where a few words of praise were said, and then finally to the adjacent Macartney House where
he lived during his youth. Finally the Patriotic Forum party took a pleasant stroll across Blackheath, observing
some other historic houses along the way, before finishing up at a most hospitable pub to end what had been a truly enthralling
Details of the Patriotic Forum's
forthcoming July meeting are as follows :- Date : Thursday 19th July 2018
Time : 18.45 hrs for 19.00
Venue : The
Civil Service Club (either the Trafalgar Room or the Elizabethan Room, to be allocated on the day)
13/15 Great Scotland Yard,
Whitehall, London SW1A 2HJ (nearest tube stations: Embankment
and Westminster)
Guest Speaker :
Mr. MARKO GASIC B.A. (Hons) Marko Gasic was born in 1957 at Ilkley in Yorkshire of Serbian descent (his Serbian
Royalist father having had to escape from Tito’s Yugoslavia after WWII), and is a renowned broadcaster and a leading commentator on global geopolitics.
He studied and graduated in Modern European History at the University of Sussex. When he last spoke for us in 2014 he
gave an extremely informative and captivating speech about the current situation in the Balkans, but in this subsequent talk
he will be concentrating upon the highly acclaimed book which he has edited, Folly and Malice:
the Habsburg Empire, the Balkans and the Start of World War One (Shepheard-Walwyn,
London, 2017)., which details the true causes of the First World War.
significance of Marko Gasic’s contribution to Folly and Malice is acknowledged in the book by its author,
John Zametica. Reviewing the work, renowned academic Professor Vernon Bogdanor calls
Folly and Malice "a seminal work which forces readers to reflect further on issues they had thought settled…a
powerfully argued work, whose conclusions will be carefully studied by historians for many years”. Prof. Sir Hew Strachan
writes: "A brilliant piece of historical writing on one of the most important aspects of the outbreak of the First
World War.” Based on the latest research outlined in Folly and Malice, Marko will deconstruct the standard
story about what led to WW1 in the Balkans and explain the reality in an easy-to-follow way. Covering a litany of
historical errors by academics great and good, he will seek to show how a number of genre-leading WW1 academics have been
caught sleep-walking. The great conspiracy story that wasn’t. The great reformer who wasn’t. The war-stirring
alliance that was desperate for peace. Is history just intellectual fashion or can we trust it to act like a science? Come
and find out.
Later on during the year the Patriotic Forum will
be holding a meeting where the guest speaker will be a leading Brexit campaigner with strong US political connections who
lectured extensively in the US about the global significance of Britain’s leaving of the EU, and in September will
be staging a special event to celebrate Gibraltar Day.. Further details about all these activities will of course be given
in future editions of the SCN.. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGE FROM THE ZIMBABWE CONSERVATION
We have recently received the following
most important message from the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force :- “The previous First Lady, Grace Mugabe is under investigation for smuggling
and exportation of ivory, gold and diamonds out of Zimbabwe. Investigators only touched the tip
of the iceberg as it is believed that Ms. Mugabe started smuggling as early as 2005 while serving in her role as First Lady.
Ms. Mugabe had a history of being very friendly with one of the female Chinese Nationals and it is of our opinion that they
were likely working together. ZCTF believes that the investigation into Ms. Mugabe’s alleged smuggling activities should
be carried out by an independent agency. We have been following the practices of CIO airport security for a number of years.
It is possible that under Ms. Mugabe’s instruction, ivory was smuggled onto planes that flew directly to China
under the watchful eye of airport 1security.’ After the investigation takes place, if Ms. Mugabe and other senior
members of government are found guilty or involved in the smuggling of ivory, they should be prosecuted and brought to justice.
Monies derived from the sale of ivory and wildlife should be confiscated and repaid to the National Parks.
“The Professional Hunters (PH) fraternity of Zimbabwe
lost all ethics of hunting when they killed collared wildlife. Ethical considerations fell to the wayside during the previous
regime due to corruption and greed. The death of the big tusked elephant in Gonarezhou can be added to the increasing list
of collared animals killed by trophy hunters to include Cecil and Xanda among others. There are too many conflicting reports
offered up by researchers, safari operators, hunters and people responsible for collaring the wildlife. A
Memorandum of Understanding between hunters, safari operators and researchers should state that any collared animal should
not be shot, killed or disturbed in any manner. People involved in hunting a collared animal should be penalized appropriately
to deter others from committing similar actions. The Professional Hunter involved with the recent killing of the collared
big tusked elephant is part owner of the Three Monkeys Restaurant in Victoria Falls.
We believe this restaurant is a lucrative business that serves a wide variety of exotic meat and steaks. The procurement
and source of the meat served leaves the ZCTF highly suspicious, as no matter what you order in the way of steaks and or
meat, they seem to have it. People should be aware that in many instances they are eating wildlife.
“ZCTF has just learned that four lions and ten hyenas have been
captured for export to China. These numbers are in addition to the eighteen hyenas and ten lions
exported earlier to China. China placed a new order for an additional
200 baby elephants. The new order for 200 baby elephants is in addition to the outstanding order of 100 baby elephants that
remain to be captured. This is NOT conservation. Earlier in February, four crocodiles were captured in Hwange to be exported
to China. This capture occurred under the new President. It appears nothing much has changed at
this point. Perhaps positive changes for conservation will happen with the election of a new democratic government.
“In addition to the loss of wildlife due to poaching
and hunting; habitat loss is at an all-time high through deforestation. Trees, indigenous to Zimbabwe,
are being felled. These trees and timber are being exported out of Zimbabwe to China.
This has to stop. CITES gave their constitution, governing rules and regulations to the world. Too many regulations are
being broken and ignored in Africa. Nothing is being done. Where is CITES as the habitats and wildlife
are being pillaged in Africa?” The Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force can now be contacted at: Admin1@zimconservationtaskforce.com -------------------------------------------------------------------
THE 2018 FIFA WORLD CUP As could have been expected, Russia produced a superbly organised and trouble-free
FIFA World Cup Tournament this year – in stark contrast to all the chaos and fiascos of the 2010 Tournament!
The French team is of course to be congratulated upon winning
the competition this year, and Croatia should also be praised for reaching the final with such a small population base.
There has however been an increasing worry concerning the tournament over the past couple of decades alas, and this concerns
the increasing number of foreign players – “football mercenaries” as they have accurately been termed –
representing Western European countries. Practically every Western European team (with the exception of Iceland) fielded
some Non-White players in their line-ups this year, with France, Belgium and England being the worst offenders. This
was not the case with any of the Eastern European countries however, as Russia, Serbia, Poland and of course Croatia
itself fielded sides which seemed to consist entirely of their own people, and the same of course applied to all the Asian
and African teams in this year’s competition. It
is not as if Black players are any more skillful at the game of Soccer of course, as none of the five competing African nations
managed to progress past this year’s group stages. It should also not be forgotten that when England last won the
FIFA World Cup with their iconic side of 1966 their entire squad consisted of ethnic Britons, even though there was already
a very large Non-White immigrant population in the country by that time. It also strikes us that it is very unfair to the
African countries for Western European teams to steal all of their best players, for if all the African players in their
sides were allowed to play for their countries of ethnic origin then surely at least one of them would have been able to
advance past the group stages?
Many may argue that France could never
have won this year’s competition without their “Football mercenaries” – but to this we respond that
if Croatia were able to reach the final with an entirely Croatian team then surely France, with an indigenous population
over 12 times as large, should surely have been able to field a winning side consisting entirely of Frenchmen, and thus
bring true and unembarrassing glory to their nation! ------------------------------------------------------------------ CIB’S REQUEST FOR ON-LINE PUBLICITY We have recently received a request from the Campaign for
an Independent Britain (CIB) asking us to help them in publicising their latest on-line campaigns. It reads as follows
“We would be very grateful
for any publicity you are able to give us. It is a broadly based platform of interesting, able speakers at a crucial
“We now
have FaceBook and Eventbrite event pages set up for CIB public rallies. “Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2065238743755705/
“Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/brexit-respect-the-result-tickets-44818349891
could I ask everyone to help us spread the word as much as possible by doing some or all of the following:
- From your FaceBook account, click 'attending' on the event page.
- 'Invite' Brexiteer FaceBook friends via the FaceBook event.
- Share
the event on any pro-Brexit social media pages you control/administrate, and in pro-Brexit discussion groups. Likewise
on mailing lists.
- Share with any media contacts.”
------------------------------------------------------------------ TAU (SA) MEDIA RELEASE We
have recently received another very important Media Release from the Transvaal Agricultural Union
(South Africa) which we believe is of equal importance to those which we circulated during the last
two months. It reads as follows :- “The farmers who hold legal title to their land, will decide about the status thereof.
They are tired when other role players outside the agricultural sector, want to prescribe as to what should happen to agricultural
land or what farmers should do with it. Therefore, no proposal or agreement would be acceptable if the main role players
have not been involved in the discussions. “This was the reaction of Mr Louis Meintjes, president
of TAU SA, after the organisations took note at a very late stage of the National Forum for Dialogue’s conference scheduled
for 27 and 28 March 2019 in Johannesburg to discuss expropriation without compensation. “After
making enquiries, TAU SA was invited at a late stage to attend. However, TAU SA decided not to attend because the integrity
of the conference is in doubt. “Their point of departure is the general statement that colonialism
or apartheid resulted in land being stolen from black people. ‘For a considerable period of time, TAU SA supported
a conference where the history of ownership of land, supported by supporting facts, could be discussed. This proposal has
fallen on deaf ears, because apparently government prefers not to face historical facts which might indicate that Black people
have equally doubtful claims to land’, according to Mr Meintjes. ‘The crated untruth that farmers have stolen
their land, should now be dissected to enable us that the true history can be recorded thus enabling us to face the future
without any doubts in this regard. Last weeks’ report by Moody’s stated prominently that policy certainty is
now required. Agriculture has voiced the same sentiments repeatedly, but the issue affecting food production and ownership
of land is growing because of doubts of government’s commitment to private ownership and the free market system. It
rather seems as if a gradual shift to communism and socialism is in process.’ “Mr Meintjes
stated clearly that nobody has a mandate to talk on behalf of TAU SA members, or farmers who are not involved in organised
agriculture. ‘It is ridiculous that a grouping of people could convey a conference involving the property of farmers
without them being present. Nobody has the right to discuss the legitimate property of somebody, and the possible expropriation
thereof’, Mr Meintjes said.” ------------------------------------------------------------------
GLITCH IN APRIL EDITION OF THE SCN We have recently been informed that a “glitch” appeared when the
April 2018 Edition of the SCN was circulated to subscribers, which resulted in the entire text appearing twice. We therefore
apologise for this error and for any confusion which it may have caused. ------------------------------------------------------------------ SEARCH SERVICES FOR THOSE SEEKING LOST RELATIVES Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana,
Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use
the search request form at :-
Also check the list of South African
expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :- http://www.bellemodel.biz/emails/expatriates/toplist_expatriates.php?id=toplist_expatriates_from_springbk ------------------------------------------------------------------
BILTONG AND BOEREWORS Springers Biltong offers a marvellous range of biltong, boerewors and drywors
– all of the very highest quality, reasonably priced, and fully registered and licensed with their local authority
Their web-site can be accessed at :- http://www.springersbiltong.com/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------
BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts
from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern
Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding
officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village
was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him
a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware
jar. Trish
also writes romantic suspense and romantic comedy fiction. www.trishjaxon.com ---------------------------- ZIMBABWE’S STOLEN
PROPERTY Zimbabwe’s Stolen Property is a poignant novel by Cliff McIlwaine. This is a dark, painfully sombre book
which will bring back dreadful memories to any one associated with Zimbabwe – Black or White – and its bitter past.
Further details are available on the Diadem Books web site which can be accessed
at: www.diadembooks.com ---------------------------- CREST PUBLISHING BOOKS
The latest book published by Crest
Publishing is entitled: “BOWLS - QUIRKS, CHIRPS AND ANECDOTES". This is not an instruction manual but rather
a cheerful, humourous and sometimes controversial chronicle about the game and its history worldwide. Written to celebrate
40 years in the sport by the author, Glenn MacAskill, it should be of interest to all bowlers and other sports enthusiasts.
For more information about all books published, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing
at: P.O.Box, 4178, Honeydew, Johannesburg, 2040, South Africa, e-mail: glennallanmacaskill@gmail.com, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za. Special discounts are available to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks! ---------------------------- "THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history
of the RLI.
DVD available along with other premium
titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasasa@mweb.co.za for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340. ---------------------------- ‘75 PROUD YEARS: PIONEERS AND PROGRESS OF RHODESIA’ With an introduction by Ian Smith, this book covers the history of Rhodesia
from 1890 to 1965 in some detail and surveys the enormous progress made in agriculture, commerce, industry and social development
of benefit to both White and Black Rhodesians. With
124 pages, this A4-size soft-cover book is a facsimile copy of the original with contemporary advertisements and would be
an invaluable addition to any collection of Rhodesiana . The book costs £12.50 and p&p is £2.90 (with a 10% discount to former customers) . To order a copy please contact John Ormowe at :flybuy416@googlemail.com . ------------------------------------------------------------------
Frank Pritchard lived at Springs in the Transvaal during
the mid-1970s. He was a most friendly and hospitable person and an avid sports fan. Although not Jewish himself, he was
a keen supporter of the South African Maccabi Sports Federation, and regularly wore a Maccabi South Africa tie. One
of his sons was also a keen road cyclist who harboured ambitions to become a professional cyclist. Unfortunately contact
with him ceased many years ago, but it would be very interesting to learn what became of him, and whether his son did ever
achieve his ambition.
RECOMMENDED WEB-SITE OF THE MONTH One of the few mainstream journalists who has been brave enough to cover the
draconian imprisonment of Tommy Robinson and the massive resulting demonstrations in his support has been Katie Hopkins.
Although originally a staff reporter and columnist for national newspapers including The Sun, Katie Hopkins now
operates as a freelance journalist writing her own regular on-line blog, many articles from which being subsequently syndicated
to other news outlets. Katie Hopkins of course became a hate-figure for the extreme Left because of her forthright opposition
to the migrant swarm invading Europe a few years ago in her column in The Sun, but has also constantly highlighted
the quasi-genocide campaign being waged against White South Africans by the ANC terrorist regime, and has also taken a most
praiseworthy and courageous forthright pro-Israel stance. Her excellent blog-spot web-site can be viewed at :-
https://hopkinsworld.com -----------------------------------------------------------------
Emily Thornberry, Labour's shadow Foreign Secretary, could not be more wrong when
she makes disparaging remarks about the British Empire.
The British Empire did far more good than harm and I
regard its fall as ranking alongside the rise of Communism and fall of monarchies as among the greatest disasters of the
twentieth century. As for South Africa - leaving
aside the fact that apartheid was objectively socialist - it may be more democratic and at least free of the old Mary Whitehouse-style
censorship now, but the old government was more competent and a lot less corrupt. I would add that shrinking the old economy
with sanctions was hardy in the country's long-term interest; on the contrary, I once met an exile who said that the
way to end apartheid was to double foreign investment in South Africa. Opposition Conservative leader Andries Treurnicht once observed that "a free market economy and social integration
would make apartheid impossible." Yours etc.,
Mark Taylor, London, U.K.
---------------------------- CRY THE LUCKY COUNTRY Sir,
Excellent SCN as usual [April 2018
Edition – Ed.], so much information. You will be pleased to learn that Australia will be accepting a number
of White South African farmers under its refugee programme because of these farmers being persecuted because of their race
i.e. just for being White. There is a particularly large South African/Rhodesian community in the State of Western
Australia and they have lobbied very well, with the help of Federal Representative Andrew Hastie. The Immigration Minister,
Dutton, has supported the effort. This is indeed good news but the Left who supports refugees, particularly if they are
Coloured, have gone bananas, screaming "racism" and "fascism". These loony tunes lefties will fail
in their hatred for anyone 'White'. These farmers from South Africa will blend in well, work hard and adhere
to our nation's Institutions. Ninety per cent of the refugees from third world countries are still on benefits after
ten years - this will not happen with the South Africans. They will enjoy a great deal of support and help from their
own community and by the Australian community at large, once they arrive in Australia. Yours etc., Reg A.Watson, Lindisfarne, Tasmania, Australia.. ----------------------------
WHINGING REMOANERS Sir, https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/project-fears-brexit-predictions-were-wrong-by-£100-billion-new-report-says/ar-AAwbTH3?ocid=spartandhp
How gratifying then that those still
in the “remain” camp should have this news given to them for breakfast. However liberals (liberals with small
L) encompass all those whose dream is to destroy Great Britain by their trendy ways, so can be from left or alleged conservatives
like Blair, Cameron and cronies, and thus shall always hate having lost the referendum. I hated losing the referendum
in South Africa but I lived with it, and did not have the permanent whinge trip they have embarked upon. The figures
show the total opposite of what was predicted by them to the tune of £100 billion already. Have a brilliant day, all of you. Yours etc., Andrew Hope-Hall, Worcester, U.K.
This recent edition of the Transvaal Agricultural Union (South
Africa)'s "South Africa Bulletin" gives a very interesting and informative overview of the economic situation
in the "new" South Africa following the sellout to ANC terrorist rule in 1994. It is well worth a read :-
SOUTH AFRICA BULLETIN from the headquarters of TAU SA in Pretoria Web: www.tlu.co.za Tel.: + 27 12 804 8031
Fax: + 27 12 804 2014 E-mail:
25, 2018 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Bulletin attached hereto
is provided as a means to inform stakeholders of agricultural developments in South Africa. These International Bulletins
are distributed at regular intervals and can also be found on TAU SA’s website at www.tlu.co.za. TAU SA is the oldest agricultural union in South Africa and has been in existence since
1897. The mission of the union is to ensure a productive and safe existence for its members on the land they own. Current
reality in South Africa indicates that this is not possible at the moment due to a variety of actions and threats against
commercial farmers. Your comment regarding the Bulletins and other information provided to you is valuable and will be appreciated. However
should you prefer not to receive information from TAU SA, simply tick the "unsubscribe" link below.
BLACK EMPOWERMENT The introduction of the concept of
Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) in South Africa presupposed that this particular population sector had been historically
suppressed economically and were not given a chance to partake in the South African economy. Yet many black businessmen
flourished during apartheid and well before, not to mention the country’s Indians whose business prowess is well known.
They have always prospered wherever they are: their forefathers arrived in South Africa as indentured labourers, brought
to this country by the British in the nineteenth century. They worked hard and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps,
and they were never “empowered”. Nor were the whites. Came
the 1994 election and South Africa’s new ANC rulers and their struggle friends were enjoined to take up opportunities
purportedly denied them for hundreds of years. They were now in the economic driving seat, so to speak. This hoped-for blossoming
of heretofore suppressed economic prowess didn’t happen. History may have the answer: missionaries and others wrote
about the black tribal groups they encountered in the mid nineteenth century in southern Africa. There was no established
economic activity at all, with the exception of barter and plunder. A Western-style economic tradition was not generic to
these societies. This past dilemma should not have been a deterrent
to those now holding the reins however. For more than 150 years their forefathers lived side by side with Europeans, Indians
and others who progressed economically through their own efforts. South Africa’s economic development matched that
of the rest of the Western world. During the post-election Mandela
presidency, many blacks entered the economy on their own steam, while thousands of whites remained within the civil service
and kept South Africa’s ship of state on an even keel. It looked as if South Africa was on a roll until the ruling
clique and their pals realised the masses would contribute very little to South Africa’s economic prosperity, except
for their labour. Other forms of funding would have to be found to bring the masse into the economy, as promised pre-election.
Jobs for everyone had been the clarion cry! This was the theoretical justification for the introduction of BEE – to
broaden black participation in the economy. The Employment
Equity Act No. 55 of 1998 was supposed “to achieve equity in the work place by promoting equal opportunity and fair
treatment in employment”. This precipitated the wholesale co-option of blacks onto company boards and into shareholdings,
the latter by way of financing these shares for the new shareholders in said companies. The masses had been promised a share
of South Africa’s wealth and the golden geese were the wealth creators – the private sector which included agriculture.
Businesses were an ideal target to fulfil the goals of BEE. Businesses didn’t
exist unless they were profitable. BEE thus became a tool to enrich those who could not create but who voraciously consumed.
The word “transformation” was added to the lexicon and the focus moved to farming, with a swathe of legislation
so designed that agriculture was forced to provide social and financial support to hundreds of thousands of rural workers.
In addition, thousands of farms were handed over to beneficiaries, which farms now lie fallow or have become squatter camps.
This BEE policy was supposed to create a “trickle-down” economic
bonanza for the masses, fuelled by BEE recipients who could develop businesses with a financial leg up from the private
sector. As with the farms, it was all take and no give. All this policy achieved was make a small black coterie fabulously
rich, one of whom is South Africa’s president Cyril Ramaphosa who, in 2012 before he became the ANC’s vice president,
was worth R5,67 billion according to Forbes magazine. LARCENY Business accepted this BEE larceny
with hardly a peep, possibly believing that if they gave a little now, the governing takers would leave them alone in the
future. It was a serious mistake. They should have said “no” to the legalised theft from the beginning. In 1999
John Kane Berman, then head of the SA Institute of Race Relations, warned that the word “transformation” had
“no fixed abode in the dictionary of political discourse”. Business should therefore not give the government
a blank cheque by endorsing transformation, he said. ”Unfortunately South Africa seems to have put its critical faculties
on hold. This is also a problem in the media and non-government organisations”. AGRICULTURE Some sectors of agriculture also tried to appease BEE demands. TAU SA has hit back
at the government’s ever-increasing anti-farming antipathy. In March of this year, TAU SA president Louis Meintjes
declared that farmers themselves will decide what happens to their land, this after a debate about the new SA president’s
declaration of expropriation of land without compensation. This debate included people and groups who have nothing to do
with land. “We are tired of people outside agriculture prescribing to us what should happen to agricultural land”,
said the TAU SA president. In addition, the government’s decision to pass a motion regarding this expropriation
of land without compensation “resulted in two European projects in South African agriculture being cancelled”,
he added. TOP UP FUNDING It wasn’t long
before the proponents of the BEE “top up” idea entered the fray. They tried this on the mining sector which,
like TAU SA, dug in its heels. Mining’s rule for BEE ownership was tested in the courts when BEE beneficiaries declared
they should always be empowered, even if they sold their shares. The Chamber of Mines disputed a provision in the 2017 Mining
Charter which required holders of mining rights to “top up” black ownership of its mines to 30% if this fell
below that level. The court ruled in the mining industry’s favour. (This
reveals the culture of entitlement which is now a government behavioural norm. They and their supporters are entitled to
everything because of what they call “an historic inequality”. This is propagated by the media which fuels the
fire of constant demands. These demands are necessary to keep the kleptocracy up and running.) As was expected, the government is appealing the court ruling. This does not auger well for the mining
industry, and foreign investment will surely take a step back while the case grinds through South Africa’s notoriously
slow court system. A government which has already been indulged by the business community has no qualms about demanding
more. And more! Despite their gross inefficiency and corruptive
tendencies, the public sector is constantly on the demand bandwagon. The growth of wages has tipped public finances into
imbalance. (Business Day 5.4.18). The government spends 32.5% of all expenditure on salaries. The number of public servants
in absolute terms grew between 2007 and 2013. South Africa’s public sector pay as a proportion of GDP is higher than
the average in the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development, a club of rich nations. “Public sector unions
have become untouchable” says Business Day. In this financial
year’s budget, instead of cutting wages and jobs, the government raised taxes and cut infrastructure spending to try
and fill the R50 billion shortfall in the budget. Holding on to power means more than life itself to the ANC, and power fuels
entitlement. The ANC’s supporters, their power base, come first, above all else. Yet our media is replete with the horrors of white privilege and Eurocentric cultural norms. The focus
is skewed. Says author and commentator R.W. Johnson: “South
Africa became a democracy in 1994, fully 30 years after the rest of Africa, and many of its problems now are simply a re-enactment
of where most of Africa went wrong. Everywhere the continent is governed by a bureaucratic bourgeoisie which is almost wholly
unproductive and parasitic.” “Black empowerment is
just another scheme to help black businessmen. Many black shareholders, having received their share at sub-par prices, quickly
cashed them in for a quick profit. This lead to government demands that companies “empower” another set of black
shareholders to bring the equity back to its original figure”. Is
this a recipe for success? And from where originates the culture of entitlement? Usually one is entitled to something one
has earned, or achieved. The ANC has done nothing for South Africa except plunder and destroy. Their entitlement is way out
of line.
This recent edition of the TAU (SA) Bulletin is
very interesting. It illustrates clearly why European colonisation was so beneficial to South Africa - and indeed to the
"third world" in general, and why its potential re-establishment could still yet save the country and the world.
Such a philosophy is of course the motivation behind the re-branding of our magazine S.A.Patriot-in-Exile as The
Imperial Patriot, ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Colonialism, apartheid and more recently, white monopoly capitalism have
become part and parcel of South Africa’s political lexicon: as the country sinks into disarray, scapegoats are sought.
We quote below some excerpts from an article penned by Bennie van Zyl, TAU
SA’s general secretary. “The debate around colonialism
was recently aggravated by a tweet by the Democratic Alliance Western Cape premier Helen Zille who declared that much had
been gained in South Africa from colonialism, quoting piped water, transport infrastructure and an independent judiciary
as a few examples” declared Bennie van Zyl, General Manager of TAU SA in the March/April edition of Harvest magazine. “This is of course true because
from where else did these elements of civilization emanate? They are but a smidgen of what the colonialists bequeathed to
South Africa and indeed to many nations around the world during the colonial era.” “In most affected countries, the legacies of colonialism, both good and bad, are openly acknowledged:
what physically existed after the colonialists left was built upon and certainly not complained about. No one repudiated
the legacy because it would have been obtuse to do so. Those who castigated Ms. Zille and forced her to apologise didn’t
seem to realize they were rejecting empirical history.” Says
MR. Van Zyl: “In 2013, former finance minister Trevor Manuel declared that “Africa’s conquest by European
and Western powers, and South Africa’s rule by a supreme white minority, is that racial, religious, social, political
and economic divides (or lines) were drawn to the exclusion and detriment of the black majority during those eras. Although
colonialism entailed the extraction and use of Africa’s mineral capital and labour resources by non-African countries,
white African descendants also received a fair share of those resources and were better off compared to the destitute black
African majority who mainly served as workers (slaves) and farm peasants for the benefit of the privileged minority group”.
‘There are other protagonists of “decolonization”: one
Suren Pillay told an audience at Azania House, Wits University in June 2015 that he was perplexed as to what to do with the
universities ‘we have inherited within the larger question of justice and the transformation of the wrongs of apartheid’.
His long and lugubrious castigation was peppered with the usual suspects: rich whites, the violence of migrant labour, settler
colonialism’s political violence and capitalism’s economic violence. He then waxed lyrical about the achievements
of some “African” universities, all of which were in the Arab nations in Africa, way above sub-Sahara. He doesn’t
like South African education’s ‘Eurocentric world view’ and ‘white supremacy’, but he didn’t
actually come up with an alternative to that which he reluctantly inherited!” ALTERNATIVE “None of the complainants can”, said Mr. van Zyl, ”because there
is no alternative. There never was an alternative.” Those who wrote the history of South Africa were the colonialists
because they possessed the written word. Those who developed the mining industry did so because those who inhabited this
land for millenia did nothing about the minerals underfoot, if they knew they were there at all! He continued: ”Those
who built the roads and the railways, the schools and universities, the factories, the dams and who gave us electricity,
clean water and enough food to feed a growing population were the colonialists or the settlers or whatever one wants to
call them.” What is the alternative to the 35 00 commercial
farmers who feed South Africa’s 55 million odd population? If
Mr. Manuel doesn’t like the system bequeathed to South Africa by the colonialists, why didn’t his forefathers
start their own civilization? He calls European colonialism a “negative legacy”. So what did his forefathers
contribute to present-day South Africa? While his new president Cyril Ramaphosa talks about taking land “without compensation”,
clearly the president is referring to productive farmland. His party always takes what is productive because clearly they
can’t produce anything for themselves. What kind of contribution to civilization did they offer? What are they now
offering? Why doesn’t Mr. Manuel’s government cultivate the land that is fallow and try to grow something. They
can’t? Then leave alone those who can! WORLD “Colonialism
was an important political development that commenced in the 16th century” said Mr. van Zyl. “Its basic aim was to expand trade and power.
Certainly countries were exploited in the Middle East, the Far East, Australia (a British penal colony!), the United States
and elsewhere. Some rebelled against European imperialism and control earlier than others, and gained independence. But some
legacies like the Suez Canal became an endowment to the whole world. In Africa many of today’s rail networks were
built by the colonialists, and are still in use. Some are the only reliable links between towns. India’s huge rail
network built by the British was at one stage the only means of long distance travel in that country, and today that same
rail network connects millions of people every day. We don’t hear India publicly denigrating this colonial legacy!”
Colonialists settled inlands where, to them, there was no sign of development.
Australia’s aborigines occupied that continent for 40 000 years and never evolved further than basic dwellings
and hunting tools. But are Australians disparaged the same way white South Africans are for proceeding along the same path
to development throughout the years? “Many countries originally
colonized have become world leaders - Korea today is designated one of the world’s top nations, in so many categories.
Yet sixty years ago it was an ash heap, almost destroyed by war. Erstwhile colonies such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia,
India and some countries in Africa are thriving. Many would have given their eye teeth to have had a country like South Africa
handed to them on a plate”, declares van Zyl. ‘It
should be noted that those who provide the world with financial and other aid to the third world, countries that are now
world powers, were developed by the progeny of colonialists. Former US President George Bush is a descendant of colonialists,
as are the Australian, the Canadian and the New Zealand prime ministers.” When they offer assistance to South Africa
to fight Aids, for example, are they rejected because they are colonialists? “Those who decry colonialism are, ironically, those who partake in it to the hilt. They communicate in
the language of the colonialist, they wear Western clothes, drive Western cars and when they get sick, they head straight
for Western hospitals. They sit in Western-style parliaments and utilize those systems to govern. They jet far and wide
in Western air planes, stay at Western-style hotels in Western capitals and usually present the begging bowl to the Eurocentrists
in those countries.” “The hypocrisy of this attitude
is succinctly set out by John Kane-Berman, a fellow at the South African Institute of Race Relations. Commenting on the
preposterous reaction to Ms. Helen Zille’s tweet about colonialism in 2017, Mr.Kane-Berman says the reaction to her
remarks about colonialism ‘reminds us yet again how vigorously free speech needs to be defended………
against the more insidious threat from all those virtue-signallers who would shut it down by intellectual intimidation and
moral one-upmanship of the kind that has characterized some of the attacks on Ms. Zille by journalists and academics.’”
Continues Mr. Kane-Berman: ‘South Africa’s twin ruling parties,
the African National Congress (ANC) and the SA Communist Party (SACP) rely heavily on depicting black people as helpless
victims of various forms of white malfeasance, among them apartheid, colonialism, white monopoly capital, institutionalized
racism and of course the ineradicable sin of ‘whiteness’ itself. The presumption of helpless and irretrievable
black victimhood serves to legitimize a powerful policy response. This includes legislation ….to ‘empower’
people unable to do anything for themselves without the help of the state or the white man.’ ‘This intrusive state …… also undermines individual effort and self-reliance on the
part of the presumed victims making someone or something else the scapegoat for every ill that afflicts them. Somebody needs
to resist this never-ending search for scapegoats among whites, some of them long dead.’ “The debilitating ideology of victimhood” as Kane-Berman puts it is of course behind the blame
game against colonialism. As we said, if you don’t like what was bequeathed to you, start something yourself, an alternative.
Otherwise leave well alone that needs to be left alone. No South African who knows history, let alone our country’s
world observers, are fooled for one moment that the finger pointing blame game is nothing more than a cover-up for the state’s
Last month we re-circulated a most interesting analysis
which we had received from the London barrister Malcolm Horne regarding Ramaphosa's proposed Mugabe-style land-theft
via this list. We have now received a further expanded analysis of the situation from the same source, which we forward
below :-
Land appropriation in SA
Malcolm Horne,
a London barrister has written in very blunt terms regarding the planned land-grab in South Africa: “You cannot have
land expropriation without compensation. It is illegal under international law. It is contrary to a dozen treaties that
South Africa has signed and ratified. As such, it is a principle that is also enshrined in South African domestic law.
You cannot change the Constitution, therefore, to make it legal; Treaty law is superior law, it always applies.” In days gone by I might have drawn some
comfort from this warning but I’ve seen too much in my years on the benighted continent to believe points of law,
no matter how pertinent and how seemingly binding, will make the slightest bit of difference. One of the first political discussions I recall being witness
to was the aftermath of the Congo carnage following the granting of independence to a lunatic by the name of Patrice
Lumumba. The Belgians fled for their lives and the country collapsed into civil war which continues today. Independent
rule in Zambia and Tanzania was quickly followed by nationalisation, the denial of property rights and those economies
quickly crumbled but mountains of Western largesse poured in, most of which was stolen. Nobody was censured of course,
because the liberal socialists running Europe were on their knees saying sorry for being white. When Mozambique acquired independence in 1975, informed Portuguese
citizens expressed optimism; they were sure, Frelimo, the new ruling party under Samora Machel, would not make the same
mistake. Well they were dead wrong; he not only made the same mistake, he compounded it; moving expeditiously and sometimes
violently to seize all private property. The Portuguese ran for the exits and in six months, a once vibrant economy was
in ruins. Again, the world, following Europe’s lead, rewarded this zealot with huge dollops of aid. When Robert Mugabe took over in Zimbabwe
the promising news was that both Samora Machel and Tanzania’s Julius Nyerere had warned their protégé
not to make the same mistakes they did; respect property rights and let the Europeans continue to contribute they told
him. When Mugabe began threatening white farmers, most ‘connected’ people in the political and farming leadership
were sanguine; the word was, it was just bluster and there was little chance of him being that foolish because he was
super intelligent we were told, and well knew that dispossessing the farmers would be calamitous for the country. Well
laws, international treaties, conventions and economic consequences were brusquely dismissed and in 2000 he did what
he was warned not to do; violently evicted 4,000 white farmers, tore up property rights and destroyed his country. He was
backed by then South African President Thabo Mbeki and the ruling ANC and most African leaders cheered him on. Mild
sanctions were applied and a travel ban on the president and some of his cronies followed. Mugabe, effectively proved,
yet again, that politically motivated ‘crimes’, as long as the ostensible victims are white, are permissible
and this lesson has been well learned south of the Limpopo. Cyril Ramaphosa recently came to power, replacing the disastrous Jacob Zuma, on a wave of euphoria.
It’s hard to imagine how he could not be a better option but his opening address included an ominous message that
most chose to overlook in the hubris of the moment; ‘.. we will seize land without compensation’ he announced.
And with that he chose to detonate a political bomb-shell which might well go down in history as the watershed moment when
his country set off on the road to ruin. Unsurprisingly the message was very well received by the EFF (Economic Freedom
Fighters) led by Julius Malama who is an increasingly influential figure, loved by many for his venomous anti-white rantings
and a man who drives his fans wild exhorting them to action when singing ‘kill the Boer (farmer)’. For Jacob Zuma, the land-grab debate has
been a blessing; the clamour for him to be prosecuted has abated and the political airwaves are filled with rancorous
calls for the quick eviction of European farmers and the seizure of their property as a means to alleviate the suffering
of poor, dispossessed Africans. White farmers are being murdered on a regular basis just to maintain the pressure. To his credit, Ramaphosa cannot be accused
of deceit; he did signal his intentions when he was a union leader under the Nationalist government. In an interview
with Mario Oriani-Ambrosini he was quoted thus: “… Ramaphosa told me of the ANC’s 25 year strategy to
deal with the whites: it would be like boiling a frog alive, which is done by raising the temperature very slowly. He
meant that the black majority would pass laws transferring wealth, land and economic power from white to black slowly
and incrementally until the whites lose all they have gained..” Twenty-three years of ANC rule and it appears
Ramaphosa is going to jump the gun a little, tweak that plan, douse the filthy frog in boiling water and be done with him. There are certainly going to be multiple
legal challenges here and abroad, once the constitution is amended to allow the confiscation of property but I fear the
history recalled above is certain to be repeated; the British government will express dismay, the EU will have a little
tantrum, Trump may react but he will be condemned as a ‘racist’ and political and legal obstacles will be squashed
under the feet of millions of poor people, recklessly led by opportunistic demagogues who will play the race card adroitly
and plunge an infrastructural and economic powerhouse into devastating decline. Sixty-million people will inevitably suffer nationally but so will the rest of southern
Africa because the entire region relies to some degree on the country’s manufacturing, agricultural and industrial
muscle and on the country’s logistical infrastructure. This is a combined population of roughly 250 million people
who will be directly and indirectly affected. Right now, South Africa provides some sort of sanctuary to roughly 10 million immigrants who have
fled the misrule endemic to the north. When this country suffers the same fate there is no place left to hide, there will
be no crumbs because the table will be bare and there will almost certainly be a war over competition for dwindling
resources. The biggest bloodletting in African history is a likely consequence and the human tragedy that followed de-colonisation
will reach its terrifying denouement. People of Europe must brace themselves; if they think they have a refugee problem
now, it’s going to get a lot worse.
We have recently received the following expertly analysed article
written by Dan Roodt from a supporter still living in South Africa. It explains the current appalling situation pertaining
in the "new" South Africa under the neo-Mandela president Ramaphosa superbly, and desrves to be re-circulated
as widely as possible. It was particularly encouraging to see favourable mention being given to the Canadian
journalist Lauren Southern in this article, At last Tuesday's Patriotic Forum meeting in London one of
the members present gave high praise to this journalist, and informed us that he was in direct contact
with her, and urged the organisation as a whole to give her work good publicity. South Africa to emulate
Zimbabwe with racial land expropriation The new South African president, Cyril Ramaphosa,
has pledged to 'expropriate white-owned land without compensation', causing panic among the country's farmers.
Will it plunge the country into Zimbwean-style chaos? ShareTweet Published: March 14, 2018, 9:00 pm Julius Malema, the leader of South Africa’s radical Afro-Marxist
party, the EFF, crowed with delight on 27 February when parliament adopted his motion for the “expropriation of land
without compensation” from all people of European descent. The issue has now been referred to a parliamentary committee
which will propose an amendment to the country’s constitution, in order to remove all legal obstacles that might impede
such a step. The combined majority
of the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) and the ANC (African National Congress) exceeds two thirds of the South African parliament,
which will enable them to change the constitution which still nominally protects property rights in Section 25. Once the
constitution has been adapted to make land grab legal, the process of “expropriaton without compensation” will
start. Not satisfied with
the clichés spread by the mainstream media, I recently started brushing up on my knowledge of South African land
ownership. After all, as celebrity YouTuber Lauren Southern confided to me during our conversation in Johannesburg in January,
“the complexity of your history is overwhelming”. During the writing of this article, I tried to find out from the Swedish ambassador to
South Africa, Cecilia Julin, how she felt about people being deprived of their property simply because they happen to be…
white or of European descent. Julin had previously tweeted that Sweden was proud of its role in bringing the violent, terrorist
ANC regime to power through its financial and other contributions. “Certainly no shame or regret in Sweden having
supported the arrival of democracy and end of apartheid in South Africa,” she said in her tweet. As I dug deeper and deeper into our history, a chill ran through
my spine because I realized to what extent our tragic subjugation in South Africa is being replicated in Europe, including
Sweden, today. There can be no doubt that South Africa is our country as it was virtually empty when we settled it in the
first two centuries after 1652. In 1936 there were only 5,6 million black people who were largely confined to remote tribal
areas. In only eighty years, that population has multiplied by eight, to more than 40 million. Scared of having its votes
taken from the extreme left by the EFF, the ANC has now simply adopted its rival’s radical policies. A week ago I visited a farm next to
the Vaal River where the same family has lived for generations since 1838. How can the ANC regime simply expropriate that
family’s property and hand it over to migrants? Because, essentially, that is what most black people in South Africa
are: migrants. They crossed our borders illegally or they moved from a few distinct tribal areas where their own primitive
methods of agriculture could not sustain their rapidly growing population. Multi-ethnic states are prone to conflict, as we know. During the mudslinging over land
ownership, which included thinly veiled threats of war from Julius Malema, the official lie was repeated over and over that
“blacks only own 4% of agricultural land”. A more realistic survey done by economist Johann Bornman and published
in October last year, found that “in three of the most fertile provinces – Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo
– more than 50% of agricultural potential is in black hands”. A large portion of South Africa (70%) consists of the Karoo desert which is entirely unsuited
to agriculture, except for a hardy breed of sheep that may be kept in small numbers on extremely large tracts of land. In
the racial statistics game played in this country, the barren desert area is usually included as “land under white
ownership”. However, it has long been known that blacks own the best parts of South Africa, with the highest rainfall
and most fertile land. Yet the production from those areas is negligible and mostly limited to the subsistence level while
the white farmers have had to make the most of semi-arid areas with inconsistent and low rainfall. It took white families
decades, even centuries, to painstakingly build up productive, commercial farms. According to a government report released on 5 February this year,
blacks “own only 4% of agricultural land”. This figure was meant to justify the new radicalism around land ownership
adopted by the ANC’s executive in December 2017, and was inaccurate. It also excluded tribal land that has never fallen
under the Western system of title deeds; these tribal areas constitute about 8 percent of the country’s surface area.
If the agricultural potential of land
is taken into account, blacks already own more than 50% of the best land in the country. Despite receiving aid money from
the government and from the EU, production on this land is actually declining. From the 1990s onwards, South Africa’s ANC regime has thrown huge amounts of money
at trying to dislodge white, middle-class families from their land. The Financial and Fiscal Commission published a report
in 2016 in which it was found that government had already spent R60 billion (about 4 billion euros) since 1994 on so-called
“land reform”, with very little to show for it. The report stated that “most land reform farms show little
or no agricultural activity”. In the three rural provinces of Limpopo, Kwazulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape, “land
reform farms” showed a 79% decline in production. What the South African government is doing, is essentially using
taxpayer money, as well as aid from the EU and even the Nordic countries, to destroy its own agriculture through racial targets
for land ownership. Where
the EU is not involved in direct interventions to undermine South African agriculture performed by whites, it gives financial
support to radical left-wing NGOs that spread ethnic propaganda against landowners and falsify South African history. One
such NGO is PLAAS (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies) that has a British Marxist, Ruth Hall, as one of its
prominent employees. Job
losses on “land reform farms” in the three rural provinces amounted to 84%, with Kwazulu-Natal recording a high
of 94%, according to The Financial and Fiscal Commission report of 2016.. Instead of these failures giving the government
pause for thought, it wants to emulate Zimbabwe’s catastrophic policies in entering into large-scale, communist-style
land confiscation from middle-class owners. The bizarre thought process underlying South Africa’s land reform can only be understood by stepping
outside Western logic. Only last week, the country’s new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, solemnly assured the ratings
agency Moody’s that “accelerated land reform would unfold within a clear legal framework and without negatively
affecting economic growth‚ agricultural production and food security”. Given South Africa’s experience
so far with “land reform”, this is clearly impossible. All rights reserved. You have permission to quote freely from the articles provided that the
source (www.freewestmedia.com) is given.  DAN ROODT dan.roodt@freewestmedia.com Exclusively for freewestmedia.com
We have recently been forwarded the following most encouraging
report from a supporter in the United States, which illustrates that there is more support for the beleaguered White farmers
of South Africa in the West than many people still trapped in the "new" South Africa realise. Let us hope therefore
that the action advocated in this article soon comes to fruition :-
Subject: Time to save Discriminated White South Africans
Congress Passed Lautenberg Amendment To Rescue Soviet
Jews—Why Not For White South Africans? (But Trump Can Take Executive Action NOW) But Trump already holds all the executive power he needs, and the legal
cover, to pull off a sweeping rescue mission of South African refugees. A provision in the 1980 Refugee Act specifically allows for emergency extraction of vulnerable populations subject only to a Congressional
hearing (not legislation): (B) After the President initiates appropriate consultation
prior to making a determination, under subsection (b), that the number of refugee admissions should be increased because
of an unforeseen emergency refugee situation, to the extent that time and the nature of the emergency refugee situation
permit, a hearing to review the proposal to increase refugee admissions shall be held unless public disclosure of the details
of the proposal would jeopardize the lives or safety of individuals. Of
course, ideally Trump would also get Congress on board with a plan for an emergency increase in refugees from South Africa. He could lean on Australia, New Zealand and the U.K. to pitch in and accept these threatened farmers. It’s been done before. In 1990 the U.S. Congress
adopted legislation creating the Lautenberg program, named after U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg, to resettle Soviet Jews in the United States. All that is needed
is for the president to step up and lead. Some of the funding could certainly be transferred from the existing refugee resettlement program, with emergency funding filling in the gaps. Once awareness is built up, Congress must be pushed to allocate additional
funding. Trump should start by drawing awareness to the problem. That would lead to more air time for the South African
situation on Fox News and talk-radio shows like Rush Limbaugh who have mass audiences. The truth is most Americans
have no idea what is going on in South Africa—but if they did, they would certainly support a massive refugee airlift. [Silent slaughter: South Africa’s farmers being attacked, forced from land, by Paul Toohey And Gary Ramage, Daily Telegraph, Australia, March 11, 2018] There are already regions of South
Africa where it is illegal for Whites to own land, based simply on the colour of their skin. As Stefan Molyneux has said, this racial hatred against Whites, if it were reversed, would top the U.S. evening news every night. Molyneux urges that the West act proactively and resettle South African Whites
as refugees before they are dispossessed and killed by the country’s racist government.
The following recent edition of the TAU (SA)'s South Africa Bulletin
should be required reading for all those who take an interest in South African affairs and care about the well-being of that
beleaguered land. This article, however, confiirms that we were absolutely correct when we tried to warn the South
African electorate throughout the 1970s and 1980s about what would be the inevitable consequences of continuing
to support the sell-out NP government and surrender to ANC terrorism. In spite of a fortunate, unexpected and undeserved
interlude of 19 years following the end of the despotic rule of the convicted criminal Mandela, the recent ascendancy of
the Mandela-clone Ramaphosa to the presidency of the "new" South Africa has frighteningly returned South Africa
to the nightmare of the Mandela years - with Mugabe-style land-thefts now being openly planned, as this bulletin only too
well illustrates. Apart from sitting back and saying "we told you so" to the South African electorate, all we can
do now is to advocate and lobby for some form of overseas Western intervention to remove the ANC terrorists and criminals
from power.
SOUTH AFRICA BULLETIN from the headquarters of
TAU SA in Pretoria
Web: www.tlu.co.za Tel.: + 27 12 804 8031
Fax: + 27 12 804 2014 E-mail:
info@tlu.co.za __________________________________________________________________________
The Bulletin attached hereto is provided as a means
to inform stakeholders of agricultural developments in South Africa. These International Bulletins are distributed at regular
intervals and can also be found on TAU SA’s website at www.tlu.co.za. TAU
SA is the oldest agricultural union in South Africa and has been in existence since 1897. The mission of the union is to
ensure a productive and safe existence for its members on the land they own. Current reality in South Africa indicates that
this is not possible at the moment due to a variety of actions and threats against commercial farmers. Your comment regarding the Bulletins and other information provided to you is valuable
and will be appreciated. However should you prefer not to receive information from TAU SA, simply tick the "unsubscribe"
link below. __________________________________________________________________________
”When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission
from men who produce nothing, when you see money flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors, when you see that
men get richer by graft and pull rather than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, when you see corruption
being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice, then you know that your society is doomed.” Ayn Rand, Russian-American
novelist, philosopher, economist. (1905 – 1982)
An Economic Freedom Front (EFF) motion to expropriate land
without compensation was supported by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) in the South African parliament on Tuesday
27 February, 2018. The motion was approved by 241 votes to 83. The EFF’s draft resolution was supported by some smaller
parties including the Inkatha Freedom Party.
Taking productive farmland without compensation will not
increase agricultural production and improve food security. On the contrary, this policy of outright theft will set South
Africa on a path to the Zimbabwe option.
The new South African president Cyril Ramaphosa’s
recent State of the Nation Address (SONA) created a positive stir in some South African circles, but whether the wary international
monitors of the SA economy and government’s socialist bent were impressed is moot. Perhaps they knew what was coming
on February 27 th in parliament, as did many South Africans. Where in the world would commentators
(of whatever stripe) call a claim by a president that he will take the productive farm land and property of citizens “without
compensation” as anything other than lunacy? Yet in a South Africa almost ruined after 23 years under the ANC, some
commentators were still prepared to give Mr. Ramaphosa praise for his “new approach”, his “new dawn for
the country”. Yet he is going to take productive land without paying for it and it will descend into squatter camps
or agricultural travesties. This will happen because it already has! The next step will be food shortages. A sad reflection on how some media outlets still soft soap the ANC is when a newspaper columnist said in “Beeld”
(page 6, 27.2.18) that we must give Mr. Ramaphosa ”a chance”. Yet on page 8 of the same newspaper, a farming
family the Cloete's declare that they are “afraid for their lives” after a mob of “emerging farmers
“ (as the newspaper referred to them) gathered outside the farm gate demanding that the Cloete’s leave their
farm. The farm is ours, declared the Black First Land First (BLF) mob, armed with crowbars and other weapons. (The BLF is
allegedly funded by the Gupta family, now in India and elsewhere as SA law enforcement seeks them to face criminal charges
concerned with state capture). The Cloete’s were accused of stealing the land by the BLF mob
at the gate, and the Cloete's were told that they were “the first” and that the mob would “make an
example of them”. Yet this BLF group was in fact acting out the clarion call of President Ramaphosa at a funeral in
East London recently where he was quoted as saying “we will take the land”. That very
same afternoon (27th), a motion to take land without compensation was passed in parliament. The newspaper’s
plea to give Mr. Ramaphosa “a chance” certainly paid off for the president. He took the chance and ran with
it. As an agricultural organization representing commercial farmers in South Africa, it is incumbent
upon TAU SA to expose the disingenuous ambiguity of the president regarding land. “We are determined that expropriation
without compensation should be implemented in a way that increases agricultural production, improves food security and
ensures that land is returned to those from whom it was taken under colonialism and apartheid”, said the ANC on
February 27th in parliament. (Italics ours). This doesn’t make any sense. The empirical evidence is there:
the farms already handed over have failed in more than 90% of cases, and this is acknowledged by the ANC. So how can the
president guarantee food security under his plan of land theft? Either he is obtuse, or he is making promises for the benefit
of the masses. The ANC/EFF motion to change Section 25 of the Constitution on property is dangerous and it puts the whole
of South Africa at risk. Over the past three years agriculture has been the most successful
sector in the economy despite droughts. A recent land audit shows that government itself is sitting on SA’s high potential
land which is not in production. If one takes into account the value chain from the primary producer to the dinner table,
agriculture contributes anything from 15% to 25% to the economy. NELSON MANDELA
Standing in front of a blow up of ex-president Nelson Mandela and praising his legacy for the first five minutes of
his State of the Nation (SONA) speech on 16 February, the president’s intention was to evoke the ANC’s purported
former glory. Mr. Mandela’s name has been liberally allotted to every South African and international cause under
the sun and is now used by the president to hopefully distract the populace from his party’s glaring shortcomings.
This Mandela legacy will be embodied in a commitment to “ethical behavior and leadership” declared the new president.
Once again he got it all wrong. Mr. Mandela’s legacy is the corrupt, incompetent ANC and a country
riddled with crime. Violence in South Africa and especially the relentless attacks on farmers and their workers weren’t
mentioned in the president’s SONA speech. It is perhaps judicious to remember Mr. Mandela’s speech on June 3,
1990, a few months after he was released from prison. “The only type of violence we accept is organized violence in
the form of armed action, which is properly controlled and where the targets have been carefully selected”, he declared.
From February 1990 to mid May 1990, the number of attacks on local government councillors and policemen increased from 194
to 886. NATIONALIZATION Expropriation without payment is theft. By holding on to the title deeds to land already handed over to beneficiaries
during the government’s years-long land reform program, the ANC government has in effect been stealing the land for
some time already. One wonders whether this latest goal of changing the constitution to enable the expropriation of land
without compensation (on behalf of “our people” says the president) will not result in the same thing. “Our
people” will be placed on the stolen land to farm (or squat), but the title deeds will remain in government hands.
This is as close to classic communism as you can get. “Our people” will probably end up as tenant farmers, and
production will plummet. It could happen.
Perhaps “our people” are already lining up,
suffused with enthusiasm from the president’s SONA speech. Will land grabs be allowed, despite the president saying
this will not be permitted? Who will finance the ongoing productivity of the transferred land - the banks who will have
been left holding the bag for loans that cannot be paid back by the former commercial farm owner from whom the land has been
taken “without compensation”? Farmers already owe the banks over R150 billion. And what
of the farm owners who now wonder what is their future? Will they now look elsewhere? Many countries want them because they
are excellent farmers. Then who will invest in a country on its way to food insecurity? And then
there’s the old chestnut “transformation”. What does the president mean by transformation? What it has
meant so far is nothing more than taking money or employment from those who have earned it or who are qualified to perform
it, and giving it to those who want to consume it or use their new jobs as a gravy train. Getting on to the bandwagon is
the appropriate phrase. It is time the ANC defined in detail what transformation means. There was
also much mention made in the SONA speech about summits and conferences, great favorites of the ANC where they can go and
talk in exotic locations and enjoy lavish lunches courtesy of SA’s commercial farmers. There will be a Jobs Summit,
an Investment Conference, a Youth Employment Service Initiative, a Youth Working Group, a Digital Industrial Revolution
Commission, and a new Presidential Economic Advisory Council. We can also look forward to
the Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative Program and Universal Health Coverage. A Youth Crime Prevention
Strategy is coming up, as is a Social Sector Summit. A Commission of Enquiry into Tax Administration is also on the cards.
How the president will pare down the 34 ministers, 33 deputy ministers, 159 directors general, 642 deputy
directors general, 2 501 chief directors and 7782 directors is anyone’s guess. He declares he will look into this.
(Figures supplied to MP Dr. Corne Mulder in Parliament). And who will resuscitate the 4400 hectare
dairy farm near Vrede in the Free State on which the Free State government spent R570 million and from which a large chunk
was siphoned off to pay for a Gupta wedding at Sun City? Is this how the productive farmland given to beneficiaries will
be managed? SA’s commercial farmers didn’t steal their land. TAU SA has offered R100
000 to anyone who can prove these farms were stolen. There have been no takers simply because those who occupied South Africa’s
land before commercial farming took root had no title deeds. There was no proof of what they said they owned. This fact of
history applied in most new world countries concerning indigenous peoples. They have been apportioned land, but there was
no proof that they owned it, at least in the Western legal sense. On May 26, 2017 the United
Nations World Food program reported that Sub Saharan Africa is the region with the highest prevalence of hunger as a percentage
of population. One person in four is malnourished. Perhaps our president should mull over
these statistics before he considers that he may be responsible for adding to them.
2018 edition
Our initial reaction
to the the replacement of the vile tyrant Mugabe by Emmerson Mnangagwa in “Zimbabwe” was not one of hope. Mnangagwa
after all had been a vicious hands-on ZANLA terrorist during the Rhodesian Bush War, and as a long-standing henchman of the
unspeakable Mugabe was presumed simply to be a clone of his. The omens therefore didn’t look good immediately following Mnangagwa’s
seizure of power at the end of last year, especially as he seemed to be maintaining all the trappings of the ZANU-PF state.
Shortly after assuming power, however, there appeared a number of fairly encouraging signs. On 26th December 2017
Mnangagwa announced that he was going to improve Zimbabwe’s economy – and in order to do this he was going to
allow White farmers to return to their lands which had been reprehensibly stolen from them by the Mugabe regime a decade
or so earlier. This could have been simply “all talk” on the part of Mnangagwa of course, but shortly thereafter
Robert Smart and his son Darryn and his family were allowed to reclaim their farm and land. Another equally encouraging development
occurred on 19th January 2018 when Mnangagwa announced that he was banning the cruel and universally condemned
practice of exporting live elephants and other wild animals. (The Mugabe regime had previously allowed such live exports
– particularly to China – in order to raise extra state revenue). Now all these recent praiseworthy moves by
Mnangagwa might simply be “window dressing” in order to court favour with the West, and given his previous terrorist
background and close relationship to Mugabe this is clearly still a possibility – but a least there now seems to be
hope that some form of better governance can be restored in that beleaguered land between the Zambezi and the Limpopo, for
after all surely anything must be better than Mugabe’s dysfunctional tyranny. But the same signs of hope clearly cannot
be detected south of the Limpopo – quite the reverse in fact! As we stated in the January Edition of the SCN, we were
filled with foreboding when Cyril Ramaphosa become president of the “new” South Africa. We may have been wrong
when we stated that Mnangagwa would simply prove to be a clone of Mugabe, but Ramaphosa definitely seems to be a clone of
his mentor, the murderous terrorist leader “Nelson” Mandela. It should of course be remmbered in this regard
that Ramaphosa was actually the desired successor of the monster Mandela, and indeed he held the microphone during Mandela’s
hate-filled rant after his prematurely release from prison! On Wedesday 28th February 2018, just 13 days after being installed
as president of the “new” South Africa, Ramaphose announced that he was going to amend Section 25 of the “new”
South African constitution in order to allow Mugabe-style seizures of land from White farmers without compensation, and this
draconian move was then approved by the ANC-dominated “new” South African Parliament by 241 votes to 83. Just
a day earlier moreover, no doubt under the instigation of Ramaphosa, the aptly-named “Nelson Mandela Foundation”
asked for an order from the Equality Court [sic] to declare that the “gratuitous display” of the real South African
Flag should constitute “hate speech”. Just how the display of any symbol could be regarded as hate speech
was not explained! Hundreds of thousands of South Africans of all races and of both sexes of course fought and died under
the nation’s true flag against the scourge of Nazism during WWII, against the scourge of Marxism during the Korean
War and against the scourge of international terrorism during the Border War. For the Ramaphosa regime to try to ban this
great national flag is therefore a sickening obscenity. Ramaphosa’s first few days in office therefore show all the hallmarks of a return
to the dark satanic days of rule by Mandela and his blood-thirthy henchmen (including of course his late and unlamented
mad wife!). South Africans will therefore probably soon be saying something which previously never seemed possible: “Come
back Zuma – all is forgiven”! ------------------------------------------------------------------ SPRINGBOK CLUB NEWS The Springbok Club joined forces with the Patriotic Forum in order to celebrate the 100th
anniversary of the foundation of the RAF earlier this month. The day’s events started with a ceremony at St.Clement
Danes Church in The Strand (the RAF church) where a wreath was laid at the altar on behalf of the Patriotic Forum by
a former Flight Lieutenant in the RAF Reserve, and a poem about the RAF was recited by a current member of the Air Training
Corps. After this poppy-crosses were laid at the statues of Marshall of the RAF Sir Arthur Harris and Marshall of the RAF
Lord Dowding outside the church by two former RAF servicemen, Gary Cartwright and Martin Stewart-Whyte. Following this ceremony
the Springbok Club/Patriotic Forum party adjourned to a near-by hostelry where a short overview about the
current BREXIT negotiations was given by a former prominent UKIP MEP and a brilliant PowerPoint presentation about the two
great WWII RAF commanders whose statues had earlier been honoured was shown by Mr. Gary Vincent. [It should be remembered
in this context that the foundation of the RAF was actually the brainchild of that great South African statesman Gen. Jan
Christian Smuts, and that Marshall of the RAF Sir Arthur Harris spent his youth in Southern Rhodesia and initially served
with 44 Squadron (Rhodesia) of the Royal Flying Corps, and subsequently the RAF.] ----------------------------
The Springbok Club will be staging a trip
to the annual Rochester Sweeps Festival on Sunday 6th May. Assemble at or in the vicinity of The King’s
Head in Rochester High Street between 13.00 hrs and 14.00 hrs. ‘Phone: 07711188430 if you have problems finding
the rendezvous point.
On Tuesday 19th June the Springbok Club will be welcoming a visiting
Australian guest speaker who has strong Rhodesian and South African connections, and later during the year will be staging
another trip to Hatfield House in Hertfordshire. Most importantly the Springbok Club has again been asked to participate
in the annual “Raising of the Flag” ceremony in Norfolk. This year this important and inspiring event has been
scheduled for Sunday 16th September, and as this will be the first such ceremony since the sad death of Mr. Peter
Sladden (who initiated the continuation of this annual ceremony which previously took place in Cecil Square, Salisbury,
Rhodesia) will be staged in special honour of his memory. We ask all supporters to diarise this date therefore, and to
make every effort to attend this year’s event. ------------------------------------------------------------------
PATRIOTIC FORUM NEWS Last month the Patriotic Forum staged a special meeting in conjunction with the
EuroSceptic EU Today on-line magazine (www.eutoday.net) which was addressed by Mr. John Petley, the Operations Manager for the Campaign
for an Independent Britain. Mr. Petley gave a captivating and indeed inspiring speech in which he first recalled the
BREXIT campaign in the build-up to the 2016 Referendum, and how through hard-work, determination and optimism the “Vote
Leave” cause managed to be triumphant. He then went on to describe what he termed “The Rocky Road to BREXIT”,
but expressed confidence that in spite of continuing problems and opposition – and a not ideal British Government
team conducting the negotiations – that a full and acceptable British withdrawal from the EU would still eventually
come about. He also advanced the idea that if the UK was to re-join EFTA then it would probably make EU withdrawal smoother,
and also stated that the ongoing Greek economic crisis may well still prove to be an even greater problem for the EU hierarchy
than BREXIT.
[As detailed in the SPRINGBOK CLUB
NEWS section above, the Patriotic Forum held a most successful special event to celebrate the 100th
anniversary of the foundation of the RAF earlier this month.] ---------------------------- In late May the Patriotic Forum will be staging a special meeting in order to celebrate Empire Day and Bermuda
Day, in June they will be holding a meeting to be addressed by a Serbian expert who will be talking about the true origins
of WWI, and in July will hold a meeting where the guest speaker will be a leading BREXIT campaigner with strong US political
connections, and who lectured extensively in the US about the global significance of Britain’s leaving of the EU.
Further details about all these events will of course be detailed in next month’s edition of the SCN..
THE IMPERIAL PATRIOT The first edition of The Imperial Patriot, the successor publication
to S.A.Patriot-in-Exile, has now been fully distributed to all current European as well as UK subscribers. This
means that only distribution to South African, Australasian and North American subscribers still remains to be completed,
and as soon as the necessary funds have been obtained then this will also be undertaken If you can help
in any way with the raising of these necessary funds then please send any cheques (made payable to “Patriotic Press”)
to: Patriotic Press, BM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, U.K. or e-mail: springbk@netcomuk.co.uk and we will inform you of the direct bank transfer payment details. As soon as distribution
of this first edition has been completed then work will commence on publishing the second edition right away.
We have recently received the following
most distressing message from the Network for Animals organization, detailing some of the appalling conditions
that many domestic dogs in the “new” South Africa currently find themselves in. It reads as follows :-
“In South Africa’s slums, dogs are routinely
cruelly abused, physically mistreated and starved. Our team is on the ground everyday bringing these poor dogs hope and
“Dogs like Shirley, only a few days old, alone in the world, abandoned, shivering, starving and afraid. Shirley
was dumped and left to die in a rural slum near Malmesbury in the Western Cape. “The Network for Animals team were treating sick animals in the area when
a breathless young woman hurried up and begged us to help her find an abandoned puppy she had seen in a dry river bed. Sure
enough, there she was, a shiny a shivering bundle of fur – her eyes still not open. “Network for Animals rushed Shirley to the vet and then
to the Fallen Angels shelter we help to support. There she will be bottle fed hourly until she is well and then
re-homed to a loving owner. Fallen Angels love and care for 260 dogs in
the shelter. Every one owes their lives to people who donate.
“Who knows what happened to Shirley’s mother – dead of disease, or starvation,
stoned to death for ‘fun’, torn to death in illegal dog fighting? In the lawless gangster-ridden South African
slums, dogs are kidnapped to use as bait dogs in illegal dog fights, a horrifying ‘sport’, where fighting dogs
rip peaceful dogs to death, so punters can judge their viciousness. Thanks to animal lovers Shirley will never know that
“Network for Animals,
together with their partners Fallen Angels rescue, medically treat and re-home dogs, snatching them from abusers.
Every day a team is on the ground providing help and hope to dogs where there is no other hope. Every one of the 260 dogs
at Fallen Angels, would be dead without the help of animal lovers who really care.” To contact Network for Animals, or to make a donation, then please
visit their web-site at: https://networkforanimals.org -------------------------------------------------------------------
CRICKET WOES The prompt action taken by the Australian Cricket authorities to ban captain Steve Smith,
vice-captain David Warner and Cameron Bancroft for one year (9 months in the case of Bancroft) following the revelation
of a ball-tampering incident during the recent South Africa v. Australia Test Match at Newlands must be welcomed and applauded
by all who disapprove of cheating in sport. Before “new” South African cricket fans become “holier than
thou” however, it should be remembered that in 2000 a group of South African players – including their then captain
Hansie Cronje – were banned (for life in the case of Cronje) for match-fixing as part of a betting fiddle which pocketed
them a substantial amount of cash. Surely match-fixing for monetary gain must be considered even more reprehensible than
tampering with the ball simply in order to try to obtain more bowling success? There has however been another perhaps even more damaging recent development affecting the
game of Cricket. The Cricket World Cup continually gained in worldwide interest and prestige up until the 2007 tournament
in the West Indies, when 16 teams competed in the finals. For some inexplicable reason, however, the ICC then decided to
reduce the number of competing nations in the finals to 14 in 2011 and 2015. Now, however, it has been decided that only
10 teams should compete in the 2019 finals. There is of course absolutely no logic whatsoever in this lunatic decision,
as the more teams competing means more interest, more games, more support and therefore more profits into the various cricket
authorities’ coffers! The only explanation seems to be that powerful Asian interests wish the game to be increasingly
under their influence and control, as they are evidently frightened of increasing European prowess in the game. In this regard
it was therefore significant that this year’s qualifying tournament took place in not only a third world country,
but in probably the worst basket-case of all third world basket-cases – Zimbabwe! As a result of the collapsed conditions
in that country this only really suited other third world basket-cases, and it was therefore not all that surprising that
probably one of the most unlikely of all competing countries should qualify for the finals – namely Afghanistan, a
lawless failed-state which has been gripped by vicious civil wars for the past two or three decades, and where their ability
to stage home fixtures is impossible! We therefore call upon the ICC to amend the structure of the 2019 Finals so that 16
teams can again compete – as was the case in 2007. Furthermore, in view of the fact that next year’s tournament
will take place in England then places must be found for the neighbouring three increasingly strong cricket powers,
Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands. ------------------------------------------------------------------
supporter from Sussex has recently drawn our attention to a very interesting, and indeed most encouraging news article carried by the BBC
showing the no-nonsense attitude adopted by the Israeli authorities to the unwelcome wave of African migrants trying to
enter their country. This of course is an attitude which should be adopted by ALL Western nations if they wish to safeguard
their own identities and well-being. This article can be accessed at :-
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-42541515 Whilst on the subject of Israel, the We Believe in Israel organisation
has recently circulated a very informative YouTube video explaining the true meaning and significance of that often misunderstood
word “Zionism”. Although written from a most unexpected left-wing angle, it is even so presented by non-Jewish
supporters of the State of Israel, and is well worth a view. It can be found at :-
Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We
also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :- http://www.bellemodel.biz/emails/emails.php?id=emails_from_SCN
Also check the list of South African
expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :- http://www.bellemodel.biz/emails/expatriates/toplist_expatriates.php?id=toplist_expatriates_from_
------------------------------------------------------------------ BILTONG AND BOEREWORS Springers Biltong offers a marvellous range of biltong, boerewors and drywors – all of the very highest
quality, reasonably priced, and fully registered and licensed with their local authority Their web-site
can be accessed at :-
http://www.springersbiltong.com/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------
2018 edition
Our initial reaction to the the replacement
of the vile tyrant Mugabe by Emmerson Mnangagwa in “Zimbabwe” was not one of hope. Mnangagwa after all had been
a vicious hands-on ZANLA terrorist during the Rhodesian Bush War, and as a long-standing henchman of the unspeakable Mugabe
was presumed simply to be a clone of his. The omens therefore didn’t look good immediately following Mnangagwa’s seizure
of power at the end of last year, especially as he seemed to be maintaining all the trappings of the ZANU-PF state. Shortly
after assuming power, however, there appeared a number of fairly encouraging signs. On 26th December 2017 Mnangagwa
announced that he was going to improve Zimbabwe’s economy – and in order to do this he was going to allow White
farmers to return to their lands which had been reprehensibly stolen from them by the Mugabe regime a decade or so earlier.
This could have been simply “all talk” on the part of Mnangagwa of course, but shortly thereafter Robert Smart
and his son Darryn and his family were allowed to reclaim their farm and land. Another equally encouraging development occurred
on 19th January 2018 when Mnangagwa announced that he was banning the cruel and universally condemned practice
of exporting live elephants and other wild animals. (The Mugabe regime had previously allowed such live exports – particularly
to China – in order to raise extra state revenue). Now all these recent praiseworthy moves by Mnangagwa might simply be “window dressing”
in order to court favour with the West, and given his previous terrorist background and close relationship to Mugabe this
is clearly still a possibility – but a least there now seems to be hope that some form of better governance can be
restored in that beleaguered land between the Zambezi and the Limpopo, for after all surely anything must be better than
Mugabe’s dysfunctional tyranny. But
the same signs of hope clearly cannot be detected south of the Limpopo – quite the reverse in fact! As we stated in
the January Edition of the SCN, we were filled with foreboding when Cyril Ramaphosa become president of the “new”
South Africa. We may have been wrong when we stated that Mnangagwa would simply prove to be a clone of Mugabe, but Ramaphosa
definitely seems to be a clone of his mentor, the murderous terrorist leader “Nelson” Mandela. It should of course
be remmbered in this regard that Ramaphosa was actually the desired successor of the monster Mandela, and indeed he held
the microphone during Mandela’s hate-filled rant after his prematurely release from prison! On Wedesday 28th February 2018, just 13 days after being installed
as president of the “new” South Africa, Ramaphose announced that he was going to amend Section 25 of the “new”
South African constitution in order to allow Mugabe-style seizures of land from White farmers without compensation, and
this draconian move was then approved by the ANC-dominated “new” South African Parliament by 241 votes to 83.
Just a day earlier moreover, no doubt under the instigation of Ramaphosa, the aptly-named “Nelson Mandela Foundation”
asked for an order from the Equality Court [sic] to declare that the “gratuitous display” of the real South African
Flag should constitute “hate speech”. Just how the display of any symbol could be regarded as hate speech
was not explained! Hundreds of thousands of South Africans of all races and of both sexes of course fought and died under
the nation’s true flag against the scourge of Nazism during WWII, against the scourge of Marxism during the Korean
War and against the scourge of international terrorism during the Border War. For the Ramaphosa regime to try to ban this
great national flag is therefore a sickening obscenity. Ramaphosa’s first few days in office therefore show all the hallmarks of a return to the dark
satanic days of rule by Mandela and his blood-thirthy henchmen (including of course his late and unlamented mad wife!).
South Africans will therefore probably soon be saying something which previously never seemed possible: “Come back
Zuma – all is forgiven”! ------------------------------------------------------------------
joined forces with the Patriotic Forum in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the foundation
of the RAF earlier this month. The day’s events started with a ceremony at St.Clement Danes Church in The Strand
(the RAF church) where a wreath was laid at the altar on behalf of the Patriotic Forum by a former Flight Lieutenant
in the RAF Reserve, and a poem about the RAF was recited by a current member of the Air Training Corps. After this poppy-crosses
were laid at the statues of Marshall of the RAF Sir Arthur Harris and Marshall of the RAF Lord Dowding outside the church
by two former RAF servicemen, Gary Cartwright and Martin Stewart-Whyte. Following this ceremony the Springbok Club/Patriotic
Forum party adjourned to a near-by hostelry where a short overview about the current BREXIT negotiations was given
by a former prominent UKIP MEP and a brilliant PowerPoint presentation about the two great WWII RAF commanders whose statues
had earlier been honoured was shown by Mr. Gary Vincent. [It should be remembered in this context that the foundation of
the RAF was actually the brainchild of that great South African statesman Gen. Jan Christian Smuts, and that Marshall of
the RAF Sir Arthur Harris spent his youth in Southern Rhodesia and initially served with 44 Squadron (Rhodesia) of the Royal
Flying Corps, and subsequently the RAF.]
---------------------------- The
Springbok Club will be staging a trip to the annual Rochester Sweeps Festival on Sunday 6th May. Assemble
at or in the vicinity of The King’s Head in Rochester High Street between 13.00 hrs and 14.00 hrs. ‘Phone:
07711188430 if you have problems finding the rendezvous point. ----------------------------
On Tuesday 19th June the Springbok Club will be welcoming a visiting Australian guest speaker
who has strong Rhodesian and South African connections, and later during the year will be staging another trip to Hatfield
House in Hertfordshire. Most importantly the Springbok Club has again been asked to participate in the annual “Raising
of the Flag” ceremony in Norfolk. This year this important and inspiring event has been scheduled for Sunday 16th
September, and as this will be the first such ceremony since the sad death of Mr. Peter Sladden (who initiated the continuation
of this annual ceremony which previously took place in Cecil Square, Salisbury, Rhodesia) will be staged in special honour
of his memory. We ask all supporters to diarise this date therefore, and to make every effort to attend this year’s
event. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PATRIOTIC FORUM NEWS Last
month the Patriotic Forum staged a special meeting in conjunction with the EuroSceptic EU Today on-line
magazine (www.eutoday.net) which was addressed by Mr. John Petley, the Operations Manager for the Campaign for an
Independent Britain. Mr. Petley gave a captivating and indeed inspiring speech in which he first recalled the BREXIT
campaign in the build-up to the 2016 Referendum, and how through hard-work, determination and optimism the “Vote Leave”
cause managed to be triumphant. He then went on to describe what he termed “The Rocky Road to BREXIT”, but expressed
confidence that in spite of continuing problems and opposition – and a not ideal British Government team conducting
the negotiations – that a full and acceptable British withdrawal from the EU would still eventually come about. He
also advanced the idea that if the UK was to re-join EFTA then it would probably make EU withdrawal smoother, and also stated
that the ongoing Greek economic crisis may well still prove to be an even greater problem for the EU hierarchy than BREXIT.
[As detailed in the SPRINGBOK CLUB NEWS section above, the Patriotic
Forum held a most successful special event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the RAF
earlier this month.]
---------------------------- In late May the Patriotic Forum will be staging a special meeting in order to celebrate
Empire Day and Bermuda Day, in June they will be holding a meeting to be addressed by a Serbian expert who will be talking
about the true origins of WWI, and in July will hold a meeting where the guest speaker will be a leading BREXIT campaigner
with strong US political connections, and who lectured extensively in the US about the global significance of Britain’s
leaving of the EU. Further details about all these events will of course be detailed in next month’s edition of the
SCN.. -------------------------------------------------------------------
first edition of The Imperial Patriot, the successor publication to S.A.Patriot-in-Exile, has now been
fully distributed to all current European as well as UK subscribers. This means that only distribution to South African,
Australasian and North American subscribers still remains to be completed, and as soon as the necessary funds have been
obtained then this will also be undertaken If you can help in any way with the raising of these necessary
funds then please send any cheques (made payable to “Patriotic Press”) to: Patriotic Press, BM SAPAT, London
WC1N 3XX, U.K. or e-mail: springbk@netcomuk.co.uk and we will inform you of the direct bank transfer payment details. As soon as distribution
of this first edition has been completed then work will commence on publishing the second edition right away.
ORGANISATION We have recently received the following most distressing
message from the Network for Animals organization, detailing some of the appalling conditions that many domestic
dogs in the “new” South Africa currently find themselves in. It reads as follows :- “In South Africa’s slums, dogs are routinely cruelly abused, physically mistreated and
starved. Our team is on the ground everyday bringing these poor dogs hope and love. “Dogs like Shirley, only a few days old, alone in the world, abandoned,
shivering, starving and afraid. Shirley was dumped and left to die in a rural slum near Malmesbury in the
Western Cape.
“The Network for Animals team
were treating sick animals in the area when a breathless young woman hurried up and begged us to help her find an abandoned
puppy she had seen in a dry river bed. Sure enough, there she was, a shiny a shivering bundle of fur – her eyes still
not open. “Network for Animals rushed Shirley to the vet and
then to the Fallen Angels shelter we help to support. There she will be bottle fed hourly until she is well and
then re-homed to a loving owner. Fallen Angels love and care for 260 dogs
in the shelter. Every one owes their lives to people who donate. “Who knows
what happened to Shirley’s mother – dead of disease, or starvation, stoned to death for ‘fun’, torn
to death in illegal dog fighting? In the lawless gangster-ridden South African slums, dogs are kidnapped to use as bait
dogs in illegal dog fights, a horrifying ‘sport’, where fighting dogs rip peaceful dogs to death, so punters
can judge their viciousness. Thanks to animal lovers Shirley will never know that fate. “Network for Animals, together with their partners Fallen Angels rescue, medically treat
and re-home dogs, snatching them from abusers. Every day a team is on the ground providing help and hope to dogs where there
is no other hope. Every one of the 260 dogs at Fallen Angels, would be dead without the help of animal lovers who
really care.”
To contact Network for Animals, or
to make a donation, then please visit their web-site at: https://networkforanimals.org -------------------------------------------------------------------
CRICKET WOES The prompt action
taken by the Australian Cricket authorities to ban captain Steve Smith, vice-captain David Warner and Cameron Bancroft for
one year (9 months in the case of Bancroft) following the revelation of a ball-tampering incident during the recent South
Africa v. Australia Test Match at Newlands must be welcomed and applauded by all who disapprove of cheating in sport. Before
“new” South African cricket fans become “holier than thou” however, it should be remembered that
in 2000 a group of South African players – including their then captain Hansie Cronje – were banned (for life
in the case of Cronje) for match-fixing as part of a betting fiddle which pocketed them a substantial amount of cash. Surely
match-fixing for monetary gain must be considered even more reprehensible than tampering with the ball simply in order to
try to obtain more bowling success?
There has however been another perhaps even
more damaging recent development affecting the game of Cricket. The Cricket World Cup continually gained in worldwide interest
and prestige up until the 2007 tournament in the West Indies, when 16 teams competed in the finals. For some inexplicable
reason, however, the ICC then decided to reduce the number of competing nations in the finals to 14 in 2011 and 2015. Now,
however, it has been decided that only 10 teams should compete in the 2019 finals. There is of course absolutely no logic
whatsoever in this lunatic decision, as the more teams competing means more interest, more games, more support and therefore
more profits into the various cricket authorities’ coffers! The only explanation seems to be that powerful Asian interests
wish the game to be increasingly under their influence and control, as they are evidently frightened of increasing European
prowess in the game. In this regard it was therefore significant that this year’s qualifying tournament took place
in not only a third world country, but in probably the worst basket-case of all third world basket-cases – Zimbabwe!
As a result of the collapsed conditions in that country this only really suited other third world basket-cases, and it was
therefore not all that surprising that probably one of the most unlikely of all competing countries should qualify for the
finals – namely Afghanistan, a lawless failed-state which has been gripped by vicious civil wars for the past two or
three decades, and where their ability to stage home fixtures is impossible! We therefore call upon the ICC to amend the
structure of the 2019 Finals so that 16 teams can again compete – as was the case in 2007. Furthermore, in view of
the fact that next year’s tournament will take place in England then places must be found for the neighbouring
three increasingly strong cricket powers, Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ISRAEL SETS AN EXAMPLE A supporter from Sussex has recently drawn our attention to a very interesting, and indeed most encouraging
news article carried by the BBC showing the no-nonsense attitude adopted by the Israeli authorities to the unwelcome wave
of African migrants trying to enter their country. This of course is an attitude which should be adopted by ALL Western nations
if they wish to safeguard their own identities and well-being. This article can be accessed at :-
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-42541515 Whilst on the subject of Israel, the We Believe in Israel organisation has recently circulated a very
informative YouTube video explaining the true meaning and significance of that often misunderstood word “Zionism”.
Although written from a most unexpected left-wing angle, it is even so presented by non-Jewish supporters of the State of
Israel, and is well worth a view. It can be found at :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5h_G8-eHgs ------------------------------------------------------------------
SEARCH SERVICES FOR THOSE SEEKING LOST RELATIVES Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Please use the search request form at :- http://www.bellemodel.biz/emails/emails.php?id=emails_from_SCN
Also check the list of South African expatriates/emigrants
web-sites, which can be found at :- http://www.bellemodel.biz/emails/expatriates/toplist_expatriates.php?id=toplist_expatriates_from_
------------------------------------------------------------------ BILTONG AND BOEREWORS
Springers Biltong offers a marvellous
range of biltong, boerewors and drywors – all of the very highest quality, reasonably priced, and fully registered
and licensed with their local authority Their web-site can be accessed at :- http://www.springersbiltong.com/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------
is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts from Lieut. Tomlinson's
writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding officer. It also includes
the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village was massacred by the chief's
soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him a job. They lost contact and were
reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware jar. Trish also writes romantic suspense and romantic comedy fiction. www.trishjaxon.com
---------------------------- ZIMBABWE’S STOLEN PROPERTY Zimbabwe’s Stolen Property is a poignant novel by Cliff McIlwaine. This is a dark, painfully sombre book
which will bring back dreadful memories to any one associated with Zimbabwe – Black or White – and its bitter past.
details are available on the Diadem Books web site which can be accessed at: www.diadembooks.com
---------------------------- CREST PUBLISHING BOOKS The latest book published by Crest Publishing is entitled:
“BOWLS - QUIRKS, CHIRPS AND ANECDOTES". This is not an instruction manual but rather a cheerful, humourous and
sometimes controversial chronicle about the game and its history worldwide. Written to celebrate 40 years in the sport by
the author, Glenn MacAskill, it should be of interest to all bowlers and other sports enthusiasts. For
more information about all books published, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 4178,
Honeydew, Johannesburg, 2040, South Africa, e-mail: glennallanmacaskill@gmail.com, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za. Special discounts are available to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks! ---------------------------- "THE SAINTS"
– a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history of the RLI. DVD available along with other premium titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasasa@mweb.co.za for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340. ---------------------------- ‘75 PROUD
by Ian Smith, this book covers the history of Rhodesia from 1890 to 1965 in some detail and surveys the enormous progress
made in agriculture, commerce, industry and social development of benefit to both White and Black Rhodesians.
With 124 pages, this A4-size soft-cover book is a facsimile copy of the original
with contemporary advertisements and would be an invaluable addition to any collection of Rhodesiana . The book costs £12.50 and p&p is £2.90 (with a 10% discount to former customers)
. To order a copy please contact John Ormowe at :flybuy416@googlemail.com .
- Mr. “Dead-Eye” DICK GILMORE of Durban. Dick Gilmore played as goal-keeper with the Durban Collegians Soccer squad during the 1980s, and mixed on the
fringes of “The Roper Set” (see August 2016 SCN). He gained the nickname of “Dead-Eye Dick” after
the character from the epic poem “Eskimo Nell” – but is not thought to have shared any characteristics
with this fictional character! A friendly and amicable person, he is believed to have emigrated from the UK to South Africa,
and settled in the Durban area. It would be interesting to learn what has happened to him. ----------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED WEB-SITE OF THE MONTH A supporter has
recently recommended a defiant YouTube video to us featuring Mr. Tommy Robinson reading out a speech at Hyde Park Corner
in London which was originally to have been delivered by the visiting Austrian politician Martin Sellner – who was
disturbingly barred from entering the UK for unexplained reasons. This video can be viewed at :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENGC9Hkog6k -----------------------------------------------------------------
PRAISE Sir, Again, my appreciation to you all for this truly "Top Drawer" SCN (January 2018 Edition
– Ed.), from which I derive the greatest pleasure in reading.....more than once, I do confess!!!! My warmest regards to all, Yours etc.,
W.V., Durban, Natal, South Africa. ------------------------------------------------------------------ OBITUARIES
SIR KEN DODD Sir Ken Dodd, who died last month aged 90, was one of Britain’s best-loved and most popular
comedians ever. He was also an accomplished singer and highly-talented all-round entertainer. Born in the Knotty Ash suburb
of Liverpool – a district which he immortalised! – he started his working life as a door-to-door salesman selling
household products to housewives. He soon discovered that his tattyfilarious banter totally discomknockerated his customers
however, and so a career on the stage therefore beckoned. From
there he never looked back. Although he had an enduring love for his native Liverpool – he never stopped living in
the city – he also had a great love for his nation as a whole. He openly boasted that he had performed at every major
theatre in every town and city throughout Britain, and this claim was undoubtedly correct. His comedy style was never smutty
and definitely had no left-wing bias (he was a lifelong supporter of the Conservative Party), but his unique humour was
infectious, and constantly had audiences rolling in the aisles. He was also renowned for giving audiences “good value
for money”, and invariably overrun his scheduled finishing time on stage, with many reports resulting about members
of the audience missing their last buses or trains home! The
only blemish in his career was when he was charged with Income Tax evasion, but when he appeared in court it was soon established
that this misdemeanour was clearly not deliberate, but simply a result of his chaotic attitude towards financial matters.
He therefore received no real punishment for his mistake, although he did ensure that the full amount which he owed to the
Inland Revenue was eventually paid. The only way in which he suffered for this error was that he was not awarded a knighthood
when originally planned - but happily a richly deserved knighthood was conferred on him a few years before he died.
Many people have observed that this favourite son of Liverpool is a far preferable
person for Liverpool International Airport to be named after rather than the name of the present highly controversial
person which it bears. Following Sir Ken Dodd’s death a FaceBook campaign has been launched advocating that Liverpool
International Airport is indeed re-named in his honour, We hope that as many readers as possible will be prepared to support
this campaign, which can be reached at :- https://www.facebook.com/Rename-Liverpool-Airport-after-Sir-Ken-Dodd-225946811316053/ ---------------------------- SIR RICHARD BODY
Sadly Sir Richard Body also died last month
aged 90. Sir Richard Body was born near Eton in 1927, and was a youthful Conservative Party activist. He first entered Parliament
as 1955 as MP for Billericay, though he decided not to defend this seat in 1959 in order to devote himself instead to his
chosen occupation of farming. He re-entered Parliament in 1966 however, this time becoming MP for the more rural farming
constituency of Holland with Boston, representing this seat (later slightly amended and re-named Boston and Skegness)
until 2001. Sir Richard Body was a long-standing EuroSceptic,
fiercely opposing Britain’s entry into the then Common Market in 1973 and becoming President of the Anti-Common
Market League. Although positioned well to the Right of the Consdervative Party on most (though not all) issues –
he was a leading member of the Conservative Monday Club and a close colleague of John Enoch Powell – his main
Parliamentary interest always concerned agricultural matters. A staunch opponent of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy,
he also had little time for the former Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, which he viewed as over-bureaucratic
and lacking in knowledge of agricultural realities. He was always a truly humane farmer, being a firm and greatly respected
supporter of the Compassion in World Farming organisation, and was also the original “Old Muckspreader”
columnist in Private Eye.
Sir Richard Body spoke on a number of occasions
for the Swinton Circle, and was also the patron who initiated the re-establishment of the political journal The
Quarterly Review under his chosen editorship of Derek Turner. Sir Richard Body was a great and dedicated British patriot
of the type who will always be much needed. Our sincerest condolences are extended to all members of his family.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN circulation list then simply
e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think more of your friends would
like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
Zimbabwe’s Stolen Property is a
poignant novel by Cliff McIlwaine. This is a dark, painfully sombre book which will bring back dreadful memories to any
one associated with Zimbabwe – Black or White – and its bitter past.
Further details are available on the Diadem Books web site which can be accessed at: www.diadembooks.com ---------------------------- CREST PUBLISHING
BOOKS The latest book published by Crest Publishing is entitled: “BOWLS - QUIRKS,
CHIRPS AND ANECDOTES". This is not an instruction manual but rather a cheerful, humourous and sometimes controversial
chronicle about the game and its history worldwide. Written to celebrate 40 years in the sport by the author, Glenn MacAskill,
it should be of interest to all bowlers and other sports enthusiasts. For more
information about all books published, or to make an order, please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 4178,
Honeydew, Johannesburg, 2040, South Africa, e-mail: glennallanmacaskill@gmail.com, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za. Special discounts are available to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks! ---------------------------- "THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history
of the RLI.
DVD available along with other premium
titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasasa@mweb.co.za for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340. ---------------------------- ‘75 PROUD YEARS: PIONEERS AND PROGRESS OF RHODESIA’ With an introduction by Ian Smith, this book covers the history of Rhodesia
from 1890 to 1965 in some detail and surveys the enormous progress made in agriculture, commerce, industry and social development
of benefit to both White and Black Rhodesians. With
124 pages, this A4-size soft-cover book is a facsimile copy of the original with contemporary advertisements and would be
an invaluable addition to any collection of Rhodesiana . The book costs £12.50 and p&p is £2.90 (with a 10% discount to former customers) . To order a copy please contact John Ormowe at :flybuy416@googlemail.com . ------------------------------------------------------------------
WHERE ARE THEY NOW ? No.233 - Mr. “Dead-Eye” DICK GILMORE of
Dick Gilmore played as goal-keeper
with the Durban Collegians Soccer squad during the 1980s, and mixed on the fringes of “The Roper Set” (see August
2016 SCN). He gained the nickname of “Dead-Eye Dick” after the character from the epic poem “Eskimo Nell”
– but is not thought to have shared any characteristics with this fictional character! A friendly and amicable person,
he is believed to have emigrated from the UK to South Africa, and settled in the Durban area. It would be interesting
to learn what has happened to him. -----------------------------------------------------------------
RECOMMENDED WEB-SITE OF THE MONTH A supporter has recently recommended a defiant YouTube video to us featuring
Mr. Tommy Robinson reading out a speech at Hyde Park Corner in London which was originally to have been delivered by the
visiting Austrian politician Martin Sellner – who was disturbingly barred from entering the UK for unexplained reasons.
This video can be viewed at :-
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENGC9Hkog6k -----------------------------------------------------------------
Again, my appreciation to you all for
this truly "Top Drawer" SCN (January 2018 Edition – Ed.), from which I derive the greatest pleasure in reading.....more
than once, I do confess!!!!
My warmest regards to all,
Yours etc., W.V., Durban, Natal, South Africa. ------------------------------------------------------------------ OBITUARIES SIR KEN DODD
Sir Ken Dodd, who died last month aged
90, was one of Britain’s best-loved and most popular comedians ever. He was also an accomplished singer and highly-talented
all-round entertainer. Born in the Knotty Ash suburb of Liverpool – a district which he immortalised! – he started
his working life as a door-to-door salesman selling household products to housewives. He soon discovered that his tattyfilarious
banter totally discomknockerated his customers however, and so a career on the stage therefore beckoned. From there he never looked back. Although he had an enduring love for his
native Liverpool – he never stopped living in the city – he also had a great love for his nation as a whole.
He openly boasted that he had performed at every major theatre in every town and city throughout Britain, and this claim
was undoubtedly correct. His comedy style was never smutty and definitely had no left-wing bias (he was a lifelong supporter
of the Conservative Party), but his unique humour was infectious, and constantly had audiences rolling in the aisles. He
was also renowned for giving audiences “good value for money”, and invariably overrun his scheduled finishing
time on stage, with many reports resulting about members of the audience missing their last buses or trains home!
The only blemish in his career was when he was charged
with Income Tax evasion, but when he appeared in court it was soon established that this misdemeanour was clearly not deliberate,
but simply a result of his chaotic attitude towards financial matters. He therefore received no real punishment for his
mistake, although he did ensure that the full amount which he owed to the Inland Revenue was eventually paid. The only way
in which he suffered for this error was that he was not awarded a knighthood when originally planned - but happily a richly
deserved knighthood was conferred on him a few years before he died. Many people have observed that this favourite son of Liverpool is a far preferable person for Liverpool
International Airport to be named after rather than the name of the present highly controversial person which it bears.
Following Sir Ken Dodd’s death a FaceBook campaign has been launched advocating that Liverpool International Airport
is indeed re-named in his honour, We hope that as many readers as possible will be prepared to support this campaign, which
can be reached at :-
https://www.facebook.com/Rename-Liverpool-Airport-after-Sir-Ken-Dodd-225946811316053/ ---------------------------- SIR RICHARD BODY Sadly Sir Richard Body also died last month aged 90. Sir Richard Body was born near Eton in 1927, and was a youthful
Conservative Party activist. He first entered Parliament as 1955 as MP for Billericay, though he decided not to defend this
seat in 1959 in order to devote himself instead to his chosen occupation of farming. He re-entered Parliament in 1966 however,
this time becoming MP for the more rural farming constituency of Holland with Boston, representing this seat (later slightly
amended and re-named Boston and Skegness) until 2001. Sir Richard Body was a long-standing EuroSceptic, fiercely opposing Britain’s entry into the then Common
Market in 1973 and becoming President of the Anti-Common Market League. Although positioned well to the Right of
the Consdervative Party on most (though not all) issues – he was a leading member of the Conservative Monday Club
and a close colleague of John Enoch Powell – his main Parliamentary interest always concerned agricultural matters.
A staunch opponent of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy, he also had little time for the former Ministry of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Food, which he viewed as over-bureaucratic and lacking in knowledge of agricultural realities. He was always
a truly humane farmer, being a firm and greatly respected supporter of the Compassion in World Farming organisation,
and was also the original “Old Muckspreader” columnist in Private Eye. Sir Richard Body spoke on a number of occasions for the Swinton
Circle, and was also the patron who initiated the re-establishment of the political journal The Quarterly Review
under his chosen editorship of Derek Turner. Sir Richard Body was a great and dedicated British patriot of the type who
will always be much needed. Our sincerest condolences are extended to all members of his family. ------------------------------------------------------------------
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN
circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think
more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
We have recently been sent the following article which contains an expert analysis of the recent history of Southern Africa
by Hannes Wessels. If the quotation attributed to Jacques Pauw in this article is correct then he really seems a despicable
person, and anything emanating from him in future should therefore be viewed with extreme caution. New post
Description: Image removed by sender. Description: Image removed by sender. In African Politics Crime Sure Pays by Hannes Wessels by Hannes Wessels Reading Jacques Pauw's
explosive new book, "The Presidents Keepers" is depressing, enlightening and terrifying. The scale of corruption
and state-sanctioned criminality in the Republic of South Africa is now completely out of control and it seems those responsible
are unlikely ever to be held accountable. We may never know how much President Jacob Zuma has purloined from the public purse
and we may never know exactly how many billions have been stolen or squandered on his watch but the numbers are outrageous.
With virtually all the critical positions in law enforcement filled by his cronies a very fine constitution is reduced to
worthless paper because the people required to convert words into action are absent. In a recent television interview
Mr Pauw was asked by one of the journalists present if the ANC government was as bad as the one led by the Afrikaner Nationalists.
Mr Pauw said it was not really possible to make the comparison because the government that existed under white rule was ‘pure
evil'. What he was saying was that nothing, no matter how bad or corrupt the ANC might be or become, could be as bad as
the government that existed prior to 1994. This got me thinking. I know Henrik Verwoerd is condemned to the dustbin
of history as one of the great villains of modern times but what would the world have said if he, like Zuma, his Zulu successor,
had pleasured himself with ten concubines and sired dozens of bastard children all of who live luxurious lives courtesy of
the country's dwindling, hard toiling tax-payers? And what if Verwoerd had done little in office other than plunder, litigate
(at the taxpayers expense of course) and destroy the country's institutions? Nasty brute, that the world believes
he was, the late (murdered) prime minister was a man who expected little from the material world, conducted himself impeccably
and did not rejoice in the trappings of power. He had no wish to prolong his tenure as prime minister and what he wanted for
his retirement was a simple holiday cottage at Betty's Bay on the south coast of South Africa. He set about building this
very ordinary dwelling himself on weekends and holidays. A problem arose when it was made clear that he should be protected
while on the property which troubled him as being a private man he did not want to be bothered by security personnel. When
the authorities insisted that he accept protection he made it quite clear that if any structure on his privately-owned land
was to be constructed to accommodate policemen it should be of a prefabricated, movable nature so that it could be removed
when he was no longer a public servant and returned to the state. Of interest, unlike President Zuma, he also did not expect
the taxpayer to finance a large swimming pool as an emergency facility to supply water in the event the house was threatened
by fire. Prime Minister John Vorster fell from grace as a result of a financial scandal but interestingly he was at
no stage accused of being the beneficiary of any malfeasance. The issue at hand that brought down his government was the transfer,
improperly of public funds from one government department to another in a failed bid to finance newspapers that would be less
critical of what his government was trying to achieve. South Africa's first state president, C. R ‘Blackie'
Swart, was so fastidious in his determination not to misuse state resources, he insisted on checking his outgoing mail to
make sure that all his personal correspondence carried postage stamps that he had purchased himself. Rhodesian Prime
Minister Ian Smith was considered an international outlaw and his country was attacked economically and militarily because
his government resisted calls from Britain and the international community to summarily surrender power. He was accused of
virtually every crime imaginable but it is noteworthy, he was never accused of personal enrichment or abuse of his office.
A famously frugal man (of Scottish ancestry) he sometimes cycled to work and in the midst of a civil-war his security detail
was normally not more than one individual armed with a pistol. PK van der Byl, a senior cabinet minister, actually covered
much of the cost of his sanctions-busting trips to Europe from his own account because he was aware the country was strapped
for hard currencies. Robert Mugabe, the man Ian Smith, resisted, spent 37 years looting and destroying the country he
inherited while murdering and brutalizing the citizenry. He was lauded for much of his political career as a revered African
statesman and received a knighthood. Antonio Salazar, Prime Minister of Portugal from 1932 to 1968, like most white
politicians who wielded power and influence during the colonial era is remembered and reviled as a dictatorial racist and
oppressor. He, was a committed Catholic and an unapologetic imperialist who believed very strongly that Portuguese rule was
beneficial to Africa. This position earned him universal condemnation and introduced Portugal to pariah status in the international
community. Six years after his tenure ended, his critics prevailed and a leftist-motivated military coup led to the hasty
withdrawal of Portugal from its African territories opening the doors to the ‘liberation movement' leaders and a
smash and grab exercise that has gutted the former colonies. Ignored by virtually all, Salazar was an extremely honest
man, who lived simply and parsimoniously, leading an almost monastic lifestyle, who was beyond reproach in the way he wielded
power. Never accused of self-enrichment he devoted his life to what he believed, was the best for Portugal and for the last
European empire. Following Portugal's departure from the African stage, Isabel Dos Santos, daughter of the former
president of Angola, has accumulated wealth making her the richest woman in Africa. The administration led by her father was
a gargantuan kleptocracy that acquired notoriety for rampant corruption and brazen misappropriation of public funds. In Mozambique,
similarly forsaken by the Portuguese, the new Frelimo administration, initially led by Samora Machel, immediately destroyed
the economy they inherited in a matter of months and virtually all the country's remaining wealth has accrued undeservedly
to the ruling elite. This was what Salazar feared would transpire and it goes without saying, it would not have happened on
his watch. The point is, while these white politicians may indeed have been major players in the maintenance of ‘evil
regimes' they appear to have eschewed the opportunity to personally enrich themselves through holding high political office
and one wonders if that does not say something about them as people and also as politicians. If they were not in politics
for personal gain and they ran ‘evil' administrations why did they do it? Was it because they were sadistic monsters
who thrilled to being cruel to millions or did they actually believe what they were doing was right and in the best interests
of the country's they held sway over? When one looks at the catastrophe that has unfolded in postcolonial Africa
I believe it is fair to say that the primary reason for the untold misery that has been visited upon hundreds of millions
of the continental population, is the failure of their leaders to act honestly and honourably in the exercise of their duties.
The story of this period is one of untrammelled avarice, dishonesty, brutality and atrocious governance all of which stems
from the fact that African politicians, almost without exception, find the notion that they should avoid using power to plunder,
absolutely preposterous. Lamentably, one has to conclude that in the modern political world, certainly in the African
context, being an innately honest person is less of a blessing and more of a curse and maybe one of the reasons why we must
resign ourselves to governance by criminals. Hannes Wessels | January 8, 2018 at 9:05 am | URL: https://wp.me/p4LSVN-I9
We have recently received the following Media
Release from the Transvaal Agricultural Union (South Africa), which confirms the details about Ramaphosa's plans to
seize farm land without compensation - a blatent case of theft on the part of the "new" South African authorities.
The future for that sorry land seems dire indeed therefore. Bad though they were, the years when Mbeki and Zuma were in
power were clearly not nearly so horrific, and Ramaphosa's ascent to power therefore seems to be a return to the dark
days of Mandela's hate-driven rule :- MEDIA RELEASE: RAMAPHOSA’S PROMISE – “WE WILL TAKE THE LAND” Issued by:
TAU SA Enquiries:
Mr Louis Meintjes, President TAU SA, Cell.: 082 461 7262
Mr Bennie van Zyl, General Manager TAU SA, Cell.: 082 466 4470 Date:
Wednesday, January 10, 2018 Under the cloak of “legitimate expropriation” (without compensation), the newly elected ANC president
promises that privately owned land will be “taken”. This boils down to legitimising theft. In the
same breath, specific preconditions are set inter alia that the economy should not suffer, and that food security
should not be affected in a negative manner. “Given acknowledgement by government that the productive utilisation
of land which has been transferred in terms of the restitution process to beneficiaries, as well as providing aid comprising
billions of Rand to people who cannot or don’t want to farm, has failed miserably, this new statement does not bode
well for South Africa”, according to Mr Louis Meintjes, president of TAU SA. “Where in the world has expropriation
without compensation coupled to the waste of agricultural land, resulted in foreign confidence, economic growth and increased
food production?’ he asks. Mr Meintjes emphasized
that the time has come for South Africa to confront its true challenges and identify them as such. Not only are law-abiding
citizens in their own country, irrespective of a “non-racial” cornerstone of a so-called “model”
constitution, subjected to a wide variety pro-black and anti-Afrikaans laws, but pose a growing population increasing demands
to a diminishing tax base. That process is gathering momentum whilst the RSA’s junk status, growing rural poverty,
collapsing infrastructure, the lowering of scholastic and academical standards, delivering basic services, rampant crime
and a blatant absence to planning is the order of the day. “No ideology, supported by superficial and populistic promises which are not supportive of sound economic
principles, will ensure improvement. If Mr Ramaphosa is set on creating an untenable situation, he should actively
create circumstances which will promote famine. His promise to expropriate land without compensation, sows the seed
for revolution. Expropriation without compensation is theft”.
We have recently been sent a copy
of the following translation of an article from BEELD detailing the shadey and sinister aphosa's business dealings by
a supporter still based in the "new" South Africa :- FROM
A TRADE UNION LEADER TO A BUSINESSMAN (Translation from the Afrikaans
- BEELD newspaper, Johannesburg 20/12/17) With the path open to the
presidency of South Africa, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa will not need to depend again on the huge
wealth he has accumulated as a businessman. Ramaphosa has his roots
in the trade union movement and was in the 1980s founder and leader of the National Union of Mineworkers, one of South Africa’s
biggest and most powerful trade unions. Ramaphosa began on his path
to business riches after he lost to Thabo Mbek in the 1999 election tussle to follow Nelson Mandela as vice president.
SHANDUKA In 2001 he
started the Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) group Shanduka thanks to a series of transactions handed
to him under the black empowerment government policy and he built this up to such a large group that in 2014 it was worth
more than R8 billion. “Shanduka” is a Venda word meaning “change”. Until 2012 when he became South Africa’s vice president, the American business publication
FORBES declared his personal wealth to be R5,67 billion. Ramaphosa then declared that he would review
his business interests so as to rid himself of any chance of a conflict of interest. In 2014 when Jacob Zuma made him vice
president, Ramaphosa declared he would withdraw all his business interests in the Shanduka group. He resigned as executive
director and declared that his and his family interests would be held in a blind trust. Ramaphosa’s personal interest in Shanduka at that stage was valued at R2,6 billion. MCDONALDS Through Shanduka, Ramaphosa
in 2011 obtained the twenty-year business licence for the American fast food business McDonalds for South Africa.
After his election as ANC vice president in 2012 McDonalds stated that Ramaphosa would be replaced as licence holder.
shadowy side of Ramaphosa’s business career includes his role as non-executive director of Lonmin, the platinum mining
company where the Marikana massacre of August 2012 occurred. Ramaphosa said during the massacre, where 34 mineworkers were
shot dead, that the protest (by the mine workers) was “criminal” and that the strikers should be strongly brought
to book. He was also chairman of the cellphone group MTN during which
time there were accusation of irregularities concerning MTN’s transactions with the Iranian government
in order to obtain the cellphone licence in Iran. FOUNDATION Despite his resignation as director from most of the companies with which
he was involved, and the fact that he sold his interest in Shanduka, Ramaphosa and his family held on to their property
investment portfolio and he is still involved with the Shanduka Foundation where he changed the name to the Cyril Ramaphosa
Foundation. The Foundation finances development projects at schools
and black small businesses, including the Black Umbrella – formerly known as the Shanduka Black Umbrella. THE BUFFALO Ramaphosa is keen on agriculture
and wildlife farming. He owns 100 Ankola-cattle, originally from Uganda, which graze on his farm in Mapulanga. He was involved in a controversy when in 2012 he bid R20 million for a buffalo in a wildlife
auction. He didn’t end up buying the buffalo but at the same auction he spent R15million on the
purchase of other wildlife. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS According to the 2016 Parliamentary register of Members of Parliament’s possessions and
interests, which was approved in February 2017, Ramaphosa still has R3,5million shares in a British investment company called
Connaught PLC, R2,1million shares in the paper group Mondi, and he is the owner of the Ntaba Nyoni-feed
lot and the Ntaba Nyoni-estate. The list of his properties includes
two flats in Cape Town, seven retirement homes in Johannesburg and 23 townhouses in Johannesburg.
The following copy of the TAU SA's Bulletin which we have
recently received from a supporter still based in the "new" South Africa illustrates - if any more illustration
is needed - just what a sh1t-hole African country South Africa has become following de Klerk's sell-out and surrender
:- ______________________________________________________________________________________________
African National Congress (ANC) December congress is around the corner and it’s politics-as-usual time for promises,
threats and infighting as top posts within the organization come up for grabs, with the country’s premiership the ultimate
prize. This job is not easily handed over, and the recent cabinet shuffle by embattled president Jacob Zuma has laid
bare his ruthless attempt at retention of power, come what may. He has surrounded himself with political allies, most
of whom are hopelessly out of their depth in terms of their new portfolios. That’s not the point of course; political survival is the name of the game and opposition attempts
to bring the president to court to face 683 charges of, inter alia, corruption are being fended off with technicalities
by expensive, taxpayer-funded attorneys. Mr. Zuma has survived multiple parliamentary motions of no confidence, while
millions of citizens call for his removal. He doesn’t budge, confident that his new cabinet and their branch
followers will ensure his survival in December. The
only attention he will pay to the country’s food security is to up his clamour for “land for the people”.
He will out-do his irrational political opponents with further irrationality. How any South African farmer gets up in the morning and faces the day without anxiety gnawing at
his innards is a miracle. Nowhere in the Western world is such a successful, skilled and tenacious sector of the economy
subject to so much pernicious harassment, antipathy, physical assault and legislative obstruction. According to Bloomberg,
South African commercial agriculture is one of the top achievers in the SA economy but this means little to politicians
fighting to retain or obtain the lavish salaries and perks available to government officials. What is it that spawns such tenacity in the farming community despite the visceral
enmity from the government and certain sectors of the SA citizenry? In an enlightened nation, this group would be
cherished: drought relief would be a priority, subsidies would be available to protect their production, and legislation
would enhance and encourage maximum productivity to feed more than 50 million people. The opposite is true: legislation
is antagonistic while in one day - October 22 - there were four farm attacks where one farmer died and the others fighting
for their lives in hospital. ATTACKS
reveal that farm attacks have risen drastically since 2010. In 2016, there were 369 attacks and 71 murders.
So far this year there have been 349 attacks and 65 murders, as far as is known. The average murder rate world-wide
is seven people per 100 000. In South Africa it is 33 per 100 000 and on South African farms, it reaches
133 per 100 000. These figures are
kept by agricultural organizations and other interested groups. The government has few if any figures on farm murders:
Minister of Police Fikile Mbalula says the police do not plan to create a specialized unit to focus on farm murders.
He says he will “improve the capacity of local police stations” to handle the matter. How so? Given the abysmal record of police laxity and even non-appearance
at rural crime scenes, his words are particularly callous and duplicitous. One example of police negligence is the
case of illegal dog hunting on private farms in Mpumalanga and Kwa/Zulu Natal. Farmers’ lives are in danger as dog hunting syndicates from as far away as Durban and Johannesburg
illegally enter their farms at will on weekends and hunt with specially-trained dogs: endangered species such as the Oribi
and other game are hunted and killed by the dog teams while locals act as bookmakers. Dog team owners and their friends
are said to place bets for as much as R200 000/R250 000 per hunt and points are awarded for the rarity of the species
killed! Locals are afraid of the syndicates
and farmers who try to defend their properties and their animals are threatened: their cattle will be killed and their grazing
land will be put to the torch they are told if they interfere. One cattle farmer near Piet Retief says his life is
constantly in danger. His cattle were slaughtered after he shot some dogs. The hunters carry firearms, and the
police simply ignore complaints. Farmer K. says he laid six or seven charges at the local police station - he himself
had traced the blood trail and had found the skins of the animals. He gave the exact names and address of the perpetrators
to the police with the proof, but nothing was done. Local
police spokesman Capt.Sipho Sanyi said he knew nothing about illegal hunting in the area. He would ”look into
whether charges had been laid” but as far as he knew, “there isn’t a big problem with illegal hunting.”
Hundreds of farms have been ruined after being handed
over to beneficiaries as part of the government’s land “reform” program. If success of this foolhardy
plan is measured in farms that still operate and make a profit (or even break even!), then the policy is an abysmal failure.
Yet land expropriation is very much on
the cards as government ignores these failures and legislates to further hobble farmers. The Land Bill created in 2013
has still not been signed by the State President, and for good reason. Food security is at the back of the president’s
mind. But the legislation is drafted anyway.
The main problem for farmers (and eventually South African property owners) is the government’s plan to expropriate
land without compensation. This has been the clarion call of the opposition Economic Freedom Front (EFF) and this
promise has attracted millions of the black masses. In
January 2017, for example, the EFF called for the occupation of land in Mpumalanga province. “We will take the
land with violence and we will give it to poor black people”. This attracts votes even though it is a mindless
statement because to whom will they “give” the land? And then what? Will the EFF pay for the development
of the land, the salaries, sustenance while things get going, transport, housing and clinics for the “poor black people”?
And to whom will they give the land? Will there be a lottery? Or a scrum to obtain something “free”?
How will ownership be registered or guaranteed? Nothing is thought through with so many politicians and this is what
makes them so dangerous. They promise and they don’t deliver. They create animosity towards whites who “have”
everything. The case of the two white men
who placed a black man whom they accused of stealing in a coffin (and sent a WhatsApp of the incident as a joke to their
friends) is but one example of the hysteria engendered against white farmers. (The men are actually not farmers -
one is a handyman and the other sells fruit and vegetables!) But they are portrayed by the media as farmers. Clearly whatever threats were made to the alleged thief, these
men didn’t intend any physical harm. Yet they have been charged with attempted murder, with mobs outside the
court demanding the “maximum sentence” of 15 years imprisonment for their deed! This is how things are
happening in South Africa. This is of course
meat and potatoes to the world’s media. Al Jazeera television interviewed Mr. Moeletsi Mbeki, brother of former
SA president Thabo Mbeki, who said this incident was about “the oppression of black farm workers by white farmers since
the 17th century”. This is a complete lie. Al Jazeera has yet to broadcast a program on the
murder and torture of white farmers by black criminals or the illegal invasions and occupation of land by mobs incited by
politicians. Pretoria residents have been
warned of land invasions during the coming festive season. Pretoria alone has dealt with more than 4 000 illegal
land invasions so far this year. Concerned Pretoria citizens are “urging” the police to be on the lookout
for invasions of urban properties and smallholdings. Given the SAPS’ record, it is every man for himself in protecting
private property in South Africa. FIGHTING
IN THE COURTS Commercial agriculture
is gearing up to fight the numerous antagonistic clauses in the Land Bill in the courts including the Regulation of Agricultural
land ownership; the Valuation of property; Exploration and prospecting rights on agricultural land and other
legislation including expropriation without compensation, all detrimental to successful, unhindered commercial farming.
Farmers are seen as the enemy, and legislation already promulgated and now proposed confirms that fact. Farmers spend
their time and money defending themselves against an avaricious and rapacious government. What they’d really
like to do is get on with farming! The
governing ANC could never feed South Africa, and they know it. If they tried they would end up like the rest of Africa,
importing food. They know in their heart of hearts that commercial farmers hold the key to food security and, by definition,
the ANC’s hold on power. The farming community must hold on to their power - throwing in the towel is not an
option. They will not be driven off their land because they have every right to their land and this right will be defended
internationally if need be. Who in the United Nations will feed South Africa’s millions if SA’s commercial
farming sector is destroyed? There will be little money to import food given the ANC government’s well-known
ineptness and financial corruption. There’s not much left in the kitty even at present to satisfy their followers’
incessant demands. Incoming taxation figures for the fiscus is decreasing and as the ANC doesn’t know how to
create anything (they are master consumers!), then their only option is to look after the commercial farming sector.
Not to do so will be at their peril.
We have recently received ther following extremely
revealing edition of the TAU SA's most informative Bulletin. It clearly exposes the endemic incompetence and criminal
corruption of the ANC regime - exactly what we warned people throughout the 1980s would be the inevitable consequencies
if they were to surrender to the ANC terrorists! ______________________________________________________________________________________________
SALE – SOUTH AFRICA. NO DEPOSIT – LOW LOW PRICES. HURRY WHILE STOCKS LAST! The country town of Wakkerstroom in the province of Mpumalanga
[sic] represents all that is pleasant and good about South Africa – it’s a restful place surrounded by farms
and rolling hills, with quirky, creative residents, a few dusty streets, the ubiquitous church with its soaring spire and
very cold winters. But in summer the area becomes what many refer to as ”pure Scotland” – green pastures
and green mountains, cattle that quietly graze, the odd horse or two and sheep doing what sheep do - staring as we pass
by, then resuming their chomping of the dry grass. Farmhouses dot the landscape. Unlike much of South Africa - a dry country prone to sometimes crippling droughts
- there is water in Wakkerstroom - lots of water. In fact, the town virtually floats on a vast wetland, more
precisely a vast subterranean water course to which more than 400 bird species either visit or reside in during the year.
Visitors from all over the world make a bee line for this sleepy town during the bird seasons - they book in at bed and
breakfasts or the town’s quaint old hotel, and they dine at surprisingly excellent gourmet bistros, taking a stroll
along the road to the cemetery where the graves of families who not only built this little town and farmed the surrounding
areas but fought in the Anglo-Boer war, lie on a small koppie. Wakkerstroom is very much part of South Africa’s
turbulent history, but it had put strife to rest - until now! With the coming to power of an African National Congress (ANC) government in 1994, South Africa’s
political trajectory changed dramatically. The ANC’s political goals were distilled in a document called the
Freedom Charter (which was actually compiled and written by white communists.) This socialist creed became the basis
of the ANC government’s political policy goals for the country and although scorned by some as impossible to implement
within an already functioning, modern capitalistic system like South Africa, the last 23 years of ANC rule has shown how
wrong the sceptics were. The swath of destruction created by idealism trumping practicality is common cause.
The government is clearly unscathed and uncaring as it strides ahead, implementing policies which, in truth, now appear
to be motivated not so much as “government for the people” but in order to enrich themselves and to keep themselves
in power. They have become a soft touch
for the world’s exploiters and brigands. Many members of the SA government have become embroiled in so many
financial scandals (it’s always about money!) involving shady overseas groups, foreign government agencies and sundry
“investors” that the latest scandal involving Wakkerstroom may seem like small potatoes. But what could
happen in Wakkerstroom may affect South Africa’s future food and environmental security if not stopped in its tracks.
MABOLA Wakkerstroom is part of the Mabola Protected Environment (MPE) in Mpumalanga [sic]
which was declared as such on 22 January 2014. It was declared protected because it is a strategic water source area,
generating critical water supplies for agricultural, industrial and human water use. It is the source of three major
rivers - the Tugela, the Vaal and the Pongola – that support a significant number of downstream water users. The
Vaal river system ultimately provides water for most of the country’s coal-fired electricity generation, as well as
for the country’s most populous province –Gauteng [sic]. Yet an Indian mining Company Atha-Africa Ventures was granted a permit to mine for coal in the wetlands
by the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) in 2014 only eight months after the declaration as a protected area.
The Centre for Environmental Rights (CER) is a group
of eight local organizations (including the World Wildlife Fund) fighting this coal mining venture in the courts. So
far they have managed to stop the Indian mining group whose activities would entail pumping water out of the wetlands and,
as happens with mining, polluting the area to the extent that it can never be rehabilitated. The CER’s members have
had to privately fund their endeavor to stop the government of South Africa from raping South Africa’s precious water
resources. The CER’s legal actions include a Judicial Review of the mining rights granted by the government, an appeal
against an environmental authorization by the Mpumalanga [sic] Environmental department, an appeal against a water use licence
issued by the Department of Water and Sanitation in Kwa Zulu/Natal (the Mabola area includes part of that province), plus
an interdict against the Indian company. CER also complains that the local municipality will not give them crucial
documentation concerning a vital report. So
three levels of government in South Africa are complicit in what could result in the serious destruction of the environment
upon which depends food and water security. Melissa
Fourie, director of CER says strategic water source areas comprise 8% of SA’s land but provide more than 50% of South
Africa’s fresh water. A Zero Hour report commissioner by CER outlines the devastating impacts of the continued
awarding of mining and exploration rights by the authorities in an area that is strategically pivotal to water and food
security. According to the report only 1,5% of South Africa’s soils are considered to have high agricultural
potential, and about 47% of that figure is found in Mpumalanga. Yet prospecting and mining applications have increased 300%
between 2005 and 2010. Atha-Africa
Ventures which is part of the India-based Atha Group, acquired a coal asset called the Yzermyn Underground Coal Mining project
in the Mabola area. This asset has resources of approximately 100 million tonnes of export-quality coal with a potential
of more than double that figure. It has no other mining assets in South Africa but it lists the Bashubile Trust as
its BEE partner, which trust includes two gentlemen with the name of Zuma as trustees. (Moneyweb 20.9.16) (It is rumored
that these men are relatives of President Jacob Zuma - News24 said in 2016 that one of them is the president’s son.
He gave his address as the presidential estate in Pretoria). In all, Atha-Africa has a 8,360 ha mining right
of which Yzermyn covers about 2 500ha. Wakkerstrooom’s
population is afraid the mining would severely impact livestock farming and eco-tourism. Treated effluent would be
pumped into the surrounding wetlands. But Atha’s web-site doesn’t talk about that - it waxes enthusiastically
about sustainable environmental management, local economic development, social upliftment initiatives and that old favorite
“job creation”. Local black people are being seduced by this jobs clarion call. But if Atha doesn’t
keep its promises, who will hold the company to account? WHO ISSUED THE PERMITS? In
February 2017 the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) SA issued a statement declaring it had learnt “with deep concern”
that the Minister of Environmental Affairs Dr. Edna Molewa had signed off on an application for coal mining to go ahead in
the 8 772 hectare Mabola Protected Environment (MPE). The permit was issued to Atha-Africa Ventures (Pty) Ltd. to
develop an underground mine. She is a co-signatory with the Minister of Mineral Resources Mosebenzi Joseph
Zwane who signed off on the application in November 2016. As at February 2017, said the WWF, there had been
no public announcement about this signing. The WWF statement carries remarks by Dr. Morne du Plessis, CEO of WWF South
Africa who says ”coal mining in strategic water sources is not only contrary to sound scientific advice, but
to basic common sense ”. A
seasoned ANC cadre, Ms. Edna Molewa was appointed Minister of Environmental Affairs on May 25,2014, three months after the
MPE was declared a protected area. Four months after her appointment she signed off on the Indian company’s permit
to mine the area for coal. Under her leadership her department received criticism for not releasing quarterly reports
in 2015 on rhino poaching and arrests of suspected rhino poachers. Reports at the time indicated that the number of
rhinos poached each year was increasing. In
2015 environmental groups criticized Molewa’s decision to grant temporary emissions compliance exemptions to SA’s
largest electricity producer Eskom, as well as Sasol, Anglo American Platinum and dozens of other mining companies. This
enabled them to postpone the implementation of emission-reducing equipment. Emissions included sulphur dioxide and nitrogen
oxide. In February 2013 while minister
of Water Affairs, Molewa awarded a R419 million IT contract to a private company without using the State Information Technology
Agency. Her department’s director general refused to sign off on the contract and he was suspended by Molewa.
And Minister Zwane?
Mosebenzi Zwane was sworn in as Minister of Mineral
Resources on 23 September 2015. Both the Business Day and Mail & Guardian newspapers reported
that Zwane had been linked to at least two government scandals involving the Indian Gupta family whose pernicious financially-backed
influence on the SA government had reached staggering proportions. Evidence of this “state capture” by the family
was so flagrant that SA’s top banks were forced to close the family’s bank accounts. In addition, mining industry stakeholders worried about Zwane’s total lack
of experience in mining. (No matter – since when does expertise or experience count when the SA president shuffles
his Cabinet?) It didn’t take the
new minister long to nail his colours to the mast. On June 15 this year he gazetted the third version of his Mining
Charter which caused the Chamber of Mines to immediately take legal action against the minister’s radical “transformation”
policies embedded in the Charter “which could bring SA mining to a standstill”. (Business Day headline
20.7.17). On 7 August the minister was rebuked by the court for failing to file an answering affidavit to the Chamber
of Mines challenge to this third version of the Mining Charter. Notwithstanding the court’s castigation, the
Minister went on to the offensive, declaring the Chamber of Mines to be an “obstructive force in the racial transformation
of SA’s mining industry”. He tore into the industry accusing them of “advancing their own interests”.
(Sic). He said the mining industry was trying to “avoid black ownership” and suggested a 30% Black
ownership target to replace the current 26% black empowerment figure. On 21 August he told the Black Business Council that the 30% figure was ”too tame” and
that he was serious about “radical economic transformation”. It is obvious South Africa is facing a draconian challenge when people like Mosebenzi Zwane
are in charge of a country whose economy depends heavily on mining. The repercussions were almost immediate.
Diversified global miner South32 declared it has “no interest” in investing in growth options in South Africa
because of, inter alia, the “depressing interaction with the SA government”. We quoted many years ago ex ANC MP David Dalling who said everything the ANC touches
turns to dust. They are a cancer in our midst and this latest fight to preserve the Wakkerstroom wetland against such
an ignorant and dangerous adversary who has few if any rational thought processes will be a fight for our very survival.
When the minister is prone to even ignoring court orders, where does one go next? Perhaps the CER group should take
a leaf from the Groot Marico Conservation Association’s book and submit documentation about the proposed rape of Mabola
to the United Nations Organisation for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) for Mabola to be awarded biosphere status.
Can the UN save South Africa from its preposterous government? Perhaps it’s the only option left.
2018 edition
The election of Cyril Ramaphosa as
the new leader of the ANC, and thereby almost certainly the next president of the “new” South Africa, has been
greeted with hope in some circles. We however do not share this optimism. Those who seem to be hopeful for the future of
South Africa under his rule are after all the some dewy-eyed unrealists who predicted that Mnangagwa would prove a huge
improvement to Mugabe in “Zimbabwe” – but as we all know this change in leadership was simply the exchanging
of one sadistic terrorist despot for another sadistic terrorist despot, and nothing has altered on the ground of that sorry
country at all.
Ramaphosa similarly rose to the top
by being a hate-filled terrorist operative. An ethnic Venda – one of the smaller Bantu tribes who were saved from
annihilation at the hands of the more ferocious Zulus and Matabeles by the arrival of the White man – Ramaphosa personally
had much to thank the White man for, as he received a top class education at the University of the North, an academic institution
which would have been unthinkable previously in Black Africa. But instead of being grateful to the White man for both saving
his people from extinction and for giving him personally an advanced first-world education, he instead developed a deep-seated
hatred for Whites and joined the ANC terrorist organisation. It is widely believed that Ramaphosa was the preferred successor of the first ANC terrorist leader of the “new”
South Africa, the blood-stained “Nelson” Mandela, but somehow he was successfully out-manouevred by Thabo Mbeki.
To keep Ramaphosa happy and out of mischief Mandela and/or Mbeki appointed him to head a “Black empowerment”
quango, through which he managed to accumulate a vast personal fortune for himself. He cannot therefore correctly be described
as a “successful businessman” as many commentators try to claim, as the opportunity to acquire huge wealth was
handed to him on a plate by the ANC regime. Mbeki
was a rarity among the ANC hierarchy in as much as he possessed a fair amount of intelligence (his lunatic views about the
causes of AIDS notwithstanding!). He had also never been a “hands-on” terrorist (unlike his father!) and was
smart enough to realise that if the “new” South Africa was to prosper there had to be a place for Whites in the
new country, and although it was never eliminated completely the quasi-genocide campaign against White farmers and urban-dwellers
declined in intensity under his rule. This relatively conciliatory attitude towards South Africa’s Whites
did not find favour with the bulk of the ANC leadership however, and in 2008 he was levered out of power by the party hierarchy.
He was succeeded of course not by Ramaphosa but by Jacob
Zuma. Zuma had been a “hands-on” terrorist however, and indeed had been imprisoned alongside the unspeakable
Mandela on Robben Island after being found guilty of terrorist offences. There was another fundamental difference regarding
Zuma however, and that was that he was an ethnic Zulu, and the reason why the ANC leadership initially preferred him to
Ramaphosa was undoubtedly because they wanted a nominal Zulu in charge in order to stymie the growth of Inkatha.
Zuma proved totally incompetent of course, with his numerous wives and assertions that AIDS could be prevented by taking
a shower after sexual activity, and during the early years of his presidency the scapegoating of Whites and the quasi-genocide
campaign against them re-emerged and intensified to the levels of the Mandela years. Zuma also proved to be totally corrupt (nothing unusual here in Black Africa of course!),
but his hoped-for personal aggrandizement by means of his corruption was initially held back considerably by his total incompetence.
Then he hit upon a master-stroke. He invited an Indian family of successful businessmen, the Gupta brothers, to invest heavily
in the “new” South Africa, and in return gave them a considerable stake in the economy and a say in government.
Now ever since Indian independence in 1947 the countries of the sub-continent have functioned basically by bribery and corruption.
Immoral of course, but also surprisingly efficient. The Guptas soon realized, however, that in order to maximise their own
corrupt largesse they must make sure that the country was better governed – and this meant, inter alia, that
the anti-White campaign of violence, particularly that involving the platteland farming communities, had to be curtailed,
and as a result – to the great surprise of many – South Africa’s agricultural output increased last year
for the first time since the ANC were handed power. Zuma’s
increasing reliance upon the Guptas, and the resulting diminishing of the anti-White vendetta, of course was no more popular
among the ANC hardliners than Mbeki’s more conciliatory attitude a decade earlier, and as a result Zuma has found
himself ousted in a similar fashion by the party hierarchy. His successor, Ramaphosa, undoubtedly has a huge chip on his
shoulders however, not only because of his identical vindictivel hatred towards Whites as that of Mandela and Zuma during
his early days in power, but also because of the way in which he was denied power in both 1999 and 2008. In his case however,
following the controversial Zuma years, it will not only be the Whites and Coloureds who will bear the brunt of his paranoid
hatred, but also the Zulus and South African Indians. It
may have been thought that the situation in the “new” South Africa was so bad that it couldn’t possibly
become any worse, but Ramaphosa’s ascent to power has all the omens of heralding complete chaos, disintegration and
even all-out civil war in that beleaguered country. As we’ve been advising all Whites to do ever
since de Klerk’s betrayal and sell-out in 1990 – time to get out! ------------------------------------------------------------------
SPRINGBOK CLUB NEWS Following the unfortunate decision by the London Congregation of the
Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk not to co-operate with the Springbok Club in order to commemorate the Day
of the Vow last month (as reported in the December Edition of the SCN), the Springbok Club went ahead and staged
their own independent commemoration at the historic White Horse Stone just outside Aylesford in Kent. At this ceremony a
short key-note speech was given reminding all in attendance about the importance and significance of the Battle of Blood
River and the Vow which was made to God before this conflict, and how this event and the resulting victory for the Afrikaner
Voortrekkers probably had more global implications for the White Man than they themselves realised. ---------------------------- The Springbok Club’s 2018 AGM will take
place at a venue in central London during the evening of Wednesday 10th January, and all fully paid-up members
of the Club should already have been informed of the precise details. Following the conclusion of the business side of proceedings
(at approximately 20.00 hrs) a PowerPoint presentation about the life and career of General James Wolfe (which was specially
produced for the Patriotic Forum’s Canada Day celebration event last year) will be shown. All friends and
supporters of the Springbok Club, be they members or not, will be welcomed to attend this section of the evening’s
proceedings. Either e-mail: springbk@netcomuk.co.uk or ‘phone: 07711188430 for precise details. ----------------------------
The Springbok Club is planning a trip to the
National Army Museum during February, and it is anticipated that a renowned visiting South African expert will be guest
speaker at a meeting in March. More details about both these activities will be included in next month’s SCN.
PATRIOTIC FORUM NEWS The Patriotic Forum has arranged a most exciting day’s activities for Thursday
25th January. It will commence at approximately 16.00 hrs at the bust of Admiral Arthur Phillip, who established
the first colonial settlement in Australia and became the first Governor of New South Wales, where a short ceremony will
take place in order to celebrate Australia Day (although it won’t officially be Australia Day until the following day,
it will however be Australia Day in parts of Australia itself at that time!). Admiral Phillip’s bust is situated at
the western end of Watling Street in the City of London, immediately to the rear of St.Paul’s Cathedral.
Following this ceremony the main activity of the day will take place
when a most interesting meeting will we held at a prestigious club in central London, commencing at 19.00 hrs. The guest
speaker at this meeting will be Mr. George Major, who was born in London in 1938. Abandoned by his mother, who he was to spend many years trying to trace, George's childhood
was a tough one. After spending his early years in the dark days of the London Blitz he found that he had to fend for himself
and his two sisters. He was drawn into the Pearly Kings tradition from the age of seven, a tradition which he learned
had been in his mother's family. These years are documented in his first book "The Hidden Whistle and
Flute, stitch one", which describes how he fought back from a childhood of poverty, neglect and brutality and had
to learn to live by his wits. When he was hungry he would pull down a fence and chop it up to make bundles of firewood to
sell back to his neighbours, then use the money to take his two sisters to the café and buy food for them. His
life was extraordinarily hard from the beginning and his childhood draws inevitable comparison with the stories of Charles
Dickens, but despite all that George was to become the most famous Pearly King of all, carrying the banner of the Pearly
Kings and Queens History both with pride and honour, dedicating most of his life for the good of its history. It is said
by many that he does more for the Pearly history than any other. George is a living testament of a man who has overcome
extreme obstacles but is still determined to help others no matter what the odds. Long before David Jason from memorable
TV comedy show "Only Fools and Horses" was immortalised as Del Trotter, George was a well known character
within the Peckham area. George sold genuine London smog
to Americans: in typical Del Boy style, he would fill half pint bottles with car fumes and cigarette smoke, seal them then
take them into the London streets to sell. There were
also one legged tights that needed a quick-witted sales patter. George was always the cheeky chappie with his quick-witted
banter and showmanship in his full sparkling Pearly suit, and he was to go on to use his skills in order to raise a great
deal of money over the last 60 years for charities, and has helped change many peoples' lives forever. George’s
dream was always to preserve the Cockney traditions forever, and to this end he envisaged the creation of a Cockney museum.
Through his boundless energy and enthusiasm that dream has now been brought to life. George is President for life of the
Pearly Kings and Queens Guild, and was an active campaigner
for Brexit.. More
details about this meeting can be obtained by e-mailing: swinton@netcomuk.co.uk or by ‘phoning: 07711188430. All attendees are however reminded that in
view of the nature of the venue jackets and ties must be worn by gentlemen and everyone must be smartly dressed (i.e. no
During early February the Patriotic Forum will
be staging an event to celebrate New Zealand Day, and in March will be holding a meeting to be addressed by a prominent
Brexit campaigner. A provisional full itinerary of events for the rest of 2018 has also been mapped out by the Patriotic
Forum, and further details will of course be announced in future editions of the SCN. -------------------------------------------------------------------
THE IMPERIAL PATRIOT The first edition of The Imperial Patriot, the successor publication
to S.A.Patriot-in-Exile, has now been fully written and is now in the hands of our printers, If you would like
to take out a subscription to this magazine or to place a bulk-order for re-distribution then please e-mail: swinton@netcomuk.co.uk and we will inform you of the payment details. -------------------------------------------------------------------
We have recently received the following report from the
SanWild Wildlife Trust :-
“OMKHULU – ‘meaning the Great One’ is a stunning 15 year old rhino bull in his
prime. During a scourge of rhino poaching in KwaZulu-Natal, he was shot by poachers in his front leg on a private property.
“In great pain and discomfort
Omkhulu managed to avoid the poachers despite his injury. He was found three days later hiding out in a ravine almost unable
to walk. A wildlife veterinarian was called in and the wound was treated and cleaned. A decision was made to leave the rhino
where he was as it was almost impossible to get him out of the ravine at that stage. “While the rhino remained in the area with thick vegetation growth he would also
have some degree of protection from poachers. Over the next couple of days he was monitored by a counter-poaching unit and
showed a remarkable recovery. Water was provided which helped in his recovery as it was not necessary for him to move around
to get to water. Omkhulu was fortunate indeed to have survived the attempt on his life. ”However
a decision by the owners of this rhino to sell him after he had recovered has resulted in a new threat to his life. As Omkhulu's
horn is still intact he was purchased by a trophy hunting outfitter and relocated to a farm in Limpopo Province [Far Northern
Transvaal] where he was offered up to be shot in a trophy hunt. “We were alerted to his plight about 7 days ago by the veterinarian that initially treated his
injuries and we have now managed to secure the right to buy, capture and relocate him to an Intensive Protection Zone in
South Africa instead of him being sold to a hunter via a third party. ”With the help of some really
cool and amazing donors we are working very hard to save rhinos 1 by 1. We have
shown that Teamwork indeed does make the Dream work. ”Please join us to save a real rhino for future generations. There is no need for Omkhulu to die.
With you support, understanding and love he will be saved. If you make your donation please feel free to claim one of the
2 T-shirts on offer for all donations “
To contact the SanWild Wildlife
Trust and/or to send them a donation e-mail : louise@sanwild.org -------------------------------------------------------------------
2017 SPORTS PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR AWARD In last month’s SCN we stated that Chris Froome was
by far the most outstanding candidate for the 2017 BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award, and advocated that all should
vote for him. Unfortunately, however, a few days before the award ceremony was to take place an unsubstantiated accusation
was made that Chris Froome had been using performance-enhancing drugs – but when the details of this ridiculous claim
were revealed it turned out that the so-called “drugs” consisted of nothing more than an innocuous asthma spray!
Alas, however, the majority of the British voting public decided to abandon the traditional maxim that “a man is innocent
until proven guilty” and failed to vote in sufficient numbers to give Chris Froome the victory in this competition
which he so richly deserved. We hope therefore that somehow in the future this snub can and will be rectified.
The BBC are however to be congratulated upon awarding the
2017 Team Award to the England Women’s Cricket Team – again by far the most outstanding nomination. The recipient
of the 2017 Overseas Sports Star of the Year award was far more puzzling however, for it was given to Roger Federer, the
Swiss Lawn Tennis champion. Now during 2017 Federer won two of the four major international championships – but so
also did Rafael Nadal of Spain, who furthermore won probably the two most prestigious of them and finished the year at
the top of the international rankings. If the BBC thought that the 2017 Overseas Award should go to a male Lawn Tennis star
then surely it should have gone to Nadal rather than to Federer? As far as we were concerned, however, the most outstanding
achievement obtained by an overseas sporting star during 2017 was unquestionably Peter Burling who skippered the New Zealand
yacht to a superb victory in the America’s Cup competition! ------------------------------------------------------------------ LATEST AUSTRALIAN NEWS We have recently received the following most interesting and revealing message from our good friend and
supporter Mr. Bob Vinnicombe of Sydney, Australia. It reads as follows :- “ANOTHER REASON WHY TURNBULL MUST GO - http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/australianz/turnbull-has-chinese-daughter-in-law ”In what is becoming something of a trend
for Australian prime ministers, Mr.Malcolm Turnbull comes to the job with deep personal ties to China, including a
Mandarin-speaking son whose wife is from a prominent Chinese family.
”Aside from former leader Kevin
Rudd, who is fluent in Mandarin and worked in Beijing as a diplomat, Mr.Turnbull has perhaps the closest links to China
of any previous Australian prime minister. His son, Alex, who runs a hedge fund, lives in Singapore with his wife and their
”His wife is Hong Kong-born Yvonne Wang, or Wang Yiwen. According to Fairfax Media, her parents were
‘well-connected in cosmopolitan Shanghai and were known to be on good terms with former president Jiang Zemin’.
”Madam Wang's father, Mr.Wang Chunming, now in his 90s, was an international relations scholar who worked
with the China Academy of Social Sciences.
”Prime Minister Turnbull also has close business ties to China.
In 1994, he set up a Sino-Western joint mining venture in China and has long advocated closer trade and business links
between Canberra and Beijing.
”It is perhaps little surprise that the Chinese media have apparently been
referring to Mr Turnbull as ‘sweet dumpling’ or ‘sugar bomb’, a play on his surname, which sounds
like tang bao, the popular Chinese steamed buns.” ------------------------------------------------------------------ SEARCH SERVICES FOR THOSE SEEKING LOST RELATIVES Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We also search Botswana,
Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use
the search request form at :-
Also check the list of South African
expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :- http://www.bellemodel.biz/emails/expatriates/toplist_expatriates.php?id=toplist_expatriates_from_
------------------------------------------------------------------ BILTONG AND BOEREWORS Springers Biltong offers a marvellous range of biltong, boerewors and drywors – all of the very highest
quality, reasonably priced, and fully registered and licensed with their local authority Their web-site
can be accessed at :-
http://www.springersbiltong.com/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------
BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts
from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern
Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding
officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village
was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him
a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware
jar. Trish
also writes romantic suspense and romantic comedy fiction. www.trishjaxon.com ---------------------------- "BLUE
WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne Rhodesia,
in 1975 and a bloody vicious civil war is at its height. A war between the White minority supported by the Black majority
and the ZAPU and ZANU terrorist groups, supported by Zambia and Mozambique. Kensington, a small town in the farming belt
has been the subject of several terrorist attacks but with only a small police force for defence, the local T.A. unit having
been called up for service on the Zambia border the situation appears grim. Until Iffor Meredith turns up on a pilgrimage
to meet up with his wife and son of his old army buddy, recently murdered by terrorists. A deadly ambush on the "Dix"
family and his escape from a land mine attack makes Iffor determined to offer resistance of some form or other to the terrorists.
His application to join the Rhodesian Army has been accepted and he sets about forming a small militia. With all the fit
men already on call up, who can he recruit from. Then he's invited to a darts match at the Moth Club and meets up with
the remnants of the town's Fire Brigade, the men considered too old for call up. Blue Watch. Available from: www.diadembooks.com
---------------------------- CREST PUBLISHING BOOKS The latest book published
by Crest Publishing is entitled: “BOWLS - QUIRKS, CHIRPS AND ANECDOTES". This is not an instruction manual
but rather a cheerful, humourous and sometimes controversial chronicle about the game and its history worldwide. Written
to celebrate 40 years in the sport by the author, Glenn MacAskill, it should be of interest to all bowlers and other sports
enthusiasts. For more information about all books published, or to make an order,
please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 4178, Honeydew, Johannesburg, 2040, South Africa, e-mail: glennallanmacaskill@gmail.com, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za. Special discounts are available to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks! ---------------------------- "THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history
of the RLI.
DVD available along with other premium
titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasasa@iafrica.com for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340. ---------------------------- ‘75
an introduction by Ian Smith, this book covers the history of Rhodesia from 1890 to 1965 in some detail and surveys the
enormous progress made in agriculture, commerce, industry and social development of benefit to both White and Black Rhodesians.
With 124 pages, this A4-size soft-cover book is a facsimile
copy of the original with contemporary advertisements and would be an invaluable addition to any collection of Rhodesiana
. The book costs £12.50 and p&p is £2.90 (with
a 10% discount to former customers) . To
order a copy please contact John Ormowe at :flybuy416@googlemail.com . ------------------------------------------------------------------
WHERE ARE THEY NOW ? No.230 – Mr. ASHLEY COOPER of Durban. Ashley Cooper was a prominent member of the “Roper Set” (see August 2016 SCN),
and in spite of having the same name as the Australian Lawn Tennis star of the late 1950s (for which he obtained a fair amount
of teasing!) is believed to have been British by birth. He worked as a rep’ for a health and cosmetics company in
Durban, and caused much amusement by attending one of Paul Roper’s famous fancy dress parties circa. 1980 dressed
as an Arab! He somehow disappeared from the scene during the mid-1980s however, but it would be very interesting to learn
what actually happened to him.
RECOMMENDED WEB-SITE OF THE MONTH Although the SCN doesn’t usually concern itself with matters of personal
morality, we do even so believe that the acceptance of certain forms of sexual perversions are a cancer on Western society,
which ideally should be eradicated. We do however always like to praise the positive rather than to condemn that which is
wrong, and in this regard we would certainly like to recommend the web-site of an organisation called the “Coalition
for Marriage” which has recently been recommended to us. This web-site can be accessed at :- www.c4m.org.uk -----------------------------------------------------------------
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ELEMENTARY MY DEAR WATSON Sir, The SCN is always a great newsletter full of information. I really enjoy the bits in particular about Rhodesia.
Yours etc., Reg A.Watson, Lindisfarne, Tasmania, Australia.. ---------------------------- CORNISH TRIBUTE Sir,
Stack Stevens [see October 2017 SCN]
- a true great! Not easy back then for a player in Cornwall to get selected Yours etc., David Stewart, London, U.K. ----------------------------
played much better at the MCG. Ali doesn’t look interested at all and has been ineffective.. Yours etc., Craig Selvage, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. ---------------------------- SEEING RED
Sir, South Africa is on the verge of destruction under the corrupt Communist
regime. Foreign correspondent Alex Newman reports “Communism Kills”, and as The New American has been
warning for decades South Africa is not immune, in fact it appears to be on the brink of unprecedented chaos under the Communist
and Communist-linked rulers – which very much included Mandela the fraud and killer of innocents by his bombs and
terror actions against the people of South Africa. Today they are doing a step-up in their incitement to genocide, their
stealing of land and their socialisation of the economy, while the media refuses to report it. The facts are undeniable.
Yours etc., Richard Windsor, Canterbury, Kent, U.K. ------------------------------------------------------------------ THE “ALL TALK BUT NO ACTION” BRIGADE Natal has always been well known for the apathy of its citizens –
or as The Natal Mercury aptly used to term it, “Natal Fever”. Alas the patriotic movement in Natal was
no more immune to this failing than any other sector of society, which considering the vital time for the very future existence
of civilised rule in South Africa during the late 70s and 80s was a particularly unforgivable situation.
One of the worst – but by no means only – culprits
in this regard was a certain Norman Perry, who we recently learnt had died several years ago. Perry first made contact with
our movement when he joined the Durban Branch of the Save Rhodesia Campaign shortly after it was founded in 1977,
and through his apparent enthusiasm was quickly invited to join the Committee. This soon proved to be a big mistake however,
for his initial enthusiasm quickly evaporated, and when he failed to turn up not only at several committee meetings but also
at important events staged by the organisation he was asked to resign. Perry was next seen at the polling station when Brian Hurt stood for Durban City Council in 1978 - although
he hadn’t been doing any canvassing to help in the campaign. When he saw a number of Save Rhodesia Campaign
bumper stickers on the cars of Brian Hurt’s supporters he loudly commented that they were “doing it all wrong”,
and that what the campaign should be doing was to arrange to “kill Oppenheimer” – a most bizarre, and indeed
extremely childish remark to make. He was further seen at occasional events staged by the broader patriotic movement in
Durban during the next few years, but it was always the same story – telling everyone what they were doing wrong, but
never doing anything positive or concrete himself. He
was last seen by us at the big Action White Natal (an umbrella organisation supported by both the HNP and CP leadership
to oppose the proposed “ZwaZulu Natal Indaba” sellout) meeting held at the Durban City Hall in 1986. Massive
efforts had been made by those supporting this campaign – HNP and CP members alike – to publicise this event
(which in the end attracted a giant audience of almost 1000 people), but Perry of course was never to be seen at any of
the sessions erecting advertising posters etc.. He did turn up at the meeting itself however, arriving about an hour early
so that he could grab one of the best seats in the hall! In about 1984, however, a most notorious incident occurred when a large slogan reading in full: “Sybil Hotz
f*cks k*ffirs” (Sybil Hotz being the then PFP-supporting Mayor of Durban) appeared on a freeway bridge over the N3
just outside Pinetown. Perry became one of the prime suspects for having painted this slogan, particularly as he lived not
far away. Certainly the infantile nature of this incident suggested that Perry may have been the culprit, but we believe
that as this would have taken quite a bit of action rather than just talk, then he couldn’t possibly have been responsible!
[Although this incident took place over 30 years ago
now, it would even so be very interesting to learn if anyone has any information or ideas about who actually was responsible?]
Finally, if you would prefer to be deleted from our SCN
circulation list then simply e-mail us with the word "unsubscribe". Alternatively, if you liked this SCN and think
more of your friends would like to receive copies then please let us know their e-mail addresses!
2017 edition
The most surprising thing about the
current ousting of the monster Mugabe from power in “Zimbabwe” is how such an evil entity has managed to remain
in control for so long – and how frightened those seeking to depose him still seem to be of upsetting him too much.
Mugabe of course is typical of all rulers in Black Africa,
both before and after the era of enlightened European colonisation. They must be ruthlessly violent in order to rise to the
top, and they must be ruthlessly violent in order to retain power. Mugabe’s longevity is probably due to the fact
that he is even more sadistically vicious than most. The
Rhodesian people of course valiantly tried to maintain Western civilised standards during 13 and a bit years of UDI defiance
against the liberals and socialists then ensconced in the West who wished to impose their own jaundiced vision of multi-cultural
egalitarianism on this oasis of common-sense and achievement in the otherwise “Dark Continent”. Those of us
who were active in the Save Rhodesia Campaign at the time did our best to encourage the Rhodesian people to continue
their struggle to maintain civilisation and good governance in their country, but alas they were stabbed-in-the-back and
betrayed by the South African National Party government of John Vorster (the same National Party who a dozen years later
sold-out their own country!), so in the end therefore had little choice but to compromise and then surrender.
After 37 years of tyranny, mass-murder and turmoil those
of us who warned that such an outcome was inevitable if the great Rhodesian nation was forced to commit suicide can only
sit back and say “we told you so”. What is most sickening, however, is to hear those who actively campaigned
for the destruction of the Rhodesian nation now condemning Mugabe and his ZANU-PF regime, and furthermore also obscenely
trying to equate their evil and indiscriminate terrorism with the lawful police actions of the Rhodesian authorities in
trying to eradicate this terrorism! Most loathsome of these hypocrites and traitors is of course the unspeakable Peter Hain,
who although now shedding crocodile tears for the victims of ZANU-PF terrorist rule still doesn’t have the moral courage
to admit that he was wrong all those years ago about the Rhodesian authorities. There is probably a hotter piece of Hell
being reserved for Hain than even for Mugabe himself! What
the immediate future holds for that piece of land between the Zambezi and Limpopo is anybody’s guess, but in all probability
there will probably be a power struggle between one set of Mugabe clones and another set of Mugabe clones. The late, great
Bruce Anderson once told us that when Mugabe eventually went there was a possibility that he could be replaced by a more
rational younger faction from within ZANU-PF who would welcome former White Rhodesian farmers back to the country in order
to re-tame the land and thereby enable them to feed their people once again. Alas however more recent power-struggle developments
within ZANU-PF seem to indicate that this is now very unlikely – certainly in the immediate future. In the more distant future, however, the outlook seems
far brighter. Once Britain is no longer engrossed in Brexit negotiations and indeed once the whole EU structure creaks towards
total collapse then all the great European nations will once again be able to start looking afresh at the areas of their
former Empires in the African continent, and for wildlife conservation and ecological reasons if for none other will be forced
to resume their former colonial responsibilities. The dynamics of world history therefore show that Rhodesia WILL be born
again eventually. When that day arrives, however, the memories of Mugabe and his evil and demonic period of rule must ensure
that sell-out and surrender are never again contemplated! ------------------------------------------------------------------ SPRINGBOK CLUB NEWS Sadly, as most readers will be aware, that great Rhodesian patriot Peter Sladden died barely six weeks after this
year’s “Raising of the Flag” ceremony at his estate in Norfolk. A number of members of the Springbok
Club journeyed to Norfolk in order to attend his funeral and to pay their respects to this great man. Alas there turned
out to be certain aspects of the funeral service which caused some unease, namely the lack of emphasis on his Rhodesian
years – though perhaps it will be best not to dwell on this matter as at least the Rhodesian National Anthem was sung
as his coffin was being carried out of the church. Peter’s remains were then buried in a specially consecrated plot
of land on his estate, next to his beloved wife Evelyn. As his coffin was being lowered into the ground, with appropriate
music being played by the Cromer and Sheringham Brass Band, an RAF jet by chance flew overhead – which as
Peter had served in the RAF during WWII could perhaps be regarded as a piece of divine providence showing its respects.
It is not certain whether the annual “Raising of the Flag” will continue to be held at the same venue –
but one thing is for certain, and that is that the Springbok Club will do its best to ensure that it carries on
in one form or another. [A full obituary to Peter Sladden appears at the end of this edition.] ---------------------------- Unfortunately
the other London-based expat’ South African organisation who the Springbok Club was anticipating co-operating
with in order to commemorate the Day of the Vow this year have now stated that they are “not interested” in co-operating
any longer. We don’t know the reason for their about-face, but if this is their attitude then so be it. Regardless
of this set-back the Springbok Club will still be commemorating the Day of the Vow next month with their own special
event. More details about this event will be detailed in next month’s edition of the SCN. The Springbok Club’s 2018 AGM will be
held at a venue in central London next January, and the organisation is planning a trip to the National Army Museum in
February of next year. The organisation is still planning a visit to the WWII battlegrounds at Arnhem in the Netherlands
in May 2018. Please let us know as early as possible if you are interested in participating in these events.
PATRIOTIC FORUM NEWS Because the Patriotic Forum’s planned trip to Chatham Dockyard clashed with
the funeral of Peter Sladden, which a number of leading members wished to attend, it was therefore decided to postpone this
visit until next year.
In December the Patriotic Forum will be staging
a meeting to be addressed by a leading official of a traditional British cultural body. Further information about this event
will of course be given in next month’s SCN. In January 2018 the organization will be celebrating Australia Day, and
later during the early part of the year will be holding a meeting to be addressed by a leading expert on Islam, who will
be exposing the nature of the threat posed to the West by this eastern religion. ---------------------------- Preparations for the production of the successor publication to S.A.Patriot-in-Exile, The Imperial
Patriot, are now well under way. We have already received one generous donation to help with this project,
but more financial assistance is still required before it can come to fruition. All donations to assist with this venture
should be made payable to “Patriotic Press” and sent to: Patriotic Press, BM SAPAT, London WC1N 3XX, U.K. (If
however you would prefer to make a donation via direct bank transfer please e-mail: swinton@netcomuk.co.uk and we will inform you of the bank account details.) -------------------------------------------------------------------
We recently received the following important message from the SanWild Wildlife Trust concerning Azi the
Rhino and his mother. It reads as follows :- “Ordinary people like you and me have shown amazing determination
to help a rhino mother and her calf from being separated and traded commercially in South Africa. “Survivors of a brutal poaching incident on a private farm, both mother
and calf managed to avoid the bullets that killed other rhinos in their group. Their owner, distraught and traumatized by
the brutality of losing rhinos he loved, decided to sell all the remaining rhinos. The animals were purchased by what we
would like to call Rhino Speculators. “These
are business men who buy rhinos at a good price, de-horn them on arrival and then sell them on again - be it for the discounted
trophy hunting market or export to Vietnam or China; or other private owners. Once these speculators have secured the
horns of the animals they purchased they have no further interest in the animals themselves as their horns on the black
market are at this stage more valuable than the animals themselves. “There is however another very lucrative market that has opened, and that is the live export of
rhinos to the countries where demand for rhino horn is ultimately responsible for the demise of the species. To satisfy
the demand, many rhino owners remove young rhinos from their mothers as soon as they reach the age when they can be weaned
and sell the young animals for export. Rumour has it that they are paid up to US$70,000 per animal, but this has not been
“Just a bit more than a month
ago, when we got news about Azi and his Mamma’s miraculous survival and the subsequent sale that took place, we managed
to trace their whereabouts and contacted their new owner. We were informed that the intention was to remove the cow’s
horn and that the calf would be separated from his mother when he was ready to be weaned, at which time he would be put
up for sale to the agents who are exporting rhinos to the countries mentioned above. “The two rhinos had, against all odds; already survived a brutal poaching
incident and it is our mission to play a meaningful role in the protection and conservation of rhinos in South Africa under
very difficult circumstances, and whilst the worst conservation crisis ever to face our country plays out. “We believe that Azi and his Mamma deserve so much
more and therefore we negotiated a contract to buy the two rhinos from their new owner. “With the help of amazing
people, we have raised 68% of the total of US$45,000 needed to ensure that Azi and his Mamma can have a bright future. With
your love and understanding donations of $5 here and $10 there are coming in, and we are slowly but surely pushing ahead
to achieve that we have set out to do. “The most wonderful aspect of our campaign to ensure their welfare
is that ordinary people can see that teamwork truly can make our dreams work.” To contact the SanWild Wildlife Trust to help them in their campaign to protect
Azi, his Mamma and other rhinos in similar positions visit their web-site at : - https://www.sanwild.org/ -------------------------------------------------------------------
2023 RUGBY UNION WORLD CUP The recent decision by the constituent members of World Rugby (the
International Rugby Union Board) to award the 2023 Rugby Union World Cup hosting to France was a victory for sanity and
The earlier announcement by the World
Rugby board that South Africa was their “preferred bid” was of course the height of irresponsibility. Not
only is the “new” South Africa now a decaying third-world nation without the abilities and expertise to organize
such a high-profile international tournament, but their track record in organizing such global competitions in the past leaves
a lot to be desired. The 1995 Rugby World Cup, held just a few years after civilised rule was abandoned in the country,
produced low crowds at all but the most important matches and a “fixed” result in the final to ensure that the
host nation “won” (by the novel expedient of having members of the opposing team suffer from food poison prior
to the final!). The 2010 Association Football World Cup experienced even greater problems as we detailed in successive editions
of the SCN at the time, with far lower than expected touring supporters (causing even emptier grounds), massive infrastructure
failures and wide-scale attacks and robberies experienced by those foolish enough to visit the country – including
the murder of an Austrian official! Then of course there was the awarding of the 2022 Commonwealth Games to Durban, which
hastily had to be revoked after it became clear to all that plans and preparations were woefully inadequate. In view of
all these established facts the decision by the World Rugby board initially to declare that beleaguered country
its “preferred bid” seems ludicrous in the extreme, and indeed somewhat sinister. In spite of the fact that under ideal circumstances we would have preferred
the Irish bid to win rather than the French, the fact remains that although the economy of Northern Ireland, being part of
the UK, is robust, that of the Republic of Ireland is still very weak following their mistakes in joining the Euro and not
following the UK’s lead in exiting the EU. The possibilities of renewed violent insurrection throughout the island
of Ireland in the short-term future therefore appears high, and thus to be awarded such a high-profile international tournament
as early as 2023 seems a little too soon to risk. We
do not doubt that, as in 2007, France will stage an excellent and enthralling Rugby Union World Cup in 2023, and that the
Republic of Ireland will have left the EU and moved closer back towards the rest of the British Isles so that the island
of Ireland can be awarded the competition in 2027. As for South Africa, we believe that only after civilised first-world
status have been restored in that sorry land can any global tournament be contemplated there again. ------------------------------------------------------------------
IS EUROPE KILLING ITSELF ? A supporter has recently recommended the following most worrying YouTude video
to us. We would be keen to hear the comments of other supporters to its contents :- https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/09/pat-condell-video-europe-is-killing-itself ------------------------------------------------------------------
THE MURDER OF DAPHNE CARUANA GALIZIA The recent appalling assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, the campaigning
anti-corruption Maltese journalist, has shocked the entire international community. It has furthermore illustrated that in
spite of its many virtues and attractions there is also a very dark side to Malta, a dark side which seems to have strong
connections to the Italian Mafia. Malta is one of only three countries (it will be only two after Brexit) who are members
of both the Commonwealth and the EU, and it seems to be this EU connection which has allowed Mafia criminality to flourish
in Maltese society. As Daphne Caruana Galizia (a true heroine of our time if ever there was one) correctly exposed however,
it is not only the current Maltese Labour Party Government of Joseph Muscat which has been guilty of massive corruption,
but also certain figures within the opposition Nationalist Party. In this regard it should also be remembered that the Maltese
Nationalist Party had strong links to Italian society prior to WWII. Today Maltese society as a whole seems to be very split
between those who value their British and Commonwealth connections greatest and those who prefer their Italian and EU links
– and this split seems to divide the membership of both major parties. What Malta now needs therefore, and what would
be an ideal legacy to the memory of the brave Daphne Garuana Galizia, would be for a third party to arise in Malta –
a third party free from all corruption and EU Mafia connections, which could thereby take Malta out of the EU with all its
Mafia connections, and to restore close and beneficial links with Britain and the Commonwealth. “Mexit” could
thus be a perfect method of honouring the memory of the brave Daphne Caruana Galizia! ------------------------------------------------------------------
JAIL An important and disturbing recent news
story that has not been receiving as much publicity as it deserves has been the controversial jailing of six British military
veterans be the Indian authorities. More details about this case can be found via the link quoted below, and we ask all readers
to do their best to assist the campaign to procure their release and to alert the powers-that-be about their plight :-
https://www.change.org/p/british-foreign-secretary-free-the-6-british-veterans-from-indian-jail ------------------------------------------------------------------
Find any South African, even those who have emigrated. We
also search Botswana, Namibia and ex-Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Please use the search request form at :- http://www.bellemodel.biz/emails/emails.php?id=emails_from_SCN
Also check the list of South African
expatriates/emigrants web-sites, which can be found at :- http://www.bellemodel.biz/emails/expatriates/toplist_expatriates.php?id=toplist_expatriates_from_
------------------------------------------------------------------ BILTONG AND BOEREWORS Springers Biltong offers a marvellous range of biltong, boerewors and drywors – all of the very highest
quality, reasonably priced, and fully registered and licensed with their local authority Their web-site
can be accessed at :-
http://www.springersbiltong.com/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------
BSAP OFFICER" is now available at Amazon.com, and can be shipped to anywhere in the world. This book contains excerpts
from Lieut. Tomlinson's writings detailing his experiences as a member of the BSAP in Southern
Rhodesia, where he rose from the rank of an ordinary trooper to retire as the commanding
officer. It also includes the personal story of Majaqaba Ncube, a man who was enslaved by Lobengula when his entire village
was massacred by the chief's soldiers. After he escaped, Lieut. Tomlinson saved him from certain death and gave him
a job. They lost contact and were reunited after 45 years, when Majaqaba presented Lieut. Tomlinson with an earthenware
jar. Trish
also writes romantic suspense and romantic comedy fiction. www.trishjaxon.com ---------------------------- "BLUE
WATCH" by Gwyn Fford-Osborne Rhodesia,
in 1975 and a bloody vicious civil war is at its height. A war between the White minority supported by the Black majority
and the ZAPU and ZANU terrorist groups, supported by Zambia and Mozambique. Kensington, a small town in the farming belt
has been the subject of several terrorist attacks but with only a small police force for defence, the local T.A. unit having
been called up for service on the Zambia border the situation appears grim. Until Iffor Meredith turns up on a pilgrimage
to meet up with his wife and son of his old army buddy, recently murdered by terrorists. A deadly ambush on the "Dix"
family and his escape from a land mine attack makes Iffor determined to offer resistance of some form or other to the terrorists.
His application to join the Rhodesian Army has been accepted and he sets about forming a small militia. With all the fit
men already on call up, who can he recruit from. Then he's invited to a darts match at the Moth Club and meets up with
the remnants of the town's Fire Brigade, the men considered too old for call up. Blue Watch. Available from: www.diadembooks.com
---------------------------- CREST PUBLISHING BOOKS The latest book published
by Crest Publishing is entitled: “BOWLS - QUIRKS, CHIRPS AND ANECDOTES". This is not an instruction manual
but rather a cheerful, humourous and sometimes controversial chronicle about the game and its history worldwide. Written
to celebrate 40 years in the sport by the author, Glenn MacAskill, it should be of interest to all bowlers and other sports
enthusiasts. For more information about all books published, or to make an order,
please contact Crest Publishing at: P.O.Box, 4178, Honeydew, Johannesburg, 2040, South Africa, e-mail: glennallanmacaskill@gmail.com, or visit the Crest Publishing web-site at: www.crestpublishing.co.za. Special discounts are available to ex-servicemen, Rhodies and Springboks! ---------------------------- "THE SAINTS" – a unique documentary in support of the book on the brief history
of the RLI.
DVD available along with other premium
titles of historical interest from Msasa Enterprises. Visit www.rhodesianvideos.co.za or write to msasasa@iafrica.com for more information. UK contact telephone: 07415 753 340. ---------------------------- ‘75
an introduction by Ian Smith, this book covers the history of Rhodesia from 1890 to 1965 in some detail and surveys the
enormous progress made in agriculture, commerce, industry and social development of benefit to both White and Black Rhodesians.
With 124 pages, this A4-size soft-cover book is a facsimile
copy of the original with contemporary advertisements and would be an invaluable addition to any collection of Rhodesiana
. The book costs £12.50 and p&p is £2.90 (with
a 10% discount to former customers) . To
order a copy please contact John Ormowe at :flybuy416@googlemail.com . ------------------------------------------------------------------
WHERE ARE THEY NOW ? No.228 – Mr. ED BUCKLE-NEL of Pinetown. Ed Buckle-Nel lived in the Cowie’s Hill area of Pinetown, and as his name suggests
was of joint British and Afrikaans ancestry. He had been prominent in Conservative politics in South Africa during the early
post-WWII years, but we only came into contact with him when he became an active member of the “Durban Parliament”
(the Durban Parliamentary Debating Society) during the 1980s, when he was well known for his debating style of clutching
the top of his left-hand lapel tightly when he spoke! As he was already an elderly man during the 1980s we doubt very much
whether he is still with us, but we wonder even so what eventually happened to him, and where his family members are now.
RECOMMENDED WEB-SITE OF THE MONTH A most interesting US-based web-sire which includes many informative
articles on global affairs from around the world (including many items from the SCN) is called Global Gulag. It
can be accessed at :-
www.globalgulag.us -----------------------------------------------------------------
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR RIGHT PRIORITY Sir, I refuse to vote Conservative as long
as they keep cutting our defences. They should be at least double their current size and should never have been cut after
the 1980s. The money wasted on the overseas aid should be mostly spent on defence. All British forces' equipment should
be made by British workers in British factories. If this means higher taxes, so be it. The great Admiral Beatty complained
in the twenties of politicians who were willing to jeopardise our defences for the sake of a shilling off the income tax.
Yours etc.,
Mark Taylor, London, U.K. ---------------------------- ONWARD CHRISTIAN SELLOUTS Sir,
In the July Edition of the SCN you stated: “migrants have been ‘welcomed’
by seemingly so many European institutions and NGOs”. Do not forget one of the major culprits: the churches.. It was
the same here in South Africa. Yours etc., H.K.H., Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa. ----------------------------
is amazing is that kindly White people in the animal shelter organisations talk about a ”mindset” that can watch
a dog starve and that can inflict cruelty, but my mindset was never like that. My parents didn’t have to tell me to
love animals – I did it instinctively! It’s in the genes, you will never change them. Those White people here
have to see things that no other Whites in the world have to see. Yes there is cruelty in Western countries but not like
The Whites who work in the townships
for the animals are the real heroes of South Africa – not these useless creatures calling themselves politicians
who can only spend other people’s money, who are corrupt, incompetent and are so arrogant that it is mind boggling! They
really think they are something, yet they are the laughing stock of the world! I’ve never seen anything like
these creatures anywhere else in the world, and I’ve lived in three continents! I support five animal rescue organisations
on my meagre income. It’s really time that
the world’s amnesia is swept away and the real history of these creatures is exposed to the world.
Yours etc., G.G.R., Transvaal, South Africa. ------------------------------------------------------------------ OBITUARY PETER CHARLES KERRISON SLADDEN It
was with extreme sadness that we learnt of the death of Peter Charles Kerrison Sladden, the Lord of the Manor of Sougthrepps
in Norfolk, at the end of October. Peter Sladden
was born at Fulham in London during September 1919. He enjoyed a happy childhood and excelled at school, where he showed
a clear aptitude for technology and also proved a keen sportsman. During WWII he served in the RAF where his technical abilities
were of course put to good use. A lifelong British patriot, he also became a strong Empire and Commonwealth man, influenced
in no small way by colleagues who he met in the RAF from other parts of the Empire/Commonwealth. It was therefore no surprise
when after WWII he decided to emigrate to one such Empire/Commonwealth country, the then Southern Rhodesia. He settled in the Birchley, Monavale area of Salisbury,
and soon showed that he was made of the same enterprising entrepreneurial material as the original Rhodesian pioneers had
been made of by founding and successfully expanding his own construction and engineering company, which won contracts not
only throughout Rhodesia but also in neighbouring Bechuanaland/Botswana. He also enjoyed a very happy and long-lasting marriage,
and together with his wife Evelyn Mary he became a leading personality on the Lawn Tennis scene in his new country.
He of course could not contemplate staying in the country
under the ZANU-PF terrorist regime, so returned to the UK in 1980, and although over 60 at that time embarked upon an entirely
new career by becoming an arable and pig farmer, purchasing the manor and estate of Southrepps in Norfolk. He did not forget
his Rhodesian years however, establishing a large room in his manor-house called the Rhodesia Room filled with flags, pictures
and other artifacts devoted to Rhodesia, and also constructed a tree-lined walkway opposite the main entrance to the manor-house
which he called Southern Rhodesia Avenue, in which were planted lines of trees, each one dedicated to a particular fallen
Rhodesian. This tree-lined avenue was subsequently visited by both the Hon. Ian Douglas Smith and by H.M. Queen Elizabeth
the Queen Mother.
Peter was a devoted family man, and
was immensely proud of his three children and grandchildren. He also became a pillar of his local community in Southrepps
and in north-east Norfolk in general. His hospitality in the area became legendary, with regular invitations being issued
to local residents to join him for Sunday lunch. He was also a staunch CofE churchman, positioning himself firmly on the
Low Church wing of the denomination, being a particular adherent to the Book of Common Prayer and an advocate of regular
prayers being said for the Queen and other members of the Royal Family. But his greatest achievement was undoubtedly his organising of the annual “Raising of the Flag”
ceremony on his estate. This event, which commemorates the foundation of the Rhodesian nation at what became Cecil Square,
Salisbury on 13th September 1890 by the hoisting of the Union Flag by Lt. Teddy Tyndale-Biscoe of the Pioneer
Column, had been re-enacted every year at Cecil Square itself from 1891 until the advent of the ZANU-PF terrorist regime
in 1980, but from 1981 until 2017 this re-enactment was continued thanks to Peter’s organising genius at his manor-house
in Norfolk. As he was 97 (only a few days short of his 98th birthday) when he organised his last such re-enactment
this year this was unquestionably an phenomenal achievement! Another great achievement of his was only revealed shortly
before he died, and this was that another tree-lined walkway had been constructed in the grounds of his estate, this one
dedicated to the British Empire as a whole. Peter
Sladden was undoubtedly a great man and a true hero of Rhodesia and the British Empire. His memory will live on with everyone
who knew him, and will inspire us all to continue to uphold his devotion to the Rhodesian cause in exile and the achievements
of the British Empire as a whole. Our sincerest condolences are extended to his children Christopher, Evelyn and Patricia,
his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and to his brother David and the rest of his family. ------------------------------------------------------------------
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The following report, which we have recently received from the Transvaal
Agricultural Union (South Africa), really say it all about the difference between the residue of the true South Africa and
today's "new" South Africa :-
LAND “REFORMERS” MUST LEAVE THIS ONE ALONE! International television network Al Jazeera’s program ”Surviving
Drought in South Africa” (June 7, 2017) highlighted the outstanding work being performed by Professor Jill Farrant
of the University of Cape Town who has been trying to unlock the secret behind so-called resurrection plants which can survive
long periods without water. Professor Farrant believes they may hold the answer to crops surviving long periods without
water. Al Jazeera then visited the de Wet family farm just outside Cape Town where the family
employs cutting-edge technology called Fruitlook to help run their orchard effectively. The system uses NASA satellite imagery
which takes monthly pictures showing soil health and dry areas. As a result, farmers are able to target irrigation to areas
that really need it, thus saving water.
The deWet orchard produces 70 million apples and pears annually
and this produce is exported throughout the world. This is successful farming using up-to-the minute technology which crosses
the line between famine and survival, and surplus rather than subsistence. It exemplifies the huge cultural chasm still
existing in South Africa today between the vast bulk of the population and the 35 000 commercial farmers who provide food
for South Africa’s 53 million people using technology to conquer a very unfriendly agricultural environment.
The de Wet farm achievement is but one of many in South Africa’s commercial farming sector:
in May 2017 the country’s National Harvest Estimate Committee’s report declared SA’s farmers produced the
largest mielie (corn) harvest in history – 15,631 million tons, this in a country where only 12% of the surface area
is arable, where the annual rainfall is erratic and below the world average and where only one percent of the arable land
is irrigated. This sector of the country’s economy grew by an astounding 22% while other sectors experienced moribund
growth or no growth at all. Commercial farming representatives should have at least been invited
to a dinner by the State President to show his appreciation for the sector’s achievements and its contribution
to the country’s economy, but perhaps the invitation was lost in the post. Huge yields haven’t always been
the norm – the worst drought in a hundred years crippled the agricultural sector two years ago. Cattle died in their
thousands, some farmers threw in the towel and left their farms, while others took on debt that their children will have
to settle. It was a terrible time for South Africa: to add salt to the wound, some government disaster funding for cattle
fodder was stolen by those who were supposed to distribute this money. Since 1990 South Africa has
lost a third of its farms to either drought or the government’s ruinous redistribution policy: hundreds of farms
were handed over to beneficiaries who couldn’t farm, and mostly didn’t want to farm. Further capital was pumped
into the failures, to no avail. The government decided to hold on to the farms’ title deeds “until the beneficiaries
can stand on their own two feet”, according to Gugile Nkwinti, minister of agricultural development and land reform.
(Parliament 7 June 2017). Government had set the beneficiaries up for failure by giving little if any back up support, so
the farms have gone down like nine pins. These failures are usually followed by a ubiquitous new plan. The Department of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) now plans to develop 400 000 small-scale farmers with a budget of R800 million.
Divide these figures and you get R900 to R2 000 per farmer. Enough said! Nothing thought through, simply words to try and
impress the hapless voters who still believe these ridiculous promises. At the same time, opposition
parties demand “expropriation without compensation” and they continue their clarion call for “land for
the landless”. JUXTAPOSITION The
above situation reveals the huge chasm in logical thinking between the government and the commercial farming sector. It’s
possible that with the exception of the Western Cape Department of Agriculture, the government of the day could not care
whether or not South African farmers and researchers are developing new plant hybrids and technological systems to save
agriculture for future South Africans. The government sole concern is staying in power, and the land reform question is
a convenient flag to be flown to attract votes. Technology
has always been a bugbear for the powers that be, simply because many of them don’t understand it any more than the
lost tribes of the Amazon understand it. They pretend they are experts: they buy expensive computer systems (on tender of
course) and employ expensive consultants to run them and fix them when something goes wrong. The skills level for maths and science in South Africa is the worst in the world, according
to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Information Technology Report of 2016. South Africa came last in mathematics
and science education quality. In addition, even if there were latent maths and science skills among
the young black citizens within the proposed 400 000 small-scale farmers group the government wants to develop, who
will teach them? The government is looking down a rabbit hole when it comes to the teaching skills needed
to educate the new generation who must cope with the technology of the new century. South Africa’s public schools
have more than 5 000 teachers who are under-qualified. There is such a lack of skills in maths and science teaching that
the government says the solution may be to recruit from overseas. According to a 2016 study there
are approximately 435 000 teachers in the country, up from 392 000 in 2012. Teacher training colleges were abandoned when
the present government came into power. There are now calls for these colleges to be reintroduced. Will it make a difference?
There seems little passion for teaching as a vocation if absenteeism is a yardstick. Not pitching up at
work is a huge problem in the teaching profession – more than 30 000 teachers in all of Gauteng’s 15 district
schools have reportedly been absent from work since the beginning of 2017. (Pretoria News 22.17.17) Reasons for
this are varied: in a report submitted to the Faculty of Education at the University of Zululand (as part of a past thesis
for the degree of Master of Education), some of the reasons given for absenteeism were ignorance of pupils’ names
and achievements, fighting and other forms of violence such as intimidation, defiance and vandalism by pupils, truancy, drunkenness
and other forms of substance abuse by pupils, failure to do homework and assignments, cheating in examinations by pupils,
and attendance at funerals by teachers and the long distances travelled to and from schools. Perhaps the core reason is
that the teachers simply don’t understand the curriculum. They don’t understand technology and they have been
let down by their government’s education system. In many instances, the pupils know more than the teachers do!
In 2013 already, 7,5million days were lost by truant teachers, according to Basic Education Minister Angie
Motshekga. Teachers rarely arrived on time when they did come to school, she said. So why not
leave the technologically-savvy commercial agricultural sector alone to do what it does best, producing food for South Africa.
Government and opposition figures are not doing any favours to their followers by harassing the only people in South Africa
who can successfully farm for excess production.
Can the ANC government produce 70 million apples and pears
from one farm per year? Fourteen million people go hungry in South Africa every day. (Pretoria News 29.5.17) Hunger
killed at least 64% of South Africa’s children under the age of 5, according to a Unicef report last year. Some 227
million of the world’s chronically hungry people live in Africa. This is about 30% of the global total, yet Africa
has half of the world’s arable land. The continent spends around $50 billion a year buying food from other countries.
The Copenhagen Consensus Centre calls for the introduction of more technology to increase food productivity in Africa. If
the SA government cannot make the cut, then they must leave commercial farming alone to do so.