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The New South Africa

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We have recently received the following most devasting news report about current conditions in the "new" South Africa from the TAU (SA)'s South African Bulletin. Nothing of course surprises us about the chaotic situation in the "new" South Africa - indeed nothing has surprised us since the ANC terrorists were handed power in 1990/1994. The only thing that does surprise us is how some Whites still seem to think that somehow things will "come right" under the same dispensation, and how they are prepared to remain in that anarchic collapsing society without making any attempts to get out!



There are five ineluctable pillars upon which a successful country rests. They are the canons that define investment box-ticks from any source: solid infrastructure; adequate and reliable supplies of electricity and water; effective law and order measures and respect for the courts; protection of private property; and rational and trustworthy government policies geared towards growth and prosperity.

When one or more of these columns starts to crumble, investors head for the hills. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s recent international investment conference guarantees may have imbued some people with a feel-good factor, but a closer look at what was pledged and what was already in the pipeline reveals there was hardly a stampede to put money into South Africa’s piggy bank. In a flourish of self-assurance that was somewhat disconcerting, he declared to visiting German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier that “there will be no land grabs”, despite the fact that last December he told his supporters “we will take the land”. In their minds there was no doubt that the land was theirs to take - from the horse’s mouth so to speak. This they have done. Land grabbing is happening in South Africa at regular intervals. Sometimes it’s simply the occupation of ground that is seen as empty, or houses built for someone else but not yet occupied, or a piece of fallow land belonging to a farmer, or even city buildings which are falling apart but which “no one is using”.

The government however has set its sights on commercial farmland, owned mainly by whites. It is productive land, not because it is “the best land”, as is often declared, but because its productivity has been wrestled from bare veld, from some of the world’s most arid conditions, with lower-than-world-average rainfall, crippling droughts and no perennial rivers. South Africa’s crumbling roads adds to the frustrations - conveying farm produce to market is expensive and at times hazardous.

In mid November 2018, the SA parliament’s Joint Constitutional Review Committee resolved to officially recommend that the constitution be amended to legalise land expropriation without compensation (EWC). To legitimize its proposed land grabs, the ruling party had called for “public participation” to gauge reaction to the new EWC proposals. They subsequently declared the “public” to be overwhelmingly supportive of the new EWC legislation based on the vituperative and racially-resentful diatribes of their supporters at public meetings, while they ignored thousands of written submissions, most of which did not support EWC.  In fact, most of these submissions were not even read! This arbitrary neglect has precipitated legal action by the AfriForum group to stay parliamentary debates on the legislation because this initial “public participation” process was critically defective.

This chicanery has not gone amiss in diplomatic circles, least of all at the German embassy in Pretoria. The SA president’s assertions that there will be no land grabs are directly contradicted by the demands by “his people” at the noisy town hall meetings, where taking the land by force was the only game in town. There was no talk of food security or any other Western fantasy during the shouting.

This is where SA’s “policy stability” pillar crumbles. One message for German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier and another for “his people” out there in the hustings, determined to take what they can, with the EFF party egging them on. Mr. Ramaphosa speaks with forked tongue on the tightrope upon which he teeters.


Nobody is going to invest in a country where fifty percent of its sewage treatment systems have broken down, where its electricity provider is on the brink of bankruptcy and collapse; where municipal structures are non-functional and bankrupt; where its fiscus is being stolen blind and where its main industries, farms and citizens are threatened with dangerously polluted water due to nothing more than criminal neglect by the ruling party, one of whose presiding officers is the president himself.

Let us focus on the country’s municipalities, once functioning structures that delivered a world-class service to South Africa’s citizens. Of the country’s 257 municipalities, 87 are dysfunctional. Many more are “under administration”. Irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure increased more than 70% for the 2016/7 financial year. (At the end of September 2017, SA’s municipalities owed more than R17 billion to the country’s electricity provider Eskom). Finance minister Tito Mboweni said in his recent medium term budget speech that the first step to rectify this municipal chaos “is to strengthen financial management within the government”.

With a serious face, President Ramaphosa recently told the National Council of Provinces that “we must find solutions” to the country’s municipal mess. With the now obligatory picture of Nelson Mandela behind him, he rambled on and, in stentorian tones, told the Council members that it was “their job to make sure that government policy towards municipalities was in working order.” Problems “must be identified and put right.”

“It was a well-known fact”, he continued, “that a third of the country’s municipalities were dysfunctional, while another third were limping along. We must find solutions” he interred. “You must inspect the problems and you must have public meetings and discuss how municipalities can work better”.

The mind boggles at this unashamed hypocrisy! Municipalities in South Africa collapsed under Mr. Ramaphosa’s own party, the ANC. He has a long history with the ANC. He was elected General Secretary of the party in 1991! Along the way he made lots of money via his political contacts. He was elected Vice President of the ANC in 2012, and Vice President of the country in 2014. He presided over or was present at numerous parliamentary motions of no confidence in ex-president Jacob Zuma’s corrupt rule. We heard nothing from Mr. Ramaphosa during that time about the corruption and incompetence, let alone the devastated municipalities.

He’s now telling his own party’s people in Parliament they must “do something”! The president’s disingenuousness is astounding. How will these municipalities “work better” if his party continues to refuse to hire whites in local council posts? He knows that the affirmative action rule is obligatory in every municipal job advertisement. A cursory examination of these ads reveals that virtually every position expressly states that the employer (the municipality) adheres to the requirements of the Employment Equity Act No. 55 of 1998 “for the advancement of previously disadvantaged and disabled persons.”

For all his prognostications, Mr. Ramaphosa is a hypocrite and a true party acolyte preserving his job. He will keep the incompetents in the local councils because to fire them means he will lose support. The sewage pollution in the Vaal River (supplier of water to SA’s main industrial and population centres) is the tip of the disintegration iceberg according to Mr. Misaveni Ngobeni, director of the National Treasury. He recently told the Human Rights Commission that the country’s sewage infrastructure is collapsing because the municipalities did not adhere to their own laws and did not bring polluters to book. He declared that local councils receive enough funding annually to keep their infrastructure in working order but that they spend most of the money on salaries and expensive cars.

Tragically South Africa has had to buy expensive fresh water from Lesotho but then it is dumped into the polluted Vaal River. This is the extent of the stupidity ordinary citizens have to endure in Mr. Ramaphosa’s New Dawn South Africa.

It will cost R5 billion to rectify the Vaal river pollution and possibly take ten years. There is no money for this. Mr. Ngobeni says there is a lack of skills in municipal and national structures, including the Ministry of Water and Sanitation. The government will never admit to its shortcomings. Merit means nothing to the ruling party. The competence of other groups in the country is roundly ignored. They will hire an under-qualified doctor from Ghana, or a university professor from Nigeria (universities are partly funded by the government so this EE rule applies to the seats of learning.). A doctor from Cuba is preferred to a white South African medic and some foreign engineers are chosen over their South African counterparts.


This is a strange mentality. The ANC and its officials surely see the destruction they have wrought, and they must observe the filth in our cities. But they are prepared to see their fellow citizens step over sewage in the streets. No one really knows our population figures because our borders are porous. The wanton burning and pillaging of the country’s universities, trains and buses, the hijacking and looting of private long haul transport and the murder of the country’s productive farmers have become par for the course. The ANC cannot see itself as other see them!  

Mr. Ramaphosa told the German president that he was rooting out corruption, referring to the Zondo Commission of Enquiry on state capture. “This commission is a cleansing process of all the bad things that happened in our country”, as if he had just recently appeared in South Africa in a puff of smoke!

The German president told Mr. Ramaphosa that the issue of “dispossession” (as he put it) in SA had to be addressed. (Germany is SA’s third largest trading partner with more than 600 German companies in the country). Replied the SA president: “We are working on a land reform process so that we can have more stability.” It is already an established fact that his party’s land reform process is a colossal failure, taking more than four thousand productive farms out of production and sending thousands of displaced farm workers to the streets. How does this contribute to “more stability”? The SA president is a political chameleon but he cannot be everything to everyone. His moment of truth is very much nigh.


This is the title of our final 2018 bulletin. We will hear what SA farmers have to say. Will they plant given what is stacked against them? Will they wait until someone simply takes their farm? European governments cherish their farmers because that continent has experienced mass starvation, not once but many times. This has never happened in SA. But the ANC government’s total disregard for SA farmers’ safety and prosperity may come back to haunt them. How will the ANC handle millions demanding food? They should concentrate on that possibility, not on taking productive farmland without payment.




Race row in South Africa as health officials advertise for 100 new doctors - but white people are told not to apply

A race row has broken out in South Africa after health officials advertised for 100 new doctors, but did not allow white medics to apply for specialist roles.

The health department in the KwaZulu-Natal province expanded its registrar programme for 2019 from 314 to 414, but aimed to fill the new posts with only black candidates.

Health bosses said the move was implemented to redress the country's historical racial imbalance of Apartheid that saw most high-ranking positions filed by white doctors.

Campaigners and human rights activists have branded the recruitment policy 'discriminatory, unconstitutional and racist'.

The Perils of a South African Vacation

If you are planning a vacation, may I suggest some place other than the rainbow utopia of post-Apartheid South Africa?

Guests at a holiday resort in northern KwaZulu-Natal had to be evacuated after an armed mob stormed the grounds and vandalised facilities [on December 21].

It is understood that the people, numbering in the hundreds and many of whom were armed with pangas, had pulled down a perimeter fence before swarming the Natal Spa resort near Vryheid.

That’s why walls are needed, not fences.

Pangas are machetes. The mob also wielded knobkerries, which are heavy wooden clubs with a knob on one end.

Police sources said the mob had threatened staff members, warning them to vacate their posts or face violence.

Guests were transported from the resort under guard while police negotiated with the mob.

"In South Africa, when the police negotiate with a mob it means they side with the mob and you had better leave before the negotiations end or you will likely end up dead." (Reader comment)


We have recently received a most interesting circular from the HNP in which they comment about the submission which they have made to the Constitutional Review Committee regarding the ANC regime's proposed expropriation (i.e. theft) of land without compensation. We have had this circular translated, and it reads as follows :-

Dear Associates,
The public of South Africa have been invited to submit comments to the Constitutional Review Committee on the ANC regime's proposed legislation on expropriation without compensation.
We hereby send you the presentation of the HNP to this committee.
It is interesting that (as far as we could determine) only the HNP, the Boer-Afrikaner Volksraad, Orania and Mr. Meinhard Peters handled self-determination of peoples in their proposals.
The HNP says in its submission, among other things:
"The HNP rejects any violation of the principle of private ownership and ownership of property; and it is suggested that the Constitution Review Committee recommend to the government that the existing section 235 of the Constitution be amended to read as follows:
'Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Constitution, people in South Africa who require self-determination are recognized as entitled to it, and legislation to enforce the form of self-determination that such nationals may require, must be established therein.'
If you would like to receive the full presentation of the HNP's submission please contact the HNP at:

With Afrikaner greetings,

Louis van der Schyff

Head Secretary


White Farmers' Legal Fight Against Plans to Take Their Land Is Thrown Out by Country's High Court

South Africa’s High Court rejected a legal challenge today (November 30, 2018)  brought by a group representing white farmers against President Cyril Ramaphosa’s plans for land expropriation without compensation.


Ramaphosa, who replaced scandal-plagued Jacob Zuma in February, has made land redistribution a flagship policy as he seeks to unite the fractured ruling African National Congress (ANC) and win public support ahead of an election next year.

In its legal challenge, Afriforum questioned the legality of a key parliamentary committee report which recommended a change to the constitution to allow land expropriation without compensation.

‘The relief sought by the applicants… is dismissed,’ said Judge Vincent Saldanha.

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South Africa's Zulu nation joins white farmers in fight against government land seizures

The largest ethnic group in South Africa, Zulu, has spoken out against the expropriation of land without compensation in the country. Zulu is ready to cooperate with the country's white farmers, known as Afrikaners or Boers.

Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini has said the group will cooperate with South African minority rights group AfriForum.

"The Zulu nation I'm talking about will not exist if we don't have food. That's why I say farmers must come closer so that we discuss what we can do when we talk about agriculture and the availability of enough food in the land. That's why I'm asking AfriForum of the Boers to come and help us," Zwelithini said, as quoted by eNews Channel Africa.

"Because when government started talking about the appropriation of land, expropriation without compensation, Boers downed tools. There is no food in South Africa," he added.

Train Service Begins to Die in South Africa
Dave Blount

Sep 27 2018

In South Africa, it is like watching the last lights go out as the darkness encroaches and civilization closes up shop. Train service to the entire KwaZulu-Natal province has been suspended indefinitely.

According to Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa spokesperson Zama Nomnganga,

“Yes, we have done so due to the series of incidents where our drivers have been intimidated, assaulted and trains hijacked. The Friday incident was out of hand and we had to put our foot down and took a firm decision as leadership to protect our staff and also the commuters that are innocent.”

Regarding the Friday incident,

Angry train commuters allegedly set alight four cars and damaged a ticket office and motor train coach in Umlazi’s J section, south of Durban, on Friday morning.

Over a thousand commuters rioted because late trains made them angry, as if it were reasonable to expect trains to run on time in a rainbow utopia governed by the African National Congress.

Speaking of the ANC, the United National Transport Union…

…alleged that its president Wyndham Evans wrote to President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday, September 17 to intervene and received no response.

Maybe hand-picked successor Ramaphosa was to busy posing with the bronze idol of Nelson Mandela that was just unveiled at the United Nations, where Ramaphosa barked that “the UN is the most powerful instrument we possess.”

The most powerful instrument to do what? To make the very last of those lights go out, so that there will be equality.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Video below reminds us of Old, White ruled South Africa's military might and greatness.

Namibia now looking at seizing White owned farms

White commercial farmers still own 70% of commercial farmland in Namibia, almost three decades after independence, the Namibia Statistics Agency revealed yesterday.  While whites, including foreigners, own 27 million hectares, black people own just 16% of the total 39 million hectares of the freehold agricultural land, and the government owns 14% or 5,4 million hectares.  These figures were released by the NSA's Alex Mudabeti at the national land statistics symposium in Windhoek.  The event was targeted at harmonising various data sets on land ownership, use and planning in the country to inform debates at the second national land conference next month.  The land conference will discuss and review the resolutions of the first national land conference held in 1991 to try and find lasting solutions to the land question.  The issue of land ownership, complemented by factors such as ancestral land claims, expropriation, the willing-buyer, willing-seller model, and the national land reform programme, will feature prominently at the conference.

White Existence Is a Crime, Says BLF Spokesperson

The BLF spokesperson has posted views reflecting his party's belief that all white people in South Africa are criminals by virtue of their existence. Black First, Land First spokesperson Lindsay Maasdorp has told the author of this article and others about the controversial party that my "existence is a crime." He also repeated his party's slogan, "land or death."

Socialist Democrat Agenda Played Out In Attacks on White South Africans

Is There A Plan In South Africa To Take White Farms And Kill White Farmers?

he current President of South Africa wrote an article for London’s Financial Times just two weeks ago defending the acquisition of land from white farmers by black South Africans without compensation:

“This is no land grab; nor is it an assault on the private ownership of property. The ANC has been clear that its land reform programme should not undermine future investment in the economy or damage agricultural production and food security.”

It seems in this era of words not having any valid meaning that bad is good, war is peace, weakness is strength, and up is down. But thievery is still thievery even if done by government.

The Agri SA agricultural union in Pretoria, South Africa, released new figures that reveal black criminal gangs have killed one white South African farmer every five days so far this year! Is this “only” random crime taking place in a troubled and dark land or a plan to drive all farmers off their land by intimidation?

South African officials suggest that these killings are only “burglaries gone wrong” but informed and honest people (black and white) know the truth. The government stopped accounting for such deaths since it is too embarrassing. Hence, “burglaries gone wrong” headlines result in less negative press than “another white farm family wiped out by roaming black thugs.”

The head of Genocide Watch, Dr. Gregory Stanton in 2012 conducted a study in South Africa and came to an incredible conclusion: “There is a coordinated campaign of genocide being conducted against white farmers.” Many of the Whites surrendered their guns when the African National Congress (ANC) government passed gun laws to confiscate the farmers’ weapons.

Genocide Watch said, “Disarmament of a targeted group is one of the surest early warning signs of future genocidal killings.”

The South African government currently estimates there are 31 murders per 100,000 people per year, which comes out to about 50 per day. Outside groups suggest that it is double that! No one knows for sure because the ANC banned crime statistics from being accumulated, analyzed, and admitted because they scare off foreign investment and drive people out of the country. Does anyone blame people for their concern and fear?


How McKinsey Lost Its Way in South Africa

When the godfather of management consulting landed its biggest contract ever in Africa, it made the worst mistake in its storied nine-decade history.

Members of South African Police and Military Personally Call for Genocide

The many South African farmers who find themselves under attack are advised not to rely on the police for protection. At best, the police reaction to white genocide has been apathy. To see it at its worst, consider some of the personal opinions expressed by members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) and South African National Defense Force (SANDF):

Mseleni Mogolwane Gwabeni, who is a member of the SAPS according to his Facebook profile, said on this social media platform “then we must continue to kill more of their farmers at least to make up for what they did to us”.

What they did to them was create a wealthy First World country and turn it over to them to ruin.

Chris Gumotso, who works at the SAPS youth crime prevention desk according to his Facebook profile, placed the following on Facebook: “All white man…deserve to die…in future..f*©k u..Mr white man.”

Gumotso urges civil war. Given that whites comprise less than 9% of the population now, with more escaping the rainbow utopia every day, and that they will receive zero support from the Caucasian-hating “world community” whose sanctimonious pressure brought about this hellish situation in the first place, civil war means throwing the genocide into overdrive. However, if enough Afrikaners retain firearms, Mandela’s heirs may encounter more resistance than they expect.

The "Hitler Of South Africa" Tells White People, He Won't Kill Them...Yet!

In an interview with TRT World News published this week, Malema said, “We have not called for the killing of white people. At least for now. I can’t guarantee the future.”

When the reporter mentioned that some people might view these remarks as a call to genocide, Malema responded, “Crybabies. Crybabies,” but later warned white South Africans that “the masses are on board” for “an un-led revolution and anarchy”.

Israeli IDF trains white South African farmers in self-defense techniques

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) train South African farmers in self-defense.

The self-defense system is called Krav Maga, which was developed for the Israel Defense Forces. Abolnik has brought it to South Africa. "It's open to everyone and anyone who wants a specially designed system for farmers. We train them to deal with a variety of different attacks," Abolnik told South Africa’s News24 TV channel.

"We teach them hand-to-hand combat, bush warfare, semi-bush warfare, urban warfare and how to collect information." The program costs about R20 000 per person (about $1,500) for an intensive two-week course.

White farmers, despite being a minority in South Africa, own 72 percent of the country’s farms. The new South African government recently announced a plan to redistribute land to the black population. Critics have warned South Africa may repeat the disastrous experiment by the Zimbabwean government in 1999-2000. The measure plunged the country into famine.

Last month Springbok Club re-circulated a most interesting analysis which they had received from the London barrister Malcolm Horne regarding Ramaphosa's proposed Mugabe-style land-theft via this list. We have now received a further expanded analysis of the situation from the same source, which we forward below :-

Subject: Land appropriation in SA

Malcolm Horne, a London barrister has written in very blunt terms regarding the planned land-grab in South Africa: “You cannot have land expropriation without compensation. It is illegal under international law. It is contrary to a dozen treaties that South Africa has signed and ratified. As such, it is a principle that is also enshrined in South African domestic law. You cannot change the Constitution, therefore, to make it legal; Treaty law is superior law, it always applies.”

In days gone by I might have drawn some comfort from this warning but I’ve seen too much in my years on the benighted continent to believe points of law, no matter how pertinent and how seemingly binding, will make the slightest bit of difference.

One of the first political discussions I recall being witness to was the aftermath of the Congo carnage following the granting of independence to a lunatic by the name of Patrice Lumumba. The Belgians fled for their lives and the country collapsed into civil war which continues today. Independent rule in Zambia and Tanzania was quickly followed by nationalisation, the denial of property rights and those economies quickly crumbled but mountains of Western largesse poured in, most of which was stolen. Nobody was censured of course, because the liberal socialists running Europe were on their knees saying sorry for being white.

When Mozambique acquired independence in 1975, informed Portuguese citizens expressed optimism; they were sure, Frelimo, the new ruling party under Samora Machel, would not make the same mistake. Well they were dead wrong; he not only made the same mistake, he compounded it; moving expeditiously and sometimes violently to seize all private property. The Portuguese ran for the exits and in six months, a once vibrant economy was in ruins. Again, the world, following Europe’s lead, rewarded this zealot with huge dollops of aid.

When Robert Mugabe took over in Zimbabwe the promising news was that both Samora Machel and Tanzania’s Julius Nyerere had warned their protégé not to make the same mistakes they did; respect property rights and let the Europeans continue to contribute they told him. When Mugabe began threatening white farmers, most ‘connected’ people in the political and farming leadership were sanguine; the word was, it was just bluster and there was little chance of him being that foolish because he was super intelligent we were told, and well knew that dispossessing the farmers would be calamitous for the country. Well laws, international treaties, conventions and economic consequences were brusquely dismissed and in 2000 he did what he was warned not to do; violently evicted 4,000 white farmers, tore up property rights and destroyed his country. He was backed by then South African President Thabo Mbeki and the ruling ANC and most African leaders cheered him on. Mild sanctions were applied and a travel ban on the president and some of his cronies followed. Mugabe, effectively proved, yet again, that politically motivated ‘crimes’, as long as the ostensible victims are white, are permissible and this lesson has been well learned south of the Limpopo.

Cyril Ramaphosa recently came to power, replacing the disastrous Jacob Zuma, on a wave of euphoria. It’s hard to imagine how he could not be a better option but his opening address included an ominous message that most chose to overlook in the hubris of the moment; ‘.. we will seize land without compensation’ he announced. And with that he chose to detonate a political bomb-shell which might well go down in history as the watershed moment when his country set off on the road to ruin. Unsurprisingly the message was very well received by the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) led by Julius Malama who is an increasingly influential figure, loved by many for his venomous anti-white rantings and a man who drives his fans wild exhorting them to action when singing ‘kill the Boer (farmer)’.

For Jacob Zuma, the land-grab debate has been a blessing; the clamour for him to be prosecuted has abated and the political airwaves are filled with rancorous calls for the quick eviction of European farmers and the seizure of their property as a means to alleviate the suffering of poor, dispossessed Africans. White farmers are being murdered on a regular basis just to maintain the pressure.

To his credit, Ramaphosa cannot be accused of deceit; he did signal his intentions when he was a union leader under the Nationalist government. In an interview with Mario Oriani-Ambrosini he was quoted thus: “… Ramaphosa told me of the ANC’s 25 year strategy to deal with the whites: it would be like boiling a frog alive, which is done by raising the temperature very slowly. He meant that the black majority would pass laws transferring wealth, land and economic power from white to black slowly and incrementally until the whites lose all they have gained..” Twenty-three years of ANC rule and it appears Ramaphosa is going to jump the gun a little, tweak that plan, douse the filthy frog in boiling water and be done with him.

There are certainly going to be multiple legal challenges here and abroad, once the constitution is amended to allow the confiscation of property but I fear the history recalled above is certain to be repeated; the British government will express dismay, the EU will have a little tantrum, Trump may react but he will be condemned as a ‘racist’ and political and legal obstacles will be squashed under the feet of millions of poor people, recklessly led by opportunistic demagogues who will play the race card adroitly and plunge an infrastructural and economic powerhouse into devastating decline.

Sixty-million people will inevitably suffer nationally but so will the rest of southern Africa because the entire region relies to some degree on the country’s manufacturing, agricultural and industrial muscle and on the country’s logistical infrastructure. This is a combined population of roughly 250 million people who will be directly and indirectly affected.

Right now, South Africa provides some sort of sanctuary to roughly 10 million immigrants who have fled the misrule endemic to the north. When this country suffers the same fate there is no place left to hide, there will be no crumbs because the table will be bare and there will almost certainly be a war over competition for dwindling resources. The biggest bloodletting in African history is a likely consequence and the human tragedy that followed de-colonisation will reach its terrifying denouement. People of Europe must brace themselves; if they think they have a refugee problem now, it’s going to get a lot worse.

A supporter still based in South Africa has recently sent us the following well-analysed article exposing the facts regarding Ramaphosa's proposed Mugabe-style land-theft legislation. It is well worth reading and re-circulating in order to enlighten people to the true nature of Ramaphosa's unacceptable regime :-

'Pressing' hunger for land? The stats show something different

by Anthea Jeffery

President Cyril Ramaphosa has recently claimed the ruling party must move ahead with land expropriation without compensation because of a 'pressing' and 'urgent' hunger for farming land among South Africans.

However, comprehensive opinion polls commissioned by the IRR from 2015 to 2017 have repeatedly shown that the great majority of black South Africans have little interest in land reform.

In the IRR's 2016 field survey, for instance, only 1% of black respondents (down from 2% the previous year) said that 'more land reform' was the 'best way to improve lives'. By contrast, 73% of black people saw 'more jobs and better education' as the 'best way' for them to get ahead.

In similar vein, in the IRR's 2017 field survey, only 1% of black respondents identified 'speeding up land reform' as a top priority for the government.

Even among people who were dispossessed of land under apartheid laws – and were most likely to have a strong wish to see their land restored to them – there has been little interest in land as opposed to cash compensation.

When the land restitution process began in 1994, some 79 700 valid land claims were submitted by December 1998. By 2013, as the then minister of rural development and land reform, Gugile Nkwinti, pointed out, roughly 76 000 successful claims had been disposed of. However, only about 5 800 of these successful claimants (roughly 8%) chose to have their land restored to them. The remaining 92% preferred to receive cash compensation instead.

Said Nkwinti: "We thought everybody when they got a chance to get land, they would jump for it. Now only 5 856 have opted for land restoration." People wanted money because of poverty and unemployment, but they had also become urbanised and 'de-culturised' in terms of tilling land. "We no longer have a peasantry; we have wage earners now," he said.

The 76 000 successful claimants who could have chosen land rather than money could be seen as respondents in a particularly large opinion poll. That most of them – faced with a real-life choice – opted for cash, rather than land, is telling.

Opinion polls also show that ordinary people would far prefer to have rapid growth and many more jobs than the massive land distribution that the ANC is now portraying as the key antidote to poverty.

In the IRR's 2016 survey, for instance, respondents were asked whether they preferred "a political party which focuses on faster growth and more jobs", or one which "focuses on land expropriation to redress past wrongs". Given this choice, 84% of black respondents opted for growth and jobs, whereas only 7% wanted major land redistribution as redress for apartheid injustices.

Similar results have emerged from a comprehensive opinion survey commissioned by eNCA and carried out by MarkData in September 2017 among a representative sample of some 5 000 people, including about 2 700 self-declared ANC voters. (The results of this survey, as analysed by renowned political analyst and author R W Johnson, were first released by eNCA during the December race for the ANC presidency at the Nasrec conference.)

Even among ANC voters, it was clear that most people wanted the ruling party to embark on "more pro-business policies", rather than to pursue "radical policies/redistribution".

This was also the case in KwaZulu-Natal, the home base of the then president, Jacob Zuma, with his repeated calls for "radical economic transformation". There, 57.2% of ANC voters said they wanted the ruling party to "adopt more pro-business policies in the hope that business would invest more and create more jobs". By contrast, only 19.5% wanted the ANC to "push on with radical policies aimed at the complete redistribution of all wealth and income".

Support among ANC voters for "more pro-business policies" was frequently still stronger, standing at 75.9% in North West, 66.8% in the Eastern Cape, 57.1% in the Northern Cape, 55.9% in Limpopo, and 49.9% in Gauteng. In all these provinces, support for "more radical policies/redistribution" was low, coming in at 6.6% in North West, 8.7% in Limpopo, 10.6% in the Eastern Cape, 12.8% in the Northern Cape, and 16.2% in Gauteng.

These survey outcomes confirm that the great majority of ordinary ANC voters want more business-friendly policies – not the land "expropriation without compensation" option which the Nasrec conference endorsed and the ANC and EFF now seem determined to push through Parliament.

Claims by Ramaphosa and other senior figures in the ANC that ordinary South Africans are agog for land expropriation without compensation should be taken with a bucketful of salt. Far closer to the truth is Johnson's telling comment on what the eNCA survey results reveal.

These results (says Johnson) show that "much of the ANC leadership has completely lost contact with what most ANC voters think – and may not even be conscious of the huge divide that separates their assumptions from those of their electorate".

- Dr Anthea Jeffery is head of Policy Research at the Institute for Race Relations. The IRR is a think tank which promotes political and economic freedom.

The following recent edition of the TAU (SA)'s South Africa Bulletin should be required reading for all those who take an interest in South African affairs and care about the well-being of that beleaguered land. This article, however, confiirms that we were absolutely correct when we tried to warn the South African electorate throughout the 1970s and 1980s about what would be the inevitable consequences of continuing to support the sell-out NP government and surrender to ANC terrorism. In spite of a fortunate, unexpected and undeserved interlude of 19 years following the end of the despotic rule of the convicted criminal Mandela, the recent ascendancy of the Mandela-clone Ramaphosa to the presidency of the "new" South Africa has frighteningly returned South Africa to the nightmare of the Mandela years - with Mugabe-style land-thefts now being openly planned, as this bulletin only too well illustrates. Apart from sitting back and saying "we told you so" to the South African electorate, all we can do now is to advocate and lobby for some form of overseas Western intervention to remove the ANC terrorists and criminals from power.



from the headquarters of

TAU SA in Pretoria


Tel.: + 27 12 804 8031       Fax: + 27 12 804 2014



The Bulletin attached hereto is provided as a means to inform stakeholders of agricultural developments in South Africa. These International Bulletins are distributed at regular intervals and can also be found on TAU SA’s website at

TAU SA is the oldest agricultural union in South Africa and has been in existence since 1897. The mission of the union is to ensure a productive and safe existence for its members on the land they own. Current reality in South Africa indicates that this is not possible at the moment due to a variety of actions and threats against commercial farmers.

Your comment regarding the Bulletins and other information provided to you is valuable and will be appreciated. However should you prefer not to receive information from TAU SA, simply tick the "unsubscribe" link below.




”When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing, when you see money flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors, when you see that men get richer by graft and pull rather than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice, then you know that your society is doomed.” Ayn Rand, Russian-American novelist, philosopher, economist. (1905 – 1982)


An Economic Freedom Front (EFF) motion to expropriate land without compensation was supported by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) in the South African parliament on Tuesday 27 February, 2018. The motion was approved by 241 votes to 83. The EFF’s draft resolution was supported by some smaller parties including the Inkatha Freedom Party.

Taking productive farmland without compensation will not increase agricultural production and improve food security. On the contrary, this policy of outright theft will set South Africa on a path to the Zimbabwe option.

The new South African president Cyril Ramaphosa’s recent State of the Nation Address (SONA) created a positive stir in some South African circles, but whether the wary international monitors of the SA economy and government’s socialist bent were impressed is moot. Perhaps they knew what was coming on February 27 th in parliament, as did many South Africans.

Where in the world would commentators (of whatever stripe) call a claim by a president that he will take the productive farm land and property of citizens “without compensation” as anything other than lunacy? Yet in a South Africa almost ruined after 23 years under the ANC, some commentators were still prepared to give Mr. Ramaphosa praise for his “new approach”, his “new dawn for the country”. Yet he is going to take productive land without paying for it and it will descend into squatter camps or agricultural travesties. This will happen because it already has! The next step will be food shortages.

A sad reflection on how some media outlets still soft soap the ANC is when a newspaper columnist said in “Beeld” (page 6, 27.2.18) that we must give Mr. Ramaphosa ”a chance”. Yet on page 8 of the same newspaper, a farming family the Cloete's declare that they are “afraid for their lives” after a mob of “emerging farmers “ (as the newspaper referred to them) gathered outside the farm gate demanding that the Cloete’s leave their farm. The farm is ours, declared the Black First Land First (BLF) mob, armed with crowbars and other weapons. (The BLF is allegedly funded by the Gupta family, now in India and elsewhere as SA law enforcement seeks them to face criminal charges concerned with state capture).

The Cloete’s were accused of stealing the land by the BLF mob at the gate, and the Cloete's were told that they were “the first” and that the mob would “make an example of them”. Yet this BLF group was in fact acting out the clarion call of President Ramaphosa at a funeral in East London recently where he was quoted as saying “we will take the land”.

That very same afternoon (27th), a motion to take land without compensation was passed in parliament. The newspaper’s plea to give Mr. Ramaphosa “a chance” certainly paid off for the president. He took the chance and ran with it.

As an agricultural organization representing commercial farmers in South Africa, it is incumbent upon TAU SA to expose the disingenuous ambiguity of the president regarding land. “We are determined that expropriation without compensation should be implemented in a way that increases agricultural production, improves food security and ensures that land is returned to those from whom it was taken under colonialism and apartheid”, said the ANC on February 27th in parliament. (Italics ours). This doesn’t make any sense. The empirical evidence is there: the farms already handed over have failed in more than 90% of cases, and this is acknowledged by the ANC. So how can the president guarantee food security under his plan of land theft? Either he is obtuse, or he is making promises for the benefit of the masses. The ANC/EFF motion to change Section 25 of the Constitution on property is dangerous and it puts the whole of South Africa at risk.

Over the past three years agriculture has been the most successful sector in the economy despite droughts. A recent land audit shows that government itself is sitting on SA’s high potential land which is not in production. If one takes into account the value chain from the primary producer to the dinner table, agriculture contributes anything from 15% to 25% to the economy.


Standing in front of a blow up of ex-president Nelson Mandela and praising his legacy for the first five minutes of his State of the Nation (SONA) speech on 16 February, the president’s intention was to evoke the ANC’s purported former glory. Mr. Mandela’s name has been liberally allotted to every South African and international cause under the sun and is now used by the president to hopefully distract the populace from his party’s glaring shortcomings. This Mandela legacy will be embodied in a commitment to “ethical behavior and leadership” declared the new president.

Once again he got it all wrong. Mr. Mandela’s legacy is the corrupt, incompetent ANC and a country riddled with crime. Violence in South Africa and especially the relentless attacks on farmers and their workers weren’t mentioned in the president’s SONA speech. It is perhaps judicious to remember Mr. Mandela’s speech on June 3, 1990, a few months after he was released from prison. “The only type of violence we accept is organized violence in the form of armed action, which is properly controlled and where the targets have been carefully selected”, he declared. From February 1990 to mid May 1990, the number of attacks on local government councillors and policemen increased from 194 to 886.


Expropriation without payment is theft. By holding on to the title deeds to land already handed over to beneficiaries during the government’s years-long land reform program, the ANC government has in effect been stealing the land for some time already. One wonders whether this latest goal of changing the constitution to enable the expropriation of land without compensation (on behalf of “our people” says the president) will not result in the same thing. “Our people” will be placed on the stolen land to farm (or squat), but the title deeds will remain in government hands. This is as close to classic communism as you can get. “Our people” will probably end up as tenant farmers, and production will plummet. It could happen.

Perhaps “our people” are already lining up, suffused with enthusiasm from the president’s SONA speech. Will land grabs be allowed, despite the president saying this will not be permitted? Who will finance the ongoing productivity of the transferred land - the banks who will have been left holding the bag for loans that cannot be paid back by the former commercial farm owner from whom the land has been taken “without compensation”? Farmers already owe the banks over R150 billion.

And what of the farm owners who now wonder what is their future? Will they now look elsewhere? Many countries want them because they are excellent farmers. Then who will invest in a country on its way to food insecurity?

And then there’s the old chestnut “transformation”. What does the president mean by transformation? What it has meant so far is nothing more than taking money or employment from those who have earned it or who are qualified to perform it, and giving it to those who want to consume it or use their new jobs as a gravy train. Getting on to the bandwagon is the appropriate phrase. It is time the ANC defined in detail what transformation means.

There was also much mention made in the SONA speech about summits and conferences, great favorites of the ANC where they can go and talk in exotic locations and enjoy lavish lunches courtesy of SA’s commercial farmers. There will be a Jobs Summit, an Investment Conference, a Youth Employment Service Initiative, a Youth Working Group, a Digital Industrial Revolution Commission, and a new Presidential Economic Advisory Council.

We can also look forward to the Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative Program and Universal Health Coverage. A Youth Crime Prevention Strategy is coming up, as is a Social Sector Summit. A Commission of Enquiry into Tax Administration is also on the cards.

How the president will pare down the 34 ministers, 33 deputy ministers, 159 directors general, 642 deputy directors general, 2 501 chief directors and 7782 directors is anyone’s guess. He declares he will look into this. (Figures supplied to MP Dr. Corne Mulder in Parliament).

And who will resuscitate the 4400 hectare dairy farm near Vrede in the Free State on which the Free State government spent R570 million and from which a large chunk was siphoned off to pay for a Gupta wedding at Sun City? Is this how the productive farmland given to beneficiaries will be managed?

SA’s commercial farmers didn’t steal their land. TAU SA has offered R100 000 to anyone who can prove these farms were stolen. There have been no takers simply because those who occupied South Africa’s land before commercial farming took root had no title deeds. There was no proof of what they said they owned. This fact of history applied in most new world countries concerning indigenous peoples. They have been apportioned land, but there was no proof that they owned it, at least in the Western legal sense.

On May 26, 2017 the United Nations World Food program reported that Sub Saharan Africa is the region with the highest prevalence of hunger as a percentage of population. One person in four is malnourished.

Perhaps our president should mull over these statistics before he considers that he may be responsible for adding to them.

Cutting the throat of whiteness; The suffering of South Africans may redeem the West

For the first 20 years of post-apartheid South Africa (as in the first 20 years after Rhodesia became Zimbabwe), it could be said that Blacks retained a sense of awe and respect for Whites, as well as a suspicion that the White countries that had pressured their co-racialists into ANC rule would somehow stand by them. But over that period these feelings have been slowly chipped away, both by changes in Western culture and by events on the ground in South Africa. Think what kind of signal Obama sent out to a people who would never elect a White man to rule over them.

Also important was the incessant stream of farm murders, each one carried out with unbelievable savagery. While much of the sadism employed in these atrocities is endemic to Africa and, yes, Africans, part of it at least seems like a "shit test" to the West, an attempt to twist the tail of the White Western tiger to see if it was truly asleep while its cubs were mangled before it.

Receiving the message of apathy, mixed with the "cuck signals" sent out by White deference to BLM and Wakanda, the criminals of the EFF and ANC felt empowered to strike.

White South Africans are the most tragic and potentially the most important people on Earth now, as their imminent betrayal and sacrifice - which will come not only in property expropriated, but in further economic humiliation, degradation, brutal oppression and bloodshed - may finally serve to demonstrate to the widest possible audience the lies of the Left and also disarm the victim narratives that have been used so successfully against us. Before we can be the avengers, it seems we first need to be the victims, and in South Africans, sadly, we have our vanguard.

The Racial Hypocrisy of Charlize Theron

The South Africa native claims America is "racist."

Charlize Theron thinks America may be too dangerous for her adopted black children. In a widely discussed interview with Elle magazine, Miss Theron claims America is so racist she may have to leave.

"There are places in this country where, if I got a job, I wouldn't take it," she said. "I wouldn't travel with my kids to some parts of America and that's really problematic. There are a lot of times when I look at my kids and I'm like, if this continues I might have to [leave America]. Because the last thing I want is for my children to feel unsafe."

Her use of the term "problematic," a word normally used to describe petty slights like "microaggressions" and "cultural appropriation," raises the question of whether Miss Theron is genuine or simply virtue signaling. Needless to say, the most likely threat to her children's safety comes from other blacks.

Australia to welcome South African farmers

Australia is laying the legislative groundwork necessary to welcome persecuted South African farmers who face a targeted campaign of violence at home, the country's top legal officer said.

Attorney-General Christian Porter pledged Wednesday to help at-risk farmers applying for visas, telling the Australian newspaper "the more South Africans in our local community the better."

Vicki Momberg: South Africa Becomes the USSR of Race

Woman gets prison sentence for using the "K-word."

South Africa's ANC regime is about to pass a draconian piece of legislation on "hate speech" directly aimed at whites. However, even before "The Prevention and Combating of Hate Crime and Hate Speech Bill" could become law, a minor district judge or "magistrate" in Randburg, a suburb of Johannesburg, sentenced Vicki Momberg to an effective two years prison sentence for using the "K-word" in an altercation with a black policeman.

In South Africa the term "kaffir" ("heathen" in Arabic) is the equivalent of the US "N-word." Both white liberals and members of the black elite have become obsessed with the word, which to them is the apotheosis of white racism. So when a cellphone video of Vicki Momberg, an estate agent from the coastal city of Durban, began circulating on social media in 2016, the full might of the state was brought to bear on her in a way that would be unthinkable if she were black.

She had just been robbed in her car by blacks in a smash-and-grab attack, but that counted for nothing and was not even taken into account by the female Indian magistrate. Pravina Raghoonandan sentenced her to three years' incarceration, of which one year was suspended for three years. In a country where vicious crimes such as murder, rape, and torture are commonplace, meting out such a heavy sentence to someone who had merely breached a language taboo seemed outrageous. But of course, Miss Momberg was white, and the police constable she had insulted in February 2016, David Mkhondo, was black.

After being found guilty of crimen injuria, an old-fashioned form of criminal libel in South Africa, Miss Momberg was led to the court cells and spent her first night behind bars in Soweto's notorious all-black prison for hardened criminals, nick-named "Sun City," after the casino resort.

South African politician attacks "racist" Australia for sheltering fleeing white farmers

The leader of the South African opposition has called Australia racist over Canberra’s emergency visas for white farmers. The farmers are allegedly facing assaults amid government calls for land seizure in favor of black citizens.

“We’re too busy. Don’t make noise, because you will irritate us. Go to Australia. It is only racists who went to Australia when Mandela got out of prison. It is only racists who went to Australia when 1994 came. It is the racists again who are going back to Australia,” said the head of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Julius Malema, who also denied white farmers were being killed.

“A racist country like Australia says: ‘The white farmers are being killed in South Africa.’ We are not killing them. Now Australia says: ‘Malema, EFF want to kill white farmers, they must come to Australia.’


We have recently received the following Media Release from the Transvaal Agricultural Union (South Africa), which confirms the details about Ramaphosa's plans to seize farm land without compensation - a blatent case of theft on the part of the "new" South African authorities. The future for that sorry land seems dire indeed therefore. Bad though they were, the years when Mbeki and Zuma were in power were clearly not nearly so horrific, and Ramaphosa's ascent to power therefore seems to be a return to the dark days of Mandela's hate-driven rule :-

Issued by:                    TAU SA

Enquiries:                    Mr Louis Meintjes, President TAU SA, Cell.: 082 461 7262

                                    Mr Bennie van Zyl, General Manager TAU SA, Cell.: 082 466 4470

Date:                            Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Under the cloak of “legitimate expropriation” (without compensation), the newly elected ANC president promises that privately owned land will be “taken”.  This boils down to legitimising theft.  In the same breath, specific preconditions are set inter alia that the economy should not suffer, and that food security should not be affected in a negative manner.  “Given acknowledgement by government that the productive utilisation of land which has been transferred in terms of the restitution process to beneficiaries, as well as providing aid comprising billions of Rand to people who cannot or don’t want to farm, has failed miserably, this new statement does not bode well for South Africa”, according to Mr Louis Meintjes, president of TAU SA.  “Where in the world has expropriation without compensation coupled to the waste of agricultural land, resulted in foreign confidence, economic growth and increased food production?’ he asks.

Mr Meintjes emphasized that the time has come for South Africa to confront its true challenges and identify them as such.  Not only are law-abiding citizens in their own country, irrespective of a “non-racial” cornerstone of a so-called “model” constitution, subjected to a wide variety pro-black and anti-Afrikaans laws, but pose a growing population increasing demands to a diminishing tax base.  That process is gathering momentum whilst the RSA’s junk status, growing rural poverty, collapsing infrastructure, the lowering of scholastic and academical standards, delivering basic services, rampant crime and a blatant absence to planning is the order of the day.

 “No ideology, supported by superficial and populistic promises which are not supportive of sound economic principles, will ensure improvement.  If Mr Ramaphosa is set on creating an untenable situation, he should actively create circumstances which will promote famine.  His promise to expropriate land without compensation, sows the seed for revolution.  Expropriation without compensation is theft”.

South African white farmers reportedly being murdered, tortured and driven off their land

"They want money and they want guns. They want the people off the land so as they can go on like they want to. They want it here like it was in Zimbabwe a few years ago when they chased all the whites out and let it go to the ground."

According to AfriForum, a group that was set up to draw attention to the farmers' plight, there were a record 404 farm attacks in 2017, four times the number recorded in the country a decade ago. The 2018 figures are expected to easily top last year's numbers.

Time for reconciliation over: South Africa votes to confiscate white-owned land

The South African parliament voted on Tuesday in favor of a motion seeking to change the constitution to allow white-owned land expropriation without compensation. The motion, which was brought by Julius Malema - the leader of the radical Marxist opposition party, the Economic Freedom Fighters - passed by a wide margin of 241 votes to 83 against.

South African President Vows To Seize White Property And Give It To Blacks

South Africa's new president Cyril Ramaphosa-widely being hailed as Africa's new savior by international media-has vowed to seize land belonging to white farmers without compensation and hand it over to blacks-even though he has admitted that land already given to blacks for the purpose of farming is "lying derelict."

According to reports in the South African media, Ramaphosa said that the policy of land seizure without compensation was taken by the ANC at its 54th Congress, where he was elected ANC President.

Referring to the uncompensated land grab as "land redistribution", the new President has warned white farmers that their private property now belongs to the government.

"We will accelerate our land redistribution program not only to redress a grave historical injustice, but also to bring more producers into the agricultural sector and to make more land available for cultivation," Ramaphosa said during his maiden State of the Nation Address in Parliament last Friday.

South Africa Nearing the Point of No Return

For those ostensibly interested in building a multiracial democracy, the recent history of Zimbabwe should be a warning, not a model. However, South Africa appears poised to follow its northern neighbor's disastrous policies of land confiscation and white scapegoating, accelerating the former First World nation's decline. International observers are cheered by the departure of the "Rainbow Nation's" famously corrupt president Jacob Zuma, but the new South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa, faces the all but impossible task of repairing the country's crumbling economy while appeasing a black electorate that wants to seize white farmland.

Cape Town Goes Dry

Unbeknown to the mainstream media, Cape Town is on track to become the first major world city to run out of water, and city councilor Xanthea Limberg joins the show to discuss the severity of the crisis.

South Africa: Orania schools bursting at seams with children

The Afrikaner settlement of Orania in South Africa-a project which has mapped out a survival strategy for Europeans in regions overrun by the Third World-is going from strength to strength and this year has seen its school population rise to unprecedented numbers.


"Whites Must Run!": EFF Rioters in South Africa Attack White Parent Outside School

Hot on the heels of destroying a host of H&M stores in South Africa over a "racist" sweatshirt, EFF [Economic Freedom Fighters, a South African political party] goons rioted outside a school and attacked a white parent after their kids were denied access to the school by a high court.

The picket by members of the EFF and parents of the 55 learners comes after the High Court' ruling which went against the Gauteng Education Department's instruction to the school to force it to take in more learners.

Don't let anyone tell you South Africa is (sic) becoming a s-thole.

Taking Land Should Increase Food Production according to Ramaphosa

South Africa could turn into the ultimate paradise if the implementation of the policy of expropriation of land without compensation leads to higher food production, ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa said in Nongoma, Kwazulu-Natal on Sunday.

"In fact, it is possible for us to begin a process of working the land and improving agriculture - making it a very successful factor in our country," Ramaphosa said, addressing King Goodwill Zwelithini at Osuthu Palace - explaining the ANC's decision to implement a policy of land expropriation.

Ramaphosa emphasised that the implementation of the ANC's policy must not harm the economy, the agriculture sector or food security.

"We can make this country the garden of Eden," the new ruling party head said at a meeting to introduce the ANC's new top six leaders to the Zulu king. Ramaphosa said redistributed land must be used productively. He estimated that increased food production could grow the economy by two million jobs. [Obviously ignoring the disaster in Zimbabwe caused by land expropriation from white farmers.]

Black Monday protests in Suid Afrika draw attention to murder of White farmer(s)


Afrikaners are protesting the wide-scale murder of Whites (especially White farmers, called Boers) in South Africa [October 30, 2017] by blocking major highways. The BBC reports that members of the country’s Black government are labeling the action “racist” because some of the protesters are flying the old national flag. That flag harkens back to a time when South African farmers lived in safety; when the country’s cities were clean and safe; when White unemployment was non-existent; when the beaches were clean and beautiful; when South Africa was a First World country of opportunity rather than a place to escape.

With activist judges blocking every attempt on the part of President Trump to screen "refugees", migrants, and immigrants from Axis of Evil nations, the very least the President of the United States can do under the circumstances is to give refugee status to Afrikaners, Boers, and any other whites in South Africa and help them to get out of the horrific situation they now find themselves in under ANC rule.  -- Webmaster

Epidemic of South African Farm Murders Continues as Gunmen of Color Shoot Elderly White Victim Dead

Another South African farmer has been reported killed after three gunmen attacked his homestead - part of a sustained campaign of violence across the country.

The alleged attack took place in Potchefstroom in the North West province, according to Times Live. The elderly victim was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics from the private ambulance company ER24.

Coligny Goes Up in Flames

Dan Roodt, American Renaissance, May 11, 2017

Another battle in South Africa’s low-intensity race war.

Race riots have broken out in the small town of Coligny, suggesting that the dire predictions of the old apartheid theorists are coming true. In the 1980s, a stable and segregated South Africa had to be shaken from the outside by major powers, which applied economic sanctions and supported terrorism. The current “integrated and democratic” state is destroying itself.

The initial spark triggering the racial polarization in Coligny—a small corn-producing town 200 kilometers west of Johannesburg—was the death of a black youth, Matlhamola Jonas Mosweu. He died on April 20 from a broken neck. Depending on whom you believe, he was the victim either of vicious whites or of his own foolishness. You could call him South Africa’s Trayvon Martin.

Initial media reports of a “black boy killed by white farmers” put his age at 12. For a whole week no one knew his name, since his parents had not noticed his disappearance. Then his age rose to 16, with some reports claiming he was 17.

Blacks in Coligny started rioting on April 25, before Mosweu’s name was known or the circumstances of his death established. Blacks looted and burned the liquor store, a hotel, and several white homes. A 45-year-old Coligny resident, Diana Swart, recounted on video how a group of 200 knife-wielding blacks demanded gasoline from her, which they used to burn down her house with her dogs inside. She had been involved in local projects to help black children and had made clothes for them.

We have recently received the following important statement from the HNP concerning the current woeful situation prevailing in the "new" South Africa :-
Statement by the Boer-Afrikaner Assembly (Volksraad):
Land grab an act of war
When one nation or state appropriates another people’s land, it inevitably results in war. Since the beginning of times it has been an accepted right of peoples to defend the integrity of their land against such infringements, like Britain did in 1982 when Argentina had occupied the Falkland Islands.
   Accordingly history also offers many examples of third parties that intervened to defend the territorial integrity of smaller nations against states and governments who abused their superior power to bereave others. A recent example is the 1990-1991 Gulf War led by the United States against Iraq when the latter annexed Kuwait.
The  Boer-Afrikaner people obtained the land it possesses, by rightful means. The facts on this issue have been researched more than once in the well documented history of land occupation and possession in South Africa, and can easily be verified.
   This notwithstanding, the ANC has repeatedly stated that the land we own, was “stolen” from the Black people. (In this regard a charge of hate speech was lodged on 21 January 2016 at the South African  Human Rights Commission against the President of South Africa for making the said statement in public. The President was challenged to prove his statement and to say why he ignored or rejected the recorded history of land occupation. The Commission, however,  manipulated the complaint into the sand, making sure that up to the present day it has come to nothing).
   The ANC’s response to the challenge to prove its unfouded lie, was, inter alia, a statement on 13 February 2017 by its Deputy Minister of Public Service and Administration, Ms. Ayanda Dlodlo, that “The ANC should use its majority in the ­government to push for the expropriation of land without compensation, because it was ‘stolen in the first place’”.
   “The burden of land ownership should never be ours. Those who today claim ownership must prove that land was actually paid for in the 17th and 18th centuries,” she said.
   This conception was repeated by Historian Professor Jabulani Maphalala who said that “Blacks had been dispossessed of their land since as far back as the arrival of Whites in the country.”
   Clearly the stance is that when a lie is just repeated long and often enough, it becomes an accepted “fact” that needs no proof.
We declare:
  1. The Boer-Afrikaner people stole nobody’s land. The land we posess was obtained by rightful and internationally accepted means, and apportioned to us by God as inheritance to be defended and preserved. We may not and shall not abandon it and allow ourselves to be degraded to possessionless peasants in South Africa.
  2. Crime cannot be legitimated by passing acts through Parliament  to “legalise” it.  Therefore any act of Parliament that authorises the disposession of our land or any other property without compensation, or even with compensation for means other than those essential for creation of physical infrastructure, will be regarded as “legalising” theft of our property. We shall  not acknowledge it as legitimate legislation, and in view of the abovementioned utterances of government spokespeople and the sheer political obstinacy of the government to take rigorous action to stop farm attacks (which in itself is an antagonistic neglect which would justify retaliation), we shall deem it as an act of hostility against the white population.
  3. Deprivation, dispossession and occupation of our land under any such act, will be considered to be formal acts of war against the Boer-Afrikaner people, to which we shall hit back at the moment of our choice with internationally accepted means and methods to defend and restitute our property rights.
Andries Breytenbach

Is South Afrika heading toward a race war?

South Africans protest against Zuma as country downgraded to 'junk'

Sporadic violence broke out in Johannesburg as more than 50,000 people marched in South African cities to protest against President Jacob Zuma on Friday, demanding he quit after a cabinet reshuffle triggered the latest crisis of his presidency.

Zuma's sacking of Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan in the reshuffle last Thursday has outraged allies and opponents alike, undermined his authority and caused rifts in the ruling African National Congress (ANC), which has governed South Africa since the end of white-minority rule in 1994.

Fitch on Friday followed S&P Global Ratings and downgraded South Africa to "junk", citing Gordhan's dismissal as one reason. S&P had issued its downgrade on South Africa in an unscheduled review on Monday.

South African Whites Prepare for Anarchy [audio]

Violence erupts in South Africa as police clash with anti-immigrant demonstrators (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

S. Africa bill to redistribute white owned land to blacks [Published time: 27 May, 2016]

South Africa’s parliament has approved a bill that would see the government make compulsory land purchases from rich whites and redistribute it more fairly to address racial disparities, two decades after the fall of apartheid.

The ruling African National Congress (ANC) has the August elections to consider, and the party has promised to ramp up the series of measures with its Expropriation Bill, South Africa’s Mail & Guardian reports.

Having passed the National Assembly, which added changes on Thursday, the bill will now head to President Jacob Zuma’s desk for signing

South African Parliament in Session

Scuffles erupt in South African parliament after opposition MPs insult President Zuma (VIDEO)

A mass brawl broke out between guards and opposition lawmakers in the South African parliament on Thursday after the opposition sought to stop President Jacob Zuma from taking the floor, hurling a storm of insults at him.

A handful of red-clad MPs from the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party were forcibly removed from the parliament chamber in Cape Town after they denounced the country’s leader as a “scoundrel,”“constitutional delinquent” and “rotten to the core.”

The following article which was originally written by the Cape Town-based Frontline Fellowship organisation, and which was forwarded to us by a supporter in the UK, certainly confirms the realities of the "new" South Africa :-

Wednesday, 26 October, 2016, the promised "peaceful protest" march of the #FeesMustFall movement to Parliament, in Cape Town, turned violent and destructive with rioters wearing red EFF and SASCO T-shirts, smashing shop and restaurant windows, throwing bricks, damaging police vehicles and buses. A running battle was fought between the police and rioters throughout the streets of Cape Town, leaving smashed windows, damaged vehicles, fires and debris in their wake.
Campus Reign of Terror
In other headlines from yesterday, the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Bellville campus, exploded into a war zone. Staff evacuated their offices and numerous students remained trapped in their rooms as protestors, rioters, security guards and police clash almost every evening. Bewildered students, speaking on condition of unanimity (sic), said that they were being threatened and intimidated by ring leaders to join the so-called "protests". A third year student reported that the #FeesMustFall protestors would come throughout the residences banging on doors with pepper sprays and fire extinguishers, demanding that they stop sleeping, get up and join the protests.
Anarchy and Arson
On Monday, four cars were torched and the police's mobile operation centre on campus was attacked. Piles of rubble have been used as barricades on roads, some have been set on fire. Protestors have intimidated catering staff into providing them with food without payment. The protestors warned that #FeesMustFall is just the beginning.
Threats and Land Invasions
"Everybody knows that the free, decolonised education is just the start. Once we have achieved that we are going to call for the land to be taken!" Other protestors called the Vice Chancellor, Prins Nevehutalu, a "witch who must die!" University staff, including cleaners and security officials, have declared that they are not prepared to enter the buildings for fear of the rioters. So services on campus have stopped.
Panic Among Academics Seeking Positions Overseas
According to a Times Live, 12 October, article: "Academics queuing to quit SA", "a brain drain that would hollow out South Africa's top tertiary educational institutions could be looming as panicked academics look for jobs overseas." They quoted a group of academics who said that most of their colleagues are afraid to speak out against the current student anarchy and violence and are looking for employment at more stable institutions overseas.
Academic Exodus
The impending mass exodus looms as the stalemate between university administration and the student rioters continues. A recent study by the International Monetary Fund reveals that skilled workers are exiting sub-Saharan Africa at an accelerating rate. 27 Million are expected to flee Africa in the coming years.
Academic Winter
"The gradual effect of the continued protests will be the eventual impoverishment of South African Tertiary Educational Institutions. The very best academics will look for, and easily secure, employment at more stable universities elsewhere. Top researchers will choose to do their PHDs elsewhere. This will not only be disastrous for South Africa, but for Africa as a whole. With freedom of speech vanishing top Academics will leave and the wealth of knowledge and skills that they pass onto students will come to a halt."
Science Must Fall
In all seriousness, some students have started talking about the need for a "ScienceMustFall" movement, to "decolonalise science" and reject all Western science. At this meeting it was seriously suggested that witchcraft be investigated and traditional African religions and animism replace Western science as "witchdoctors can control lightening!"
Campus Chaos Will Collapse Intellectual Infrastructure
A professor at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research said, "We will lose a lot of our higher level staff, both in management, in teaching and in research. Laboratories cannot operate while there is chaos in the campus. We will see haemorrhaging becoming structural, the collapse of the intellectual infrastructure, without which there will be no universities".
Giving In To the Rhodes Must Fall Agitators Fuelled the Current Crisis
The current #FeesMustFall movement sweeping universities throughout South Africa, grew out of the #RhodesMustFall movement in Cape Town University last year. When university administration did not decisively and promptly deal with the throwing of human excrement at the Rhodes statue and disruptive and increasingly violent activities of the #RhodesMustFall movement, they fuelled the revolutionary fervour and fanaticism of the rioters who succeeded in bringing the entire university to a standstill. When the Vice Chancellor and administration of UCT gave in to pressure to remove the statue of the Founder and financier of the University of Cape Town, the #RhodesMustFall movement dramatically expanded and brought defacement and damage to many national monuments throughout the country.
A War Against Education and Civilisation
It soon became clear that the issue was not Rhodes. This was a battle over history. A war against civilisation. A revolution against Law and Education itself. The Ministry of Higher Education reported that Rhodes Must Fall activists caused over R300 million in damaged on campuses last year and much more this year!
Financing Failure
This state allocates R9 Billion a year to student subsidies, while operating subsidies to the country's 26 universities total are R72 Billion over three years. According to the New Observer, more than 85% of all undergraduate students enrolled at South Africa's 23, majority black, universities failed their studies or dropped out. The failure rate for master students is 80% and for doctoral students, 88%. (These figures were contained in the South African government Department of High Education and Training's Annual Statistical Report which looked at the size and shape of post-school education and training in South Africa).
Failure of Government
13% of South Africa's 53 million people pay Income Tax, while 36% of the countries budget is allocated to wages for a bloated public service whose lack of capacity has led to the birth of a parallel privately funded service industry that has expanded in direct proportion to the failure of government services in security, schooling, postal and health sectors. South Africans are therefore paying twice for services while the tax-payers foot the bill for 15 million welfare recipients and many billions of rands more lost through government corruption and inefficiency.
What Used to be Failure Has Now Been Redefined as a Pass
Nicolene Murdock, the Executive Director for teaching and quality at Monash University in South Africa, was quoted as saying that pass rates have ranged from 15 to 20% for several years now. Student registrations at universities have increased every year from 495,355 in 1994 to 1,002,110 in 2014. The pass rate at the universities is even lower than the school graduation rate in the country. The official pass rate in 2014 was 75.8% but that was a highly deceptive and misleading statistic. To "pass" end of school examinations in South Africa, a student only needs to get 40% in three subjects and 30% in three other subjects. Technically speaking, if the student met the minimum requirement and obtained 40% for three subjects, 30% for three subjects, and 0% for a seventh subject, then they could pass with a 30% average. The drop-out rate is not taken into account in the official pass rate. Most of the students attending university do not really qualify, nor will benefit from, a university education. With over 50% unemployment there are less jobs available to graduates anyhow.
Wasting Time, Talent and Treasure
If the #FeesMustFall movement succeeds in preventing universities conducting exams at the end of this academic year, then more than 800,000 students will have wasted a year, and tens-of-billions of Rands of state subsidies. Not even taking into account the fees, transportation and living costs of all those students and their families throughout this last year.
Destabilising, Devaluing and Destroying
The violence of the student rioters, (who for some reason are called protestors) is not only devaluing the South African Rand, chasing away investors, job creators and therefore prospects for any graduates, but they are devaluing the very degrees and institutions they are issued from as well. There was a time when the University of Cape Town was respected and a degree issued by that university almost guaranteed a good job. That time is long past. A degree from UCT is now becoming more of a liability.
Stealing from Everyone
The #RhodesMustFall and #FeesMustFall rioters have actually stolen from everyone in the country, undermining the economy, sabotaging tertiary education, devaluing the Rand, chasing away investors and job prospects.
So the question may follow: Why do they do it? Do they not understand that what they are doing is completely counterproductive and destructive? Possibly they do, but that is their whole intention!
Marxist Revolutionary Strategy in Action
The issue is never the issue. The issue is the Revolution. What we are seeing is Marxist Revolutionary strategy in action. Those who believe in evolution maintain that a big bang, a cosmic explosion, led to all the life and order we see around us. Social Darwinism maintains that if you can throw enough bombs and burn down enough institutions, social utopia is bound to result! As Lenin and Stalin so eloquently put it: "Evolution leads to Revolution." What we are seeing on our campuses and in our streets is the outworking of Marxist Revolutionary agenda.
Pawns of Politicians
What most rioters and protestors may not understand is that they are merely pawns in a global communist agenda, an agenda in which they are expendable cannon fodder. Those pulling the strings and manipulating these colossal distractions do not care about the people involved, or the issues that they trumpet. The goal is what the communists describe as constructive chaos, which enable corrupt politicians and their backers to remain in power at the expense of the general population.
Tel: 021-689-4480
Cape Town South Africa
P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725
Frontline Fellowship
Dr. Peter Hammond

Don't forget that December 16 is the Day of the Vow - the 178th Anniversary of the defeat of the Zulu hordes by the Voortrekker pioneers at the Battle of Blood River. It is a day which all Whites - not just Afrikaners - should remember, keep Holy and commemorate.
On 16 December 1838, 464 Voortrekkers and their servants under command of Andries Pretorius defeated King Dingane’s approximately 10 000 impi under command of Ndlela kaSompisi.


OBITUARY provided to Global Gulag by Springbok Club




As reported in last month’s SCN, and as mentioned elsewhere in this issue, that great South African patriot and hero, Clive Derby-Lewis, sadly died in November.


Clive Derby-Lewis was born in Kimberley on 22nd January 1936 (the anniversary of the heroic defence of Rorke’s Drift in 1879). As his name suggests, he was of British descent, though throughout his life he was a great admirer of the Afrikaner people, and indeed was often referred to as an “English-speaking Afrikaner”. He was extremely talented as a youth, and excelled both academically and in sport, and took an early keen interest in the South African political scene. Blessed with entrepreneurial flair he began a successful business career after leaving school, but also became a reservist with the Citizen Force in the SADF, serving in the Witwatersrand Rifles wherein he gained rapid promotion until at the age of only 32 he was appointed as the youngest ever Commandant of the Regiment. He saw active service during the Angolan War, and was awarded the John Chard Medal, South Africa’s highest military decoration (named after the British Army Officer who commanded the garrison at Rorke’s Drift) for his bravery and outstanding meritorious service.


Whilst serving in the SADF he came into contact with Colonel Charles Stallard, a veteran conservative politician who had once served in Jan Smuts’ United Party government. Later Clive was to found a conservative think-tank called the Stallard Foundation in honour of this great elder statesman of South African politics. Clive’s interest in South African politics was galvanised by Col. Stallard, but rather than joining the by now declining UP wherein Stallard himself had served, he was advised by Stallard to join the increasingly dominant National Party where the true power now lay. Soon after joining the party he stood for election, and was victorious, winning a seat on the Transvaal Provincial Council.


During the late 1970s, however, Clive came to realise that the NP government of John Vorster was abandoning many of the conservative policies for which they had previously stood rock-firm, and saw that the “reform process” on which the NP government had embarked was a recipe for disaster. When Dr. Andries Treurnicht, the leader of the NP in the Transvaal, resigned from the party and founded the Conservative Party of South Africa in 1982 Clive was thus one of the first prominent English-speakers to join this new party, and soon established himself as the party’s leading English-speaking spokesman and representative. He proved a most eloquent orator, and became highly popular among the party’s increasing number of English-speaking supporters – indeed to many British-South Africans he was the Conservative Party! He also became the CP’s unofficial overseas ambassador, visiting the UK and Europe on several occasions to explain to overseas politicians and businessmen why, by maintaining stability in South Africa, it was in all their interests that the CP came to power. He also of course established many important and lasting friendships with British and European patriotic activists through these trips.


Although he was unsuccessful when he stood for election for Parliament in his home constituency of Krugersdorp in both the 1987 and 1989 General Elections (only narrowly losing on both occasions), he was however selected by Dr. Treurnicht to be the CP’s nominated MP (the concept of nominated MPs had been introduced by the NP government as a means of increasing their own numbers), and immediately found himself on the CP’s frontbench as a highly respected and influential parliamentary debater.


In 1986 another important development occurred in Clive’s life, as he married Gabrielle “Gaye” Graser (née O’Keefe), an Australian-born conservative activist who had previously worked as information officer for former NP cabinet minister Dr. Connie Mulder, but who had by then also joined the CP and was one of the party’s most prominent journalists and spokeswomen. It proved an extremely happy and successful marriage, and together they proved a highly effective partnership in advancing the CP’s cause. All this was alas to change in 1992 however, when Clive was arrested in connection with the assassination of the ANC terrorist leader Chris Hani.


It is difficult to imagine the shock and disbelief which greeted his arrest. Here was a man who was one of the most famous politicians in South Africa, and whose name was known by everyone regardless of their political leanings! It seemed impossible that such a high-profile politician who was fighting so effectively in Parliament, in print and on the air-waves would ever dare to become involved in such an act of direct action, and as a result most friends and supporters around the world assumed that his arrest must have been a frame-up by the new NP/ANC coalition to silence their most effective English-speaking opponent. Clive’s comments on the recording of his last interview (see “Recommended Web-Site of the Month” section above) indicate that he at least knew about the planned elimination of Hani before the event however, so if he was in any way involved it was clearly a bad, surprising and highly untypical lapse of judgement. At his trial very little evidence was laid against him, except for the fact that the admitted gunman, a Polish immigrant named Janusz Walus, had ‘phoned him up after the event to “boast” about it, and that a former associate who had turned state’s witness and traitor had testified against him by claiming that he had given him a “hit-list” of the names and addresses of potential targets, but in spite of this lack of evidence and the fact that his lawyers advised him not to take the witness stand in his own defence (a great mistake in retrospect) he was found guilty by the new regime’s court and sentenced to death (although following the abolition of the death penalty this was changed to life imprisonment).


He thus spent the next 23 years of his life in Pretoria Central Prison, but as has been recently revealed he bore his incarceration with phenomenal fortitude and resignation, and without bitter complaint. In spite of the fact that he most certainly wasn’t “flavour of the month” with ANC-supporting members of the prison’s population (there were actually two attempts on his life whilst inside) he proved surprisingly popular among his fellow, majority Black, inmates, and was elected over and over again as Chairman of the prison’s Recreation Committee. He also chaired the prison’s Soccer Association, through which he arranged matches and kit sponsors, as well as organising prison family days and teaching matric subjects and creating a gym. On a more personal level he started to raise song-birds and Mallard ducks, and also nurtured tree seeds which were later distributed around South Africa, producing trees which are flourishing today! Through all his tribulations he was maintained by his strong Christian faith. Although born a Roman Catholic he had later converted to the Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk.


Many attempts were made to procure his release on parole, but predictable the ANC regime continuously refused this. As his health declined due to the hellish prison conditions and the two attempts on his life (he was diagnosed with cancer and developed gangrene in one leg) his family and legal team applied for release on medical grounds, but this alas was also initially refused. Following the death of the ANC terrorist leader Mandela and thus the last main hate-filled opponent, he was eventually released in 2015, but alas only on strict conditions which more or less entailed house-arrest. He wasn’t even allowed to attend church or to visit Loftus Versfe!d to see matches played by his beloved Blue Bulls!


Although his release conditions included the stipulation that he was not allowed to write articles or to communicate by written means, a loop-hole in the regulations meant that he was allowed to have access to the Internet. He quickly became proficient in e-mailing and the social media and made good and regular contact with his previous friends and admirers around the world – including with our own movement – and showed clearly that in spite of his 23 years’ incarceration he had lost none of his previous verve and patriotism. In what was to prove his final message written to the editor of the SCN he stated: “Great pleasure, Alan. All of the very best to you, you are doing a great job. Alles van die beste vir jou ook.”.


On his wishes his ashes have been taken secretly to be scattered on a mountain top in the Karoo overlooking a panoramic view of so much of South Africa. Clive Derby-Lewis’s ashes may be resting in piece, but his soul – and his spirit - live on, live on to inspire a future generation of South African patriots. When civilized rule is eventually restored to that beleaguered land and it is free again the exact place where his ashes have been scattered will probably be revealed, and will become a place of pilgrimage for all true South Africans and other patriots from around the Western world.


Out heartfelt commiserations are of course extended to his widow Gaye and to the rest of his family – and if he could only understand the sentiments to his beloved cat Boykie.

We have recently rerceived a copy of this earlier edition of the TAU SA's "South Africa Bulletin", which not only re-lives and clarifies some historical facts from 40 years ago, but also compares and contasts the situation in South Africa then with the chaotic situation in the "new" South Africa today. It is well worth reading :-



from the headquarters of

TAU SA in Pretoria



Tel.:  + 27 12 804 8031       Fax:  + 27 12 804 2014



June 28, 2016


The Bulletin attached hereto is provided as a means to inform stakeholders of agricultural developments in South Africa.  These International Bulletins are distributed at regular intervals and can also be found on TAU SA’s website at


TAU SA is the oldest agricultural union in South Africa and has been in existence since 1897. The mission of the union is to ensure a productive and safe existence for its members on the land they own.  Current reality in South Africa indicates that this is not possible at the moment due to a variety of actions and threats against commercial farmers.


Your comment regarding the Bulletins and other information provided to you is valuable and will be appreciated.  However should you prefer not to receive information from TAU SA, simply reply to this e-mail and write “unsubscribe” in the subject line




It is forty years since the 1976 student “uprising” in Soweto, Johannesburg, and the violence, burning and killing then and since has been meat and potatoes to the world’s media:  South African township mobs burning and looting was always a seductive sure-fire front page seller, with the “Afrikaans” police the baddies oppressing the black downtrodden. The British press, particularly, were in their element, only too glad to interview those suffering  under apartheid, accompanied by pictures of shack dwellings and corrugated iron lean-to’s which the Afrikaans apartheid government forced blacks to inhabit.


It was a story told over and over, extrapolating and mushrooming into a world anti-apartheid movement that seduced celebrities, politicians and many wannabe hangers-on who, in retrospect, became more famous for their anti-apartheid credentials than for anything else they did.  The appellation “anti- apartheid activist” became the entry ticket to a politically-correct world of favorable book reviews (whatever one’s talent), key note speaking engagements and a misguided tolerance of SA’s liberation super stars’  peccadillos and crimes which were glossed over as justifiable as long as they were  anti-apartheid. The narrative grew larger than the 1976 event itself, to the point that now, forty years later, 90% of one national SA newspaper’s pages were devoted to all and sundry’s opinions and sympathies towards the students of yore. Any effort over the post 1976 period to place this unique South African problem and what exactly happened into some sort of historical perspective was met with derision, accusations of racism and the old hoary chestnuts, “white supremacy” and “the white minority regime”.


In addition, there was no shortage of home-grown whites whose compassion for the erstwhile “victims of apartheid” has now morphed into a quiet emigration to Australia and other points west as the “victims” became the victors and quickly revealed their true colours.

On June 16, 1976 violence erupted in Soweto.  Student protest groups marched to ostensibly complain about the state of education and that they were forced to learn in Afrikaans. But, says Professor Jonathan Jansen, outgoing vice chancellor and rector of the Free State University (and now, luckily for him, on his way to a fellowship post at Harvard University) “it was not a protest against Afrikaans.  Afrikaans was already part of the curriculum”.


(After 1948, during the first years of National Party rule, prime minister Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd placed high importance on black education. Millions of mostly rural blacks moved into SA’s cities from undeveloped rural areas seeking work, and most were illiterate. (It is often forgotten that there was no written language in South Africa before European arrival). Verwoerd appointed a fluent Xhosa speaker Dr. Koot Greyling to head a massive project to build schools and houses for blacks. This resulted in the building of one of the world’s largest housing schemes at the time.


During the first years of the program, 10 000 classrooms were built per year resulting in the number of black scholars reaching 500 000 in ten years. But there were hardly any black teachers. Pressure was thus placed on many Afrikaans-speaking teachers to teach at these black schools, and although instruction was in English, some taught in Afrikaans, their mother tongue.)


The 1976 situation became politically charged and exploited, the “language of the oppressor” became the catalyst for every grievance under the sun – liberation meant not only freedom but free everything - houses, education, electricity, water, roads, jobs. Promises had been made and when the goodies failed to materialize, the reaction was predictable- violence and mayhem became part and parcel of South African life, and this is still the case, maybe even more so now because there is currently no control. 


Historically violence has been a very effective ANC tool:  political negotiation with the previous government was the ANC’s Plan A. Plan B’s none-too-thinly-veiled threats to reduce South Africa to a “wasteland” actually did the trick.




Two people were reportedly killed in the current June 2016 unrest and burning that has engulfed South Africa’s capital city Pretoria. We will probably never know their names. But the names of the two people killed on June 16, 1976 by the police (Hector Pietersen and  Hastings Ndlovu) will possibly live forever.(They perished when police fired on the student mob moving towards them as they tried to quell the oncoming violence, which unrest went on to lay waste to many of Johannesburg’s townships.)    Blame for the burning and violence and mayhem was well focused:  apartheid, Afrikaans oppression, white economic monopoly, colonialism, police brutality and the capitalism that did not provide the free trappings promised by the liberation big-wigs. (What was not reported so prominently was the beating to death of a police dog sent into the crowd, and the cutting of the throat of a lone policeman separated from his group).


The role of the media has always been crucial to the so-called struggle, and never more so than in 1976.The Hector Pietersen picture has been immortalized. The ANC learnt well from their overseas press mentors: propaganda in South Africa has played a crucial role in, firstly, engendering a (misplaced!) sense of guilt among whites and, secondly, giving a relatively free pass to the endless depravity, iniquity and criminal activities of many in the ruling classes. (“28 Criminals on ANC List” declares a Mail & Guardian headline (10.6.16), referring to the coming municipal elections.)


The ANC knows the value of a compliant media and taxpayers’ funds were used to make their control of a media group a reality. In the early 1990’s, Irishman Tony O’Reilly was hand-picked by Nelson Mandela to purchase the old Argus Group which then re-positioned itself from traditional liberalism to a more pro-ANC slant. In 2013 the group was sold to Iqbal Surve of the Sekanjulo Consortium for R2 billion. This figure was considered roughly double the worth of the deal, but who was counting? The money was borrowed from the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) which manages the Government Employees Pension Fund. The group now owns 18 major newspaper titles across three key geographic regions of SA, making it the first majority black owned media house in South Africa.


No wonder all we read about today is how the “challenges” of the mayhem and collapse will be ”addressed” by the government, and endless editorials and columns about white racism and whites’ refusal to apologize for apartheid.




Despite the propaganda, the facts are uncomfortably evident.  Education in South Africa is a shambles: the country was almost dead last among 140 countries in terms of its maths and science education,  according to last year’s World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report. In 2014, SA was placed last out of 148 countries. (The government naturally criticized the report.)


Schools are regularly burnt to the ground. Business Day reported on 20 October 2013 that the Centre of Development and Enterprise (CDE) declared that the majority of Grade 6 teachers in South Africa could not answer a question that their pupils should have been able to answer based on the Grade 6 curriculum. “SA needs a sustained focus on teachers and teacher-training enhancement and, given the scale and current attitudes, this will take a decade or more to achieve”, said CDE.


The emphasis on attitude is important. So many teachers arrive late or not at all, some are reported to be drunk, many go on strike and others are simply unqualified. While there are dedicated teachers who do their very best to impart knowledge and instil stability into their students, they appear to be in the minority.


Money is thrown at education, with abysmal results. R28 billion has been allocated this year for university subsidies, while R14,3 billion is to go to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. Nearly a quarter of a million students owe this fund a staggering R6,4 billion. At least 190 000 of the debtors have been traced by the SA Revenue Service and were found to be employed!  81 000 of these are in government employ!  From the time the fund was established in 1991, the fund has assisted more than 2,1 million students to the tune of R51billion. But more than half of them dropped out before graduating. So what happened to the loan money? As well, a forensic service group has now  been appointed to examine fraud and corruption in the allocation of funds at universities.


So the story repeats itself, year after year, of wasted money, students who take the taxpayers for a ride, written-off billions and consultant groups bought in to investigate the ubiquitous stealing and misappropriation. The 1976 riots may have been about education, but twenty odd years of incompetent ANC rule is hardly a tribute to those in 1976 who gave their lives for a cause still unfulfilled.


“Liberation before education” has come to haunt the ANC. There’s plenty of liberation, but the failure of education has turned their liberation into a tragic failure which history will record without mercy.                                                                                                           





The following very worrying report about the breakdown in law and order at train stations in the "new" South Africa has recently been sent to us by a supporter still trapped in that beleaguered land :-


This woman was attacked on Saturday at Centurion station.

by Gerhard van Jaarsveld

Good morning everyone. I want to warn all Gautrain users to be careful when leaving a station or walking to it. I have only recently placed a warning over incidents in Sandton. On Saturday afternoon a lady was attacked at Centurion station, literally with a smile and a pocket knife, while others sat on the pavement and watched.

At that point we stopped to help her. She had suffered very deep wounds right across her hand and arm. She had to have an emergency operation and the doctor had prepared her for a possible amputation if he couldn’t reconnect the nerves.

Two things stood out for me after this experience:

1. Nobody is prepared for the barbarity out there. This woman could not understand why the man attacked her after she greeted him in a friendly way.
2. Our training put Gawie and I in a position to take control of the situation and to provide fast accurate first aid.


The Gruesome Reality of Racist South Africa

Leftist silence on the genocidal race hatred of the Marxist government they once supported.

by Arnold Ahlert, March 10, 2015


For decades, the country of South Africa was the focus of an international rallying cry against the injustices of apartheid. On June 17, 1991, South Africa's Parliament abolished the legal framework for the practice of racial persecution. In 1994, Nelson Mandela and his Marxist African National Congress (ANC) assumed the reins of power. The international community looked away, satisfied that justice had prevailed. They continue to look away, even as South Africa has degenerated into another racist pit, best described by an Afrikaner farm owner: "It's politically correct to kill Whites these days."

In July of 2012, Dr. Gregory Stanton, head of the non-profit group Genocide Watch, conducted a fact-finding mission in South Africa. He concluded that there is a co-ordinated campaign of genocide being conducted against White farmers (derogatively known as 'Boers'). “The farm murders, we have become convinced, are not accidental,” Stanton contended. "It was very clear that the massacres were not common crimes," he added - especially because of the absolute barbarity used against the victims. "We don’t know exactly who is planning them yet, but what we are calling for is an international investigation,” he added.

The number of farm murders, or "plaasmoorde" as it is called in Afrikaans, is staggering. Over the last decade, it is estimated that at least 3000 White farmers have been killed. Estimating the number of murders is necessary because the ANC has banned crime statistics from being compiled, claiming they scare off foreign investment. Moreover, the world knows little about the savagery that accompanies those killings. Many victims, including women and infant children, are raped or tortured before they are killed. Some have boiling water poured down their throats, some are burned with hot pokers, and some are hacked to death with machetes, or disemboweled. Several others have been tied to their own cars and dragged for miles.

The ANC, whose leader Jacob Zuma was re-elected with over 75% of the total voting delegates at the ANC National Conference held in Bloemfontein last December, denies that genocide is occurring, insisting that such attacks are part of the larger crime problem. Yet a report filed by the South African Institute of Race Relations notes that while crime has ostensibly declined between 1994 and 2011, "substantial numbers" of police stations have manipulated their crime statistics. The report sub-headline underscores the corrupt nature of crime statistics in the country: "Is this a true reflection of the crime statistics in South Africa? Who knows!" it states.

What is known is that the ANC celebrated in 100th year anniversary with a song led by President Zuma himself. “Dubula iBhunu” or "Shoot the Boer" was a line in the lyrics of an apartheid-era song, “Ayesaba Amagwala” (“the cowards are scared”) that violates the South Africa constitution prohibiting the “advocacy of hatred that is based on race … and that constitutes incitement to cause harm.”  Yet Zuma apparently felt no compunction to refrain from singing it, because the ANC considers it an integral part of the anti-apartheid movement that is part of their heritage.

In 2010, Julius Malema, then leader of the ANC Youth League, revived the practice of singing the song after many years. After the South Africa High Court ruled it was hate speech, the ANC appealed. Last October, the ANC and AfriForum, a lobby group that wanted the song banned from public performance, reached an out-of-court settlement.

Dr. Stanton concluded that Malema's revival of a song advocating murder moved South Africa from the fifth stage on his genocidal scale to stage six. When the South African judiciary ruled it to be unlawful hate speech, Genocide Watch put South Africa back at stage five. When President Zuma was caught on tape January 2012 singing, "We are going to shoot them with the machine gun, they are going to run/You are a Boer, we are going to hit them, and you are going to run/shoot the Boer…" South Africa was raised to stage six once again.

Stage six is known as Preparation: "Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. Members of victim groups are forced to wear identifying symbols. Their property is expropriated. They are often segregated into ghettoes, deported into concentration camps, or confined to a famine-struck region and starved."

The sixth stage is followed by stage seven: Extermination.

In December, more than 200 protesters of the Afrikaner civil rights group AfriForum, which included families of murdered farmers and survivors of farm attacks, marched in the capital city of Pretoria. They were commemorating the second anniversary of the murders of farm caretaker Attie Potgieter and his family. Potgieter was stabbed and hacked 151 times with a knife, a fork, and a machete, while his wife and two-year-old daughter were forced to watch. They were then executed with shots to the head. "If you kill a rhinoceros in South Africa, you get more time in jail then if you kill a person," said Susan Nortje, 26, Mrs. Potgieter's younger sister. "I don't think people understand. We must show people what's really happening."

The group is calling for attacks on South Africa's mostly White farmers to be designated a crime of national priority. They delivered a memorandum to the country's police minister, Nathi Mthethwa, urging him to give the murder of farmers the same level of urgency aimed at rhinoceros poachers and copper cable thieves. Mthethwa was not present at the time, but police spokesman Zweli Mnisi accused the protesters of "grandstanding." "They are only representing people based on their colour," he contended. "For us, racializing crime is problematic. You can't have a separate category that says, farmers are the special golden boys and girls. You end up saying the life of a White person is more important. You cannot do this," he added.

Like so many societies where demonstrating who’s in control becomes a necessity, disarming the population becomes a priority. In 2010, the ANC-led regime changed the Firearms Registration Act, demanding that all legal guns be re-registered by July 31, 2011. In the process of re-registration, more than half the applicants were turned down, and 90 percent were turned down again on appeal. Thus, White farm families were forced to relinquish their last line of defense against the tens of thousands of criminal gangs roaming the countryside--armed with AK47s. and as Genocide Watch noted on its website last July one more step was taken as well. “The government has disbanded the Commando units of White farmers that once protected their farms, and has passed laws to confiscate the farmers’ weapons,” it reported. “Disarmament of a targeted group is one of the surest early warning signs of future genocidal killings.”

There is also a movement, much like the one that occurred in Zimbabwe, to confiscate White farmers' land. Julius Malema led the charge, saying all Whites are criminals, and that his ANC Youth League members were going to take all the land back without compensation, unless farmers relinquish 80 percent of it. At a conference in 2011, Malema reiterated his plans, contending that the nation's "willing buyer, willing seller" programme, aimed at redistributing 30% of White-owned land to Blacks within the first five years of the country's democracy (a deadline later shifted to 2014, and then to 2025), wasn’t working. "You can never be diplomatic about willing-buyer, willing-seller. It has failed. You have not come with an alternative," said Mr. Malema at the time. "We are giving you an alternative; we must take the land without payment."

That is a recipe for famine, as revealed by Rural Development and Land Reform Minister Gugile Nkwinti. In 2009, he told Parliament that more than half of the farms purchased for Black farmers, at a cost of $891 million in government outlays, had either failed or were "declining."

Yet ANC president Zuma remains undeterred. “The structure of the apartheid economy has remained largely intact,” Mr. Zuma said, in a speech given June 26, 2012 to thousands of delegates at ANC’s policy conference, held every five years, where the party's pre-presidential election platform is discussed. “The ownership of the economy is still primarily in the hands of White males, as it has always been.”

Embedded in that platform is the idea that making peace with White South Africans following the end of apartheid has "hampered" the transfer of wealth to Black South Africans. Thus, a “second transition,” was proposed, which even the see-no-progressive-evil New York Times was forced to concede represents a "sharp leftward shift for the ANC, which despite its roots has largely backed a free-market economy with minimal state intervention."

Stanton sees a bigger pictur. In a speech in Pretoria, organized by the Transvaal Agricultural Union, Stanton claimed the ANC was demonizing White farmers, who have been in South Africa since the 1600s, by calling them "settlers." A Genocide Watch reports reveals the strategy behind those efforts. “High-ranking ANC government officials who continuously refer to Whites as ‘settlers’ and ‘colonialists of a special type’ are using racial epithets in a campaign of state-sponsored de-humanization of the White population as a whole,” it stated. “They sanction gang-organized hate crimes against Whites, with the goal of terrorizing Whites through fear of genocidal annihilation."

ANC President Jacob Zuma continues to fan the flames of racial division. Last December, he admonished Black South Africans for being dog-owners, saying that doing so amounts to copying White culture. Zuma's office contended the message was aimed at "the need to de-colonize the African mind post-liberation."


The 'WHITE squatter camps' of South Africa: Shanty towns built after the fall of Apartheid are now home to hundreds of families

Years after fall of apartheid, some White people live in squalid camps

In pictures: Pretoria burns amid SA mayoral protests

Johannesberg after Black liberation.

South Africa's White Minority Warned They Face Uprising and Zimbabwe-Style Land Grab

The following recent edition of the "South Africa Bulletin" issued by TAU SA simply illustrates why we were completely correct to advocate "No" votes in both the 1983 and 1992 Constitutional Referenda :-


“They must give back the land”. “White monopoly capital must go.” “Zimbabwe is an inspiration”. “Take power with a gun.”

Economic Freedom Front (EFF) leader Julius Malema’s recent pronouncements and incantations at the launch of his party’s election “manifesto” before more than 40 000 supporters at the Orlando stadium in Soweto have been described by even the most magnanimous South African media practitioners as erratic, delusional, dangerous, insane, crazy, seditious, hypocritical and racist, inter alia.

But who of the 40 000 and the thousands who stood outside the Soweto stadium are listening to the media, or to any other voice of reason?

Notwithstanding that all these adjectives are entirely apt, who will stop Malema and who indeed will stop President Zuma and his ANC government in its rush to out-Malema Malema? The democracy foisted upon South Africa by the West and the so-called “international community” has become a parody which has thrown up the likes of Malema and Zuma who, while enjoying the accoutrements of Western life,  whip up their supporters with unrealistic promises that can’t be kept but which are meat and potatoes to the have-nots. The Western way of life is seductive, yet those responsible for bringing it to the dark continent are paradoxically castigated and slandered.

Yes, South Africa is now just another African country. Director of the Centre for Politics and Research Prince Mashele says in the Sowetan (9.5.16) that “we must thank President Zuma for revealing our true African character, that the idea of the rule of law is not part of who we are, and that constitutionalism is a concept far ahead of us as a people. How else are we to explain the thousands of people who flock to stadiums to clap hands for a president who has violated the country’s constitution?”

“In a typical African country”, he continues, “people have no illusions about the unity of morality and governance. People know that those who have power have it for themselves and their friends and families. The idea that the state is an instrument for people’s development is a Western concept but Africans and their leaders don’t like to copy from the West. They are happy to remain African and do things ‘the African way’. Asking a ruler to be accountable is a foreign –Western – idea. In a situation where there is conflict between a ruler and laws, Africans simply change the laws to protect the ruler.”

Mashele believes a future South Africa will not look like Denmark but it might look like Nigeria. He says Zuma remains an African. He is suspicious of educated people whom he calls “clever blacks”. The idea that a president can resign simply because a court of law delivered an   adverse judgment is Western. Only the prime minister of Iceland does that: African rulers never do that. He says South Africa today is not an “outpost of European values”, but a real African Republic of South Africa.


Evidence of South Africa’s metamorphosis to this “African” state of affairs is conspicuous. Ignoring court orders by government officials is not unusual, and criticism of judges whose decisions do not suit the political aims of whatever functionary or hanger-on is complaining is vociferous and unambiguous. Minister of Defence Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula’s retort that her smuggling of a Burundi national with false documents into South Africa in an Air Force jet was just fine with her:  the girl “grew up in an abusive home”, so that was that. This attitude reveals a complete lack of understanding of (and contempt for) her duties and responsibilities. The air plane is not the minister’s, it belongs to the people of South Africa.

Unable to manage and grow the country they inherited, Prince Mashele’s Africans will simply take what’s available, what is there. This attitude is seeded in history and we explain later.

One example is the country’s health care shambles. The fact that we have “transformed” from the best to one of the world’s worst state systems is apparently not even discussed in government circles. Government’s proposed National Health Insurance envisages a universal health system to which “everyone contributes according to their ability” (Business Day 26.5.16) and this is supposed to provide everyone with free services. Who will define this “ability” to pay is moot: clearly private hospitals will be dragooned into providing care to those who do not have the “ability” to pay.

There doesn’t seem to be any introspection within those who will take what others created. As in history, Mr. Mashele’s Africans will use what is there and when it’s destroyed, they will move on. This is happening throughout many sectors of South Africa – agriculture, schools, municipal structures, universities. Destruction, burning, looting, striking, street protests –is there anything creative from Africa? Yet there’s a lot of talk of racism when criticism is levied.


Mr. Mashele has lifted the lid on a conundrum in the minds of many white South Africans: why don’t Mashele’s Africans worry about the dirt and filth where many of them live? Why aren’t they concerned that they have destroyed the country’s first world cities? Why do they want to take productive farms which ultimately become fallow, even degenerating into squatter camps?  And despite this abject failure of policy, why do they continue to take farms and accept land claims when they know these farms will never be productive?

Why do they cheer Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe when he comes to South Africa, a cruel dictator who cares nothing for his starving people? Is care and accountability and compassion and morality solely symptoms of Western thinking? It would appear they are, given Mr. Mashele’s succinct assessment of the African lifestyle now becoming manifest in official behavior. The precariousness of trying to hold the line against this locust-like corrosion of South Africa’s Western modus vivendi is clear. The dominos are falling and some official attitudes to the law are capricious in the extreme. Public complaints and concerns are waved off, and an unwarranted sense of entitlement has become so pervasive that the country is becoming the  personal fiefdom of the ruling elite. “Asking a ruler to be accountable is a foreign –Western – idea”, says Mashele. We are a dichotomous state, a glaring and lamentable example of the folly of throwing SA’s first and third worlds together into something called a rainbow nation, and giving Mr. Mashele’s Africans the reins of power.


History exposes the origins of this peculiarly South African political and social dichotomy. A Dr. Andrew Smith arrived in South Africa in 1921, aged 24.  In addition to being a medical doctor, he was a botanist, an historian and a student of zoology and natural history. He was sent by the British government on a mission of discovery.

In 1824, Major Henry Somerset, commander of the Cape Corps, posted Dr. Smith to Fort Wiltshire as medical officer of this frontier post, with specific instructions to make friends with and study the customs, attitudes and way of life of the African people.

The huge volume which resulted from his assignment included details of his explorations throughout South Africa as far north as the Tropic of Capricorn. He had no political agenda, and reported on what he saw. If anything he started out with a rather magnanimous attitude towards the African people.

He identified two genetic types, the Bushmen and the Africans. In a nutshell, he saw they had achieved little by way of self-generated development. He was then posted to the Eastern frontier. He travelled from there and met the Zulu chief Dingane. His observations were not politically correct, a phrase not in use at the time. Many chapters are devoted to the state of the tribes, their dress, their habitation, their wars and their attitudes. What is manifest is that there was no inquisitiveness to find out more, no spring within to change anything, to make something better. Land was simply there, to be used or plundered. Tribal warfare was endemic. He found the lack of a desire to improve matters strange, coming as he did from a European civilization on the cusp of great exploration and discovery.

He sketched what he saw- clothing was in the main animal skins and rudimentary, dwellings consisted of huts where women ground their corn and men hunted with spears. Trees fueled fires and Africa for them was a land to be used and taken and moved across. Private property was unheard of. There was no wheel, no written word. A clash of civilizations was already underway and it continues today.

While Mr. Mashele’s Africans today avail themselves of everything Western civilization has to offer in South Africa (including expensive European cars for the president’s five wives), the mentality is not Western.

Perhaps regression is on the cards for South Africa, a return to the African way. Mr. Mashele says people who talk about the “end” of South Africa are misled. “Analyzed carefully” he declares, “the notion of SA coming to an “end” is an expression of a Western value system, of accountability, political morality, reason and so on. All these are lofty ideals of Socrates, Kant, Hegel and so on. They are not African”.

Under all of this lies the tectonic plate which threatens to erupt as an African mindset seeks to impose its will on the first world value system it inherited and which it now desires to “transform”. Who dares, wins. South Africa’s future as a first world entity is at stake.                                                                                                                                                                                                  

#MURDER: UPDATE: Four black killers arrested for brutal Hate-murder against Afrikaans man: Pierre Etienne de Necker (24)


South Africa's once proud Air Force now in complete ruin

The following most interesting article about a dramatic speech made by King Goodwill Zwelithini of the Zulus in December of last year, which was apparently reported in both the "Natal Mercury" and "IoL News" on 7th December 2015, has recently been forwarded to us by a supporter still based in South Africa :-

 Zulu King: Blacks Destroy S. Africa

The official king of South Africa’s Zulu tribe has announced that that country was economically, militarily, and socially better under white Afrikaner rule—and that history will judge blacks as only having destroyed everything that they had inherited from the white government.

King Goodwill Zwelithini, who has been Zulu king since December 1971, made the remarks during a speech at an official royal household event in Nongoma, located in the northeastern part of the eastern seaboard province of KwaZulu-Natal, over the past weekend.

The event, held to mark his forty-fourth year on the Zulu throne, was reported on by the Natal Mercury newspaper.

King Zwelithini said the former white rulers of South Africa had “built a powerful government with the strongest economy and army on the continent.”

He went on to say that the white government had “a mighty army, and that the South African currency and economy had shot up” under the National Party government.

“But then,” he continued, “came this so-called democracy in which black people are destroying the gains of the past. The economy that we are now burning down.”

Addressing himself directly to black people, King Zwelethini said that “you do not want to build on what you had inherited. You are going to find yourselves on the wrong side of history.”

“History will judge black people harshly as they have failed to build on the successes of the Afrikaners,” he said, before continuing to explain that “black people loved to use matches to burn down infrastructure” built by the white government.

King Zwelithini said that “people on the ground did not appreciate the infrastructure” which they had inherited from the white rulers, even though the ANC leaders themselves governed from the very buildings which the whites had created.

Referring specifically to the Union Buildings in Pretoria and the South African Parliament in Cape Town, King Zwelithini said that he was “surprised that all presidents who have been elected in this so-called democracy, occupy apartheid buildings.”

“But you on the ground, are burning everything that you found here. . . You don’t want to use them (buildings), you say this is apartheid infrastructure,” he said.

Finally, he informed his audience that he “feels lucky that I was born the same year the National Party came to power, in 1948. The Afrikaners respected me. I don’t know how it happened that the Afrikaners respect me so much.”

He also mentioned that at one of his palaces in Nongoma, he still had all the medals which the white government had awarded to his “kingdom,” marking out historical events and achievements of the Zulu people.


King Zwelithini’s comments come after a falling out with the ANC government—which he previously supported—over the reorganization and funding of his royal household.


Published on Jun 7, 2016
Deel asseblief hierdie video met almal. Dit is ‘n samestelling van beeldmateriaal van protesaksie vir die tydperk 25 Mei 2016 tot 8 Junie 2016 (14 dae.)

We have recently received the following highly disturbing report about the complete collapse of all order and standards at UCT under the current dispensation, which has been forwarded to us by Dr. Peter Hammond of the Cape Town-based Frontline Fellowship. This report (only the first most relevant part of which we re-forward below) demonstrates clearly - if any more clear illustration is needed - why the (the ANC) is totally incapable of maintaining any form of civilised order, and so should therefore never be allowed to hold power. [It is also important to remember that the Molly Blackburn after whom the hall at UCT which was trashed was named was herself a notorious PFP-supporting member of the seditious "Black Sash" movement which sought to destroy civilised standards in South Africa, and thereby to usher in the complete chaos and anarchy which is now unfolding.] :-


On Tuesday evening, my daughter was attending a ballroom dancing event on the campus of the University of Cape Town.  As she attempted to walk up the stairs to Jameson Hall mobs barred her way and threatened her.  Their curses and hostility were directed at anyone who was White.  Vile graffiti desecrated the memorial to students who had died in the First World War and students were chanting that all Whites must be killed.
Disrupting Traffic
A shack was built across the middle of one of the most important roads on the university campus, disrupting traffic.  Rubbish bins were being burnt.
Intimidating Residents
Then members of the Rhodes Must Fall protesters invaded the residences nearby, forced themselves into the kitchens and stole food, intimidating residents and threatening Whites. 
Destroying Art
The protesters then stole priceless, irreplaceable, original oil-on-canvas framed pictures and made a bonfire of them. 
The Molly Blackburn hall where the ballroom dancing was taking place was invaded by thugs who smashed glass and stole artwork for destruction.  Pictures were slashed, rocks were thrown and a bonfire was made on which many of these historic portraits were thrown. 
Violence and Arson
There were arson attacks that burned out one of the campus busses, another university vehicle was damaged, a police vehicle was torched and a petrol bomb was thrown into the office of the administration building, into the vice chancellor's office, causing severe damage. 
Stone Throwing
When the police finally came onto the campus, rocks were thrown at them.  A running battle was fought between protesters and police over the next eight hours, spreading on to the Main Road of Rosebank and Rondebosch.  The Public Order Policing Services had to use tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the mob and bring the volatile situation under control. 
Traffic Jams and Trauma
Many of the students and residents had been traumatised by the orchestrated chaos on campus.  Capetonians who have been stuck in some of the most frustrating traffic jams in memory as a result of the disruption of traffic on the M3 motorway, which runs past UCT, have been asking what could possibly justify all this mayhem?
Racism at UCT
The Rhodes Must Fall protesters claim that the issue is about student housing and "institutionalised racism" on campus.  The Vice Chancellor of UCT, Dr. Max Price, has responded that more than 75% of University of Cape Town students staying in residence are Black.  He has declared that the university policy has consistently been to give preference to Black students.  However, as they have 27,000 students, but only 6,600 beds available for on-campus accommodation, obviously not all students can be accommodated on campus. "Our difficulty in finding accommodation has largely been aggravated by the Rhodes Must Fall protests, because they invaded and shut down our residence offices for three days during last week and this created additional complications."
Who could possibly benefit from this irrational disruption of studies and traffic? 
Rewarding Rioters
The image of the University of Cape Town was severely damaged by the Rhodes Must Fall chaos of last year when excrement was thrown at the statue of the founder of UCT, Cecil John Rhodes' monument.  After weeks of disruptions the monument was removed.  The foolishness of thinking that removing a national monument could do anything to improve studies, economics or the life of anyone was apparently missed.
Undermining Education and the Economy
What the protests did succeed in doing was disrupting studies and bringing the university into disrepute.  Those who manage to complete their studies will find their degrees devalued in the eyes of potential employers because of the foolish and destructive actions tolerated, and rewarded, on campus. 
Devalueing UCT and the Rand
Even more than that, reports and pictures of the hysterical protesters and mindless destruction taking place in what is meant to be a higher institute of learning in Cape Town, have undermined investor confidence in our country.  It has caused many tourists to cancel their visits to our city and country, and contributed to the disastrous devaluation of our currency.  Therefore, those students who do manage to complete their studies, despite the disruptions, will find that they have a devalued degree from a discredited institution and much less jobs available as a result of the undermining of investor confidence in the country and chasing away of many of the employers. 
Stealing from Everyone
Those few who gain employment will find that the rands they earn have far less buying power than it did when they began their studies.  When any currency is devalued it steals from everybody.
Pawns in a Political Power Play
However, it is unlikely that most of the hysterical protesters on UCT campus are aware of any of these economic realities.  That they are merely pawns in a cheap political move, may be the furthest thing from their minds, but throwing excrement at statues, blocking traffic, covering monuments with black rubbish bags and burning priceless and irreplaceable works of art, are not only meaningless and ultimately destructive gestures that will do nothing to improve life, or education, for anyone, but are a terrible waste of time and energy.  Especially in an institution which should be dedicated to furthering education, improving job prospects and encouraging investments in our country.
Dr. Peter Hammond
Frontline Fellowship
P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725
Cape Town South Africa
Tel: 021-689-4480
Fax: 021-685-5884


We have recently received the following most interesting posting from the HNP, which is a very apt and timely reminder of when, during the final days of the Premiership of the great Dr.H.F.Verwoerd, South African Whites stood united in defiance of international Marxist and liberal antagonism - and then contrasts this to the complete anarchy and destruction of the nation as a result of the sell-out to these international retrogressive forces. The same blood and DNA still flows through White veins today - but it needs a new Verwoerd to arise in order to restore the same defiant patriotism which was evident in 1965!


18 Januarie 2016
Ons is nie dieselfde nie!!!


Die ANC se veldtog teen rassisme is net 'n foefie om stemme te trek in die komende

munisipale verkiesings. Daar word selfs gepraat van 'n wet teen rassisme soos die

wette teen die sogenaamde 'genocide'.




Kyk maar net na onderstaande. Stuur dit gerus aan op u eie poslys.





Exactly 50 years ago, on 8th April 1965, 6 000 students from throughout South Africa marched

en-masse down the length of Church str., to Church Square (Pretoria).

This was the first time, in the history of South Africa, that such a

mass student action had … ever … taken place.


The photos & annotations (below), from an original student body publication,

speak for themselves (scroll down slowly)


We traverse the road of South Africa


We support mother-tongue tuition



Deliver our Universities from Liberalistic lecturers


The Rector of U.P. (Univ. of Pretoria) Prof. C.H. Rautenbach:


                   “There were rumours spread that students were going to overrun

certain foreign embassies. Such things happen in Moscow and Cairo

-         not in Pretoria. Congratulations – your behaviour was exemplary”




… but never in South Africa                                                          




… but never in South Africa …?





Exactly fifty years on, students march again … and history repeats itself … or does it??









Open Letter to the President of South Africa – By Menzi Solomon Shange

I am compelled to send you this letter to clear up a few questions. My hope is that you will reply with a reasonable response that puts the average black man’s mind at ease that the ANC is not willfully turning our country into a slaughterhouse, thereby turning us into murderers and facilitators of mass white genocide. As a God fearing man I would not be able to live with myself, nor look my son in the eye, if I did not do something to speak out and prevent it.

I am sensing that you are possibly taking our country a step closer to the mindset of the Nazi’s prior to rounding up millions of Jews, and have noticed a few things that I would like you to respond to individually. They are listed below.

What is your goal with the youth force of African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) and South African Comunist Party Youth League (SACPYL) conscripts being trained military-style by the Defense Force?

You appear to be urging blacks and tribal leaders to hand in land-claims with urgency, and that the land expropriation bill will be expedited this year? What is the reason behind the rush, understanding everyone’s concerns about careful and fair decisions made in the interests of this nation? Will decisions be well thought through with the time constraints you are pushing? The fear is this will be mismanaged like many of your past and present endeavors.

Do you support Malema’s latest threats of land invasion? If not, why are you not speaking up more vociferously?

Are you giving thought to what Zille said? They are sorry they supported this land bill- and warned that the ANC is aiming for a civil war. Have you discussed ideas in ways to mitigate this?

Have you heard Mantashe said that if farmers do not adhere to the ANC’s negotiations – the ANC will revert to “chaos?” Do you really condone this?

Did you see the escalating Zimbabwean influx crisis across our borders, and its ramifications to the stability of our country? This appears to be a great threat to our countries security – what sense of urgency are you placing on this?

Are you aware that the Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU) sent an urgent warning that we are facing a civil war soon?

What is your goal when you say you will impose much more stringent “gun laws” this year? Are you targeting lawful and legal gun owners, and if so, what is your intent by doing this? If by chance you are, then I personally will be very concerned, because I legally own firearms.

Can you address the concerns that the ANC will now be able to take land/property with only a “letter?” This raises concerns with everyone regardless of color. As a black land owner, I would not feel that I have a secure investment if one letter could take away my rights. How can you assure me this will never happen, color put aside?

Can you explain the sudden arrival of UN vehicles in our country? Is this a leading indicator of troubled times ahead? What is your mitigation plan?

Why did you shut down the Commando units, leaving farmers vulnerable against attacks? The ongoing murdering of farmers is awakening the sleeping giant. By this I mean the western countries are raising their red flags about the incremental murders of minorities (whites) in horrendous acts that are resulting in hallway discussions at the U.N., U.K. and Capital Hill – if gone unchecked this will soon to be publicized in a way that will place you firmly in the world spotlight. Your potential reluctance to address this issue risks further crippling of our economy as tourism and foreign investment dry up further. Are you sure you want to take that risk?

Why do you not vehemently condemn the “kill the farmer-kill the Boer” propaganda? It is a sickening trend that must be reversed, and is not helpful to the long term rebuilding of our nation. Do you want to see swastikas on your cartoons in the Sunday Times, or should I dare say written in the history books as part of your legacy of post Apartheid oppressive tactics.

What are you doing to avoid a total land war and devastation that would result, not just in lives lost but years of legal battles, both before and after the ANC is removed from power due to its draconian tactics?

What can you do to convince me that as easily as you decide to turn on minorities (whites) that you won’t turn on the majority (blacks) of us with the same devious intent?

Mr. Jacob Zuma, I hereby inform you that the People speak to me through my writing to you, and we are looking for answers and assurance that you are not taking us over the cliff of morality, where you abandon everything that we value as God fearing Christians, and as reasonable fair-minded people.

Yours Truly,
Menzi Solomon Shange


The Gauteng Youth Leader of the Freedom Front Plus, Mr Jean Kriek commented saying that he was impressed with Menzi’s courage by sending this letter to the President.


Menzi Solomon Shange, letter shows us all that not only the minority groups in South Africa are worried about the state of events in the country, from Monuments to Farm Murders… We all care about a future were our children can live free of the problems we face today” Mr. Kriek commented.


Add Menzi Solomon Shange and Jean Kriek on social media for more in depth discussion.


Deel Die Artikel:


(From Springbok Cyber Newsletter)

Piet le Roux analyses the hysterical reaction to his recent Tweets against 'transformation' at Stellenbosch

After my recent tweet against radical transformation, some people objected to my membership on the Council of the University of Stellenbosch. The objections have various implications which can only be determined if we ask: What is transformation?

Nowadays, every new law starts with transformation. Every political speech implores it, and every race quota or target is grounded therein. Yes, a handful of billionaires party on the front lawn, but in the backyard taps run dry and hospitals overflow; the value of the rand falls and prices rise; and everyone grows more race conscious and less charitable. Not only does this word not appear in the Constitution, but it isn’t defined officially anywhere else. Sometimes it appears as if it is transformation which is defining the Constitution. Alexander Johnston in South Africa – Inventing the Nation calls the concept “surprisingly elusive”.

Although a healthy skepticism is now coming about, well-intentioned people have been supporting transformation across a wide spectrum for the last 20 years. People were eager to move away from Apartheid to a new, better future.

But just what this new future would entail was seldom investigated. Except in ANC circles; transformation has been thoroughly considered there.

Joel Netshitenzhe, then-ANC policy chief, wrote in 1998 that transformation entails that all levers of power must be brought under the control of the National Liberation Movement, including the civil service, courts and semi-state institutions. “They should reflect in their composition the demographics of the country; and they should owe allegiance to the new order,” he said.

One observes the same points throughout. The golden thread is racial representation and submission to the state. With Black Economic Empowerment, Rob Davies, Minister of Trade and Industry, advocates that in the economy “control, ownership and leadership” should reflect the demographics of the country, “in the same way the political space does”. Jimmy Manyi is known for his insistence that the “over-concentration of coloreds in the Western Cape” needs to end. This all in the name of transformation.

In other countries and periods, such plans were deemed fascist.

When Blade Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education, convenes his summit on a “new trajectory on radical transformation” for universities in South Africa, the premises will not differ.

My tweet about transformania

So, on 6 September, I tweeted: “Blade Nzimande en #transformanie gaan nie wen nie. Ondersteun die nuwe Afrikaanse Alumni-vereniging.” [English: Blade Nzimande and #transformania won’t win. Support the new Afrikaans Alumni Association.”] This statement drew fierce reactions.

Two days later the tweet appeared on the Cape Argus’ front page; and not long thereafter, Nzimande’s spokesperson declared in the media: “We recommend that the Council discuss Le Roux’s continued membership at this critical moment in the transformation of the nation’s universities.” A farfetched idea, one might think: alumni had elected me to the Council, and it is not for Nzimande to decide otherwise.

Nevertheless, on 14 September the Council’s Executive Committee recommended that I be investigated for disciplinary purposes (which I had to find out in the media). Apparently my “actions and statements with regard to universities … are anti-transformational” and “are contrary to the Council’s official position”.

If the above is the result when a council member, who is not even employed by a university, raises his views in an independent manner without reference to any specific university, what does it tell us about academic freedom in South Africa?

In 2004 Tony Leon spoke of “the closing of the South African mind”. “Transformation,” he said, “has become an immutable given in our society. It has been put beyond objection and debate. Support for transformation is the necessary condition to avoid being ‘racist’, ‘reactionary’, ‘unpatriotic’ – indeed even ‘counter-revolutionary’.” Shall I add “anti-transformational?”

Suppose now that a professor of political science today presents a critical analysis of transformation. Will his university defend him when his class is disrupted? If a law lecturer calls Black Economic Empowerment “expropriation”, will he still have a career? And if a student leader or student journalist takes a position against transformation – right or wrong – will he be expelled? The answers to these questions are unfortunately not clear anymore.

The issue is by no means limited to Stellenbosch or to other universities where Afrikaans is being scapegoated. Like Prof. David Benatar wrote earlier this year about the University of Cape Town: “When the ‘transformation’ card is played in university meetings, as it repeatedly is, almost everybody marches in lockstep. People fall over themselves in displays of political correctness, each paying obeisance to the mantras and slogans of contemporary South Africa […]”

A new direction

Our mission therefore twofold: Firstly, and urgently, we must make transformation debatable. This is because the destructive form is currently prevailing and tolerates no criticism. If it wins, everyone in South Africa loses. Much more will be lost than merely Afrikaans; and much more will be lost than merely universities. Secondly, we must take a new direction. Call it constructive transformation, if you will. A direction that will take us to the destination which Prof. Abraham de Vries pointed out in 2006: “Die teenoorgestelde van apartheid en al sy wegkruipplekke is nie nóg ‘n eksperiment in social engineering nie, die teenoorgestelde van apartheid is normaliteit.” [“The opposite of Apartheid and all its manifestations is not another experiment in social engineering, the opposite of Apartheid is normality.”]

Piet le Roux is a member of the Council of the University of Stellenbosch, the Head of the Solidarity Research Institute and the founder of the Mises Institute South Africa (

This article first appeared, in Afrikaans, on This translation was subsequently posted on the South African Libertarian website. 

(From Springbok Cyber Newsletter)

At this present time of intensified horrific Islamic terrorist attacks in France (which will be commented about more fully in next month’s SCN) it should not be forgotten that these and the earlier Charlie Hebdo atrocities were not the only acts of Islamic terrorism which France has endured this year.


On 23rd August 2015 a terrorist outrage was attempted on board the Amsterdam to Paris train, but the Islamic terrorist involved was overpowered by three brave fellow-passengers before he could open fire or detonate his explosives as intended. Newspaper reports at the time stated that the three brave heroes comprised two American servicemen and a British IT consultant by the name of Chris Norman – but Chris Norman was not British by birth, he was South African! He worked in the computer department at Unilever’s South African headquarters in Durban during the late 1970s, where this present writer was also working at the time. Although he was not known well, he did create the impression of being a very decent and hard-working person. He was however a fierce critic of the then National Party government of John Vorster, and seemed to detect that they were intent upon selling-out South Africa long before most other people seemed to realize this, and for this reason decided to relocate to his British ethnic homeland.


It is ironic in the extreme therefore that Chris Norman, having managed to escape the indignity of living under terrorist rule in South Africa, should subsequently find himself faced with a terrorist atrocity in another part of the world. Once again, furthermore, this saga emphasizes the fact that by kow-towing to the terrorist rulers of the “new” South Africa (as alas so many Western leaders have tended to do) this only encourages their fellow-terrorists in other parts of the world. Chris Norman seemed to have realized what was going to happen, and as a result of fate proved himself a true South African hero. We salute his courage.


Violence in South Africa Against Immigrants From Zimbabwe

VIDEO: Group of white students surrounded Afrikaans poet Totius statue, in a bid to protect it against black students who demanded the removal of the statue


South Africa offers preview of America's future

This recent edition of the TAU (SA) Bulletin really sums up the current chaotic situation prevailing in the "new" South Africa accurately, as the country drifts faster and faster towards total collapse and disintegration - but this of course is what we warned South Africans constantly throughout the 1980s would be the inevitable outcome of sellout and surrender to the ANC terrorists :-

“Are we there yet?” is the title of a current TV comedy series about a Seattle family facing challenges while stumbling through life trying to reach the goals they set for themselves.

On a slightly different note, we South Africans can also ask ourselves: are we there yet? Have we reached the line in the sand we told ourselves we would never cross, the line between transformation and tolerance that moves inexorably in one direction only?

The struggle between diverse value systems and goals is not a push/pull situation, a tug of war. We are moving along a one-way street with few stops along the way, and very few forks:  the ANC government’s transformation policy encroaches relentlessly upon tolerance’s territory, with little resistance from the latter. Citizens disturbed at this trend must ask the government where will the country be in ten years’ time?  What is the ultimate goal of transformation? The elimination of whites from all facets of South African life?  The destruction of commercial agriculture? A crumbling infrastructure?  An almost total importation of the country’s food? The elimination of so-called Eurocentric universities? A changed school curriculum to de-emphasise the roles played by certain sectors of the population?

The tolerance/transformation see-saw will see the law of diminishing returns come into play. If matters continue as they are, a tipping point will be reached where transformation will become a force  demolishing all that gets in its way.  The means will trump the end, and necessary vital human skills and values of cognitive ability and integrity will be sidelined by those who cannot plan ahead and whose thinking is short-term. Forward planning and the ability to anticipate the consequences of one’s actions will disappear into a vortex of political idealism and official plunder: the shrewd promotion of the policy of legal theft (Black Economic Empowerment - BEE) will be furthered until those whose skills and hard work the ruling clique is abusing and exploiting will either throw in the towel or move to another country. The fact that the government may kill the goose that lays the golden egg doesn’t seem to enter official consciousness.

The penny has well and truly dropped within many of the circles who believed in a post-1994 miracle. Bitter readers of, particularly, the business media bemoan BEE, corruption, crime and all the other ills besetting the country. Ludicrous situations have developed where there are, according to one newspaper correspondent, 1448 criminals being promoted up the ranks of the SA Police Service, one as high as a brigadier general. “They are murderers, rapists, frauds, armed robbers and many other things one would not expect an SAPS officer to be”. (Business Day 18.5.15). So how did this happen? How did things get to this juncture and why wasn’t this “transformation” process stopped? Why didn’t someone draw the line? When will the line be drawn before the SAPS becomes a law unto itself, a sort of South African version of Haiti’s Ton Ton Macoute or Iraq’s wandering militias?


Perhaps this situation has been reached because citizens are not shocked enough out of their complacency. Government and sectors of a compliant media are air-brushing the chaos and mismanagement to the extent that there’s a laxity to “get involved”.

Disinformation is given media coverage resulting in sectors of the public believing that government is on top of things, and there’s no need to worry. Thus the line in the sand moves unrelentingly onwards.  A recent full page article about the financial management of municipalities gave the impression that most of the problems would be sorted out by frequent audits! New government departments and commissions and authorities are set up with much fanfare to “solve” problems, and the superficial observer is impressed by “action” purportedly being taken by government. “We are addressing the issue” has become a government clarion call!

Another media article highlighted President Zuma’s setting up of the new Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation where “performance objectives” were defined.  In July 2014, the Cabinet published a “Medium Term Strategic Framework” aimed at ”enabling the government to monitor progress on the implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP)”. This NDP “identifies challenges such as the unevenness of capacity that leads to inconsistent performance in the public service and in municipalities.” It defines the problems and talks about the “challenges” facing the country. Yet all municipal employment advertisements still stubbornly define “affirmative action” and ”employment equity” as their policy, thus eliminating whole swathes of skills available for these jobs. When will the government be taken to task for this chicanery – on the one hand it defines the problem as a skills deficit but on the other hand, it promotes skills deficit as a policy! When will civil society put a stop to this deceit before municipal structures reach the point of no return?

Where is the tipping point? Already more than a third of the country’s municipalities are classified as ”dysfunctional”. Where will the line be drawn before action is taken to prevent further damage – 50% dysfunctional? 75%? 85%?

Appeasement and “let’s wait and see ” isn’t working. The ANC can only survive by parasiting on others. It will continue to demand until there’s very little left. It is useless in itself - it cannot manage, it is corrupt and it has no idea whatsoever how a first world country should be run. It enriches itself and its fellow travelers, and if no one stops the plundering, the degeneration will continue unabated.


The BEE target set by the Mining Charter, the agreement between the mining industry and government, was 26% ownership by blacks. According to the Chamber of Mines, it is now 38%.The mining industry has transferred more than R100 billion to black empowerment players. But this is not enough says government, declaring the industry has “failed to transform”. Mineral Resources minister Ngaoko Ramatlhodi says that “only” about 70% of the industry had done everything the charter required for “meaningful economic participation” by blacks! Perhaps the tipping point will be reached when investors will pull out and look elsewhere. Then how will the mining industry be rescued? And by whom?


Refreshingly, John Kane-Berman, former CE of the SA Institute of Race Relations, is surprised at how much of organized business and agriculture “seem to have been too easily satisfied by the government’s redrafted Expropriation Bill”. (Business Day 18.5.15). “Apart from the agricultural union, TAU SA, there has been little public objection to the bill from business,” he says. Kane-Berman analyzes important sections of the bill and reveals the ambiguities, and the squeezing of those in the ANC’s crosshairs for expropriation as they become financially drained when forced to take the government to court time and time again, appeal after appeal.

Continues Kane-Berman: “The Constitution speaks of expropriation to bring about ‘equitable access’ to ‘all SA’s natural resources’ but the bill also authorizes expropriation to ‘redress the results of past racial discriminatory laws or practices’”. (This ambiguity was challenged during the writing of the Constitution, but not enough noise was made and the Constitution became law.)

“This is open-ended” says Kane-Berman.” Moreover, all organs of state are given these powers. This amounts to giving carte blanche to corrupt and/or bankrupt municipalities and others to declare open season on urban and rural properties all over the country”.

So the communists have prevailed. Surely it is time property owners and agriculture stand together and draw a line.

Already we have reached a point where social grant recipients outnumber people with jobs. And they certainly outnumber people who pay taxes. In 2012, for every 100 people on social welfare, only 90 people were employed.  (In 2001,for every 100 people receiving social grants, 330 were employed.)

The number of South Africans on social grants (welfare) increased by more than four times in the last decade while the number of employed people remained almost the same. Where is the line in the sand here?  Which category will the government concoct next as recipients of social grants?  Unemployed football players? People who wear glasses? Never underestimate the ANC’s ability to squeeze every penny possible out of taxpayers.

But there has to be a tipping point.

The culture of non-payment is pervasive in South Africa, but government is loath to crack down on the non-payers for fear of losing support. It is a cycle of economic madness. Vast swathes of the country’s population were told they would receive ”free” houses, water and electricity if they voted for the government. But nothing is free, and there are not enough taxpayers to go round. Will this crucial group put its foot down? Where is the taxpayers’ line in the sand? This is arguably the only group whose power could stop the ANC in its tracks. Perhaps it’s time to take stock and make a plan. A very large percentage of the top taxpayers never voted for the ANC in any event. Are they happy with the status quo?

The real danger to South Africa is the mentality and mindset of the ruling classes. Criticism is seen (or defined) as racism, a word used by the inept and the corrupt to “scare off” any further censure. Disparagement is perceived as antagonistic rather than helpful. It is uniformly rejected, mostly out of hand, or is fobbed off with promises to, yes, “address the issue”. Promises are made where there is not the slightest intention of keeping them. There is no inner sense of obligation to do this.


After his win as a Conservative Party Member of Parliament in the recent British election, London Mayor Boris Johnson was asked to what he attributed the comfortable Conservative Party majority. He put it down to “the innate common sense of the British people”. “Common” sense implies that people think alike which is normal in a relatively homogenous society. But not in South Africa. Throwing the first and third world sectors together, with the third world in control, was a very bad idea. Herein lies the danger to our future. There is a deep chasm between these two value systems and unfortunately the norms of those in charge are reflected in what South Africa has become.

According to Peter Bruce, former editor of Johannesburg’s Business Day, the total number of South Africans unemployed from the start of President Jacob Zuma’s administration in 2009 has risen from almost one million people to beyond five million. Government policy has created this situation. The ruling party’s “hostility and rank ignorance” with regard to the country’s business community is “breathtaking”, he declares.

Space precludes us from repeating his article but his warnings will go over government heads.  President Zuma and his ANC are concerned with staying in power.  South Africa has no option but to remove them from power. We cannot appease any more and no, it will not “get worse before it gets better”. It will not improve. Decisions must be taken now, otherwise we will be load shedding victims for much of the day while industry runs for the hills, township riots for ”free” everything will spill over into other areas, and our law enforcement sectors will be powerless to stop the chaos. Our rand will deteriorate, our parastatals will be junked by rating agencies and our agricultural land will be up for grabs on the altar of a toxic socialist agenda which failed everywhere else in the world.

There aren’t many choices left.

Sent to us from Sringbok Club Newsletter


We have recently received the following most informative and revealing
article from the PRAAG organisation in South Africa, which has been
translated into English for us (both versions are included below). Although
we would argue that it is ALL Whites in the "new" South Africa" who are
suffering at the hands of the ANC regime and not just Afrikaners, the
detailed information about the censorship, corruption and volent crime which
has engulfed the former beloved country which has been exposed by PRAAG in
this article we believe warrants as wide distribution as possible :-


Dear reader,

The news that Steve Hofmeyr will no longer be allowed to perform at the
Little Karoo Arts Festival in Oudtshoorn, represents a new form of imposed
censorship. Steve is also writer and he may not be there to talk about his
books either.

The little freedom of speech that we have in the country is being limited
everywhere and all the mainstream media are conspiring together for a
sanitised, politically correct message in the media and the arts.

Where does that leave us?  Violent crime and corruption will not be reduced,
but we will read and hear less and less about them.  The only books that are
allowed are the books that promote the ANC celebrated ideal of race and the
mixed-language rainbow nation, with characters who speak either English or a
mixed-language Afrikaans.  Any reference to the Afrikaans people, our
history and heritage, as well as discrimination or violence against minority
groups, would be taboo.  Then you're not even talking about the undercurrent
of perverse, sadistic torture, rape and atrocities plaguing the country
which will not be examined by academics, writers or thinkers!  It is not
simply outrageous that such things may exist, but that no one should talk
about it.

If we all just accept this, we know what the end looks like: like Zimbabwe
where a radical Afrocentric government maintains power with propaganda and
brutal means and no one dares to express any criticism.  Further back in the
twentieth century the same conditions were prevalent in the communist
countries and tens of millions of people were quietly killed without any
mention of it.  In some cases, mass graves were only dug up decades later to
expose the truth.

PRAAG is the only Afrikaans organization that actively resists against this
"fabricated consent" (Chomsky).  We don’t attack other Afrikaans
organizations and try to belittle or stigmatize them as our enemies
regularly do. Our website is an island of freedom of expression
in an increasingly totalitarian South Africa.  Therefore, we will soon be
accused by marxist attorneys in front of the Equality Court, in an attempt
to silence us.

This year, PRAAG published at least ten new titles, including translations
from European languages.  For us it is not a luxury; it's oxygen in the
suffocating, "English-English-all-English" politically correct society.
Together with new indigenous Afrikaans novels, and popular literature.

But without help and support of our readers and website visitors, we can not
continue this important work.

Do not let the proud Afrikaans voice heard since Jan van Riebeeck's time in
our country be put under the carpet.

Please join PRAAG with this online form: or simply reply to
this email.


Geagte leser,

Die nuus dat Steve Hofmeyr nie meer toegelaat gaan word om by die
Klein-Karookunstefees op Oudtshoorn op te tree nie, verteenwoordig 'n nuwe
vorm van sensuur wat ingestel word. Steve is ook skrywer, daarom mag hy ook
nie meer daar oor sy boeke praat nie.

Die bietjie spraakvryheid waaroor ons nog in die land beskik, word oral
ingeperk en die hoofstroommedia (HSM) speel saam om net een gesaniteerde,
polities korrekte boodskap in die media en die kunste toe te laat.

Waar laat dit ons? Geweldsmisdaad en korrupsie gaan nie verminder nie, maar
ons sal al hoe minder daarvan lees of hoor. Die enigste boeke wat toegelaat
gaan word, gaan boeke wees waarin die ANC-ideaal van 'n ras- en taalgemengde
reënboognasie vir die land gevier word, met karakters wat óf Engels of 'n
gemengde Afrikaans praat en waarin enige verwysings na Afrikaners, ons
geskiedenis en erfenis, asook diskriminasie of geweld teen
minderheidsgroepe, taboe sal wees. Dan praat 'n mens nie eens van die
onderstroom van perverse, sadistiese marteling, verkragting en gruweldade
wat die land teister en wat deur geen akademici, skrywers of denkers
ondersoek word nie! Dis eenvoudig ongehoord dat sulke dinge mag bestaan,
maar niemand mag daaroor praat nie.

As ons dít alles net aanvaar, weet ons hoe die einde lyk: soos Zimbabwe waar
'n radikaal Afrosentriese regering hom met brute mag en propaganda handhaaf
en niemand enige kritiek durf uitspreek nie. Verder terug in die twintigste
eeu het dieselfde toestande in kommunistiese lande geheers en is
tienmiljoene mense stil-stil doodgemaak sonder dat 'n haan daaroor gekraai
het. In sommige gevalle is massagrafte eers dekades later oopgegrawe om die
waarheid te ontbloot.

PRAAG is die enigste Afrikaanse organisasie wat hom aktief teen hierdie
"gefabriseerde instemming" (Chomsky) verset. Ons val nie ander Afrikaanse
organisasies aan en probeer hulle verkleineer of stigmatiseer soos wat ons
vyande gereeld met ons doen nie. Ons webwerf is 'n eiland van
spraakvryheid in 'n toenemend totalitêre Suid-Afrika. Daarvoor gaan ons
binnekort deur marxistiese prokureurs voor die Gelykheidshof aangekla word,
in 'n poging om ons stil te maak.

Vanjaar gaan PRAAG ten minste tien nuwe boektitels publiseer, waaronder
vertalings uit Europese tale. Vir ons is dit geen luukse nie; dis suurstof
om in dié verstikkende, "Engels-Engels-alles-Engelse" en polities korrekte
samelewing te kan oorleef. Daarmee saam nuwe inheemse Afrikaanse romans,
sowel literêr as populêr.

Maar sonder bydraes en ondersteuning van ons lesers en webwerfbesoekers kan
ons nie hierdie belangrike werk voortsit nie.

Moenie dat die trotse Afrikaanse stem wat al sedert Jan van Riebeeck se tyd
in ons land weerklink, in die doofpot gesteek word nie.

Sluit asseblief by PRAAG aan deur dié vorm aanlyn in te vul:

of antwoord gewoon op hierdie epos.



From a correspondent.



Begin forwarded message:


It is interesting having  been back in SA after 3 years. This country is an enigma I don't think there is another country like this where literally a 1st world country is so closely on a par with a 3rd world country. On the surface it seems to be a very prospering country.  Never ending new buildings of magnificent office blocks and shopping centres.  All the shops full hundreds of excellent restuarants always full. Yet they have regularly up to 4 hours of load shedding, no electricity. Added to this is the ongoing collapsing of the infrastructure in other areas. High inflation especially the  cost of food as it is getting very expensive despite the good exchange rate  R17.00 to the pound as many items are the same if not higher than in the UK and Spain on a number of  items.

Those who have business say that they are beginning to struggle now and are not doing as well as they did in the past because of never ending on going strikes by unions and are not optimistic that things will improve.  Also the affirmative action does not help as the  job market is increasingly affected especially many smaller business as they struggle to get good employees.

They are also concerned about the influx of Chinese who are literally building  mega new cities like on the Modderfontein site (use to be a very large site of a dynamite/chemical  factory) and another one in between Vereeniging and Johannesburg and the impact it will have  on the already struggling infrastructure such as the roads, water, electricity etc. 

The ANC government is allowing thousands of Chinese into the country, as well as Pakistanis and of course, thousands of Africans from up north, which has resulted in the appearance of massive and small squatter camps of blacks all around Johannesburg.

According to a friend who went up to Namibia they were stunned by how many Chinese already live there. They are doing all the road works and needless to say, also work in management. The Chinese government has Southern Africa tied up in knots. I can only imagine how much money is changing hands over there. Mostly under the table of course.  The same is happening in Mozambique where apparently the Muslims are already in the northearn parts of Mozambique and growing rapidly as opposed to Christians in the south, many fear ultimately there could be a civil war for control of the country.

As much as I enjoyed being in SA seeing family and friends nevertheless despite the problems in Europe and Britain I prefer being here even if we are just buying time before these countries also collapse under the sheer weight of immigration.

We are certainly living in interesting times as we witness the beginning of the end of western civilisation as we knew it.



The following article has recently been forwarded to us by a supporter still based in the "new" South Africa. This surely says it all!
Subject: Article in The Citizen
 South Africa – The Future by Dr Marc Faber, an ex South African.

Dr Marc Faber, an ex South African and a leading investment guru, tells it how it is.......
(this was published in a UK paper). Let us hope he has it wrong - it’s pretty heavy ..

South Africa – The Future

I expect, like me, you are aware that there has never been a prosperous black-led country, but perhaps it’s just because of “bad luck”, or whatever, for that incontrovertible fact.

Take Haiti as an example. Before the black slaves revolted and killed all the whites and half castes Haiti had a GNP greater than most of what is now the USA . It supplied 60% of all the sugar used in Europe. Today it is a wasteland. Apparently if you Google Earth the place you see is a sere, brown coloured landscape compared to the neighbouring Dominican Republic which is green and verdant. Twice the USA has occupied Haiti , building roads, ports, hospitals and schools while putting in a functional society. The moment the Americans left they reverted to dictatorship, voodoo, witchcraft, corruption and barbarism. They did not stagnate, they regressed to the primitive savagery of their forefathers

Since the 1960s, when the Congo expelled the Belgians this has been a mirror of African regression, moving steadily southwards until the example of Zimbabwe . Once a prosperous, well educated exporter of food the population now eat rats to survive.

Will SA go the same way?

There are those optimists who say “No, we have such a strong economy, such sophisticated infrastructure, such a talent pool, that we can never sink”.

My belief is that they have not considered the root cause of Africa’s failure. A cause that is not spoken about as it is fearfully politically incorrect, and probably illegal to speak about. That cause is the deficiencies of the black ”mentality”, for want of a better word.

Are there differences between races, or is race just a meaningless social construct? Until recently, I believed all races were the same under the skin variations, and that perceived differences were only the result of cultural differences. I believed in a common and equal humanity.

But things did not always ring true, observable anomalies were inexplicable if all men are the same.

Why, under apartheid, did the Indians prosper, become doctors, scientists, educators, merchants and professionals while the vast majority of the equally oppressed black Africans remained hewers of wood?

Why can black Africans run, jump and throw better than honkies, but why, out of a billion of them, have they never invented a single thing of any worth? Why have they, collectively, contributed absolutely nothing to the advancement of humanity.
Well the physical thing, the running, throwing bit is easily and uncontroversial answered. Simple, people of African descent (especially the Jamaicans) are genetically better equipped in this regard. Their muscle fibres are different and the typically have 15% more free testosterone than other peoples. Acknowledging this is regarded as racism. Unfortunately, racist or not, that is proven and a fact. Google it and you will find that for over 70 years, in test after test, done by dozens of university professors and Nobel laureates plus USA government studies, most people of African descent trail other races by a wide margin.

Of course I.Q. tests have been attacked, especially by those who perform badly at them, as one might expect them to do. Detractors claim cultural bias, dysfunctional families, past oppression, poor schooling and a host of other reasons for poor black performance, but the professors defend their contention that I.Q. is largely an inherited trait; that differences are inherent, built into a person’s inherited DNA.

For every argument attacking the validity of these tests they have a host of results confirming their accuracy and typicality. Fascinating stuff if you are interested in reading up on it.

The effect of high/low I.Q. has also been studied in depth, with fairly predictable results. Low I.Q. individuals performed badly in social class, family stability, income, educational levels, illegitimate pregnancy, single parent families, rate of prison incarceration, rape, violent crime etc. etc. etc.

I.Q. measurement measures different facets of intelligence and mental competence. Sadly it is in the absolutely vital sphere of cognitive ability that blacks score worst. This means they score abysmally in things like forward planning and anticipating the consequences of their actions.

It is this I.Q. (and testosterone) disparity that is blamed for the fact that African Americans are 5 times more likely to be imprisoned than white (including Hispanic) Americans, 9 times more likely than Americans of Asiatic descent. All in line with I.Q. distributions.

Once imprisonment for violent crimes are computed the numbers become stratospheric. These are American government collated statistics, so pretty accurate. Our government in SA do not, for obvious reasons, publish similar stats, but a pound to a pinch of salt they are even more astounding.

So why the lecture on I.Q.?

Well for a start you must understand that our ruling party are voted into power by a largely moronic plebiscite. I choose the word moronic intentionally. If the cut off point for moronic is an I.Q. of 70, half the voting population would be classified as such.

Only one in 40 black South Africans achieves the average I.Q. of his white fellow citizens. One in a hundred have the I.Q. to achieve university entrance requirements. That is why only one in ten blacks pass our dumbed down Matric (with a pass percentage of 30% in many cases). One in 6000 black grade one learners will pass Matric with both Maths and Science.

Simply put, they are bloody stupid, and they rule us. Furthermore Zoooooma says they will rule us until the second coming. I believe him.

This explains why the ANC have such idiots in their positions of power and influence, the likes of Zuma, Malema, Khomphela and Cele. They are, unfortunately, the best they have! Well, they are the best blacks they have. All the critical positions in government are held by Indians, coloureds or whites, something I am grateful for but which pisses Malema off big time .

Will this last? I doubt it. The black/white polarisation is growing and the rhetoric is becoming more extreme. Listen to the pub or workplace chatter, read the blogs and comments sections of the newspapers and it becomes obvious. Whites are gatvol at the waste, corruption and stupidity of the black elite. Blacks are demanding, as their right, the wealth of the whites by means of redistribution of assets. No matter that they have not worked for those assets, they claim them as the spoils of war.

Just in the past week the Mayor of Pretoria, Malema, a minister and Winnie have gone on record as blaming whites for sabotaging redistribution and exploiting blacks. Malema calls out “Kill the boers for they are rapists” to thunderous applause by university students Four influential ANC opinion makers who are echoing the groundswell of mutterings in the ghettoes. The natives are getting restless.

K*K KOM! Mark my words.

Things are not going to improve. They cannot, there is no reason to believe our slow slide into a failed state can be reversed with our current regime, and there is no prospect whatsoever of there being a change to governance based on meritocracy. Anyone who believes otherwise, or that the ANC can mend their ways, is living in LaLa land. They do not have the intellect.

Like the proverbial frog in the slowly heating pot we have become inured to the slow collapse of our hospitals, schools, courts, water supplies, roads, civil service and service levels. They will become totally dysfunctional shortly. Inevitably so. Those in charge do not have the mental capacity to organise things.

Our economy and Rand is reliant on short term “hot” funds from overseas that can flee at the touch of a computer button, and probably will if our Rand weakens. Conversely we need a weaker Rand to encourage exports.

6 million taxpayers support 12 million recipients of social grants, and that figure is set to rise this year. The National Health Insurance scheme will happen, no matter how unaffordable. That will push our social grant costs up to four hundred billion Rand. Four hundred billion Rand which produces absolutely no product. Inflation is set to stay and worsen. The consequence of being the biggest socialist state on earth. I do not believe the ANC has the intellect to conceptualise how big a billion is, let alone 400 billion, or what effect this will have on the economy.

You do not believe Malema’s call to nationalise the mines? This guy articulates what the hoi polloi are thinking, but the ANC leadership will not say yet. The tactic is to set the bar high, then lower it and the victims will sigh with relief and say it could have been worse. So perhaps it will not be total nationalisation but rather 51%, a’ la Zim. Just look north for revelation, Zuma does.

Who would have believed that this country would ever be headed by an unschooled, rape accused, adulterous, corrupt, sex obsessed bigot like Zuma. Anything is possible with the ANC.


You have few years left to enjoy what is left of the glorious SA lifestyle, especially in the Cape , but understand it is not permanent. The end could be sudden as the tipping point is reached, just as it was sudden for those Zim, Zambian, Mozambican or Angolans whites. It could, conceivably, be as bloody as the Hutu/Tutsi uprising when primitive tribal bloodlust overcomes a thin veneer of inculcated civilisation.

Enjoy it while you can, and enjoy it in the Cape where the population mix is more favourable, but be aware that change is inevitable. Your children must get a world class education, because they will not be adults in SA. Get assets stashed offshore, you and your children will need them there.

This is a huge WAKE UP SOUTH AFRICA call!!!!



South African mercenaries secret war on Boco Haram

The involvement of STTEP in Nigeria will inevitably reignite the debate over whether private military companies should be used in conflicts. Human rights groups question whether they are publicly accountable, and in South Africa especially, their background in the apartheid-era makes some uneasy. However, Col Barlow, whose firm has a code of conduct for behaving "in a legal, moral, and ethical manner" said that private companies were often better than UN or Western trainers of African armies. The latter were often hamstrung by political baggage and a failure to understand how either African armies or their enemies worked, he said. The advisers that Britain and America have sent to Nigeria are also not permitted to take part in operations on the ground, partly because of the Nigerian's army's poor human rights record. Noting that even the US military appeared to regard his firm with distrust, Col Barlow added: "Some like to refer to us as racist or apartheid soldiers with little knowledge of our organisation. We are primarily white, black, and brown Africans who reside on this continent and are accepted as such by African governments."

This recent edition of the Transvaal Agricultural Union SA's springbk@ "South Africa Bulletin" is well worth reading :-


Many observers were shocked at the recent fisticuffs, scuffling, manhandling and the summary police ejections of members of opposition parties from the halls of the South African Parliament before the South African president’s recent State of the Nation (SONA) address. These antics were seen as the mark of a sudden “fall from grace” of the ruling ANC and the SA Communist Party.  It was as if this incident suddenly jolted the nation, that is was somehow out of context and shouldn’t have happened.

But it is not out of context. This is how they are, the ANC and their communist allies. This is their DNA behaviour. They are fine and respectable and conciliatory when things go their way, but threaten their hegemony and we can expect nothing less than Mugabe-type belligerence. “Our new democracy”, “non-racialism” and “the rainbow nation” were ruling-clique slogans that temporarily befuddled some South Africans into believing the new dispensation would solve our problems, that we were now “acceptable” to the world and we could now ”move forward”, an oft-repeated ANC clarion cry.

But they had forgotten SA’s recent history. The ANC is a violent party. It took power through terrorism and violence. Nelson Mandela refused to eschew violence as a condition of his 1990 prison release. He knew violence would work for the ANC.  It had already worked – this is why he was released, but the ANC was not yet in power. During the four years from 1990 to 1994, violence in the townships and some urban areas increased five-fold, courtesy of the ANC. Now this party’s members are complaining about the lack of  ”decorum” in the SA parliament, while  President Zuma laughs and chuckles as opposition figures  are thrown out of the hallowed halls. Indeed, Nero fiddles while Rome burns!

Who is the ANC’s Jacob Zuma? He was an active member of mKhonto we Sizwe (the armed wing of the ANC) since 1962 and he became a member of the SA Communist Party in 1963. He served on the ANC’s military council in the mid-eighties when violence in South Africa reached its terrible peak. He was head of the “Underground Structure” of the ANC at its head office in Zambia from where terrorism in South Africa was directed.  Full details of the ANC/SACP’s history of violence in South Africa is contained in its own submission to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). Reference there is made to MK’s sabotage and terror activities in the mid-eighties in SA. (See Page 47 of the ANC’ Statement to the TRC of August 1996).

When it suits him Mr. Zuma is the affable guy in the smart suit pushing up his glasses. As he stumbles over the English language of a speech someone else has written, it is prudent to remember whence he comes. When the Financial Mail has a lead article entitled “Be Afraid”, it’s clear that what the ANC is doing to South Africa is now a mainstream topic. It is no longer in the realm of those fringe doomsayers  who thirty years ago warned of the consequences of ANC rule.

The world was recently appalled at the burning in a cage of a Jordanian pilot by the militant ISIS group. King Abdullah was ashen faced as he publicly vowed retribution. But the ANC’s proxies the UDF burnt hundreds of black people alive in the mid-eighties using the horrifying necklace method – a tyre is placed around a person’s neck, petrol poured in and it is set alight. None other than ANC member of Parliament Winnie Mandela, former wife of Nelson Mandela, declared that “with our boxes of matches and our tyres, we will liberate this country”. Now to worry about decorum?  Nobody in the hierarchy of the ANC, from the top down, is known to have publicly objected to this method of terror.


Mr. Zuma’s speech was a model of consultant-speak about great plans for the future. We’ve seen lots of plans for the future during Mr. Zuma’s reign. Grandiose schemes are a hallmark of Africa: palatial airports and presidential palaces sit cheek by jowl with open sewers and taps that don’t work. We haven’t reached that stage yet but we may be on our way. Our institutions don’t function, our hospitals are death traps, our schools don’t teach, our universities are hotbeds of unrealistic expectations and unpaid fees. Our unemployment is shameful, and everyone steals, legally (BEE) and illegally. Incompetence coupled with an unjustified arrogance and entitlement is the order of the day .At the sametime, the government is involved in “top secret” discussions about the procurement of nuclear power stations with world powers such as France, Russia and China. It is mooted that six to eight nuclear facilities are to be built and will be South Africa’s most expensive procurement project yet, at around R1 trillion. (The arms deal scandal will be comparatively small potatoes compared with what can be skimmed off in the new nuclear deal!)

Yet this same government cannot fix a pothole, or provide clean water or elementary services at municipal level. Sixteen percent of Zuma’s speech dealt with electricity, yet we experience frequent blackouts while Eskom regularly teeters on the brink of failure to supply power to all of the country. The president talked of challenges, not failures, at the same time throwing into the mix the now ubiquitous scapegoats: colonialism, apartheid and the wondrous solutions embodied in the Freedom Charter. Suffice it to say, most South Africans are fully aware of the state of the nation.


The real chestnut in the speech was the plan to limit farms to 12 000 hectares a person. “The country is turning into a democratic dictatorship” declared TAU SA’s General Manager Bennie van Zyl. “While suggestions on land ceilings and other issues are still being prepared for submission in March 2015, the president unilaterally announces land ceilings and the abolition of the willing buyer, willing seller principle”.

In a bitter commentary on the speech, financial consultant Magnus Heystek said on Moneyweb that “ it was then the turn of the farmers. If there is one of the few pockets of excellence still left relatively untouched by the ANC government, it is the farming community – the estimated 36 000 commercial farmers who help feed our population of 55 million plus”.

“The idea of limiting farm owners to an arbitrary 12 000 hectares of land is not only unworkable but is a great threat to food security, the exact thing government says it is trying to protect. It is said that there is a group of only about 1 000 so-called ”super farmers” who produce about 80% of the foodstuffs we fill our trolleys with at supermarkets. These are the farmers who over many generations have built up massive agricultural factories in our major producing areas, using their combined experience, farming skills, finance and business know-how to become super farmers.”

Heystek continues: “Very little is known about these farmers in the gentrified cities most of us live in, but without these farmers, I’m told, our weekly shopping expeditions to Woolies/Spar/Pick n Pay would be a totally different experience. To limit these farmers to a mere 12 000 ha will be devastating to them personally and catastrophic for food production for the country. If this plan is pushed through, then it’s time to start getting afraid”.

Heystek goes on to ruminate about residential property. “Why would such an arbitrary dispossession of assets stop at only foreigners owning land or limiting indigenous (South African) farmers of owning land of a certain size?”  He talks of many foreign investors who hold property in South Africa as part of their portfolio, and then says “what about a domestic worker who has been employed by a family for say 20 or 30 years who then might have a claim on the property’s ownership?  This is the same principle that is being suggested regarding farm workers getting the farm owner’s land.”

TAU SA believes that not only the super farmers should be protected. Hundreds if not thousands of small rural communities and towns throughout South Africa are alive and surviving because of the surrounding farms and small holdings whose purchasing power, employment opportunities and other activities keep these towns alive.


Do we have a broken country, as suggested by the leader of the Democratic Alliance parliamentary opposition Mmusi Maimane?  On the face of it, South Africa with its bustling cities and roads, its world-class retail sector, private hospitals and schools,  wonderful  beaches and tourist attractions looks up and running! These achievements are not due to the ANC however. On the contrary, the party’s followers – the people who vote them into power election after election - vent their rage at their government’s inability to deliver on promises by destroying and burning schools, libraries, trains and other infrastructure that others built. The country’s finances are whittled away by corruption, stealing and incompetence. The party has a legacy of destruction:  ex ANC MP Dave Dalling said in disgust that “everything the ANC touches turns to dust”. Indeed. South Africa is a beautiful garden being choked by weeds, the weeds of the ANC.

The attached most interesting and well-researched letter which first appeared in "The Citizen" during 1999 has recently been forwarded to us. Apart from the error in stating that schools in the Cape Colony (not Cape Province at that time) were racially segregated in 1905 by Rhodes (Cecil John Rhodes died in 1902, Leander Starr Jameson was Prime Minister of the Cape in 1905) and a rather annoying spelling error, this letter was excellently written and contained a number of eye-opening facts. It demonstrated clearly that the system of separate development (apartheid) was established in South Africa during the days of British Imperial rule, and furthermore was considered by all to be the natural order of things.

click here to download PDF file "citizen.pdf"

School in Namibia

Water cannon unleashed at anti-xenophobia march in South Africa

Police fired water cannon at a peace march attended by thousands of people in Durban on Thursday. Reportedly tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades were used to prevent the crowd running rampage through shops and other buildings in the area. The march comes in response to the recent xenophobic attacks in KwaZulu-Natal, which left many foreign nationals living in South Africa without any property due to widespread looting and damage, and at least five dead after events on Tuesday.

Poet's Statue Covered in Paint

Posted under Fair Use Doctrine


Charmel Payet, IOL News, April 12, 2015

Another statue in Durban has been defaced as the colonial statue debate in South Africa rages on.

The bust of famed Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa who lived in South Africa from 1895 to 1905, situated on an island between Dr AB Xuma (Commercial) Road and Monty Naicker (Pine) Street was covered in red paint this week.

Written in red alongside the bust were the words “EFF response”.

This is the second statue in Durban to be defaced. The statue of King George V at the University of KwaZulu-Natal was covered in white paint with the words “End white privilege” scrawled across it.

The EFF’s Vusi Khoza denied that their party was responsible for the damage but saluted the “courageous person who had taken a stand against a symbol and reminder of apartheid oppression.”

“We support the destruction, defacing and dismantling of apartheid symbols. But this was not done by the EFF. Why would we put our name on it? It could have been anyone. But we agree with what has been done,” Khoza said.

Manuel Sousa from the Associacao Portuguesa Do Natal in Durban was disgusted by the act.

“You can’t erase history like that. And this man was not a politician, he was an artist, a poet. I am very sorry about what has happened because they are eradicating South Africa’s history, not Portugal’s.

The debate around the apartheid era and colonial symbols started as a result of the “Rhodes Must Fall” campaign at Rhodes University and the University of Cape Town.

Students and activists called for the removal of the 81-year-old statue of Cecil John Rhodes at UCT. He was a colonial mining magnate and politician after whom Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, was named.

The statue was moved from the university to an undisclosed location on Thursday.

The 110-year-old Horse Memorial in Port Elizabeth was also damaged this week. The bronze statue was erected in memory of horses that served and died in the Second Anglo Boer War and showed a kneeling soldier holding a bucket of water for his horse. The soldier was ripped off the statue.


Louis Botha statue outside parliament defaced

Rhodes statue to be removed for safekeeping

Mugabe: South Afrika is our BFF

We recently received a report in Afrikaans from the PRAAG organisation in South Africa (whose representative in the UK spoke at a Springbok Club event a few years ago) which seemed very interesting. Our official translator has now kindly translated this for us, which reads as follows :-
Subject: The book that is being denied to readers in South Africa

Two years ago, PRAAG published a book in shocking detail depicting the crisis of American race relations: White Identity: racial consciousness in the 21st century by Jared Taylor.

The foreword is by Dr. Dan Roodt of PRAAG, where he among other things says: “The USA is to South Africa what the USSR was to Cuba. It is our model and intellectual home. In South Africa, the American ideology of multiculturalism has already done as much damage as communism did to Cuba and Eastern Europe, if not more.”

After Michael Brown was shot dead on August 9, 2014 by a white policeman, unrest and racial riots in Ferguson, Missouri prevail, which also threaten to spread to other US cities with large concentrations of blacks. According to Jared Taylor, American racial policy that favours blacks and penalises whites leads to an "intense, combative racial consciousness among blacks" that can only result in conflict. Cities like Detroit and St. Louis are crime holes that in the case of Detroit led to an exodus of whites and the collapse of the municipality.

Because of the explosiveness of the content - the simple fact is - that no bookstore in South Africa would stock White Identity and no newspapers would review the book. Mr. Jared Taylor studied at Yale University and is one of America's best-known activists for white equality toward blacks, as well as leader of the American Renaissance movement.

The following analysis of the true facts concerning the South African situation written in response to recent provocative and ignorant comments made by Zuma has been forwarded to us by a supporter from Sussex. It is probably one of the most succinct and devastating critiques of the "new" South Africa which we have ever read, and deserves far more widescale circulation :-
In a speech in Cape Town on Friday evening the 9th of January 2015, President Jacob Zuma made the following statement:

“Jan van Riebeeck’s arrival in Cape Town was the beginning of all South Africa’s problems.”

Never in the history of the world have I heard a Head of State so clearly saying to a part of the population of his country: You are a problem. You are not wanted here. Apart maybe from Adolf Hitler to the Jews of Germany. We take note, mr Zuma. We’ll get back to this.

You see, president, we have known for a long time that you are not a very clever man (how’s that for an understatement?!), but to show such clear evidence of your lack of understanding even the most basic knowledge of our history is a blemish on this country.

1) Jan van Riebeeck did not arrive in Cape Town. There was no Cape Town, there was no road, harbour, Castle of Good Hope, Parliament building, airport, Nkandla or KFC in sight. There was no infrastructure, there was no democracy or election. In fact, there wasn’t even a black man in sight. The southern tip of Africa looked pretty much as it did on the day of creation, because the few scattered groups of Khoisan people lived off the land and slept in minute little huts of reed which they would roll up and carry about on their backs when they moved on.

In fact, mr Zuma, everything that you set your eyes on, was created by that civilisation which Jan van Riebeeck and the descendants of his people brought to this country. Of course, if you wish the country to return to the state of living in little huts of mud, wearing animal skins, not being able to read of write or in fact not even having had the capability of inventing the wheel, by all means – crawl back into your hut. But I’ll be damned if the civilised white, coloured and Indian population will follow you into that state. You belong in a hut, not me.

2) As applies to where the problem started: The problem started when the weaker and more cowardly African tribes starting running for their lives in the region around the great lakes of Malawi and fled southwards ahead of the Berbers.

As far as they went they murdered and raped and pillaged and stole the land from the rightful owners, the Khoi people. They met the white man around 1718 in the Eastern Cape. Those were your ancestors, mr Zuma,.

And the problem started when your ANC decided it wanted to adopt Western concepts like democracy, government, multiculturalism. Unfortunately the African incapability of understanding abstract thought and hypothetical reasoning makes it irreconcilable, so you decided to imitate.

Mr Zuma, a palace bigger than that of the former Czar of Russia, a fleet of BMW’s, the vote of the majority of non-reasoning people and a KFC meal and a Samsung with enough airtime is not sufficient. The world has recognised you for what you are: YOU are the problem!

3) Zuma ended off his speech with another statement: “We, the black nation, are crying for our land which was taken by the white people.” Kissing up to Julius Malema now or what? WHAT land? Where is your deed an poll?

What evidence do you have? What do you call the vast pieces of land called the Ingonyama Trust and the Royal Bafokeng Trust apart from “our land” for the black man then? No mr Zuma, you might as well stop your act.

We will resist you stealing OUR land, be prepared for that. One thing you have to understand, and there will be no negotiation on that: White South Africa built this country to what it is, we’ll see you in hell before we leave it to your mercy.

You labour under the misunderstanding that we are going to hand it all to you on a silver platter because we feel guilty. Don’t. You are wrong again.

You see, the one thing that you keep trying (and like a fool doesn’t realise that it is not working) is to blame “apartheid” and the injustices of the past and then offering the white man your forgiveness. And you think that, combined with the brand of “racist” will shame us.

You’ve missed the bus, mr Zuma. Black majority government in this country is shameful failure and your forgiveness means nothing to us. Keep it. We have no use for it, we are not interested in it. So carry on living in your ignorant little bubble of stupidity – the age of ethnic nationalism has dawned in the rest of the world and it will reach South Africa also. And you will have to bow your head and stand ashamed before history for having had all the opportunities imaginable and making one big, and gruesome bloody genocidal mess of it.


The End of South Africa

Things are very bad in South Africa. When the scourge of apartheid was finally smashed to pieces in 1994, the country seemed to have a bright future ahead of it. Eight years later, in 2002, 60 percent of South Africans said life had been better under apartheid. Hard to believe — but that’s how bad things were in 2002. And now they’re even worse.

When apartheid ended, the life expectancy in South Africa was 64 — the same as in Turkey and Russia. Now it’s 56, the same as in Somalia. There are 132.4 rapes per 100,000 people per year, which is by far the highest in the world: Botswana is in second with 93, Sweden in third with 64; no other country exceeds 32.

Before the end of apartheid, South African writer Ilana Mercer moved, with her family, to Israel; her father was a vocal opponent of apartheid, and was being harassed by South African security forces. A 2013 piece on World Net Daily quotes Mercer as saying, with all her anti-apartheid chops, that “more people are murdered in one week under African rule than died under detention of the Afrikaner government over the course of roughly four decades.” The South African government estimates that there are 31 murders per 100,000 people per year. Or about 50 a day. That would make South Africa the tenth most murderous country in the world, outpacing Rwanda, Mexico, and both Sudans. And that’s using South Africa’s official estimates — outside groups put the murder rate 100 percent higher. Choosing not to trust the South African authorities is a safe bet — South Africa’s government, which has been led by Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress since the end of apartheid, is outstandingly incompetent and corrupt.

The following 'excellent article' (as it has been described to us) appeared in a recent edition of the Transvaal Agricultutal Union SA Bulletin. Although somewhat long, it is well worth a read :-



During this year’s TAU SA annual congress, Janette Minnaar presented a paper called “Ethics, Morality and Values:  on which values do we build our future?”


It would seem a superfluous question because the modus vivendi of Western countries is based on a set of primary values which Westerners subscribe to and which are in effect in their DNA. The dictionary defines “ethics” as “the standard of character set up by any race or nation”. Most Western countries thus subscribe to the principle of the rule of law as the bedrock of a stable society, with an incorruptible police force, an honest and competent civil service, an independent judiciary, a government elected by the people for the people, and the necessary integrity needed to oil relations between citizens. This may not exist 100% in practice but it seems to be what the world aspires to: why do millions try to get into the West, send their children to Western universities and try to emulate the “Western way of life” as a goal to which they can aspire?


Many years ago author Allan Drury wrote “South Africa: A very strange society”.  Westerners found it so and still do. It is a dichotomous society, with a Western foundation and 350 years of Western-style government and administration, now run by non-Westerners. Hence the advent of a debate about ethics and the future. We are confronted by a conundrum: many are disgusted and appalled as they witness a regime casting the rules to the wind, replacing them with a new set hardly contiguous with Western democratic ethics. “Corruption is a Western concept” opines our president as he faces the wrath of the country (but not his party colleagues) over accusations of his flagrant plundering of taxpayers’ money on his personal property. His arrant disregard for the accepted norms that go hand in hand with a parliamentary democracy simply emphasizes the dilemma facing our country: if he and his party don’t care about the right ethics, and their goal is staying in power forever, then we are in for a terrible ride.


Author and economist Magnus Heystek calls the ANC a “power –mad liberation movement”. He is horrified that the ruling party simply “laughs off” the international credit rating groups’ down-rating of South Africa. The chaotic melee in Parliament on the night of November 13 has shocked him, as it shocked many South Africans. “The silencing of dissenting voices” offends the sensibilities of those South Africans who believed that by having a progressive constitution based on the best of Western ethics, we could not fail.


South Africans were warned about the perils of an ANC government as far back as thirty years ago. How could today’s situation have been any different?  “What went wrong?” posed a white erstwhile ANC supporter in his book.  If he had just looked northward and studied the DNA, he would not have been surprised.  It is to be expected that South Africa would follow this pattern:  the “big man” syndrome is now manifest, with loyalty to him the main criteria for cabinet inclusion and indeed political survival.  Most media editors, both black and white, now acknowledge this. Many ask: what’s the point of citizens maintaining standards when those who take our tax money don’t care? Thus a certain moral degeneration has crept in: you can kill someone for a cell phone because the chances of being convicted are very slim. You can embezzle because the government top dogs are doing it. You can forge qualifications because if found out, you can use the courts and your friends within the government to hang on to your job for as long as possible. And punishment?  Hardly a chance. You will be given a golden handshake and perhaps deployed somewhere else where your deficiencies are not known.




In a Western government this would be unthinkable. Forging qualifications won’t get you off first base. You would possibly be prosecuted for even proffering these documents to someone. You certainly would never be considered for a job, let alone given one.


SA’s president has set some reprehensible examples and it’s now a free for all. There are thus two sets of standards existing side by side in South Africa: while the ruling party eschews ethical behavior in the name of solidarity, they expect a Western-style high standard when they are admitted to a private hospital, or when they buy a top of the range German car, or when their children are admitted to a private usually white-run school. This is a strange character anomaly. One sector of the population abides by first world rules in maintaining standards, while another sector does nothing in this regard. But they want the standards nonetheless.


These two opposing character traits don’t exist to a large degree in Western countries. The main standard is the first world one.  There is no hit-and-miss approach to keeping a city like Paris clean, for example. Late at night, the green cleaning machines buzz up and down Paris streets, vacuuming up the litter and lightly spraying the streets with water. The filth and decay existing in the centre of Pretoria and its satellite suburb Sunnyside, for example, would never exist in Berlin. The Germans would never accept it. It’s not in their DNA. Why then does the SA government and its many followers accept it? Have they no shame? Do they think filth is an African thing, to be ignored? In the first place, the Germans and other Europeans would never allow a clean suburb to degenerate. They would notice that the pavement was broken, that the storm water drains were clogged, that the traffic lights were not functioning. They would set about repairing these defects. This is called maintenance. (Does this word exist in any African language?)  Lack of maintenance is one of the main reasons for the malfunctioning of so much of South Africa’s infrastructure. But can’t the government see this?


Apparently not. They see and don’t care, or they don’t see and thus don’t care. Either way this DNA-embedded neglect places South Africa on a dangerous path – our electricity supply falters, our water is further polluted, our handover farms fail, our tax money is plundered on whims and our structures collapse while the governing party commissions surveys to find out what’s wrong!  A recent Public Service Commission report entitled  ”Assessment of the Implementation of Policy Framework on the Appointment of Ministerial Staff in National and Provincial Departments” (clearly consultant-speak!) found  - not surprisingly - that “most ministerial staff were hired without the necessary minimum skills as the job is tailored to the individual, rather than to competencies!”  Thus the job is given to the political appointee whether he can perform or not!


Here is a government-commissioned survey stating the obvious! It found that the ministers had elevated the 2007 ministerial handbook – a broad set of guidelines (NOT legislation!) on the privileges and benefits of office (also covering accommodation and flights) as the tool for selection and recruitment, instead of the Public Service Act (which is legislated!). Thus ministers have subverted the rules to allow themselves to appoint who they want, despite the plethora of job advertisements which appear each week in the press and which are only filled by politically acceptable people, if at all. Few if any of these appointees are white. This mentality is subversive to the well-being of South Africa. Naturally the recommendations of the PSC survey consultants were not accepted. The ministerial handbook was cited as the reason for appointing Jacob Zuma’s 25 year old daughter as a telecommunications ministerial chief of staff!


The ANC has turned South Africa into its plaything. There is no “shortage of skills” in South Africa. There is a shortage of ethical behavior and there is a concurrent plethora of dishonesty and venality. We are in third world mode, deeply and firmly.




The US city of Detroit recently filed for bankruptcy. Its population had plummeted from 1,2 million to 688 000 as a result of “white flight to the suburbs” according to a report by Associated Press. The ethics of those left controlling the city were not first world, it appears. In his bankruptcy ruling, Judge Steven Rhodes said there needed to be a turnaround plan “that will require discipline after years of corruption, mismanagement and neglect” which had brought this one-time industrial powerhouse to financial ruin. More than $1,7 billion alone must be spent to demolish thousands of blighted buildings. The city needs to be made safer, said the judge, and  ”basic services need to be improved”. The white flight denuded the coffers of taxes needed to run the city which led to the city unable to provide “adequate municipal services”. There had been  ”decades of mismanagement”, declared the judge. Now, mainly private white money was moving in to try and salvage the city via foundations, philanthropy and the Detroit Institute of Arts. The city has had four mayors since 2008, each more corrupt than the last, say reports.


This is about Detroit but it sounds like South Africa. The difference however is that Detroit can be fixed because a majority of ethical people will step in to rescue the place. South Africa’s majority ruling party and its followers do not share these ethics.


Does this mean we are stuck with the ANC’s DNA forever? They do not see the obvious. The South African government and its provincial and municipal authorities have allowed the collapse of the country’s once first world structures and systems without it apparently bothering them. Do they see the decay or do they just don’t care? Is there no shame that they have destroyed what was once world class?


Apparently not. The expensive PSC reports will probably end up in File 13. The travesty continues. We watch as systems malfunction, as excuses are made, as court orders are ignored, as the ANC parliamentary majority defends theft, mismanagement and all the other third world ills with which we are now saddled. Who will stop them? That is the question. Because they won’t curtail themselves. The DNA is simply not there.

This following  edition of the TAU SA Bulletin, which has just been forwarded to us, is extremely telling, and provides much needed useful backgound information about what is really happening currently in the "new" South Africa :-



from the headquarters of

TAU SA in Pretoria



Tel.:  + 27 12 804 8031       Fax:  + 27 12 804 2014







The penny appears to have finally dropped in South Africa with regard to the shameful legacy of farm murders. Books are appearing with regularity, human rights and other groups are calling for hearings and submissions and a film is now being made, due for release next year.


Farm attacks have been with us for years. In a recent submission to a national hearing of the SA Human Rights Commission , TAU SA’s Chris van Zyl, a former SADF Major General,  states that violent crimes against farm dwellers is a relatively recent phenomenon.  “Prior to 1986, very little recorded evidence of noteworthy occurrences of violent crimes on farms and agricultural holdings existed.”


Historically, farm attacks coincided with the ANC’s liberation struggle and its penetration into the heart and soul of South Africa, aided by foreign organisations, governments and the United Nations. The South African revolution followed the same pattern as the so-called liberation wars throughout Southern Africa – hallmarked by violence, intimidation and terror, particularly against the rural communities, both black and white. This didn’t end with the transfer of power. Anti-white farm terror continued in Zimbabwe until there were only a few farmers left, while farmers in Mozambique and Angola simply fled back to Portugal. (These countries are now basket cases and have to import food.)


Flying the ersatz flag of democracy, the African National Congress and its communist allies ensured that power would be attained at the barrel of a gun and with the matches of the necklace. This bogus democracy is now controlled from ANC’s headquarters at Luthuli House in Johannesburg. Parliament is but a shallow show. Once power was transferred, however,  the violence didn’t stop. Indeed, after the release of Nelson Mandela in early 1990, unrest and killings, especially of policemen and their families, rocketed.


In line with the ANC’s liberation modus operandi, farm attacks in South Africa have been hallmarked by brutality and savagery. TAU SA has highlighted this peculiarity many times. “They wait at the gate” is symptomatic of why these attacks are far more than just collateral behavior to a robbery. ‘the miscreants wait for the farmer to come home!  On many occasions it appears the robbery is of secondary importance  – attacking the farmer with venom and vengeance indicates a deep, visceral racial hatred. Farmers and particularly Afrikaans farmers have always been a target. They were seen as part of the defence apparatus of South Africa:  the ANC’s Radio Freedom declared this fact in the mid eighties.

Political commentator James Myburgh said in 2011 that “farmers are not simply being targeted for their involvement in SADF structures but for racial and ideological reasons as well”.  On occasion, those under attack have reported that their attackers have shouted at them in racial terms such as “white bitch” and “white pig” and ”we’re running the country now and there’s nothing you can do about it”.




Farm attack figures are readily available for South Africa to scrutinise. According to TAU SA’s statistics, a total of 1734 farm murders and 3341 attacks occurred from January 1990 to 15 September 2014. (It  is significant that Nelson Mandela was released in January 1990).

According to Dr. Johan Burger of the Institute for Security Studies, the national murder average is 31.1 murders per 100 000 people, while the farm average is 132,8 per 100 000.


TAU SA believes farm attacks could be a strategy to drive farmers off their land. (During the World Cup in 2010, not one farm murder occurred.)  Other crimes committed on farms are poorly reported and are even less acted upon, but they cause serious disruption and trauma: arson, malicious damage to property, trespassing and illegal hunting are common. Stock theft is endemic.


This terror strategy certainly worked in Zimbabwe. It was government’s aim to use violence to drive farmers off their land.




Despite numerous meetings, indabas, the formation of new organisations and Five Point Plan programmes to tackle farm violence, not much has improved. Indeed, the State President Jacob Zuma has publicly declared that his followers should take up machine guns. He even called on his cabinet to do so! Farmers thus cannot expect much help from the state. Recently a rap group called Dookoom reportedly created a song containing words such as ”brand die plaas and f… die baas!”. (Burn the farm and to hell with the boss!)  Legal action against the group has been threatened by certain organisations including TAU SA but the words are out there! CD’s and a video are being sold! One of the songs is “Shoot the Boer”. A British-born man is purportedly leader of this group and he declares that farmers handle their workers “worse than animals”. The group admits setting fire to “certain farms” and says its songs and videos “make a point against social injustice”. If you are offended by the video, says the group, “then that is your problem”.


So much for respect (and fear) of the law in South Africa! Why doesn’t the government object? Frankly it couldn’t care less, despite its meetings with farmer groups where talk of “taking hands into the future” is bandied about.


The problem is that whites react to this sort of racial hatred and incitement with court action, while the inciters couldn’t care less about the courts. They are provocative yet are not taken to task by anyone. Where in the world are farmers so despised and insulted as here in South Africa? Where in the world is such an important group given such short shrift? How important is this sector to South Africa’s survival?




Government estimates suggest that three quarters of restituted farmland is unproductive, despite state expenditure of R70 bn since 1995. More than 400 000 farm labourer jobs have been lost. (This three quarter figure is disputed. The government has yet to produce one transferred farm which pays tax on a profit where the farm has not been ”managed” or  “mentored” or helped by someone other than the recipients.)


At the same time, the number of commercial farmers has dropped from 120 000 in 1994 to a current figure of 36 000.


The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has 664 vacancies. Minister Senzeni  Zokwana told parliament recently that 204 posts are at top and senior management level. One position has remained vacant for more than seven years, and 63 senior positions have been vacant for more than two years. Director general, deputy director general and chief engineer posts are among those that are unfilled. This is the result of the government’s employment equity policy. Posts are advertised and are not applied for by whites. They remain unfilled. Racial resentment trumps getting the job done and the country’s food security. (Such madness only seems apparent in South Africa!)


Instead of making the ministry functional so that commercial and emerging farming sectors can get on with the job of producing food,  Gugile Nkwinti, minister of agricultural development and land reform tells farmers that the population is growing so they- the productive farmers - must hand over up to 50% of their farms to their workers!  This is absolute insanity and it is surprising that any farmers attend meetings to talk to this minister! Why go anywhere to discuss your own suicide?


SA’s deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa told a “social cohesion” summit in Gauteng recently that Gauteng had the largest number of immigrants (meaning illegal aliens) and that the province should lead the country into “combating xenophobia”! This is the attitude of the country’s second in charge! Let the aliens in, don’t object to them and the future will look after itself!


South Africa has the highest per capita soil loss in the world, losing an estimated 400 million tons of soil each year, according to the non-profit African Conservative Trust (ACT). (Business Day 23 September 2014). “A lack of water and soil erosion, deforestation and desertification are causal factors for food insecurity and poverty, resulting in low-income urbanization. Coupled with climate change and the destruction of natural habitats and biodiversity in SA, this is a recipe for disaster for millions of people living in poverty” says ACT. “Poor agricultural practices have resulted in extreme losses of top soil and the creation of huge dongas, while vast tracts of forests are being felled for firewood”.


Any normal observer must think the government’s policies towards the only people who can provide food for 53 million South Africans are simple lunacy. And the policies are! But the government is not listening and it has the power. The wealthy and loquacious Mr. Ramaphosa talks of “united action” within the country but his government hasn’t the faintest idea of how to do anything but destroy. Who will stop them on this path to devastation?

Just in case you know anyone stupid enough to return to the "new" South Africa, or to holiday there, here is a list of Black-on-White murders in that primeval during just the first 9 months of this year :-


January 2014:

Rob Meek (62) Port St Johns – Shot dead.

Clinton de Menezes (43) Westville – Shot dead.

Mike Smith (32) Durban – Shot dead.

Neville Ross (75) Krugersdorp – Bludgeoned to death.

Ben van der Westhuizen (24) Vryheid – Bludgeoned to death.

Hendrik Nortman (74) Vanderbijlpark – Bludgeoned to death.

Lien Nortman (72) Vanderbijlpark – Raped and tortured to death.

Sarel Pretorius (61) Barkly-East – Shot dead.

Hennie Wager (47) Krugersdorp – Shot dead.

Francois Meyer (50) Pretoria – Shot dead.

Mike de Beer (89) Pretoria – Shot dead.

Basil Botha (39) Welverdiend – Shot dead.

Dirkie van der Walt (30) Hotazel – Stabbed to death.

Ina Marincowitz (59) Stormsrivier – Raped and stabbed to death.

Charlotte Kruger (66) Lydenburg – Suffocated 

Tom Benecke (65) Randfontein – Stabbed to death.

February 2014: 

Leon Clur (49) Hectorspruit – Shot dead.

Rhondine van der Walt (48) Kemptonpark – Shot dead.

Reinette Vorster (42) Ghanzi – Strangled and burnt to death.

Gerhard Fourie (78) Hartswater – Shot dead.

Henk de Villiers (73) Centurion – Shot dead.

Geoff Stuart (71) Munster – Stabbed to death.

Barend Oosthuizen (69) Brakpan – Shot dead.

Douglas Pierce (39) Johannesburg – Shot dead.

Veanne Armstrong (24) Johannesburg – Shot dead.

Johannes Cornelissen (31) Sabie Valley – Shot dead.

Joe Herholdt (51) Greytown – Stabbed to death.

Johan van der Schyff (54) Pretoria – Shot dead.

Yena Kirby (63) Umkomaas – Stabbed to death.

Rinda Duncan (61) Sunwich Port – Throat slit.

Tony Naude (65) Leandra – Beaten to death.

Joan Pieters (59) Virginia – Shroat slit.

Riaan Labuschagne (28) Warrenton – Shot dead.

Jeremy Brooke (32) Transkei – Shot dead.

March 2014: 

Eckart Schutte (76) Richmond – Throat slit.

Elizabeth Schutte (65) Richmond – Stabbed and burnt to death.

Lutz Schutte (33) Richmond – Beaten to death.

Danie Schreuder (56) Askam– Beaten to death.

Johan van der Nest (50) Birchleigh – Beaten to death.

Jeanemarie van Zyl (32) Kemptonpark – Stabbed to death.

Derek Venter (45) Welgedacht – Shot dead.

Piet van Zyl (53) Kuruman – Stabbed to death.

Migiel Lourens (80) Krugersdorp – Stabbed to death.

Koos Erasmus (59) Groot Merico – Shot dead.

Genee Katzan (75) Parkview – Shot dead.

Mr Katzan (78) Parkview – Shot dead.

Lettie Rupping (82) Tarkastad – Shot dead.

Hazel Huggins (85) Port Elizabeth –

Leander Derksen (22) Hartebeespoort – Stabbed to death.

Ounooi Badenhorts (77) Smithfield – Shot dead.

Deon van Heerden (59) Randfontein – Shot dead.

JR Buhrman (77) Ermelo – Stabbed to death.

Karen Brown (58) Dunnottar – Stabbed to death.

Daniel Menezes (68) Kroonstad – Beaten to death.

Wynand du Plessis (62) Benoni – Beaten to death.

April 2014: 

Anthony Tessendorf (27) East London – Stabbed to death.

Charl Niemand (29) Witbank – Shot dead.

Vicus Botha (63) Pietermaritzburg – Beaten to death.

Lazlow Bercsenyi (87) Bon Accord – Hacked to death.

David Richardson (64) Germiston – Stabbed to death.

Rina Hough (66) Senekal – Stabbed to death.

Steven Britz (44)Klapmuts – Shot dead.

Hannes Duvenhage (68) Ermelo – Shot dead.

Dennis Viviers (65) Williston – Throat slit.

Thys Human (80) Uitenhage – Stabbed to death.

Ingrid Kock(57) Ranburg – Strangled.

Brian Pope (62) Harrismith – Shot dead.

Tilly Pope (46) Harrismith – Shot dead.

Danie Dercksen (45) Brits – Shot dead.

Aletta Conwright (75) Gordonsbaai – Strangled.

Eldred Schultz (74) East London – Shot dead.

Jurgen Rombouts (27) Strand – shot dead.

May 2014: 

Hannes Kelly (52) Levubu – Beaten to death.

Johannes Rondganger (54) Bloemfontein – Shot dead.

Charles Groenewald (74) Boschkop – Shot dead.

Rico Steenkamp (22) Alberton – Shot dead.

Louis Swanepoel (82) Boschkop – Murdered.

Sandra Swanepoel (80) Boschkop – Murdered.

Karl Jaentsch (41) Paternoster – Shot dead.

John Arundel (64) Queensburgh – Stabbed to death.

Franco van Huyssteen (44) Vereeniging – Shot dead.

Ryno Terblanche (28) Plettenbergbaai – Shot dead.

Riaan van den Berg (43) Malelane – Strangled to death.

Lucas Labuschagne (72) Benoni – Kicked to death.

Awie Cilliers (73) Hartswater – Bludgeoned to death.

June 2014: 

Tulsa Opperman (57) Springs – Shot dead.

Tinus Coetzee (18) Krugersdorp – Beaten to death.

Rachel Duncan (54) Stellenbosch – Stabbed to death.

Mark Phillip (58) Amanzimtoti – Stabbed to death.

Shaun Rusch (49) Boksburg – Shot dead.

Jemima Lemmer (81) Boschkop – Tortured to death.

Russell McMicken (62) Pretoria – Shot dead.

Mary Tacke (82) Umtata – Shot dead.

Joos Joubert (68) Mamogalieskraal – Shot dead.

George Stracchan (64) Robertson – Stabbed to death.

Bradley du Preez (20) Johannesburg – Beaten to death.

Henri la Cour (72) Kalkbaai – Stabbed to death.

Mandie Janse van Rensburg (51) Buffelspoort – Shot dead.

Carl Wessels (55) New Hanover – Shot dead.

Tony da Silva (61) Middelburg – Shot dead.

July 2014: 

Sakkie Freidberg (86) Pietersburg – Bludgeoned to death.

Adel Viljoen (83) Reitz – Strangled

Rudolf Pretorius (59) Groblersdal – Shot dead

Jake Smith (23) Pietermaritzburg – Stabbed to death.

Jan de Kock (69) Petrus Steyn – Bludgeoned to death.

Marco Jones (60) Stellenbosch – Strangled to death.

Dean Jones (35) Inanda – Shot dead.

Jian Pierre During (21) Roodepoort – Shot dead.

Gerhard Lindeque (42) Bryanston – Shot dead.

Robert Steyn (59) Johannesburg – Shot dead.

Andre van Greuning (47) Reitz – Shot dead.

Johan Viljoen (38) Vanderbijlpark – Stabbed to death.

Robbie Paver (22) Jeffreysbaai – Stabbed to death.

Devin Hattingh (31) Port Elizabeth – Shot dead.

Christine Robinson (59) Thabazimbi – Bludgeoned to death.

August 2014: 

Koos Jonker (79) Ellisras – Bludgeoned to death.

Daniel Bekker (55) Mosselbaai – Throat slit.

Gideon van Zyl (52) Pinetown – Shot dead.

Buks Swanepoel (82) Vierfontein – Bludgeoned to death.

Theresa Buys (45) Cradock – Murdered.

Piet van Wyk (55) Letsitele – Bludgeoned to death.

Amanda Vermeulen (56) Lichtenburg – Shot dead.

Gert de Lange (67) Pretoria – Bludgeoned to death.

Louisa se Lange (65) Pretoria – Bludgeoned to death.

Woman? (45) Amanzimtoti – Suffocated.

Kobus van der Westhuizen (59) Hartbeespoort – Stabbed to death.

Nick Proios (42) Elsburg – Stabbed to death.

Koba Odendaal (74) Vredendal – Stabbed to death.

Pierre de Lange (44) Richardsbay – Murdered.

Paul Vermaak (54) Centurion – Shot dead.

Koos Prinsloo (65) Ermelo – Murdered.

Stephen Edmondstone (62) Durban – Shot dead.

September 2014: 

Nico Lens (56) Paulpietersburg – Shot dead.

Marsha Lens (53) Paulpietersburg – Shot dead.

Nelmarnie Coetzee (55) Bloemfontein – Raped and tortured to death.

Erns Boller (74) Meerensee – Tortured and set alight.

Lilo Boller (86) Meerensee – Tortured and set alight.

Kerridge Singleton (64) Meerensee – Stabbed to death.

Les Snyman (58) Knysna – Murdered.

John de Lange (53) George – Stabbed to death.

Cornelius Oosthuizen (47) George – Stabbed to death.

Dries Lombard (64) Amanzimtoti – Stabbed to death.

Mr De Freitas (88) Linnmeyer – Bludgeoned to death.

Shaun Pienaar (25) Johannesburg – Shot dead.

Helmut Wohlfarter (73) Bonnivale – Hacked to death.

Kobus Scholtz (?) Stella – Bludgeoned to death.

Ron Wiggett (76) Groot Brak – Stabbed to death.

Sarel Janse van Rensburg (76) Tonteldoos – Tortured to death.

Tjaart Booyens (76) Dunnottar – Shot dead.

Rose Dowdle (86) Craighall Park – Raped and murdered.

Virgil Pappas (40) Muldersdrift – Shot dead.

Vicky le Roux (17) Algoa Park – Shot dead.

George Michau (40) Henly on Klip – Shot dead.

Pierre Brydges (47) Mondeor – Shot dead.

Lynette Lavender (60) Rust de Winder – Murdered.

Apie van der Walt (62) Richardsbaai – Shot dead.



Namibia segregated: Old Nazi ideology persists

There is hardly any place in Africa, where divisions between the races and classes would be so grotesquely overstated, as in Namibia.

Lavish villas, cafes as well as cultural centers surround old German churches, but just a few miles away, there are gaping slums lacking all the basic services. The white and black divide is striking, with some neighborhoods that are housing ‘colored people’, placed right in between.

The center of Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, has an unmistakably Germanic orderly feel, boasting ‘colonial architecture’, including flowerpots, Protestant churches and commemorative plaques mourning those ‘brave German men, women and children, those martyrs, who died during the uprisings and wars conducted by local indigenous people’.

The most divisive and absurd of those memorials is the so-called “Equestrian Monument”, more commonly known as “The Horse” or under its German original names, ‘Reiterdenkmal’ and ‘Südwester Reiter’ (Rider of the South-West). It is a statue inaugurated on 27 January 1912, which was the birthday of German Emperor Wilhelm II. The monument ‘honors the soldiers and civilians that died on the German side of the Herero and Namaqua War of 1904–1907’.



This recent sickening and upsetting article which we have received from the Cape Town-based Frontline Fellowship organisation demonstrates clearly the decline into inhumanity which has occurred under the ANC regime in South Africa. Our movement has campaigned constantly - invariably with limited resources - to try to convey to the world just how terrible conditions have become in that once civilised land, and to advocate that only Western intervention can remedy the situation. When reading articles such as below we realise that we must re-double our efforts, regardless of any financial hardships :-


Commuters were shocked to see two giraffe being transported on the N1 motorway North of Pretoria. Photographs snapped by motorists revealed how the long necks of the blindfolded giraffes loomed far above the vehicle as it approached the Garsfontein Bridge.


Witnesses expressed their horror as the truck went under the bridge and a tremendous crack was heard as one of the giraffe hit its head on the concrete bridge. Despite vehicles hooting for the truck to stop, the driver ploughed on.


The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) rejected the explanation of the driver who was transporting the two giraffe for Ditjabe Wildlife Services, from Meyersdal Eco Estate, who claimed that it was an accident. Rick Allen, of the SPCA said: "Accidents do happen... but this is one of those things that could have been prevented. It's just common sense."


The South African Bureau of Standards has published a code for public transport of wild animals and open transport with the heads of giraffes sticking out is unacceptable. Those responsible for the giraffe's death would be prosecuted under the Animal Protection Laws. The NSPCA has declared that "We will lay criminal charges under the Animal Protection Act."

International News

The giraffe's bizarre and tragic death has made international news. The UKs Metro wrote: "Common sense is evidently in short supply among some lorry drivers on South Africa's roads, for a giraffe has died after hitting a bridge!"

A Second Giraffe Dies

Investigations have emerged that a second giraffe died, allegedly while being captured at the Meyersdal Eco Estate. Ainsley Hay of Wildlife Protection at the NSPCA has confirmed that they are investigating the incident: "Animals dying in game capture operation - that is not normal."

The Scripture is clear: "A good man takes care of his animals, but wicked men are cruel to theirs." Proverbs 12:10

Shocking Scandal

Another example of cruelty to animals was the discovery of 82 dead farm animals, including decomposing pigs, chickens, geese and sheep discovered on a farm owned by Thandi Modise, a leading ANC leader and chairwoman of the National Council of Provinces.

"How long will the land lie parched and the grass in every field be withered? Because those who live in it are wicked, the animals and birds have perished." Jeremiah 12:4

Saving Madiba's Cattle

Then the alarm was sounded that the cattle of previous President Nelson Mandela were starving in the fields outside Mandela's Qunu homestead. The provincial government was required to rush in animal feed and veterinarians to save the neglected herd. The once green pasture had turned to dust and the cattle were grazing on dirt and patches of dry grass.


The Farm Manager, Siyakudumisa Gabada described the situation on the farm as "Extremely difficult" and worrying. His personal responsibility as Farm Manager seemed to have slipped his mind. His comments seemed more appropriate to an observer than that of the person actually responsible.


Mandela's grandson, Chief Mandla Mandela acknowledged that the cattle were "not in a satisfactory condition." He commented: "Around this time of year, as a community, we lose a lot of cattle and sheep due to drought. As you can see there is barely any grass on the farm. There are also other challenges, like the management of overgrazing on the farm."

A Matter of Trust

In his will, Nelson Mandela had stated that it was his wish that the farming operations at Qunu continue after his death and that the Nelson Mandela Family Trust continue to employ the manager now running the operations and to find a suitable person, should he no longer be available to do it.


When 30 of the bulls were torturously castrated and many dehorned, there was a further outcry. Considering that Nelson Mandela was a patron of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) this has been deeply troubling.

Ritual Cruelty

The ritual killing of a bull at the First Fruits Festival (Ukweshwma) where young men are to kill a bull with their bare hands, has been the focus of legal controversy as some claim that such cultural ceremonies are protected in terms of the Constitution. However, the Animals Protection Act is meant to prevent the very cruelty and torture which Ukweshwma involves.

A Culture of Cruelty

"For 40 minutes, dozens trampled the bellowing, groaning bull, wrenched its head around by the horns, to try to break its neck, pulled its tongue out, stuffed sand in its mouth and even tried to tie its penis in a knot. Gleaming with sweat, they raised their arms and sang in triumph and sang while the bull finally succumbed." Chief Mlaba admits "It's cruelty we agree, but it's our culture. We cannot change our culture!


Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Congo, Kenya, Zimbabwe and delegates from the African Network for Animal Welfare signed the petition calling on the South African Parliament to halt Ukweshwma, but so far to no avail. Can torture and cruelty really be justified in the name of culture?

"Because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God." Romans 8:21

Illegal and Unhygienic

Then there are the illegal slaughter houses, "Slabattoirs", that involve unhygienic and inhuman practices without any Vets to check the animals, nor trained Health Inspectors, to make sure the meat does not contain any potentially harmful parasites.

Health Time Bombs

Allan Perrins of the SPCA describes these Slabattoirs as "health time-bombs", which need to be shut down to prevent the spread of potentially fatal diseases. The SPCA condemned the inhuman treatment and slaughter of the animals. These Slabattoirs violate both health and environmental bylaws, breaking the Animals Protection Act and the Meat Safety Act.

Creation Mandate

In the light of the clear teaching of Scripture concerning Creation and mankind's responsibility for it, we should treat animals with the love and concern of those who must give an account of our conduct to Almighty God. We must recognise that the welfare and protection of animals is an essential part of our Christian responsibility. We must do all that we can to secure the wellbeing of all animals, who, with ourselves, inhabit the earth and so fulfil the creative joy and purposes of Almighty God.

"For we must all appear before the Judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." 2 Corinthians 5:10


Find: Wonderful Wildlife and We love God's Animals on Facebook.

Dr. Peter Hammond

Frontline Fellowship
P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725
Cape Town South Africa
Tel: 021-689-4480
Fax: 021-685-5884


News courtesy of Springbok Cyber Newsletter

The following most dramatic article describing the worsening employment situation for Whites in the "new" South Africa comes from a most unlikely source, namely the Arabic Al Jazeera news service. Those who are really responsible for this terrible plight now being faced by so many of their kith and kin are of course those traitors who voted "Yes" in 1983 and 1992 :-


Johannesburg, South Africa - Linda Elfs, 58, spends eight hours at a
street corner in Harteebesport dam, a small tourist town in the North
West Province of South Africa, begging for money.

She is too young to get state pension and "too old to be hired", she says.

A former nurse and bartender, she joined the ranks of the unemployed
white South Africans eight years ago, and life has since become a

"On a good day I make R400.00 ($37.57), which is not enough to pay for
rent or food," Elfs says.

Donovan Moolman, 46, has been begging in the streets of Johannesburg
for six and a half years. With just a matric certificate, he struggled
to find employment and began doing menial jobs like gardening and
painting homes.

Now, he says, those jobs are gone.

"Once you find yourself in the streets, it's hard to break the cycle,"
Moolman told Al Jazeera. "We are struggling to find work because we
don't have homes. People won't give you a job without a residential
address because they don't trust you."

Poverty - still believed to be the preserve of black South Africans -
now knows no colour. It is finding its way to white communities once
associated only with wealth and privilege.

Stories like Elfs' and Steyn's were unheard of when white South
Africans were in power during the apartheid era.

Jobelessness rising

But the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS), a household-based sample
survey conducted by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), which collects
data on the employment trends in the country, showed the unemployment
rate among white  people increasing by 1.5% in the second quarter of
2014. This is the highest increase ever among white South Africans
since the launch of the survey in 2008.

Labour Movement Solidarity, the union that represents white workers,
downplayed this, saying the quarterly reports fluctuate and should not
be seen as an absolute reflection of employment.

"What we are seeing is a movement that we believe was highly
influenced by the long industrial action that has just ended in the
platinum sector," said Piet Le Roux, head of Solidarity's research

People who may have lost their jobs are not necessarily mine employees
but those who worked for small companies that are contracted to
provide services to mines, explained Le Roux.

"Many of these contractors went out of business when the mines were
not operating."

Gareth Brickman, an analyst at ETM analytics, a macroeconomics
analytics firm, blames white South Africans' rising joblessness on a
slump in the agricultural sector.

Many white people run small businesses and some of them supply goods
and services to mines and farms, according to Brickman

"These sectors have been struggling since last year because of
industrial action, and some of them have reduced their expenses or
trimmed their businesses," he told Al Jazeera.

"As a small business, if you are supplying those sectors, you would be
affected. Perhaps this is where the increase in white unemployment
comes from," Brickman said.

Before South Africa's "liberation" 20 years ago, most whites had jobs
- with or without qualifications.

Even though there has been a growing number of white people without
jobs, the percentage of those employed far exceeds those of other
racial groups, especially blacks.

According to a survey conducted by Solidarity, it appears over the
years there is a significant drop in the numbers of white people
employed by the government, which was their biggest employer prior to
the new dispensation.

Of the 38 national government departments surveyed by Solidarity, 74.8
percent of all employees are black while only 12.2 percent are white.

Economist Mike Schussler of, one of the leading
independent economic research houses in South Africa, attributes the
number of unemployed whites, some of whom have become street beggars,
to changes implemented by the government across the board.

'A lot of white beggars'

"There are clearly a lot of white beggars these days. There are now
fewer white people employed in the public service and in the
state-owned entities such as transport and freight company Transnet,
the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) and power utility
company Eskom. These were mainly the employment domain for white
people before 1994," Schussler said.

The private sector is also changing, with many companies implementing
affirmative action - a government policy that encourages companies to
give preferential employment to blacks, coloureds and Indians over

"If you look at big companies like platinum company Lonmin, the CEO
[chief executive officer] is black and the COO [chief operating
officer] of Anglo Platinum is black. You are seeing more black faces
with companies that are expanding overseas like mobile [phone] company
MTN," he said.

Schussler acknowledges that there is still an over-representation of
minority groups in the work place but he says it will normalise in the
next 20 years.

"In the normalisation process, a lot more Africans will be eligible
for management, specialist and professional positions, especially with
the help of affirmative action programmes. It's a long term correction
and by the time it normalises, there will be just under 12 percent of
white people unemployed."

Schussler also says that many black South Africans are graduating at
tertiary level and getting qualifications. More than 20 years ago, 80
percent of coloureds and Indians had degrees. Now 50 percent of black
South Africans have a tertiary qualification, he said.

But 39-year-old Daniel Long, who graduated with an electrical
engineering diploma and has been in the streets for seven months, says
"this is not the case at all".

"Not only do I have a qualification, but I have 16 years of experience
working as a technician and a sales representative," Long said. "I can
also find fault in a high voltage cable within seconds, which requires
skill and knowledge, but I can't find a job."

But Schussler adds that people who are struggling to find work are
those without skills. He says they also may be refusing to take jobs
they are fit for.

Jobs where little skill is required, such as gardening and domestic
work, would be generally seen as demeaning by white people because
those roles were once thrown to Africans.

Cherry picking

When compared to the R400 day that could be earned in the streets
these jobs become even less attractive. An average salary of a
domestic worker is R170.00 ($15.92)

"You come with a placard that has a sob story asking people to share
their hard-earned money with you, while some of us are actually
working hard," said 25-year-old Abigail Moyo in protest.

"We do understand that jobs are hard to come by, but I would be
embarrassed to go out in the streets begging for handouts," she added.

"I don't care how much they make, as long as I’m still able-bodied, I
will continue to work hard for my children rather than take an easy
way out."

John Murphy, 28, went to beg on the streets of Melville, Johannesburg,
out of frustration. He was forced to drop out of university and tried
manual labour which did not last.

"What we do here is not just totally demeaning but it is unsafe. You
are at a risk of being knocked [down] and killed by cars at any minute
especially at peak hour, which is also a time where you're likely to
be given something. I find it painful to hear people say we cherry
pick jobs. No one wants this kind of life,” says Murphy.

He also blames his unemployment on affirmative action, which favours
blacks, coloureds and Indians over whites. He feels if he was not
white and male he would have a better chance of a job in the new South

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